This is a reminder that NetBSD mailing lists are open to the general
public, and a short explanation of the commands used to access
the lists.
The NetBSD mailing lists may be accessed by sending mail to:
Commands for majordomo MUST be in the body of the message; commands
in the Subject line or elsewhere in the headers are ignored.
Some of the known commands:
Retrieve a list of majordomo's commands.
Show the lists managed by the NetBSD majordomo.
info <list>
Retrieve the general introductory information for the
named list.
subscribe <list> [<address>]
Subscribe to the named list, using the named address (if
an address is given). If no address is specified,
majordomo will figure out your return address from
your e-mail headers.
It is recommended that new users not subscribe themselves to
a large number of the available mailing lists. Instead, they
should subscribe to one or two to begin with, and add more
as their interest grows.
unsubscribe <list> [<address>]
Unsubscribe the named address from the named list. If
no address is specified, majordomo will determine
the address to unsubscribe by looking at your mail headers.
which [<address>]
Find out which mailing lists the specified address (or your
return address, if none is specified) is subscribed to.
'which' will list all addresses which contain a substring
that matches the address or string given.
Bug reports or comments about this FAQ should be sent to:
Bug reports about the most recent release of NetBSD should be sent to:
Users of the NetBSD-current software are expected to subscribe to:
Discussions and bugs reports about NetBSD-current should be sent there.
Please send submissions for comp.os.386bsd.announce to: