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Re: Don't have a heart attack -- the Moron-Republicans are packing the hospitals

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Kurt Nicklas

Jan 15, 2022, 1:22:26 AM1/15/22
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 03:43:19 GMT, a322x1n <vo...@void.void> wrote:

>Mitchell Holman <> wrote in
>> jane playne <> wrote in
>>> On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 9:56:24 PM UTC-5, Mitchell Holman
>>> wrote:
>>>> jane playne <> wrote in
>>>> >
>>>> > The current administration inherited a vaccine and dropped the
>>>> > ball. The they claimed that once you are vaccinated you will not
>>>> > catch covid
>>>> > and you will not pass it on.
>>>> Proof?
>>> .
>>> Joe Biden stated on July 21, 2021 in a CNN town hall with Don Lemon:
>>> "We’re not in a position where we think that any virus —
>>> including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more
>>> deadly in terms of non — unvaccinated people — the vi- — the
>>> various shots that people are getting now cover that. They’re —
>>> you’re okay. You’re not going to — you’re not going to get
>>> COVID if you have these vaccinations." - Transcript at
>>> Got that?
>>> “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
>>> - Joe Biden
>> What Biden *actually* said:
>> "Vaccinated people who get COVID may get ill,
>> but they?e protected from severe illness and
>> death. That? why you should still remain
>> vigilant."
>Good points! Republicans, conservatives, and right wingnuts _love_
>to misquote, cherry pick, and outright lie. Disinformation is
>their weapon of choice.

This kind of disinformation, Karen?

"Masks don't work"
"Masks do work"
"Wear two masks!"
"Two weeks to flatten the curve"
"Vaccines protect you"
"Vaccines don't protect you"

Stephen Carroll 3985

Jan 15, 2022, 2:06:58 AM1/15/22
Once Snit realized how convincing William Poaster is at playing 'injured
party' he realizes this isn't nearly as unbelievable as it was claimed.

What I notice is, where I've talked to people calling themselves "Republicans"
while sky diving, they weren't the usual ninny class that likes to whine
about all things. Why are such folks clearly never happy. Any like that
here though?

When I first posted, I wanted to be equitable and impartial. I gave William
Poaster more than a credible person generally would.

Puppy Videos
Steve 'Narcissistic Bigot' Petruzzellis

Kurt Nicklas

Jan 15, 2022, 6:22:59 AM1/15/22
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 21:14:27 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
<> wrote:

>On 1/14/2022 6:49 PM, jane playne wrote:
>> On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 11:53:15 AM UTC-5, Josh Rosenbluth
>> wrote:
>>> On 1/13/2022 7:42 PM, jane playne wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 10:27:46 PM UTC-5, Mitchell
>>>>> "Vaccinated people who get COVID may get ill, but they’re
>>>>> protected from severe illness and death. That’s why you should
>>>>> still remain vigilant."
>>>>> remarks/2021/12/21/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-fight-against-covid-
>>>> .
>>>> What he ACTUALLY said was, “You’re not going to get COVID if you
>>>> have these vaccinations.” - Joe Biden, July 21, 2021
>>> That strikes me as a politician carelessly talking off the cuff. I
>>> think
>> .
>> “Vaccinated people do not carry the virus — they don’t get sick,” Dr.
>> Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on
>> Tuesday. That’s “not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in
>> real-world data.”
>> “And we have -- we can kind of almost see the end. We`re vaccinating
>> so very fast, our data from the CDC today suggests, you know, that
>> vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don`t get sick, and that
>> it`s not just in the clinical trials but it`s also in real world
>> data.” - Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC
>She should have known better given the efficacy at the time was about 90
>to 95%, not 100%. That being said, the belief that the vaccine was
>effective enough to halt the pandemic if everyone was vaccinated was a
>reasonable to position to hold. What ended up not being reasonable was
>the belief everyone would be vaccinated. Part of that is because of the
>flat-earther, selfish, faux libertarians who won't get vaccinated.

