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Which recent 2019 & 2020 Android phones do NOT come with a charger in the box (that are in the price range of an iPhone)?

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Arlen Holder

Oct 16, 2020, 11:14:19 PM10/16/20
Which recent 2019 & 2020 Android phones do NOT come with a charger in the
box (that are around a thousand bucks or so for the phone)?

On the Apple newsgroups, the apologists are defending Apple's el cheapo
move to eliminate the basic amenities we all have come to expect.

Of course, nospam blames Android saying the Android phones do it, but every
time I check nospam's claims on Android, they turn out to be patently false

What's the scoop on Android phones _not_ coming with a charger in the box.
o Which ones do you know of that don't come with a charger in the box?
Note: Assume we're talking the price range of an iPhone for this query.


Oct 18, 2020, 12:56:07 PM10/18/20
Arlen Holder wrote:

> Which recent 2019 & 2020 Android phones do NOT come with a charger in
> the box (that are around a thousand bucks or so for the phone)?

None that I know of. Since I've always bought premium Android phones
over the years I have a bag full various old chargers. So I really
didn't need the new charger that came in the box with my current Galaxy S10+
phone. Especially since I use a wireless charger...

> On the Apple newsgroups, the apologists are defending Apple's el
> cheapo move to eliminate the basic amenities we all have come to
> expect.

No doubt Apple will save money with the change. But I also have a bag
full of iPhone (and iPad) chargers from the wife's Apple stuff that I've
saved over the years. So I for one won't miss the missing charger when she
gets her next iPhone. And (you guessed it) she also uses a wireless
charger anyway.

So perhaps this may be a good Apple move for the environment and less
electronic waste...

BTW I don't monitor the Apple groups but since Arlen crossposted this in
an Android group I thought I would comment. Apologies if the point has
already been made...

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 1:12:33 PM10/18/20
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 09:56:04 -0700, 123456789 wrote:

>> Which recent 2019 & 2020 Android phones do NOT come with a charger in
>> the box (that are around a thousand bucks or so for the phone)?
> None that I know of.

Thanks for that input, which I had figured out was most likely the case
because, as always, I googled before I posted the question for more info.

*nospam blames Android for basically EVERYTHING he _hates_ about Apple.*

Every time nospam spouts his bullshit defending Apple's every move, he
blames Android for decisions that Apple clearly made.

He did it with headphone jacks for example, and when we checked it out, it
turns out that literally more than 99.5% of all Android devices have
headphone jacks.

So nospam literally blames 0.5% of the Android devices for Apple's
decisions! (It's what apologists do.)

Likewise, nospam blamed Android for Apple's decision to throttle batteries,
secretly, purposefully (which Apple admitted to the law) to _decrease_ the
life of iPhones (even as Apple published MARKETING bullshit to the contrary
that they were secretly halving CPU speeds to _increase_ the life if

Similarly, nospam constantly touts how "great" the Apple CPUs are, and yet
he seems completely unaware that no Android phone pulls the drastic
throttling after about a year that Apple does on almost all current iPhones
out there.

More so, nospam touts how "secure" the Apple iPhones are compared to
Android and yet, again, he's shockingly immune to the fact that almost
every Apple iPhone ever made has huge unfixable non-patchable security
holes you can drive a Mack truck through.

nospam blames Android for basically EVERYTHING he hates about Apple.

> So perhaps this may be a good Apple move for the environment and less
> electronic waste...

I don't mind anyone discussing _logically_ why Apple did it, which Kuo said
1. Apple did it to offset the surrender cost of BILLIONS to Qualcomm, and,
2. Apple will gain appreciable revenue off people buying those accessories.
HINT: Apple kicked out competitors from the Apple store just this month.

For anyone to "believe" Apple did this "for the kids", is just ridiculous
o I don't have the time to list all the things Apple does that's bad for
the environment, e.g., non compatible devices, repair shenanigans on
screens, repair shenanigans on battery replacements, battery throttling
which Apple _admitted_ to the law that they did on purpose expressly to
_decrease_ the life of iPhones, etc.

Note to naysayers: All these above are supported by the facts.

> BTW I don't monitor the Apple groups but since Arlen crossposted this in
> an Android group I thought I would comment. Apologies if the point has
> already been made...

What's interesting on the Apple newsgroup is the consistency
o Apologists defended _every_ Apple move such as this cheaping out tactic
o Yet, they defend it for the _wrong_ reasons (they believe only MARKETING)

Worse, apologists _blame Android_ for everything they hate that Apple does.
o But every time I test their blame claims - they fall flat intantly

Apologists simply make this shit up because they _hate_ what Apple is
o They'd vastly prefer Apple to be what Apple MARKETING claims it it
Anyone who blames Android for Apple's decisions will have to contend with
me looking up the facts - where nospam's blame game always falls flat.

