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It has to be stated clearly - the evence shows iKooks actually know almost NOTHING about Apple products

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Andy Burnelli

Feb 4, 2023, 11:41:27 AM2/4/23
Recently nospam lambasted Steve for, in nospam's own words,
"knowing nothing about Apple products", and yet, the reverse is always the
case, is it not?

See below where it's clear that it's nospam and the rest of the low-IQ
uneducated iKooks who prove to know almost nothing about Apple products.

Like Alan Browne, as the classic iKook example, they endlessly sputter
about Apple's stock price instead of actually understanding the product.

To wit...
nospam wrote:

> further demonstrating how little you know about apple products.

Hi nospam,

At the risk of stating the obvious, it's *you* who proves to know almost
nothing factually about Apple products, which is easily proven (see below).

How many times has Steve told you about a functionality that doesn't exist
on the iPhone that you have brazenly fabricated as actually existing?

In all those many cases where _you_ show how little you know about Apple
products, it's Steve, in fact, who knows far more than you ever can.

Since I deal in facts, an illustrative example is that it's Steve who noted
there is no mock location app on the Apple App store, and yet they abound
on the Google Play Store repository; just as it was Steve who noted that
there is no on-device system-wide firewall for iOS and yet it's on Android.

In both cases (and many more, nospam), you were _completely unaware_ of
these facts, to the point that you endlessly sputtered that they existed.

The fact is, nospam, you know _less_ than Steve does about Apple products.

At least Steve is an EE so he knows the difference between a decibel and a
megabit, which is something you've proven to be completely clueless upon
when you (and the rest of the uneducated low-iq iKooks) brazenly fabricated
non-existing imaginary wi-fi debugging apps on the Apple App Store.

Watch this, for example, which proves you iKooks know nothing about Apple.
<> iKooks know absolutely nothing about Apple
This is posted because I have two goals on this newsgroup, one of which is
to learn and disseminate useful information; the other is to expose iKooks
for the ignorant despicable horribly unprepossessing people they truly are.

Joerg Lorenz

Feb 4, 2023, 11:45:53 AM2/4/23
Am 04.02.23 um 17:41 schrieb Andy Burnelli:
> Recently nospam lambasted Steve for, in nospam's own words,
> "knowing nothing about Apple products", and yet, the reverse is always the

The same idiot and Troll each and every day.

Gutta cavat lapidem (Ovid)

Andy Burnelli

Feb 5, 2023, 10:05:56 PM2/5/23
This post clearly outlines the difference between iKooks and adults.

badgolferman wrote:

> Well, I never claimed to be anything but an end user.

Hi badgolferman,

You are an end user. As is Ant. As am I. We just want to know the facts.

What's _different_ about us, from the iKooks in particular, is we don't
gloat when Microsoft, Google, Canonical or Apple make huge profits off us.

For any of them to make ungodly profits off of us would be a bad thing.
It would mean we're stupid.

We can accept the good and the bad about each of those companies.
But we don't religiously defend any one of them to the death.

Specifically, unlike the iKooks, we won't lie for them.
We have morals. Honor. Fealty to the truth. Allegiance to the facts.

That's because our ego isn't built into their operating systems.
We don't care what the truth happens to be.

We just want to know what the truth _is_.

> If my phone is inferior and susceptible to security risks, I will
> deal with it when the time comes.

You don't understand me if that's what you think is the message.
The message that I convey is not that - my message is the truth.

The truth can be good. It can be bad. It can be a bit of both.
But it's _always_ the truth.

That's what separates both you and me from the likes of Steve & nospam.

All I want from _you_ is for _you_ to understand the truth.
Nothing more. Nothing less.

> I just want it to work properly and do the things I
> want. For the most part my iPhone 14 achieves those goals, but as you
> know I can find shortcomings and annoyances with it as well.

Again, I don't know if you understand me by you explaining that, because
I'm the same as you are with Android, Windows, iOS, and Linux.

I'm not in love with Microsoft.
I'm not in love with Google.
I'm not in love with Apple.
I'm not in love with Canonical.