Part of it is reading the science that twitter censors and boneheads
like you pretend is "flat-earther", e.g. losing weight, taking vitamin
D supplements, exercise etc etc. Part of it is a reasonable fear of
introducing chemicals into the body that have not been tested. Part is
a justifiable cynicism of commands from the media-bureaucrat axis that
turn out to be non-scientific and just plain ignorant. "Two weeks to
flatten the curve", "Vaccine will stop transmission", "Vaccine will
not stop transmission", "Masks don't work","Masks do work", "Wear two
masks" and on an on

I'll not get vaccinated. Period. I fully expect to get Omicron and
then I'll have immunity without the chemicals. Period.

>>> it is highly likely Biden didn't believe it. At the time, you were
>>> 5 times more likely to get COVID if you were unvaccinated. I think
>>> with Omicron, that number has dropped to 1.5.
>>>> Look at your date and the date of the quote that I provided.
>>>> Biden dropped warp-speed and lost a YEAR of preparing test kits
>>>> and therapeutics because Biden put full faith in vaccinations.
>>> You are right on test kits, but on his watch we got the Pfizer
>>> pill. Also, what do you mean by "dropped warp-speed"?


Jan 15, 2022, 9:32:04 AM1/15/22
Kurt Nicklas wrote:

> a322x1n <vo...@void.void> wrote:
>>Mitchell Holman <> wrote:
>>> What Biden *actually* said:
>>> "Vaccinated people who get COVID may get ill,
>>> but they?e protected from severe illness and
>>> death. That? why you should still remain
>>> vigilant."
>>Good points! Republicans, conservatives, and right wingnuts _love_
>>to misquote, cherry pick, and outright lie. Disinformation is
>>their weapon of choice.

Yes they do.

>This kind of disinformation, Karen?
>"Masks don't work"
>"Masks do work"
>"Wear two masks!"
>"Two weeks to flatten the curve"
>"Vaccines protect you"
>"Vaccines don't protect you"

It's one thing to not know the answer, or to change one's mind once
more information becomes available.

It's something else entirely to be intentionally obtuse and dishonest,
like right-wingers so often are.

Again and again, in here, we had to explain to the same anti-vax,
right-wing dipshits (RonB and "Slimer") that just because the vaccines
don't prevent covid, doesn't make them useless. Just because "vaccine
immunity" isn't as good as "natural immunity", doesn't make them

They just keep repeating the same lying garbage, claiming the vaccines
don't work, that they are dangerous, that they are "NOT EFFECTIVE.

"recovering from Covid means you're immune, truly immune" - RonB,
lying shamelessly

Lefty Lundquist

Jan 15, 2022, 10:58:27 AM1/15/22
On 1/15/2022 10:32 AM, Mitchell Holman wrote:
> chrisv <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in
> Even Covid-survivor Trump got vaccinated
> and boosted. Relying on "natural immunity" is
> a gamble at best.

That was one of Trump's better decisions.
I take no issue with natural immunity but why take the chance?
I'd rather increase my odds of surviving and if get the virus and
survive then I have the vaccine PLUS natural immunity.

>> They just keep repeating the same lying garbage, claiming the vaccines
>> don't work, that they are dangerous, that they are "NOT EFFECTIVE.

There is risk but in comparison to the number of people who did not
have adverse effects the risk is minuscule.

> "Dale Earnhardt was wearing a seat belt,
> he died in a car crash, therefore seat belts
> don't work"
> AntiVax logic is a wonder to behold.....

It is a twisted way of thinking.


Lefty Lundquist

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 15, 2022, 12:01:50 PM1/15/22
I'll give you credit for a reasonable fear of introducing chemicals.
But, they have been tested and shown to be safe and effective. The one
reasonable unknown is the long-term effect.

On the other hand, reliance on losing weight, etc. is flat-earth shit,
and claims about the media-bureaucrat axis is tin-foil hat shit.


Jan 16, 2022, 10:23:59 AM1/16/22
On Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:01:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Where are the long term studies that three to four vaccinations is
safe as well as mixing and matching? If you don't have those then
your "safe and effective" claim does not have merit.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 16, 2022, 11:54:37 AM1/16/22
... he cried in response to my claim the long-term effect is unknown.
WTF is wrong with you?

> that three to four vaccinations is
> safe as well as mixing and matching? If you don't have those then
> your "safe and effective" claim does not have merit.