Alan Browne

Oct 18, 2020, 1:29:07 PM10/18/20
On 2020-10-18 12:56, 123456789 wrote:
> So perhaps this may be a good Apple move for the environment and less
> electronic waste...
> BTW I don't monitor the Apple groups but since a troll crossposted this in
> an Android group I thought I would comment. Apologies if the point has
> already been made...

No apology necessary - and yes the reasoning on the environment (which
also goes to smaller packaging and oodles of saved carbon output on
shipping and other things...) has been covered.

Somebody also pointed out that Samsung also intend to stop issuing
chargers with each phone soon (I haven't verified that).

The troll you refer to has launched yet another lame and failed attack
on Apple. Not his first lame and failed attack and likely not his last.


Oct 18, 2020, 1:58:16 PM10/18/20
In article <CX_iH.310181$5_4....@fx40.iad>, Alan Browne
<> wrote:

> > So perhaps this may be a good Apple move for the environment and less
> > electronic waste...
> >
> > BTW I don't monitor the Apple groups but since a troll crossposted this in
> > an Android group I thought I would comment. Apologies if the point has
> > already been made...
> No apology necessary - and yes the reasoning on the environment (which
> also goes to smaller packaging and oodles of saved carbon output on
> shipping and other things...) has been covered.
> Somebody also pointed out that Samsung also intend to stop issuing
> chargers with each phone soon (I haven't verified that).

that was me.

Samsung may not include chargers in the boxes of some of its
smartphones starting in 2021, according to a report from Korean
news site ETNews. The company is taking them out because many
people already have chargers and to help reduce costs, the report

> The troll you refer to has launched yet another lame and failed attack
> on Apple. Not his first lame and failed attack and likely not his last.

definitely not the last.

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 2:08:48 PM10/18/20
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 13:29:05 -0400, Alan Browne wrote:

> No apology necessary - and yes the reasoning on the environment (which
> also goes to smaller packaging and oodles of saved carbon output on
> shipping and other things...) has been covered.

*You apologists are _desperate_ to blame someone for Apple's decisions!*
o *And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*

Apologists like Alan Browne believe _only_ in what Apple MARKETING "says"
o Apologists like Alan Browne are immune to everything Apple actually does

For example, how is it ecologically sound for Apple to force users to
prematurely replace batteries every year in almost all current iPhones?

How is it ecologically sound for Apple to have non-standard accessories?

How is it ecologically sound for Apple to prevent easy repair of iPhones?

How is it ecologically sound for Apple to complain about iPhone re-use
by third parties it hired to DESTROY perfectly good traded in iPhones?

How is it ecologically sound for Apple to remove basic functionality (such
as the ubiquitous headphone jack) just so that they could make millions
selling accessories that last, in most reports, only about a year or two.

This list of what Apple _does_ that is ecologically unsound goes on & on.
o It's _only_ in MARKETING bullshit that Apple cares about the kids

Remember, Apple admitted to the law they purposefully secretly cut iPhone
CPU speeds in half after about a year to _decrease_ the life of iPhones.

NOTE: Every statement above is supported by the facts; so if you wish to
challenge them, try - but I don't bullshit - so you know it's a fact.

*And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*

> Somebody also pointed out that Samsung also intend to stop issuing
> chargers with each phone soon (I haven't verified that).

*You apologists are _desperate_ to blame someone for Apple's decisions!*
o *And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*

That was nospam who _always_ blames everyone but Apple for Apple decisions.
o Why do apologists like Alan Baker & nospam desperately try to shift the blame of Apple bugs to Google & Microsoft?

Every time we check apologists' claims - they turn out to be dead wrong:
o Do any Android phone manufacturers throttle (CPUs, PD Charging, Modems) like Apple consistently does?

Apologists never have any adult responses to facts.
o They only have 7 possible responses to facts that they _hate_ about Apple

o What are the common well-verified psychological traits of the Apple Apologists on this newsgroup?

*And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*

> The troll you refer to has launched yet another lame and failed attack
> on Apple. Not his first lame and failed attack and likely not his last.