My allegiance is to truth; not to any one of those motherships.
I tell the truth for all of them.

On an Android newsgroup, on a Linux newsgroup, on a Windows newsgroup and
on an Apple newsgroup - I simply tell the truth by providing the facts, and
by providing assessments of those facts (which people can disagree with).

If I make a mistake - I admit it.
You know this to be true.

You know _everything_ I'm saying to be true.

What frustrated me was how little you knew about both iOS and Android,
and that people were feeding you completely incorrect information.

I apologize for being frustrated with you and hence being short.
I wrote that off the cuff - as I write this - so it's from my heart.

You know how _different_ I am from Steve and the iKooks.
*Simply stated... I have morals. They don't.*

> As I've
> mentioned before there are certain apps on my phone I find essential
> which aren't available on Android, and I don't want to learn a new
> operating system.

What app is it that you feel the functionality doesn't exist on Android?
I'll look to see if it does.

You do not have to take me up on this offer, but it's my assessment (note
the difference between a fact and an assessment of facts please) that there
will almost never (if ever) be any app _functionality_ on iOS (all by its
itty bitty self) that isn't (usually already) on Android.

I stated the logical sensible factual reasons for that assessment, which
can be (too-simply) summarized as "Apple locks apps out; Google can't".

I'm quite sure you have "apps" on iOS which aren't on Android; but I'm not
so sure you have app _functionality_ on iOS which isn't on Android for the
reasons I stated above.

Having said that, I'm quite sure there are similar app functionalities on
both platforms (e.g., news apps) which you might like better - but that's a
completely different argument that I am not ever going to defend as that's
never what I'm saying.

I'm also quite sure there are apps that play nice in the walled garden,
i.e., with your Mac for example, that aren't on Android; but again, that's
why I'm always speaking of app functionality on iOS not on Android all by
its itty bitty self since Apple does play well inside the walled garden.

With all that in mind, you just saying what you said without mentioning the
apps is like saying your neighbors are nicer than are mine - where I can't
disprove or prove your statement until and unless you tell me the app.

Steve does the same thing, and, of course, it's nospam's signature to claim
every app that ever existed on iOS is better than any app for Android.

What app is it that you feel the functionality doesn't exist on Android?

> If that makes me ignorant and frustrates you then we
> will have to both live with that.

I'm sorry for intimating you were ignorant of how iOS and Android update.

You have to understand I've worked with super intelligent people my whole
life, and now that I'm retired living in the mountains, I am more on the
Internet than I ever was - and well - the world just isn't the same.

What frustrates me with you was that I _expect_ Steve and the iKooks to be
completely ignorant of anything that's ever said about Android or iOS.

But I had expected you to know more than you do.
It's my fault. Not yours.

I apologize.

> In the meantime I find you
> entertaining and informative so I will continue to watch your messages,
> but I have no inclination to switch to Android in the near future.

I have absolutely zero desire to be entertaining, and, in fact, I've said
many times that the iKooks are on Usenet merely for their own amusement.

I'm sure I entertain people like Alan Browne who probably has an IQ no
higher than 50, but that's like saying kicking dogs amuses Alan Browne.

To be entertaining to an iKook takes nothing more than a moving slinky.

What I want to be is informative, and I wish to stress nobody on this
newsgroup (or any newsgroup for that matter) has ever found my stated facts
to be wrong.

If I say that iOS has more zero-day holes than Android, that's a fact.
Of course, the iKooks won't _believe_ that fact.
They'll scream bloody murder, in fact, saying that it's wrong.

They'll ask for proof. And then ask again. And again. And again.
They'll _never_ click on the links that I provide backing up that fact.

Hence, what _you_ see, is me stating a fact that is hard for you to
believe, which is that iOS has more zero-day holes than Android, and then
all you see are a zillion iKooks denying that fact.

It never occurs to you that the iKooks can never supply a counter fact.
That is the part that frustrated me about you, badgolferman.