Given the choice that faced us, I think the short-term studies
demonstrated sufficient efficacy and safety to justify the vaccine
because the alternative of not getting vaccinated was horrific.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 16, 2022, 12:22:11 PM1/16/22
On 1/16/2022 9:18 AM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
> Josh Rosenbluth <> wrote in
> news:ss1ik9$bgo$
> The gas chambers at Auschwitz were horrific. Not getting vaccinated
> with a vaccine which can neither protect from acquiring the disease nor
> protect from transmission of the disease to others and the disease is 90%
> + survivable even in the elderly is NOT horrific.
During delta, an unvaccinated person was five times more likely to be
infected than an unvaccinated person (it was 10-20 times before delta).
Had everyone been vaccinated, we might not have had a delta or an omicron.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 16, 2022, 12:41:29 PM1/16/22
On 1/16/2022 9:36 AM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
> Josh Rosenbluth <> wrote in
> news:ss1k7v$o38$
> "Everyone been vaccinated"??? Even if that were possible - and given
> today's world of mass transportation and varying government policies -
> that's an unrealizable dream. Even the fascist mandate powers of your
> dreams could never assure that.
> Even with 8 billion doses, "we might not have had" is still the operative
> phrase.

The "we might not have had" is based on reaching herd immunity and was
enough of a likelihood to rebut the faux libertarian nonsense argument.

David Hartung

Jan 16, 2022, 12:44:04 PM1/16/22
Horrific? we have knew well before the first vaccine that the early
"model" was false. There was no horrific alternative.

Mitchell Holman

Jan 16, 2022, 1:52:20 PM1/16/22
Josh Rosenbluth <> wrote in

The Covid vaccines are barely a year
old and "Nobody" is demanding proof of
"long term studies" of them?

Is he for real?

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 16, 2022, 2:27:36 PM1/16/22
One year is not the long term.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 16, 2022, 2:27:46 PM1/16/22
What nonsense. Death rates among the unvaccinated have always been over
ten times higher than the vaccinated.

Mitchell Holman

Jan 16, 2022, 9:42:43 PM1/16/22
Josh Rosenbluth <> wrote in news:ss1rj5$efp$1@dont-


Jan 16, 2022, 9:45:49 PM1/16/22
I'm horrified.


Jan 16, 2022, 10:26:55 PM1/16/22
Get the vax anyway.

The rest of us are REALLY tired of paying for
hospitalizing the anti-vax. We should do like
Quebec - TAX 'em.

Kurt Nicklas

Jan 17, 2022, 1:54:41 AM1/17/22
On Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:01:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
No, they have not be "shown to be" anything of the sort. There wasn't

> The one
>reasonable unknown is the long-term effect.

No, given the number of adverse reactions - there were some very
serious ones in my own family - that is itself a reasonable unknown.

>On the other hand, reliance on losing weight, etc. is flat-earth shit,

Being overweight is a pre-existing condition, as is being vitamin D
deficient, shithead. Most deaths from the virus are associated with
multiple pre-existing conditions. Work on those, if possible, and you
reduce your risk.

>and claims about the media-bureaucrat axis is tin-foil hat shit.

Hardly. The media is to blame for pushing what ever narrative Fauci
pushes out of his ass and they lap it up and push it on to sponges
like you who suck it up and infect others.

Steve - frelwizzen

Jan 17, 2022, 2:50:28 AM1/17/22
It's like a poorly written flyer. Commander Kinsey has already decided
what he is going to say before he calls. What you say is irrelevant. What
Ixchel says is ignored.

He lies that he uses electronics, while actually he never installed it
on the fly and actually pushed it. Narcissistic Bigot (Steve Carroll).

Curious how these posts are made?

Steve Carroll

Jan 17, 2022, 4:09:45 AM1/17/22
I don't understand that. Insensitivity is insensitivity and there are
tons who are in agreement with it. Too many are even musicians. Like
the other trolls in COLA, Shadow relies on false news to concoct views
on current events. As a result, he only is familiar with and accepts
the authenticated accounts which also are the ones which characterize
using evidence in a falsely kind and respectable slant.

Diesel the functionally illiterate fraud. So -- in Shadow's 'brain',
that a PDF has been published is "proof" that Snit wrote it now? How
is a universal consciousness tied to a broken AI in any way going to
lead to reasoned group conversation?

