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Voice commands google maps

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F Murtz

Jun 22, 2021, 3:50:59 AM6/22/21
google maps voice says,did not get that first time round,try again and
works when I do ,it does this each time I ask


Jun 22, 2021, 6:46:55 AM6/22/21
F Murtz <> wrote:

> google maps voice says,did not get that first time round,try again and
> works when I do ,it does this each time I ask

Tried killing off all the backgrounds apps (no, not just hide their
windows, but actually unload them) to reduce CPU load, and retest?

At the time you use your voice to issue a request, what is the signal

Is English your native language? If so, are you trying to emulate
Midwestern cant, or speaking something like Ebonics, deep Southern, mush
mouth, or such? There really isn't much learning available in the app
(it has some voice recognition, but is not like a desktop program with
more code and designed for more learning, like Dragon.

In fact, I don't see a voice training option in the app. Maybe it
borrows on voice recognition used by Google Assistant. Open Assistant
settings, and go to Voice Match. I have "Hey Google" disabled, because
too often the Assistant has heard something I've said to someone, and
started a search along with its audio announcement of its finds. When
enabled, there is a "Voice model" suboption. However, all that does is
train the Assistant to recognize "Hey Google" and "OK Google", not for
extensive training on how you speak to match up an extensive dictionary
of words to your speech. You may have to adapt how your speak to what
the app will recognize.

How far away is the phone's mic from your mouth? If you have it, for
example, on your car's dash, the road noise (not just through the air
but also transmitted through the solids, like the dash into the phone)
and it farther distance may require you yell louder, and pronunciate
more distinctly, especially for constonants.


Jun 22, 2021, 11:02:41 AM6/22/21
F Murtz wrote on 22.06.2021 03:50
> google maps voice says,did not get that first time round,try again and
> works when I do ,it does this each time I ask

Isn't "OK Google" supposed to preface the Google Maps voice questions?

First question to everyone is does the Google Maps "OK Google" questioning
rely on the _same_ Internet voice translation as the default speech to text?

The default speech to text is via the "Google" search app (which is why is the only Google core app I can't
just disable altogether - because I frequently use speech to text for SMS).

But more often than not, Google apps use a _different_ input mechanism.
So the second question is whether Google Maps has its own voice input?

It seems perhaps (maybe) the "OK Google" part perhaps isn't set up right?
I have "OK Google" turned off, but the OP might want to check settings.

Now where _are_ those "OK Google" settings anyway........
(Do you think they buried them deeply enough yet?)

Android11 Settings > Google > Settings for Google apps > Search Assistant &
Voice > Voice > {there are a bunch of settings there the OP may check}

An example is "Voice Match" which says it's to "Talk to the Google Assistant
to get things done" or "Languages" (if English isn't the OP's native
language - which - based on his post - it might very well not be).

There are also settings for bluetooth audio recording if the OP is using
bluetooth with the maps (which a lot of people do for hands free mode).

Again I must confess I don't use anything from Google that I don't have to
so I'm only trying to help but I don't "talk" to Google Maps but I do think
Google Maps "might" (perhaps) be using a _different_ voice input mechanism
than do all the other apps that do voice input.

It may simply be that the OP's "OK Google" isn't being recognized quickly
enough (if he's even using those keywords in the first place).

Isn't "OK Google" supposed to preface the Google Maps voice questions?

John Doe

Jun 23, 2021, 5:53:38 PM6/23/21
VanguardLH <V...@nguard.LH> wrote:

> F Murtz <> wrote:
>> google maps voice says,did not get that first time round,try again and
>> works when I do ,it does this each time I ask

> Is English your native language? If so, are you trying to emulate
> Midwestern cant, or speaking something like Ebonics, deep Southern, mush
> mouth, or such? There really isn't much learning available in the app
> (it has some voice recognition, but is not like a desktop program with
> more code and designed for more learning, like Dragon.

I have been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for 20 years. Speech
recognition doesn't learn. You must change the way you speak. That
includes DNS.

> In fact, I don't see a voice training option in the app.

Doesn't matter anyway. Maybe Google knows better.

Apparently not the original poster's problem, but... Perhaps the best way
to make it work (like I did) is to buy a digital speech recorder for
making voice notes. Every time you make a short note, hit the play button
(save and then playback is a single button on my 27-year-old Olympus
digital speech recorder). You might be surprised upon hearing your own
voice, how much your speech has room for improvement. When you know the
recording sucks, re-record it until you get it right. Repeat that over and
over during the day for months or however long and eventually you can
speak clearly enough for a stupid computer to work with your voice.
Google's speech recognition might be much easier (at least eventually),
since it's sent to Google's powerful computers for processing.

F Murtz

Jun 29, 2021, 10:46:31 AM6/29/21
I smashed my phone and this is a replacement (same model but two years
later)It is also making me have two goes with other aps but not on the
main question bar.

Carlos E. R.

Jun 30, 2021, 4:25:22 PM6/30/21
On 22/06/2021 09.50, F Murtz wrote:
> google maps voice says,did not get that first time round,try again and
> works when I do ,it does this each time I ask

There has been a recen update to "google" tool which broke many things.

Carlos E.R.
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