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IICS SoFlo Meeting

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Dec 19, 1994, 7:36:30 PM12/19/94
The first meeting of the south Florida Chapter of the International
Interactive Communications Society will be held on Tuesday, January 24,
1995 at 7:30 P.M. at Venture Productions, 16505 NW 13th Avenue, Miami,
Florida. Contact person is Janet Aberman at (407) 995-7000, extension

IICS is the professional association in interactive multimedia. It is a
non-profit with chapters in 32 cities worldwide and over 5,000 members.
It has been in existence for 11 years.

The subject of the meeting is an overview of interactive multimedia & the
IICS, what i.m. means to one's business and the future of i.m. We are
going to build a multimedia community in south Florida and be able to
trade information and network. Everyone is invited.

If you have any questions, I am Charles Austin, VP, IICS International,
1994, and VP, IICS Los Angeles Chapter, 1993. I will be relocating to
south Florida at the end of January to head up Venture's New Media
Division. Contact me at

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