Why do you keep quoting Snit?

Top Ten Ways Shadow Trolls
Dustin Cook: Functional Illiterate Fraud


Jan 17, 2022, 4:41:52 AM1/17/22
Do you have a CCNA certification? Gremlin claims to be the Linux expert,
let us see him put up a form without the shipping/handling constructs. Now
that nobody is responding to Gremlin, he's making it sound like he's broken
Linux -- when in fact, people are just finally wisening up to his crap.

Wow! How did Gremlin get *so* vainglorious he believes everything is about
his comments??

Live on Kickstarter
Dustin Cook is a functionally illiterate fraud


Jan 17, 2022, 6:18:11 AM1/17/22
On Sun, 16 Jan 2022 08:54:31 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You glossed right over it with your prior sentence. You claimed they
were "safe and effective". You can't make that claim unless the
multiple vaccinations and mixing vaccinations have been properly
tested to be they safe. They have NOT. The better question is WTF is
wrong with you for making contrary statements.

>> that three to four vaccinations is
>> safe as well as mixing and matching? If you don't have those then
>> your "safe and effective" claim does not have merit.
>Given the choice that faced us, I think the short-term studies
>demonstrated sufficient efficacy and safety to justify the vaccine
>because the alternative of not getting vaccinated was horrific.

Then you're completely out of your mind when you state that something
is safe when there haven't been the proper studies. No *thinking*
person doesn't wait until proper long term studies have been done
before making such a declaration. We know not what we are doing with
the messing with our immune systems.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 17, 2022, 11:27:26 AM1/17/22
I strongly disagree given the known horrible short-term consequences of
not having the vaccine.


Jan 18, 2022, 6:12:15 AM1/18/22
On Mon, 17 Jan 2022 08:27:19 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Do you always say "Damn the unknown consequences of messing with my
DNA with multiple vaccinations that haven't shown to be "harmless""
because I may catch the equivalent of a major cold (Omicron)?

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 18, 2022, 11:21:27 AM1/18/22
Firstly, hospitals are filling up under Omicron. Secondly, even if you
were right for the sake of argument, the vaccines long pre-date Omicron
when the risk of serious disease and death was much higher.


Jan 19, 2022, 6:12:57 AM1/19/22
On Tue, 18 Jan 2022 08:21:21 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Imagine how full they might be super long term because we have no
information on how multiple vaccines will effect our health say two or
three years down the line. You're evading a direct answer to what I'm
saying because you don't have an answer.

Steve Carrolll - frelwizer

Jan 19, 2022, 6:58:05 AM1/19/22
Both Just Wondering and David had their failures and their awkward moments.
One presented it off and didn't do anything too shocking that could not
be presented as the wagging of a dog. Honestly, those of you who troll
are not able to restrain Just Wondering anymore. It is a simple fact
when David repeatedly uses the word 'Nazi' the way the deep state does,
to the point where the word no longer has any meaning. Gremlin the functionally
illiterate fraud. You can say I am Charlie Brown for all I care.

What did Just Wondering expect from the lying imbecile? That David numbskull
has nothing to squander but time. He has nothing else. Especially not
a life. Despite David's claim that he has "no experience in making trouble"
(a lie as illustrated by the fact that he slammed Just Wondering's site)
he was seen asking people how they would take down a website.

What Every Entrepreneur Must Know
Dustin Cook: Functionally Illiterate Fraud

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 19, 2022, 11:18:37 AM1/19/22
I will take preventing the present known reality over the speculation of
two-to-three years down the road.


Jan 19, 2022, 11:25:25 AM1/19/22
Josh Rosenbluth wrote:

> NoBody wrote:
>> Imagine how full they might be super long term because we have no
>> information on how multiple vaccines will effect our health say two or
>> three years down the line. You're evading a direct answer to what I'm
>> saying because you don't have an answer.
>I will take preventing the present known reality over the speculation of
>two-to-three years down the road.

