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This Week With My Coleco ADAM 9708.31

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Richard Drushel

Sep 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/1/97

[Note: this was originally posted to the Coleco ADAM Mailing List. If you
wish to subscribe, please send E-mail to the list maintainer, Dale Wick

This Week With My Coleco ADAM 9708.31

by Richard F. Drushel (

I. Technology Note.

This week's TWWMCA is being composed using a rare (but probably
not valuable) IBM PC/XT clone from 1983, a TAVA PC (made by TAVA Co.,
whoever or whatever they are or were). There must have been enough of
them around at one time to make it worthwhile for Norton Utilities version
4.5 to specifically detect them in the SI (SYSINFO) program. Externally,
it's a dead ringer for the original IBM PC; internally, however, aside from
having an ISA bus and the same arrangement of DIP switches for setting the
memory and video configuration, it's totally different. I got this as a
freebie from a lab postdoc when I was in graduate school. Mostly it has
been used as an MFM hard drive formatting/testing system, and also to house
the interface card for my EPROM burner. But after ADAMcon 09, my wife
Joan ( decided that she wanted to start looking at
USENET newsgroups for some 60s rock-n-roll groups she's interested in,
using the Cleveland Freenet. I have ADAMs in abundance that I could have
used, but this PC system was already set up, would already do 80x24 screen
and VT100 terminal emulation. So, until such time as I can make a turnkey
system using an ADAM, TDOS or CP/M, and my genuine H19 serial terminal, I
guess I'll let her use this system. Those who remember the door prize
giveaways at the ADAMcon 08 banquet will remember the Hayes SmartModem
2400 I won from HLM-GMK Co.; this is the modem that I'm using now.

The other reason for using this TAVA system is that I still have
been too busy/lazy to unpack my travelling box from ADAMcon 09, which has
my 486 system in it. Right now, this TAVA PC is the only computer I have
operational in my basement.

II. ADAM Operating Systems.

Most of what I want to do in this issue of TWWMCA is think out
loud and hopefully bounce some ideas off of other people's heads, regarding
a topic that was my initial interest in the ADAM, and which has occupied
most of my ADAM programming efforts: enhanced ADAM operating systems.

To review, the ADAM has currently 4 operating systems for which
user software is available: OS-7 (the ColecoVision video game operating
system), EOS (the Elementary Operating System developed by Coleco),
Digital Research's CP/M (ControlProgram/Microcomputer), and an enhanced CP/M
clone called TDOS (Tony's Disk Operating System, named after its author, Tony
Morehen). OS-7 and EOS are present in ROM on every ADAM (OS-7 only on
ColecoVisions, and EOS only on Expansion Module #3s). CP/M and TDOS must be
run from tape or disk (though former B.A.S.I.C. member Ron Collins had an
ADAM in which the SmartWriter word processor ROMs were replaced with TDOS,
so this ADAM would boot to TDOS in the absence of an external disk or tape;
I saw this system myself so it's not folklore). Here is a table summarizing
the circulating versions of the different ADAM operating systems:

operating system version date
OS-7 7PRIME 28 December 1982
EOS 5* 8 October 1984
EOS 7** September 1984
CP/M 2.2 1984
TDOS 4.59 1992


* This is the value found at REV_NUM (FD60 hex) in all existing ADAM
EOS ROMs. However, the actual version of the operating system is
6, not 5. This is explained in the following comment from the
EOS-6 source code:

EOS_REV EQU 005H ;current EOS revision number
;---NOTE--- this is actually rev.
;06 but to match the production ROM
;which was labeled rev. 05 we fudge
;just a bit (two bits actually)

(For the binary-impaired, the joke in the comment is that 5=0101,
but 6=0110; two bit positions must be changed to go from 0101 to

** EOS-7 was distributed on disk with the Disk Manager software, as
well as with the abandoned SmartBASIC 2.0. EOS-7 was a total
internal rewrite with several additional functions, including (1)
the ability to trap a keypress as a "hotkey" and jump to a user-
supplied service routine, and (2) the ability to have as many files
open simultaneously as desired, provided the user allocated
sufficient memory for disk buffers. The major liability of EOS-7
is that it uses only 2-byte instead of 4-byte disk blocks, thus
limiting disks to 65,535 blocks or 64 megabytes, instead of
4,294,967,296 blocks or 4 gigabytes.

