December, 2009 1.02%
January, 2010 1.02%
February, 2010 0.98%
December, 2009 5.71%
January, 2010 7.57%
February, 2010 8.92%
Desktop Linux is a joke that's why.
Windows 7, in a few short months, has blown Linux out of the
Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink
like the rock it is.
> M0she_ wrote:
>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink
>> like the rock it is.
He still pushing that crap?
> I think that presence of windows advocates here clearly denies
> this. Linux as it is, is threat to windows. Sooner or later
> commercial companies will start to develop for linux
> and game over. Microsoft want disappear completely
> but they will have to play in better ways then now.
The Least Successful Collector
Betsy Baker played a central role in the history of collecting. She
was employed as a servant in the house of John Warburton (1682-1759) who had
amassed a fine collection of 58 first edition plays, including most of the
works of Shakespeare.
One day Warburton returned home to find 55 of them charred beyond
legibility. Betsy had either burned them or used them as pie bottoms. The
remaining three folios are now in the British Museum.
The only comparable literary figure was the maid who in 1835 burned
the manuscript of the first volume of Thomas Carlyle's "The Hisory of the
French Revolution", thinking it was wastepaper.
-- Stephen Pile, "The Book of Heroic Failures"
Seems. Some kind of mantra.
> Branimir Maksimovic pulled this Usenet boner:
>> M0she_ wrote:
>>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink
>>> like the rock it is.
> He still pushing that crap?
Look you chicken shit little creep, stop replying to me 3rd party.
Grow a spine instead of being a suck up.
That's hysterical, coming from you.
Can you explain just what it is you find funny?
Oooh, did I upset poor little Kindergarten Boy "M0she_"?
Too bad. Kiss my ass, you Sobibor-survivor's name-thief.
Oooh. I replied third-party again. Whatever am I to do?
> That's hysterical, coming from you.
These asshats are hilarious. They act like total fscking jerks, then get
pissed when you plonk them, then go gonzo when you make comments on their
pulings because you saw them in someone else's reply.
They seem to think I care what an obviously-crazy person thinks.
How's this, tough guy?
> Rick pulled this Usenet boner:
>> On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:18:20 -0500, M0she_ wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 18:51:20 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>>> M0she_ wrote:
>>>>>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink
>>>>>> like the rock it is.
>>>> He still pushing that crap?
>>> Look you chicken shit little creep, stop replying to me 3rd party.
>>> Grow a spine instead of being a suck up.
Hahahahaah, "mooshe baby" is such a sadsack!
He abuses you for replying to him "third party" (which is all any of the
advocates can do as the wanker is kill filled by *everyone*, everywhere.
Poor little mooshie, feeling unloved and ignored again ?
All I have to say to mooshie is this ...
Look you chicken shit little creep, stop posting under the forged name
of a Sobibor survivor.
Grow a spine instead of being a pathetic anonymous coward and post under
your real name.
> :-D
> Oooh, did I upset poor little Kindergarten Boy "M0she_"?
Seems that way :)
> Too bad. Kiss my ass, you name-thief.
> Oooh. I replied third-party again. Whatever am I to do?
Oh, you're *so* nasty and hateful, how ever will you live with yourself ?
>> That's hysterical, coming from you.
> These asshats are hilarious. They act like total fscking jerks, then
> get pissed when you plonk them, then go gonzo when you make comments on
> their pulings because you saw them in someone else's reply.
That's because they usually have forgotten their medication, and haven't
slept for days as a result. It's a busy life trolling everywhere,
desperately trying to get someone to talk to you, even if it's just to
get a hammering from ChrisA.
> They seem to think I care what an obviously-crazy person thinks.
You must, you replied !
This machine running Gnu/Linux Mint 8 and posting via Pan.
Get your Free copy NOW!
Which of the already debunked browser surveys did you use to get these
numbers. StatMarket? NetApplications? Both PUBLISH freebie surveys
that are known to be flawed, but if you'd like to provide the precise
details of exactly how those statistics are collected, I'd be
interested to see the information.