We've had some anti-vaxxers say that it could be *decades* before all
the "bad effects" of the vaccines are known. This way, no matter what
happens in the next few years, they can avoid admitting that they were

"Unfortunately, there are tons of useful idiots like Snot and clownv
who see nothing wrong with Sharia law and Islam" - "Slimer", lying


Jan 20, 2022, 6:07:56 AM1/20/22
On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 08:18:32 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
That would make you a fool as Omicron is little more than a bad
headcold. Yeah, let's screw with our immune system with unknown

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 20, 2022, 12:11:34 PM1/20/22
That's the second time you claimed Omicron is little more than a bad
head cold even though almost 2000 people a day are dying from it.


Jan 21, 2022, 6:11:17 AM1/21/22
On Thu, 20 Jan 2022 09:11:29 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Not in the US, unless you'd like to post a citation to the contrary.
Place it right

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 9:48:41 AM1/21/22

Scroll down to "Daily New Deaths in the United States" and click on
"7-day moving average." The peak value during the Omicron surge was 1972
on January, 16.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 10:01:33 AM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:48:35 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Most reported Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. are still from the delta
variant, not omicron, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, said Wednesday.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 10:54:48 AM1/21/22
>>>>> That would make you a fool as Omicron is little more than a bad
>>>>> headcold. Yeah, let's screw with our immune system with unknown
>>>>> consequences.
>>>> That's the second time you claimed Omicron is little more than a bad
>>>> head cold even though almost 2000 people a day are dying from it.
>>> Not in the US, unless you'd like to post a citation to the contrary.
>>> Place it right
>>> Here:
>> Scroll down to "Daily New Deaths in the United States" and click on
>> "7-day moving average." The peak value during the Omicron surge was 1972
>> on January, 16.
> Most reported Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. are still from the delta
> variant, not omicron, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers
> for Disease Control and Prevention, said Wednesday.

Her statements were made on 1/12, over a week ago and her comments made
sense because with a three week lag in deaths, many of the deaths
reported at that time would be from Delta (Omicron ramped up quickly at
the end of 2021, less than 2 weeks before Walensky's comments). But
deaths continued going up even though almost all of the new cases three
weeks ago were Omicron.

Over the past 7 days, we've had about 1900 deaths per day. Three weeks
ago we had about 450K new cases per day. That's a case fatality rate of
about 0.4%, not nearly as high as delta, but not a head cold. Even if we
end up with 1500 deaths per day from Omicron out of our peak of 800K
cases, that case fatality rate of 0.2% ain't a head cold either.


Jan 21, 2022, 10:59:19 AM1/21/22
On 1/21/22 10:01, Blue Lives Matter wrote:

> Most reported Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. are still from the delta
> variant, not omicron, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers
> for Disease Control and Prevention, said Wednesday.

Won't contaminate my browser with NBC garbage ....

Any idea where they're getting this info ? I've been looking
around and can't find anything "official" detailing WHICH
variant people are dying of.

Probably takes a week to determine which, once someone has
died or looks likely to. Death and Delta decidedly to together
and Delta is NOT gone yet.

Was checking european news sites yesterday - a horrific
little story about a popular Czech folk singer. She
deliberately exposed herself, to "get it over" so to
speak. Her son says she "choked to death" on Covid
Naturally, she was an anti-vaxxer ....... the operative
word being "was" ..........

In any case, anti-vax is in no way an exclusively
American or 'conservative' thing. Indeed in the
rest of the world the anti-vaxxers are tend to be
much more activist - sometimes more violent - than
their USA bretheren. The brother of prominent lefty
UK pol Jeremy Corbyn, Piers, has been making a huge
scene, attacking/closing-down vax clinics and test

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 11:08:05 AM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 07:54:41 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
So, you have no facts to support your claim, nor to challenge
Walensky's statement.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 12:42:26 PM1/21/22
I presented facts (cases, deaths lagged by three weeks) and accepted
Walenky's claim.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 1:03:10 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:42:22 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Omicron has a 91% lower chance of causing death than the Delta variant
of COVID-19, according to a new study.