III. Limitations of ADAM Operating Systems.

All 4 ADAM operating systems have significant limitations which
have hindered the development of new software (and hardware):

OS-7: The operating system itself is quite well-designed, being object-
oriented and flexible. The chief hindrance has been lack of
programmer documentation and suitable development tools, especially for
creating background graphics screens and composing songs and sound effects.
I have a 20th-generation photocopy of the ColecoVision Programmer's Manual
(obtained in 1992 from A.N.N. founder Barry Wilson), which I have restored
and made several copies of for interested parties; as well as the OS-7PRIME
source code listing from the ADAM Technical Manual set. To my knowledge,
since the ADAM/ColecoVision were dropped from the market, no new cartridge
games have been written except for Marcel de Kogel's Cosmo Fighter, which
appeared in spring 1997; this was a byproduct of Marcel's ColecoVision and
ADAM emulator projects.

EOS: The biggest limitation of EOS is the sequential file system, which
requires that the blocks of each file be contiguous; there are no EOS
functions to "squeeze" out holes left by deleted files. There is no direct
support for subdirectories or for partitioning large physical media into
smaller logical drives. Finally, the ROM version present on every ADAM
leaves unimplemented (i.e., just a RET instruction) the _POSITION_FILE
function, which is supposed to be used to move a read/write pointer around in
a file, to provide random access file I/O. Because of this deficiency, most
existing EOS programs bypass EOS file I/O functions and read/write raw blocks
of the files--ick. Third-party hardware can only be supported by (1)
applications including their own driver code, or (2) direct patches to EOS
after it is loaded from ROM to RAM.

CP/M: Pre-existing CP/M programs run fine under ADAM CP/M 2.2, except that
the CP/M world assumes your screen is 80 columns by 24 rows; the ADAM
screen is 32 columns by 23 rows, so you're stuck with an annoying,
horizontally-scrolling window as a poor man's 80 column screen. While CP/M
supports I/O redirection to and from serial devices (like modems and
terminals), the ADAMnet serial/parallel card never left the prototype stage,
so there is no serial/parallel access. (The routines to access the prototype
are present, but useless in the absence of the actual hardware.)

TDOS: TDOS is modelled after ZCPR2 (an early CCP replacement for CP/M) and
contains built-in support for all available 3rd-party ADAM hardware
(non-ADAMnet devices like serial cards, parallel cards, hard drives, floppy
drives larger than 160K, and memory expanders larger than 64K), so it's
possible to replace the ADAM video screen with a real 80x24 serial terminal
and use all the existing CP/M software without the moving text window hassle.
The chief problem with TDOS is that its creator, Tony Morehen, is no longer
active in the ADAM community and is hence unavailable to maintain the code.
The TDOS source code is an unmanagable mess of uncommented spaghetti, full of
confusing conditional assembly directives, scattered over too many non-
modular source files. You must assemble a new version of TDOS from source
for every possible hardware configuration, and the source is in such disarray
that it's no longer expandable to accommodate new hardware. (The source is
probably not yet freely-distributable, either; there's been no recent word
from Tony about what he wants to do with it. Binaries are supposed to be
freely-distributable, however, and have been.)

IV. The Future is the Past.

Progress in the realm of ADAM operating systems is limited by the
same issues which retard progress on Wintel and MacOS platforms: namely,
the large installed base of existing software which needs to be supported,
because of the economic clout of the users of that software. This is also
known as "the backward compatibility problem". In short, it doesn't matter
how nifty a new version of the operating system is; if switching to it
means that everyone has to get (i.e., buy) new versions of their existing
application programs, then very few people will switch. There are other
contributing factors, but much of the internal disarray of Win3.1 and Win95
is due to this economic pressure to continue to support DOS software from the
early and mid 1980s--software which did "bad" things like take over all the
system resources, modify its own code, take advantage of undocumented
features (which perforce become "documented" as the need to retain the
existing behavior becomes paramount). Win95 makes few concessions to
DOS programs, and generally tries to make their continued use unpleasant;
but most Win3.1 programs still run under Win95--with the penalty that they
destabilize the system for the true-blue Win95 applications. A totally-
from-scratch Win95 might have been "better" from a computer science
viewpoint (and maybe from a user viewpoint as well, in that the system
would be more stable), but a certain financial disaster in the real world.

The backward compatibility problem is acutely worse for an obsolete
system like the ADAM, for which 98% of all the software that will every be
written *has* already been written. Unless someone (or a team of someones)
is also prepared to provide a suite of compatible applications, writing a new
and improved operating system from scratch is a mere academic exercise. The
result will be interesting, but nobody will actually use it, because none of
the existing applications people have a large investment in (over 10 years of
active use in some cases) will run.

