vallor wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
> Consider: Such a paragraph included in these myriad
> cross-posted monstrosities would send a message that
> here, in cola, the topic is Linux Advocacy -- and that's
> what they'll get if they show their face around here
> anymore.
> This could be the beginning of something big, Joel,
> and you could be in on the ground floor.
Certainly better than to grapple with a Russian firehose of falsehoods
accompanied with the written equivalent of a Gish gallop.
$ aiksaurus gallop
=== traipse ==================
airing, amble, andante, ankle, barge, bundle, canter, caracole, clop,
constitutional, crawl, creep, dance, dead march, dogtrot, drub, flounce, foot,
footslog, footstep, forced march, fox trot, funeral march, gallop, hike,
hobble, hoof, hop, jaunt, jaywalk, jog, jog on, jog trot, jolt, leg, limp,
lope, lumber, lunge, lurch, march, mince, mush, pace, paddle, parade,
perambulate, plod, prance, promenade, rack, ramble, sashay, saunter, schlep,
scuff, scuffle, scuttle, shamble, sidle, slink, slither, slog, slouch, slow
motion, stagger, stomp, straddle, straggle, stride, stroll, strut, stump,
swagger, toddle, totter, traipse, tramp, trample, tread, troop, trot, trudge,
waddle, walk, wamble, wiggle, wobble
=== hop ======================
ax, bounce, canter, capriole, cavort, gallop, hightail, hop, hotfoot, hurdle,
jete, leap, leapfrog, lope, negotiate, pole vault, pounce, pounce upon,
prance, skip, sprint, start up, steeplechase, step lively, trot, vault
Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.