The study, which was conducted by Kaiser Permanente Southern
California but has not yet been peer-reviewed, also showed that people
with Omicron infections are 74% less likely to need to be placed in
the intensive care unit (ICU). And the study found a 53% reduction in
risk of being hospitalized, said Rochelle Walensky, director of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 1:22:05 PM1/21/22
The peak number of cases under Omicron is about 5 times higher than it
was under Delta (see Worldometers). If the case fatality rate is 91%
less, then the overall mortality rate is 5 * (1-.91), or just under half
that of delta. That's not a head cold. Moreover, ICU cases (5 *(1-.74) =
1.3) and hospitalizations (5 *(1-.53) = 2.4) would be higher than for delta.

Klaus Schadenfreude

Jan 21, 2022, 1:29:45 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 10:05:31 -0800, Rudy Canoza <>

>[comp.os.linux.advocacy maliciously added by reactionary cocksuckers removed]

[comp.os.linux.advocacy maliciously removed by trolling senile dwarf

>Kremlin Girl / Bit of Nothingness doesn't really have any "safety concerns"
>about the vaccines.

Lots of people have concerns. Why do you think hospitals are

>[comp.os.linux.advocacy maliciously added by cocksucking filth is removed]

[comp.os.linux.advocacy maliciously deleted by trolling cocksucking
dwarf is added]

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 1:41:32 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 10:21:58 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Be afraid if you want, stay in your basement, but my lifestyle went
back to normal last spring and I'm certainly not going to put on a
face mask now.


Jan 21, 2022, 1:49:08 PM1/21/22
Yes, because you're vaccinated, Baa-Baa-BlueGirl. You can't be in your mid 70s
going about your normal "lifestyle" in the shithole COVID inferno of Florida and
not be vaccinated. You're vaccinated. Saying you're going about your normal
"lifestyle" is precisely how you're telling us you're vaccinated, Baa-Baa-BlueGirl.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 3:30:57 PM1/21/22
I was responding to "Nobody" who says the risk of vaccination (unknown
future consequences) outweighs the benefit (only protected you against a
head cold). Do you agree? Are you vaccinated?

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 3:48:12 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 12:30:52 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
I simply state facts. Neither do I attempt to influence others'
medical decision, nor do I disclose my medical history.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 4:04:50 PM1/21/22
Stop the BS. You state facts to advance your opinions. Stop being a
pussy and take a position on vaccines.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 4:32:58 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 13:04:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Not in the garbage dump known as Usenet.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 4:41:23 PM1/21/22
But you take a position on masks and social distancing. What a fucking

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 21, 2022, 4:55:37 PM1/21/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 13:41:18 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Masks and "social distancing" aren't medical issues.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 21, 2022, 4:58:16 PM1/21/22
Yes they are. Phony.

Rudy Canoza

Jan 22, 2022, 1:17:35 AM1/22/22
[comp.os.linux.advocacy maliciously added by reactionary cocksuckers removed]

Baa-Baa-BlueGirl has taken a position on vaccines. She is vaccinated. She has
admitted it.

Look at the reply groups, dummy. Take out comp.os.linux.advocacy if it's there.


Jan 22, 2022, 10:02:51 AM1/22/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:48:35 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Does it state that the deaths were FROM Omicron which is the question


Jan 22, 2022, 10:04:09 AM1/22/22
"Josh" has taken a weasel approach to this. I asked a specific
question and he evaded the answer.


Jan 22, 2022, 10:08:45 AM1/22/22
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 12:30:52 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You're misstating what I said. I stated that we mix and match and use
unvalidated amounts of vaccines when we don't understand the
consequences. That's a lot like taking 20x the amount of cold
medicine every day. No one has done a long term impact study on
*that* but it sure makes you feel better in the short term. Please
return to what I originally stated and don't evade this time.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 22, 2022, 11:40:46 AM1/22/22
It is not "weasel words" to do the math in order to address your concern
about how many deaths are occurring for those who have Omicron.
Repeating my responses to Blue Lives:

First, in response to Walensky's comments:

Her statements were made on 1/12, over a week ago and her comments made
sense because with a three week lag in deaths, many of the deaths
reported at that time would be from Delta (Omicron ramped up quickly at
the end of 2021, less than 2 weeks before Walensky's comments). But
deaths continued going up even though almost all of the new cases three
weeks ago were Omicron.