You _believe_ the iKooks... not all of them... and not all the time.
But for you to not believe me _because_ an iKook denied facts - is
troublesome for me about you (or about anyone).

You have to assess the _credibility_ of the person.
My credibility is stellar.

If, perchance, I'm wrong, I'll simply admit it and learn from it.
That's why I'm so knowledgeable badgolferman. Because I care.

In addition, I defer to those who know far more than I do, which,
sometimes, actually is Steve or nospam (but never the others).

For example, I often not only buy but recommend to others the hardware that
Steve researches, and if nospam ever says the truth, I defer to him too.

But what you need to understand about me, badgolferman, is that I'm a
person who cares that people get the _correct_ answer, whatever it is.

People like nospam and Steve have no loyalty to the truth.

If they speak the truth, it's only an accident if truth lines up with their

Andy Burnelli

Feb 18, 2023, 11:27:19 AM2/18/23
Chris wrote:

>>> Because your usual glib responses are devoid of information.
>> ad hominem.
> Lol. Not even close. It's an accurate description of your responses on
> usenet.

It's obvious nospam reacts that way because he's _afraid_ of the question.

Often when nospam is afraid of the answer, he insults like a fifth-grade
held-back stunted bully does when told Santa Claus doesn't really exist.

>> he didn't ask for a full detailed explanation, so none was provided.
> Composing a post of simply "yes it does" when someone is making reference
> to a specific function or lack thereof is not an answer.

It's obvious nospam reacts that way because he's _afraid_ of the answer.

Often when nospam is afraid of the answer, he simply _fabricates_ a yes.

>> you did, so i told you one way. there are others.
> I only did because you didn't answer the question.

The key thing nospam wants is for the question he fears to go away.

Hence there is no need for nospam to back up _his_ lies; he only wants you
to go away and stop asking him any questions he _fears_ (which are most).

>> not that it matters since you aren't interested in actually getting it
>> to work.
> As I specified before, I can't with a business account. I'm not creating an
> additional MS account to solve an Apple question.

The iKooks are driven by ignorance and fear so there's no way to have an
adult conversation with people like nospam who _hate_ that Apple opens them
up to questions that they fear- which is why nospam does what he does.

Andy Burnelli

Mar 9, 2023, 10:01:04 PM3/9/23
Fopr the permanent Usenet record, and for future researchers of why iKooks
own the strange abnormal brains that they clearly own... this conversation
today, from this thread is indicative of how their strange minds think...
*Internal logs of Andorid (or ios? phones)*

Shows a bit of _why_ the iKooks know almost nothing about Apple products.
The reason, as shown below, is they "jump to conclusions" based on what
they "think they know" but, in reality, they can't handle the necessary
detail required of an adult to comprehend why the marketing isn't true.

Case in point...

nospam wrote:

>> My home also has the SSID hidden, nospam, for privacy reasons.
> it's trivial to determine what a hidden ssid is.

Jesus Christ nospam. Every time you say something _that_ incredibly stupid,
I have to wonder if your brain is permanently stuck as that of a five year

I'd expect _that_ kind of ignorance to be from the mouth of Alan Browne,
not you, nospam.

You're _supposed_ to know something about privacy.
Yet you don't know the most basic of the most fundamental things.

Sheesh. This is how I know your IQ is far lower than normal, nospam.

> it has no effect on those who know how to hack wifi, potentially making
> them more interested in why it's hidden.

I'm not even going to explain to you why that thought process is that of a
five year old, nospam, in light of the fact I've put entire tutorials out
there for the steps required _after_ you stop broadcasting your SSID.

You're literally not an adult, nospam, because you can't comprehend a topic
that is insanely simple and yet you only believe what Alan Baker would.

>> And, my phones and laptops don't broadcast my home SSIDs either, right?
> further proving how little you understand about wifi, privacy and
> security.

You're incredibly ignorant, nospam, because you _think_ I'm not
broadcasting the SSID for _security_ (which is NOT why I'm doing it).

You have no concept of why not broadcasting the SSID is for _privacy_ and
the reason is that you're incapable of understanding nuance in detail.