> Linux
> December, 2009 1.02%
> January, 2010 1.02%
> February, 2010 0.98%
> Win7
> December, 2009 5.71%
> January, 2010 7.57%
> February, 2010 8.92%
Here is another survey. Roughly the same conclusion you had but not
OS Platform Statistics
Windows XP is the most popular operating system. The Windows family
counts for about 90%:
2010 Win7 Vista Win2003 WinXP W2000 Linux Mac
February 13.0% 14.4% 1.4% 58.4% 0.6% 4.6% 7.1%
January 11.3% 15.4% 1.4% 59.4% 0.6% 4.6% 6.8%
2009 Win7 Vista Win2003 WinXP W2000 Linux Mac
December 9.0% 16.0% 1.4% 61.6% 0.6% 4.5% 6.5%
November 6.7% 17.5% 1.4% 62.2% 0.7% 4.3% 6.7%
October 4.4% 18.6% 1.5% 63.3% 0.7% 4.2% 6.8%
September 3.2% 18.3% 1.5% 65.2% 0.8% 4.1% 6.5%
August 2.5% 18.1% 1.6% 66.2% 0.9% 4.2% 6.1%
July 1.9% 17.7% 1.7% 67.1% 1.0% 4.3% 6.0%
June 1.6% 18.3% 1.7% 66.9% 1.0% 4.2% 5.9%
May 1.1% 18.4% 1.7% 67.2% 1.1% 4.1% 6.1%
April 0.7% 17.9% 1.7% 68.0% 1.2% 4.0% 6.1%
March 0.5% 17.3% 1.7% 68.9% 1.3% 4.0% 5.9%
February 0.4% 17.2% 1.6% 69.0% 1.4% 4.0% 6.0%
January 0.2% 16.5% 1.6% 69.8% 1.6% 3.9% 5.8%
Looks to me like people are dumping Vista and upgrading to Windows 7.
This might be a real boon to Microsoft, since this means that
customers are paying as much as $200 to upgrade Vista to Windows 7.
This is in ADDITION to whatever the OEMs paid for Vista in the first
On the other hand, migration from XP to Windows 7 seems to be slowing
down, meanwhile, BOTH Linux and Windows seem to be growing.
And BTW, this survey also under-counts Macs and Linux.
> On the other hand, migration from XP to Windows 7 seems to be slowing
> down, meanwhile, BOTH Linux and Windows seem to be growing.
> And BTW, this survey also under-counts Macs and Linux.
Here's a good source
So wikipedia is a reliable indicator these days is it not? I remember
not so long ago a lot of knickers getting knotted about that.
From that wikipedia page:
"Information about operating systems share is difficult to obtain. In most
of the categories below, there is no reliable primary source or methodology
for its collection."
Market share and web share are unreliable methods to determine OS user
share. Without some kind of statistics on random samples or a census it will
be difficult to get reliable numbers.
> OS Platform Statistics
> Windows XP is the most popular operating system. The Windows family
> counts for about 90%:
I am reminded of Coke, Classic Coke, Diet Coke, Caffiene-free Coke,
Sugar-free Caffiene-free Coke...
> 2010 Win7 Vista Win2003 WinXP W2000 Linux Mac
> February 13.0% 14.4% 1.4% 58.4% 0.6% 4.6% 7.1%
> 2009 Win7 Vista Win2003 WinXP W2000 Linux Mac
> February 0.4% 17.2% 1.6% 69.0% 1.4% 4.0% 6.0%
"Good afternoon, madam. How may I help you?"
Certainly. MS agrees with that, too?
You're not my type. For that matter, you're not even my species
You surprise me.
ALL such things are esitimates. And you're an idiot if you think that
web stats are not a guideline or indicator of relative desktop usage.
I had thought higher of you. Now I see you're just another drooling
fanboi in denial.
Hardly anyone uses Linux on the desktop. We do. Most don't. Lets not kid
so why is it that the same netstats site is suddenly considered credible
when it shows firefox usage increasing at the expense of ie?
> M0she_ (flatfish stealing a holocaust victims name) wrote:
>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink
>> like the rock it is.