Over the past 7 days, we've had about 1900 deaths per day. Three weeks
ago we had about 450K new cases per day. That's a case fatality rate of
about 0.4%, not nearly as high as delta, but not a head cold. Even if we
end up with 1500 deaths per day from Omicron out of our peak of 800K
cases, that case fatality rate of 0.2% ain't a head cold either.

Second, in response to
which says Omicron has a 91% lower chance of death than Delta.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 22, 2022, 11:44:35 AM1/22/22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:40:38 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Josh doesn't know how many deaths are from Oicron, so he offers his
best unsupported guess.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 22, 2022, 11:45:20 AM1/22/22
Be more specific about what "mix and match" combinations and
"unvalidated amounts" we don't understand the consequences of. Or if it
is easier for you, what COVID vaccine protocols do you believe we
understand well enough for you to accept.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 22, 2022, 11:47:28 AM1/22/22
I offer my best estimate based on hard data. We will all within a few
weeks at the most have even better estimates.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 22, 2022, 11:52:31 AM1/22/22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:47:23 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
I remember your "best estimate" about Biden's polling data. Your "best
estimates" are simply your "hopes and dreams.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 22, 2022, 12:06:03 PM1/22/22
I didn't make estimates about Biden's polling data. I accurately
observed what they were.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 22, 2022, 12:17:38 PM1/22/22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:05:57 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You thought it was stable at -4, now he's at -14.8

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 22, 2022, 12:26:23 PM1/22/22
I accurately said it was unchanged at -4 over the previous three weeks.
I made no prediction about its future path.


Jan 23, 2022, 9:55:38 AM1/23/22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:40:38 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
That's a lot of words to say you have no data stating the deaths from
Omicron. It's all weasle wording. You either have a direct citeable
number or you don't.


Jan 23, 2022, 10:03:36 AM1/23/22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:45:12 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You know exactly what I mean I mean by "mixing and matching" vaccines.

The CDC claims it's "safe" but based on what long-term studies.

Oh and as for extra boosters, there is some information starting to
surface that any past one may not be such a great idea:

"Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something
that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the
EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a
press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can
transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 23, 2022, 11:06:27 AM1/23/22
I strongly disagree that a direct citation is required. The above
calculations are not weasel words.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 23, 2022, 11:08:37 AM1/23/22
"Mix" means using a different vaccine that an earlier does and "match"
means using the same vaccine. Are you saying you oppose mixing but are
OK with matching? Or, you reject all vaccine combinations.


Jan 24, 2022, 6:07:52 AM1/24/22
On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 08:08:32 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You know dang well what I mean by mix and match. It's a very genenic
ter. Additionally anything beyond one booster has not been shown to
be effective and there have been no studies on possible harmful

>> Oh and as for extra boosters, there is some information starting to
>> surface that any past one may not be such a great idea:
>> "Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something
>> that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the
>> EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a
>> press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can
>> transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic
>> setting.”"

<Josh crickets.wav>


Jan 24, 2022, 6:09:37 AM1/24/22
On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 08:06:23 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Of course you do because you can't back up your claim...

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 24, 2022, 6:34:46 AM1/24/22

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 24, 2022, 11:58:51 AM1/24/22
No, I don't know what you mean by "mix and match." Please answer my
above questions to clarify.

>>> Oh and as for extra boosters, there is some information starting to
>>> surface that any past one may not be such a great idea:
>>> "Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something
>>> that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the
>>> EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a
>>> press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can
>>> transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic
>>> setting.”"
> <Josh crickets.wav>

This could be right. That doesn't change my calculus for getting the
vaccines now available.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 24, 2022, 11:59:19 AM1/24/22
The data I presented back up my claim.


Jan 25, 2022, 6:56:27 AM1/25/22
On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:59:15 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Repeating your citation that does not prove your claim doesn't make it
true. Show some hard numbers, not guesses.