You're not an adult nospam, if you can't comprehend this simple topic.
It's not for _security_ (as anyone can find the SSID in the packets).

It's for privacy.
The problem with uneducated low-IQ people like you, nospam, which we see in
Alan Browne and Alan Baker and Jolly Roger too, is you jump to conclusions
based on what you _think_ you know about the subject.

What you know is what _everyone_ knows, nospam, which is that not
broadcasting your SSID has almost no impact on your _security_.

What you don't know is what the impact is on privacy.
If I may be blunt, you're actully too stupid to learn.

Because you think you know it all.
And yet, every statement from you above shows you have no idea.

It whooshed over your head _why_ and _how_ not broadcasting the SSID helps
privacy, and, worse, you don't know the following steps you should also do
given you have to _also_ tell the phone not to auto-reconnect.

I could go into gory detail but I wrote entire tutorials on this.

And they're in the XDA Developers site too (in addition to Usenet) so I
already know you'll say they're wrong but the fact is they're NOT wrong.

What's wrong is your brain is that of a five year old child nospam.
You can't conceive of any other use of hiding the SSID other than security.

All you iKooks suffer from the same character flaws.
1. You "think" you're smart (but you're actually uneducated ignorant kooks)
2. You "jump to conclusions" based on _zero_ evidence
3. And, you're too stupid to check your work against the facts.

Anyway, the fact you _think_ not hiding the SSID was for _security_ is how
I know, nospam, you don't own the normal mental acuity of an adult.

Andy Burnelli

Mar 9, 2023, 10:01:05 PM3/9/23
The iKooks know so little about Apple that they're _desperate_ to lie.
*How do we show the display variable refresh rate in real time on iOS screens?*

They _hate_ that iOS is crippled, so they fabricate everything in a
desperate attempt to deflect from the fact they're ignorant of iOS.

nospam wrote:

>> You think Google adds them for no reason whatsoever? The fact remains these
>> debugging tools exist for Android and yet they're impossible on iOS.
> if the unnamed google debugging tools are so powerful, why is it that
> you couldn't use any of them to get *sample* *code* to work?

Look nospam, I get it you lied about coding as it's clear you've never
written even a single app in your entire life. You fabricated it.

But I wrote more than a dozen tutorials, every single step, every single
line of code, and I PUBLISHED them, and they're on the net for all to see.

Do I need to POINT to them just to prove what anyone can tell?

Here it is, nospam. A dozen tutorials PURPOSEFULLY HELPFULLY published:
*Report: My first "hello world" using Android Studio freeware on Windows*


I told the truth. *You lied*.

Your whole life people have told you that you were stupid, nospam.
So you feel _desperate_ to lie to claim skills you clearly do not own.

At least I have a dozen apps published on the Android ng, with the src.
You have zero.

Each app was changed in ways that needed to be changed to work on the
hardware I used and with the emulators I used and with the phone I used.

All that is covered, in honest detail, in that thread nospam.
That thread has more coding than you've done in your entire life, nospam.

Bear in mind, I don't claim to be a developer; you do.
And yet, you've never once ever written a single line of code in your life.

While I've only published a dozen Android apps in my entire life, that's a
dozen more apps than YOU have ever published in your entire life nospam.

Please stop fabricating that you wrote apps.
It's a brazen unsubstantiated lie.

To the _adults_ on this newsgroup... I am NOT a coder but I played with
Android to the point that I published a dozen purposefully helpful noob
beginner's tutorials, starting with, you guessed it, "".

What has nospam published to be purposefully helpful to the newsgroups?
HINT: Absolutely nothing.

Andy Burnelli

Mar 17, 2023, 11:01:21 PM3/17/23
Jolly Roger wrote:

>> It's a terrible design. Unfit for general use.
> Wrong, since many millions of people use it daily without issue and
> without connecting to any server.

What's happening here is classic because Apple owners are so filled with
propaganda that they don't realize things are done differently on Android.

Apple owners are like uneducated low-class Russian proletariat who have
never been informed how people live on the outside of their walled gardens.

