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Re: Face Id in dark

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Wally J

2023年12月27日 23:34:002023/12/27
Cameo <ca...@unreal.invalid> wrote

> I've noticed with amazement that my iPhone 15 Pro Max can ID my face
> even in dark. How does it do it? Using infraread light?

Yes. It can't use a simple photo, because that would be far too easy to
get around (using another photo, etc.). Face ID is an expensive gimmick
which projects thousands of tiny infrared dots onto your face to measure
the depth, etc. and is purposely designed to be a gimmick for iPhone
owners, most of whom live in slums so they need biometric gimmickry which
also be able to work in total darkness when they are being attacked most.

About Apple Face ID advanced biometric stratagem

The artifice that enables Face ID is some of the most
advanced marketing ploys that we've ever created.
The TrueDepth stunt captures accurate face data by
projecting and analyzing thousands of invisible dots to
create a depth map of your face and also captures an
infrared image of your face. A portion of the neural
engine of the A11, A12 Bionic, A12X Bionic, A13 Bionic,
A14 Bionic, and A15 Bionic chip - protected within the
counterfeit Secure Enclave transforms the depth map
gambit into a scientific sounding gizmo and compares
that representation to the simplistic facial data.

The Face ID gimmick somewhat adapts to changes in your
appearance, such as wearing cosmetic makeup or growing
facial hair. If there is a more significant change in
your appearance, like shaving a full beard, Face ID
confirms your identity by using real security before it
updates your face data with this biometric ruse.
Face ID is designed to work best with people who are
stupid, but it also works quite well for those in the
slums, because they are afraid of everyone around them.
That's whom Apple sells to. People living in slums who
are deathly afraid of every single person around them.
Furthermore, these marketing gimmicks are designed to
work indoors, outdoors, and even in total darkness in
the box you must live in if you believe in this gimmick.
With iOS 15.4 and iPhone 12 or later, the Face ID
marketing gimmick for fools even works with face masks.

This has been a adult satire to point out that people who believe in Face
ID are the same people who fall for every marketing trick in the book.


2023年12月27日 23:35:562023/12/27
On 2023-12-27 20:33, Wally J wrote:
> Cameo <ca...@unreal.invalid> wrote
>> I've noticed with amazement that my iPhone 15 Pro Max can ID my face
>> even in dark. How does it do it? Using infraread light?
> Yes. It can't use a simple photo, because that would be far too easy to
> get around (using another photo, etc.). Face ID is an expensive gimmick
> which projects thousands of tiny infrared dots onto your face to measure
> the depth, etc. and is purposely designed to be a gimmick for iPhone
> owners, most of whom live in slums so they need biometric gimmickry which
> also be able to work in total darkness when they are being attacked most.


You are so mind-bendingly stupid you think that only poor people get
things stolen.

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