Jan 25, 2022, 7:00:41 AM1/25/22
On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 11:22:26 PM UTC-7, Kurt Nicklas wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 03:43:19 GMT, a322x1n <vo...@void.void> wrote:
> >Mitchell Holman <> wrote in
> >news:XnsAE1EDA4A215B8...@
> >
> >> jane playne <> wrote in
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 9:56:24 PM UTC-5, Mitchell Holman
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> jane playne <> wrote in
> >>>>
> >>>> >
> >>>> > The current administration inherited a vaccine and dropped the
> >>>> > ball. The they claimed that once you are vaccinated you will not
> >>>> > catch covid
> >>>
> >>>> > and you will not pass it on.
> >>>> Proof?
> >>> .
> >>> Joe Biden stated on July 21, 2021 in a CNN town hall with Don Lemon:
> >>>
> >>> "We’re not in a position where we think that any virus —
> >>> including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more
> >>> deadly in terms of non — unvaccinated people — the vi- — the
> >>> various shots that people are getting now cover that. They’re —
> >>> you’re okay. You’re not going to — you’re not going to get
> >>> COVID if you have these vaccinations." - Transcript at
> >>>
> >>> Got that?
> >>> “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
> >>> - Joe Biden
> >>>
> >> What Biden *actually* said:
> >>
> >> "Vaccinated people who get COVID may get ill,
> >> but they?e protected from severe illness and
> >> death. That? why you should still remain
> >> vigilant."
> >>
> ><
> >remarks/2021/12/21/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-fight-against-covi
> >d-19/>
> >
> >Good points! Republicans, conservatives, and right wingnuts _love_
> >to misquote, cherry pick, and outright lie. Disinformation is
> >their weapon of choice.
> This kind of disinformation, Karen?
> "Masks don't work"
> "Masks do work"
> "Wear two masks!"
> "Two weeks to flatten the curve"
> "Vaccines protect you"
> "Vaccines don't protect you"

In fact Ryan Sullivan's lies got bigger. So needless to say I regret not
attacking Ryan Sullivan. While I am sure his wife appreciated it, being
nice to him made things worse.

I have been searching a bit from some of those old threads he was previously
getting his ass kicked. I noticed that many of those he would go out of
his way to often attack had comprehensive technical knowledge. I didn't
find many who were also adept in the hardware side of things, or were also
trained as an programmer along with various aspects of CS; with the paperwork
to back it all up, too. Ryan Sullivan doesn't have any clue what he is
sniveling about. Why do you think Snit is trying to babysit Ryan Sullivan?
Even he sees his lies. He will not comment on *any* of the stuff I quote
because he sees it is real.

What Every Entrepreneur Must Know!
Dustin Cook the Fraud


Jan 25, 2022, 7:00:46 AM1/25/22
On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:58:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
Good god man! I mean those who will vaccinate with one manufacturer
and be boosted with another. One can get get two shots of one (match)
and boost with a different one (mix). Sheesh...

>>>> Oh and as for extra boosters, there is some information starting to
>>>> surface that any past one may not be such a great idea:
>>>> "Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something
>>>> that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the
>>>> EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a
>>>> press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can
>>>> transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic
>>>> setting.”"
>> <Josh crickets.wav>
>This could be right. That doesn't change my calculus for getting the
>vaccines now available.

Your "calculus" doesn't add up. Your philosphy of "sure there could
long term damage to your immune system but the heck with it" is
extremely short sighted.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 25, 2022, 11:45:57 AM1/25/22
They are hard numbers. The are indirect, rather than direct. You don't
accept them. I do. End of story.

Josh Rosenbluth

Jan 25, 2022, 11:49:43 AM1/25/22
On 1/25/2022 4:00 AM, NoBody wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:58:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
> <> wrote:

Are you OK with two shots of one and a booster with the same one you had
with the first two shots?

>>>>> Oh and as for extra boosters, there is some information starting to
>>>>> surface that any past one may not be such a great idea:
>>>>> "Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something
>>>>> that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the
>>>>> EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a
>>>>> press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can
>>>>> transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic
>>>>> setting.”"
>>> <Josh crickets.wav>
>> This could be right. That doesn't change my calculus for getting the
>> vaccines now available.
> Your "calculus" doesn't add up. Your philosphy of "sure there could
> long term damage to your immune system but the heck with it" is
> extremely short sighted.

We have long established we disagree on this point. No need to go on
about it.

Blue Lives Matter

Jan 25, 2022, 1:02:05 PM1/25/22
On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 08:45:52 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
You get to believe whatever you want. So do I. I believe you're full
of shit. End of story.
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