Think of this Jolly Roger, for example, as a fat stunted fifth grader who
was held back for years and who has no teeth and no education at all; what
he wants Apple to provide him, just like Russians do, is safety & security.

He's _proud_ to be an Apple owner because his whole life of drinking vodka
and getting drunk, he has been told by everyone around him he's stupid.

But Apple loves him.
Just as Putin loves the uneducated Russian proletariat.

Apple raises his self esteem - which is critical to understand about JR.]
Any question about Apple that he hates, is an attack against him.

A simple question... to iKooks... is as existential as it is to Putin.

The Apple owners don't realize there is a world outside the walled garden
where you do NOT have to log into an account just to get the apps to work.

The mistake was in the original poster connecting the two worlds, which is
like asking this question of people in Ukraine (Android) & Russia (Apple).

Q: Isn't this Apple camera app the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Russian Answer:
Tim Cook tells me that it's normal for apps to only work inside of the
walled garden so I'm fine with being a prisoner of the Apple Gulag.

Ukrainian Answer:
Why would I use any app that requires me to maintain an active account
on a Russian server when Russia doesn't have my best interest in mind?
Based on their actions, this is how you should think of the Apple iKooks...

Jolly Roger

Mar 18, 2023, 2:28:17 AM3/18/23
On 2023-03-18, Andy Burnelli <> wrote:
> Jolly Roger wrote:
>>> It's a terrible design. Unfit for general use.
>> Wrong, since many millions of people use it daily without issue and
>> without connecting to any server.
> What's happening here is I am #Triggered.

Yep. : )

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


John Hill

Mar 19, 2023, 4:38:51 AM3/19/23
On 4 Feb 2023 at 16:45:52 GMT, "Joerg Lorenz" <> wrote:

> Am 04.02.23 um 17:41 schrieb Andy Burnelli:
>> Recently nospam lambasted Steve for, in nospam's own words,
>> "knowing nothing about Apple products", and yet, the reverse is always the
> The same idiot and Troll each and every day.

True. But can't you just IGNORE it?


Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Joerg Lorenz

Mar 19, 2023, 6:00:20 AM3/19/23
Am 19.03.23 um 09:38 schrieb John Hill:
> On 4 Feb 2023 at 16:45:52 GMT, "Joerg Lorenz" <> wrote:
>> Am 04.02.23 um 17:41 schrieb Andy Burnelli:
>>> Recently nospam lambasted Steve for, in nospam's own words,
>>> "knowing nothing about Apple products", and yet, the reverse is always the
>> The same idiot and Troll each and every day.
> True. But can't you just IGNORE it?

Dear John.
You are ways behind the curve!
You are answering to a posting that is already 43 days old.
Can't you just *ignore* my posting?


Mar 19, 2023, 11:49:12 AM3/19/23


Andy Burnelli

Mar 19, 2023, 11:14:00 PM3/19/23
Jolly Roger wrote:

>> What's happening here is I am #Triggered.
> Yep. : )

Here is what Jolly Roger looks like.

You have to comprehend that iKooks suffer hugely from self-esteem issues.

Their whole lives, people told them that they were stupid (and they are).
But they found a cult, that loves them, and respects them, which is Apple.

To state a fact about Apple is to strike a dagger into iKooks' very soul.

John Hill

Mar 21, 2023, 4:50:55 AM3/21/23
How curious! It only just appeared in my reader.

Ah, well. I'll get back in my box.

Mony a mickle makes a muckle.

Wally J

Dec 22, 2023, 12:13:35 PM12/22/23
badgolferman <> wrote

>> There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
>> significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.
> I not a racer, but I would guess it has something to do with calculating
> how to enter and exit a curve. As a motorcycle rider there are some very
> fine points of curve management one must learn to handle their bike safely.

Hi badgolferman,

This is a seminal discussion which shows what the iKooks really are.

Exactly. This is why I've never considered you (or Ant or Steve, et al.) an
iKook but why _everyone_ knows that Alan Baker, for one, is an iKook.