Is he still pushing that crap?
Linux keeps rising (ever so slowly).
Win 7 goes up at the expense of the other Windows.
M0she_ must be pretty stupid to not figure that out just by glancing at the
> Certainly. MS agrees with that, too?
Even Microsoft realizes that Linux has already eaten into a lot of profits
that Microsoft considers to be rightfully theirs.
Each new Linux box is a "little death", in Microsoft's way of thinking.
Q: How many Martians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One and a half.
>Linux keeps rising (ever so slowly).
>Win 7 goes up at the expense of the other Windows.
>M0she_ must be pretty stupid to not figure that out just by glancing at the
He's mentally-ill, and needs no truth upon which to base his
>Even Microsoft realizes that Linux has already eaten into a lot of profits
>that Microsoft considers to be rightfully theirs.
Yes. Even at 1% (or whatever), the Linux option is affecting their
pricing and profits. Look are what happened with netbooks, with M$
damn-near giving XP away, just to stave-off the Linux threat.
"You do realise that nearly ALL the Open Source SW you use on Linux
also runs on Windows WITH the source code available too don't you?" -
nym-shifter Hadron Quark, posting as "Steve Townsend"
I think it's called "eating off our plate" (Ballmer, something like
Linux forced Microsoft to keep Windows 2000 support for a lot longer
than they wanted to.
> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>Linux keeps rising (ever so slowly).
>>Win 7 goes up at the expense of the other Windows.
>>M0she_ must be pretty stupid to not figure that out just by glancing at the
> He's mentally-ill, and needs no truth upon which to base his
> trollings.
>>Even Microsoft realizes that Linux has already eaten into a lot of profits
>>that Microsoft considers to be rightfully theirs.
> Yes. Even at 1% (or whatever), the Linux option is affecting their
> pricing and profits. Look are what happened with netbooks, with M$
> damn-near giving XP away, just to stave-off the Linux threat.
As opposed to actually giving it away? LOL. you have ZERO idea about
PS, did you ask Asus how much they spent on thier netbook OS travesty?
>Hahahahaah, "mooshe baby" is such a sadsack!
>He abuses you for replying to him "third party" (which is all any of the
>advocates can do as the wanker is kill filled by *everyone*, everywhere.
>Poor little mooshie, feeling unloved and ignored again ?
>All I have to say to mooshie is this ...
>Look you chicken shit little creep, stop posting under the forged name
>of a Sobibor survivor.
The mentally-ill troll is a creep. And that's the truth, unlike his
lie when he calls Chris A that. And the mentally-ill POS knows it.
> The mentally-ill troll is a creep. And that's the truth, unlike his
> lie when he calls Chris A that. And the mentally-ill POS knows it.
shut up and crawl back into the sewer that you crawled out from you scum
That's because you can't keep a good Linux hypocrite down. As we've seen
year after year after year, if the numbers are good for Linux they're quoted
on cola as if sacrosanct. If the numbers reflect poorly on Linux, they're
discounted as unreliable.
Didn't you read the link before drooling, Duh!?
> Lusotec <nom...@nomail.not> writes:
>> DFS wrote:
>>> Rex Ballard wrote:
>>>> On the other hand, migration from XP to Windows 7 seems to be slowing
>>>> down, meanwhile, BOTH Linux and Windows seem to be growing.
>>>> And BTW, this survey also under-counts Macs and Linux.
>>> Here's a good source
>> From that wikipedia page:
>> "Information about operating systems share is difficult to obtain. In
>> most of the categories below, there is no reliable primary source or
>> methodology for its collection."
>> Market share and web share are unreliable methods to determine OS user
>> share. Without some kind of statistics on random samples or a census it
>> will be difficult to get reliable numbers.
> You surprise me.
Why do I surprise you if what I wrote is just simple mathematical truth and
elementary statistics knowledge?
> ALL such things are esitimates.
A census is not an estimate. Statistics on random samples are estimates but
with the significant advantage that they can be mathematically extrapolated
to the whole population with know degrees of confidence.