*And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*

I love that you apologists call all facts you hate about Apple, trolls.
1. I supported ALL my facts with cites on the Internet
2. I reported, verbatim, exactly what Kuo said is _why_ Apple cheaped out

You apologists, on the other hand, report zero cites (because you have

And you apologists _hate_ the fact that the cites I reported are indeed

You hate it so much that you _attack_ the bearer of those mere facts
a. Because you _hate_ all facts about Apple, and,
b. Because you are _afraid_ of the facts

You're so afraid of the facts, that you call all facts you don't like
o trolls

*You apologists are _desperate_ to blame someone for Apple's decisions!*
o *And yet, the fact remains that Apple cheaped out on the accessories.*
The apologists _hate_ facts about Apple because Apple never turns out to be
what Apple claims it is - and yet - the apologists _only_ believe the
claims - the apologists, like Alan Browne - are utterly immune to the facts

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 2:12:05 PM10/18/20
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 13:58:17 -0400, nospam wrote:

> that was me.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 18, 2020, 3:11:48 PM10/18/20
123456789 <> wrote:
> Arlen Holder wrote:
> > Which recent 2019 & 2020 Android phones do NOT come with a charger in
> > the box (that are around a thousand bucks or so for the phone)?
> None that I know of. Since I've always bought premium Android phones
> over the years I have a bag full various old chargers. So I really
> didn't need the new charger that came in the box with my current Galaxy S10+
> phone. Especially since I use a wireless charger...

Our Samsung Galaxy A51 phones - purchased late August - also came with
chargers. I thought they were not needed, but these are 'special'
chargers, which do not only charge at 5V (at upto 2.0A), but can also
fast charge at 9V (at upto 1.67A). So, while I do not need/use this
'Adaptive Fast Charging', the adapters are not really superfluous.
(FWIW, the A51 is a lower, but not low, end Samsung phone.)

*And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
analog headphone jacks! What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)


Alan Browne

Oct 18, 2020, 3:40:19 PM10/18/20
On 2020-10-18 13:34, 123456789 wrote:

> Didn't say I believed Apple did it for the kids. *My guess* is that Apple
> probably did it for the bottom line. But IMO it was a good move for the
> environment whatever Apple's reason...

For 123...
Apple have made environmental impact reduction a major corporate goal.
That is a big part of the reason. Most of it I'd say.

For the troll:
As usual Apple sets the direction and others like Samsung then follow
and copy.

Alan Browne

Oct 18, 2020, 3:43:32 PM10/18/20
On 2020-10-18 15:11, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
> analog headphone jacks! What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)

I guess you'll be devastated when Samsung copy Apple's lead ... but a
year later.

3.5mm analog headphone jacks? Quaint.

(I'm pretty indifferent about the headphone jack, actually).


Oct 18, 2020, 4:31:49 PM10/18/20
Alan Browne wrote:
> 123456789 wrote:

>> *My guess* is that Apple probably did it [no charger] for the
>> bottom line. But IMO it was a good move for the environment
>> whatever Apple's reason...

> Apple have made environmental impact reduction a major corporate
> goal. That is a big part of the reason. Most of it I'd say.

My apologies to Apple then. Good for them...


Oct 18, 2020, 5:04:04 PM10/18/20
Frank Slootweg wrote:
> 123456789 wrote:

>> Since I've always bought premium Android phones over the years I
>> have a bag full various old chargers. So I really didn't need the
>> new charger that came in the box with my current Galaxy S10+ phone.
>> Especially since I use a wireless charger...

> Our Samsung Galaxy A51 phones - purchased late August - also came
> with chargers. I thought they were not needed, but these are
> 'special' chargers, which do not only charge at 5V (at upto 2.0A),
> but can also fast charge at 9V (at upto 1.67A).

My S10+ came with the same charger specs. Perhaps the same charger. Is
it white with the port on the side?

> So, while I do not need/use this 'Adaptive Fast Charging',

I've never use the fast charging capability either. I tried it once and
it made the phone hot which I thought may shorten battery life. And
since I always charge it overnight it has plenty of time to charge, no
hurry. But I can see where some heavy users would fast charging necessary...

> the adapters are not really superfluous.

Good point. But I would suggest that even though my phone has wireless
charging capability it didn't come with a wireless charger. Likewise
IMO Samsung could make its fast charger (or standard charger) an
aftermarket option as well...

> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm analog
> headphone jacks!What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)

Ah yes, I see we're still crossposting. That's bad enough but why rattle
the fence... ;)

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 6:38:04 PM10/18/20
On 18 Oct 2020 19:11:47 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Our Samsung Galaxy A51 phones - purchased late August - also came with
> chargers. I thought they were not needed, but these are 'special'
> chargers, which do not only charge at 5V (at upto 2.0A), but can also
> fast charge at 9V (at upto 1.67A). So, while I do not need/use this
> 'Adaptive Fast Charging', the adapters are not really superfluous.
> (FWIW, the A51 is a lower, but not low, end Samsung phone.)
> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
> analog headphone jacks! What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)

Likewise, my Moto G7 I bought about a year ago for $100
(which is 64GB with 4GB RAM and an 8-core CPU - how 'bout 'dem apples!)
came with a special charger and cables (since it's USB-C).