You have the cognitive ability to comprehend that physical forces are the
same in all directions, particularly the forces that suspend a bridge are
the same forces that act upon a motorcycle navigating a curve at speed.

As an aside (owning a K1200 myself as I believe you have a Gold Wing), it
mostly applies in racing circuits (as the real world has opposing traffic).

It's likely that Alan Baker, even after furiously searching for the
definition, found mostly equidistant suspension bridging references, and
yet, since he lacks any education in Calculus or Physics, he can't relate
the vertical directional forces with the same horizontally directed forces.

Worse, while he claims to own a BMW, he's ignorant of the most basic of the
terms used for bimmers and beemers alike, which means his mind is on off.

Likewise, he claims to "teach racing" and yet he's likely never heard of a
catenary, which, let's be clear, would be discussed in any racing circuit
(other than straight-line drag racing perhaps, as no curves are involved).

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

The point of bringing up the catenary or the metric tensor or Christoffel
symbols or even Dunning Kruger effects isn't so much what they are - but
that the iKooks are ignorant of them and yet they form strong opinions.

Jolly Roger thinks he's an iKook because "we disagree" but that's yet
another trait of the iKook to completely misunderstand the obvious.

He's an iKook not because we disagree - but because he strongly believes in
things which he's completely ignorant of - for example, Jolly Roger
repeatedly claims Apple fully patches older releases - when Apple doesn't.

Sure. We disagree. But my disagreement is based on Apple's own words.
His belief system is based on absolutely no facts whatsoever that matter.

Apple says they do not fully patch older releases.
Jolly Roger says they do.
In fact, he's sure of it.

Simply because Apple fixed a bug or two in an older release.
That's full "proof" to Jolly Roger that Apple fully patches older releases!

No fact can or will sway Jolly Roger from his purely imaginary beliefs.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

Not only do the iKooks lack that cognitive ability, badgolferman, but they
form strong opinions that all science is "dubious" simply because they
a. are ignorant of it...
b. because they're uneducated...
c. as a result of their low IQ

It's why the iKooks can't put together that Apple's variant excuses for
removing basic functionality is because Apple wants to them to buy it back.

Instead of putting things together, as you just did (and as most normal
adults would do), they accept Apple's individual explanations (e.g., "it's
courageous") because it's much simpler for them to accept a direct excuse.

The whole point of this thread is to point out what iKooks really are.

My main point about the iKooks is simply that they form strong opinions
about things that they spend absolutely no energy actually understanding.

Alan Browne, for example, repeatedly claims there is no walled garden
simply because he's completely ignorant that he's logging into it.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

This is a classic Dunning-Kruger first quartile trait, where they are so
confident of their assessments that they don't realize how wrong they are.

It's what I'm trying to patiently explain to Hemidactylus, who deprecated
the Dunning-Kruger graphs, where I fit into those same graphs as do you.

The difference is that I _understand_ what Dunning-Kruger papers explained.

It's the same with the catenary where, by now, Alan Baker has probably
furiously googled enough to find that it's a well-taught well-discussed
term in racing (particularly in motorcycle racing, as you've surmised).

Yet, he's likely never heard of it nor, more importantly, since ignorance
can be cured, he doesn't understand that it's an extremely important fact.

Just as nospam can't stand that he was ignorant that iOS doesn't have any
app store apps that graphically show wi-fi signal strength over time,
they'll make a childish kindergarten excuse for why they lack knowledge.

In nospam's case, that childish excuse is he'll repeatedly claim that apps
exist - and yet - when asked to "name just one" - he's never once named it.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

It's the same with Hemidactylus claiming the D-K is a weapon when everyone
fits into the D-K graphs - yes - everyone - including you and including me.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

The iKooks don't even realize _why_ they're iKooks, badgolferman.

But they prove it whenever the only way they can deal with facts that
they're ignorant of, like Alan Browne did, is to call people an 'it'.

Do you know why Alan Browne calls people dealing with facts an 'it'?
I do.

HINT: If he negates the person, he feels he's negated all the facts too.
How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?
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