> And you're an idiot if you think that
> web stats are not a guideline or indicator of relative desktop usage.
They are "guideline or indicator" but not reliable ones. How does one
extrapolate from market or web share to user share?
> I had thought higher of you. Now I see you're just another drooling
> fanboi in denial.
Why the need for the insults?!
> Hardly anyone uses Linux on the desktop.
Assuming 1% user share of GNU/Linux on the desktop and 1 billion desktops,
that puts the absolute number of users at 10 million. In my opinion, that is
a significant number of users and not in the "hardly anyone" zone.
> We do. Most don't. Lets not kid ourselves.
Of course most don't and I have written nothing to the contrary.
I'm no statistics genius, but when 7 independent data sources, each with
their own collection methodologies and population samples, present similar
numbers, the numbers *are* proven to be reliable.
And here's an 8th source that - once again - corroborates the other 7:
That the numbers don't show what you hoped they would show is another issue.
> Rick pulled this Usenet boner:
>> On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:18:20 -0500, M0she_ wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 18:51:20 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>>> M0she_ wrote:
>>>>>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink like
>>>>>> the rock it is.
>>>> He still pushing that crap?
>>> Look you chicken shit little creep, stop replying to me 3rd party. Grow
>>> a spine instead of being a suck up.
> :-D
> Oooh, did I upset poor little Kindergarten Boy "M0she_"?
Of course not.
I'm simply pointing out what a chicken shit you are.
> Too bad. Kiss my ass, you Sobibor-survivor's name-thief.
Only a sicko Linux COLA vermin would take the time to look
something like that up and attempt to use it against another
That sicko vermin is *you* Liarmutt.
And people wonder why using a real name in COLA is a bad thing?
Hadron sure was right about you.
I thought you might have had a lapse of mental process or was just
screwing around, but I was wrong.
You are indeed a creepy little suck up.
> Oooh. I replied third-party again. Whatever am I to do?
Try acting like a man instead of a spineless wonder.
That's a good one!!
And how true it is indeed.
You beat me to it.
These guys just don't get it.
What can you expect from people who will argue that "Finale"
thread even though they were proved wrong with the first reply?
The whole lot of them are mentally ill.
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 20:11:20 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> Rick pulled this Usenet boner:
>>> On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:18:20 -0500, M0she_ wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 18:51:20 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>>>> M0she_ wrote:
>>>>>>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink like
>>>>>>> the rock it is.
>>>>> He still pushing that crap?
>>>> Look you chicken shit little creep, stop replying to me 3rd party. Grow
>>>> a spine instead of being a suck up.
>> :-D
>> Oooh, did I upset poor little Kindergarten Boy "M0she_"?
Says the oily little creep who talks about wiping mens pee pees ....
I see Liarsuck is now using Rickisms too.
> Hadron wrote:
>> Lusotec <nom...@nomail.not> writes:
>>> DFS wrote:
>>>> Rex Ballard wrote:
>>>>> On the other hand, migration from XP to Windows 7 seems to be slowing
>>>>> down, meanwhile, BOTH Linux and Windows seem to be growing.
>>>>> And BTW, this survey also under-counts Macs and Linux.
>>>> Here's a good source
>>> From that wikipedia page:
>>> "Information about operating systems share is difficult to obtain. In
>>> most of the categories below, there is no reliable primary source or
>>> methodology for its collection."
>>> Market share and web share are unreliable methods to determine OS user
>>> share. Without some kind of statistics on random samples or a census it
>>> will be difficult to get reliable numbers.
>> You surprise me.
> Why do I surprise you if what I wrote is just simple mathematical truth and
> elementary statistics knowledge?
>> ALL such things are esitimates.
> A census is not an estimate. Statistics on random samples are estimates but
> with the significant advantage that they can be mathematically extrapolated
> to the whole population with know degrees of confidence.
It allows people to estimate Linux/whatever usage. Bloody hell, you ARE
this thick.
>> And you're an idiot if you think that
>> web stats are not a guideline or indicator of relative desktop usage.