On the CP/M side, there is a lot less to worry about; CP/M was
designed to be portable to many different hardware architectures (all using
the 8080/Z80 CPUs, of course), and there is a great conformance of CP/M
applications to the operating system standards. The trick, then, is to
have a suitably conforming version of CP/M running on your own hardware;
then you will never have to patch applications (except in very precise ways,
such as escape codes for terminal programs). TDOS with a serial terminal
for display does this adequately for existing hardware, but cannot now
easily be altered to accommodate new hardware. Many TDOS users have been
waiting since ADAMcon 06 for a TDOS-compatible version of my ADAMserve
serially-linked device driver program (which lets an ADAM control PC drives
and other hardware via serial link). In theory, it should be simple:
replace the BIOS-level I/O routines with the ADAMserve protocol. Alas,
the TDOS BIOS is not really a well-encapsulated BIOS module; it is inline
spaghetti all over the place. Disentangling it would take more ADAM time
than I have available at present.

On the EOS side, the applications are really more important than
the operating system. The Smart[fill in the blank] applications were
designed to completely take over the machine. EOS itself is little more than
a program loader with some minimal system services. In the EOS world, you
put in the program disk/tape, pull the reset switch, and run the program; to
switch programs, you put in another disk/tape and pull the reset switch
again. There is no concept of a shell, of programs exchanging information
with each other except perhaps through files, and especially of sharing
hardware resources. The worst offense in this regard is in the use of
expansion memory. Just about every EOS program that finds a memory expander
appropriates it for itself. Ironically, the contents of XRAM remain intact
across system resets (as long as you don't turn off the power, just pull the
reset switch), so the idea of an expansion RAMdisk to share data between
applications is attractive. Unfortunately, there are several RAMdisk
implementations, all require patching of EOS in order to function, and
the patches are incompatible.

V. Escape Through the Universal Application?

The guiding design principle in my enhanced SmartBASIC 1.x
interpreter (released 1991) was that all available ADAM hardware should be
supported with high-level commands, and something simple like editing an
ASCII text data file should be sufficient to change hardware configurations.
Since I included all the driver code as part of the application, and didn't
try to patch it into EOS, I was completely successful. I was literally
creating my own independent programming environment, from which escape was
not necessary because everything you needed to write anything you wanted
was right there :-) But while I have sold 50-odd copies of SmartBASIC 1.x
over the last 6 years, I know of only one programmer besides me who used
SmartBASIC 1.x that way, i.e., for everything.

The ultimate failure of SmartBASIC 1.x was that it could not
directly run existing SmartBASIC programs which were full of PEEKs, POKEs,
and CALLs. I had provided high-level functions which made all those PEEKs,
POKEs, and CALLs unnecessary; yet rather than write new programs with the
new tools, people wanted to run their old ones unchanged. Perhaps if I had
taken a year to write a suite of applications in SmartBASIC 1.x...but I
didn't, and so now I imagine that I am the only one still using SmartBASIC
1.x for anything (I do still use it for everything).

VI. The EOS-8 Project.

Before I had come round to this rather pessimistic viewpoint, I had
considered that I could extend EOS in much the same way I had extended
SmartBASIC. Why not make EOS user-configurable? Design overlay areas at
defined locations in EOS RAM so you could swap in the driver for whatever
serial card you had, or hard drive, etc.; provide pointers to global data
structures so you had the freedom to change the internal organization of
EOS, yet still provide user access to global data; protect the video
routines from reentrancy during interrupts by building a deferral queue;
use the ADAMnet device interface to non-ADAMnet devices by emulation.
After ADAMcon 04, I started work on this project, which I called EOS-8
(since the last official version of EOS was EOS-7). This was ostensibly to
be a group effort involving me, Chris Braymen, Guy Cousineau, and Bruce
Walters, with the programmer's forum on Mark Gordon's Micro Innovations BBS
to be our means of communication. Other than getting a few comments from the
others, I did all the work. (No flames intended.)

The EOS-8 project achieved some interesting proofs of concept. The
ADAMnet emulator idea (with its logical-to-physical device mapping table) was
quite workable, and it survives today in ADAMserve EOS. Using my own
commented disassemblies (from 1988, before I knew that there was a broader
ADAM community) and the source listing from the ADAM Technical Manual I
bought at ADAMcon 04, I regenerated a commented, assemblable source listing
of EOS-5, then optimized away all the junk and spaghetti and waste; the
freed-up space was filled with new EOS-8 features. One version mapped an
Orphanware serial board to the prototype ADAMnet serial device, and a PIA2
printer card to the prototype ADAMnet parallel device; when ADAMcalc was
booted under this EOS, the icons for the prototypes showed up on the device
detect screen--I was probably the first person outside of Lazer Microsystems
to see them actually work--and I had 3 printers to print from instead of
just the ADAM printer. SmartBASIC 2.0 also could talk to the serial/parallel
card as IN #3/PR#3 and PR #4; under EOS-8, I could use a serial terminal in
place of keyboard and screen. Yet another EOS-8 version had drivers for
both the MFM and IDE hard drives loaded simultaneously; I could read/write
both hard drives and copy between them. These were exciting times for me,
because I felt like some kind of software archaeologist, finding fossils of
things which actually did exist once, and would again if awakened in the
right way.

But the EOS-8 project could not achieve its intended goal of being
a universal, all-in-one, support-everything-out-of-the-box operating system,
because of one fundamental limitation: it had to fit into the 8K of EOS RAM
beginning at address E000 hex. EOS provides no top-of-memory function (i.e.,
the address of the highest free memory address available to a user program
without colliding with the operating system). Thus, all of Coleco's EOS
software assumed that E000 hex was the top of memory, because that's where
EOS-5 started. All the extra functionality I wanted to put into EOS-8,
*working* functionality as demonstrated in tests, could not fit into that 8K
limit, no matter how much I squeezed and optimized. If I spilled below
E000 hex, my code would get clobbered by the applications. And in practical
terms, there was no hope of disassembling every single Coleco program to
figure out its memory map and change it (either by patching--very lucky--or
by wholesale rewriting/reassembly--a huge job with no source).

A possible solution to the space problem would be to write a bank-
switched EOS; that is, use XRAM as additional storage and either swap
needed routines in and out of intrinsic RAM, or else transfer control directly
to code located in XRAM. The difficulties with this solution include (1)
applications (like SmartWriter and File Manager) which usurp XRAM for their
own use, regardless of what's there already; (2) handling interrupts
(especially non-maskable) during XRAM bank switching; and (3) determining the
current memory configuration (including application XRAM usage) so that the
correct configuration can be restored at exit. (2) and (3) are especially
problematic because the Video Display Processor (VDP) registers and all the
memory map control ports are write-only; you can't read them back to find
out what their current value is. Thus, unless the program saves the contents
of all these write-only registers somewhere for its own reference, there's
no way to tell what they are; and if the bank of RAM containing the copies
gets switched out, there's no way to read it. The only foolproof way would
be to add hardware (latch chips on every write-only control port) to allow
reading back of current VDP and memory map status. Of course, anything which
requires new ADAM hardware can never have widespread use; so again, what's
the point? This last objection can be overcome if I switch to Marcel de
Kogel's ADAM emulator; I can modify the emulator code to save any I/O port
data I want, without having to actually build the hardware. But I'm not
quite ready to discard the physical ADAM in favor of a virtual version.

VII. Future Directions for ADAM Operating Systems.

I think that the most promising avenue for ADAM operating system
advancement lies in the adaptation of CP/M 3.0. Now that Caldera are
giving away the source to both CP/M 2.2 and 3.0 (,
it is becoming tempting for me to think about porting CP/M 3.0 to the ADAM.
Why 3.0 instead of 2.2? For starters, 3.0 supports lots of the command
shell enhancements that the TDOS users are accustomed to, as well as time/
date stamping of files. The biggest attraction for me, however, is that
CP/M 3.0 was designed to accommodate a bank-switched operating system.
Some of the crufty optimizations of TDOS (in order to maximize the Transient
Program Area, TPA, effectively the memory used by programs) could go away
if some of the operating system could be moved to XRAM. I have not yet
obtained the CP/M 3.0 source; but I'd like to, soon.

As for EOS, I don't think that much can be done beyond what already
has been implemented as part of the HARDDISK shell and its ADAMserve variant.
There are just too many existing "must-have" programs which are not
maintainable/modifiable in their current state (such as PowerPaint and all
the patches-to-SmartBASIC-type "applications"), and the requirements of
backward compatibility are too extreme.

I would, of course, like to hear other opinions on this topic. My
views are just that, mine, and not necessarily correct or the definitive
word on the subject.

See you next week!


Richard F. Drushel, Ph.D. | "Aplysia californica" is your taxonomic
Department of Biology, Slug Division | nomenclature. / A slug, by any other
Case Western Reserve University | name, is still a slug by nature.
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7080 U.S.A. | -- apologies to Data, "Ode to Spot"

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