> They are "guideline or indicator" but not reliable ones. How does one
> extrapolate from market or web share to user share?
By using your brain. Dont you understand that this is a USAGE
sample. Easily extrapolated to whatever silly weasel phrase you want to
hide behind.
I'm not going down this route with dickheads pretending they dont
understand "market share" when its blatantly obvious in the context of
product given away for free.
Actually, someone who adopts the name of a Sobibor survivor, then shortens
the name to escape killfiling, and then modifies the name again and again to
escape killfiling, and posts slurs about "sucking" and slander concerning
sexual proclivities, that someone is what I would call "mentally ill".
And the same for a poster who me-toos this mentally ill someone.
Go learn some statistics...
>>> ALL such things are esitimates.
>> A census is not an estimate. Statistics on random samples are estimates
>> but with the significant advantage that they can be mathematically
>> extrapolated to the whole population with know degrees of confidence.
> It allows people to estimate Linux/whatever usage.
People can estimate whatever they want but if not done correctly the results
they obtain will be of little or no value.
> Bloody hell, you ARE this thick.
You are the one that has proven yourself completely ignorant of the most
elementary statistics knowledge and you are calling me "thick". Can you say
>>> And you're an idiot if you think that
>>> web stats are not a guideline or indicator of relative desktop usage.
>> They are "guideline or indicator" but not reliable ones. How does one
>> extrapolate from market or web share to user share?
> By using your brain. Dont you understand that this is a USAGE
> sample. Easily extrapolated to whatever silly weasel phrase you want to
> hide behind.
These values are from a web usage sample done in a way that can't even be
extrapolated to general web usage values with know degrees of confidence.
Still you say they can be "easily extrapolated" to OS usage values.
Care to tell us how? I would love to see that "easy" math of yours.
> I'm not going down this route with dickheads pretending they dont
> understand "market share" when its blatantly obvious in the context of
> product given away for free.
Do you have anything to contribute to this debate other than ignorance and
> Hadron wrote:
>> I'm not going down this route with dickheads pretending they dont
>> understand "market share" when its blatantly obvious in the context of
>> product given away for free.
> Do you have anything to contribute to this debate other than ignorance and
> insults?
What do you think, Lusotec?
For whatever reason, "Hadron" is simply an attack dog who goes after only
those who post positive things about Linux.
And, as you and TomB have seen, even if he's relatively friendly at first,
"Hadron" will ultimately turn on you. The only real friends of "Hadron"
are his fellow trolls. None of them are functioning at a high level.
Q: Who cuts the grass on Walton's Mountain?
A: Lawn Boy.
Just make sure you don't reply 3rd party because that is the sign
of a chicken.
Isn't the "little death" supposed to refer to orgasm? Why would
Microsoft orgasm over a new Linux box? There must be something very
wrong about the world.
Gentoo Linux - Penguin Power
> On 2010-03-03, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>> Each new Linux box is a "little death", in Microsoft's way of thinking.
> Isn't the "little death" supposed to refer to orgasm? Why would
> Microsoft orgasm over a new Linux box? There must be something very
> wrong about the world.
Each new Linux distribution is yet another confusion factor for
the end user.
Microsoft is laughing all the way to the bank.
It's called divide and conquer and the Linux community does all
the work themselves.
On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:21:39 +0100, Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> M0she_ (flatfish stealing a holocaust victims name) wrote:
>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 07:43:12 -0500, One Shot, One Kill wrote:
>>> there were more NEW Win7 users last month than there are TOTAL linux
>>> users in the world.
That can't be right. Last I heard, Linux was shipping on something like
3 *million* devices *per day*. That would mean Windows 7 would have had
to have shipped some 900 million copies in a month; somehow I doubt that.
Perhaps numbnuts meant to suggest "total _desktop_ Linux users", but then
he'd have to explain exactly how he managed to count them, something
nobody else seems able to do with any sort of assurance.
>> Windows 7 will continue to rise and Linux will continue to sink like
>> the rock it is.
> Certainly. MS agrees with that, too?
Yes, well, you don't expect an MS troll to actually listen to MS, do you?