I needed the cable 'cuz it's my first USB-C device, but that came in the
box, but it didn't come with headphones (sigh) even as it has the headphone
jack that nospam is unaware of which is on 99.5% of all Android devices
(even as nospam claims that Android made Apple _remove_ their jack).

The point I think that I agree with Frank on is that I found that the
special charger that came with this $100 mid-range phone is FANTASTIC!

It's fantastic because it "fast charges" in no time flat!
o It's SUPER convenient.

It's not that the battery runs down (because it doesn't)...
o It's that I can rest at ease that I can run the battery down if I want!

I can use GPS all day and then fast charge and I'm back up in no time
o I can watch videos all night (which I do a lot) & fast charge in no time

The fast charger that came in the box is so super convenient...
o That I don't know how I lived without it.
It's kind of sort of like how a microwave was convenient when it came out
o Even though we all already had convection ovens in our kitchens

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 7:45:13 PM10/18/20
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 15:40:13 -0400, Alan Browne wrote:

> For 123...
> Apple have made environmental impact reduction a major corporate goal.
> That is a big part of the reason. Most of it I'd say.
> For the troll:
> As usual Apple sets the direction and others like Samsung then follow
> and copy.

*Whatever Apple claims, _that_ is what you'll defend with your life.*
o And you'll _always_ blame everyone but Apple for Apple's own decisions.

I understand everything you said, Alan Browne... and I always do.
o There's nothing you've ever said in your life that I couldn't predict...

Years in advance.

I don't even need to be omnipotent; I just need to know what Apple claims.
o *Whatever Apple claims, _that_ is what you'll defend with your life.*

And, whatever you _hate_ about Apple - you'll blame anyone but Apple for it
o As you did just now.

You _always_ prove my point for me, every single time you apologists post!
o Apologists have absolutely no capacity for independent thought processes.
You call me a troll because you _hate_ that I speak the truth about you.

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 7:49:02 PM10/18/20
Apologists are as predictable as anyone who is an utter moron can be.
o Apologists always _blame_ Android for Apple's lack of functionality!

The fact is that 99.5% of all Android devices, have the headphone jack:
o How many of the existing Android phones lack headphone jack basic hardware functionality?

There's a good reason for the fact Android devices have the headphone jack.
o HINT: It's called "basic functionality" (something iPhones utterly lack)
What's scary is apologists will _always_ blame everyone but Apple for
Apple's lack of functionality (because they _hate_ Apple for doing it).

Alan Baker

Oct 18, 2020, 7:56:27 PM10/18/20
On 2020-10-18 4:49 p.m., Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 15:43:31 -0400, Alan Browne wrote:
>> On 2020-10-18 15:11, Frank Slootweg wrote:
>>> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
>>> analog headphone jacks! What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)
>> I guess you'll be devastated when Samsung copy Apple's lead ... but a
>> year later.
>> 3.5mm analog headphone jacks? Quaint.
>> (I'm pretty indifferent about the headphone jack, actually).
> Apologists are as predictable as anyone who is an utter moron can be.
> o Apologists always _blame_ Android for Apple's lack of functionality!
> The fact is that 99.5% of all Android devices, have the headphone jack:
> o How many of the existing Android phones lack headphone jack basic hardware functionality?
> <!topic/>

You think a post from more than 19 months ago...

...which references an article from more 32 months ago... an accurate representation of the current state of the tech world?

How cute!

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 8:37:17 PM10/18/20
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 13:31:45 -0700, 123456789 wrote:

>> Apple have made environmental impact reduction a major corporate
>> goal. That is a big part of the reason. Most of it I'd say.
> My apologies to Apple then. Good for them...

If you actually _believe_ Apple removed the basic functionality to protect
the environment... then...

How do you process Kuo's increased revenue claims simply because...
a. Apple removed all competitors from their stores this month
b. Apple stopped providing basic necessary accessories this month
c. Apple sells those basic necessary accessories in their stores

In addition to those facts, how do you process the fact
A. Apple vastly restricts how easily an iPhone can be repaired
B. Apple throttles almost every iPhone to half speed in about a year
C. Apple admitted doing so expressly to secretly shorten iPhone life

There are plenty more facts you'd need to process, 1 to 9, such as
1. Apple pays recyclers to DESTROY perfectly good iPhones traded in
2. Apple designs in incompatible proprietary cables & accessories
3. Apple removed basic functionality that is in 99.5% of Android phones

What's amazing to me is the astounding capacity for apologists
o ... to be fantastically and utterly shocking immune to basic facts
Apologists always prove to believe _everything_ Apple MARKETING feeds them.

Arlen Holder

Oct 18, 2020, 8:37:45 PM10/18/20

Frank Slootweg

Oct 19, 2020, 7:58:04 AM10/19/20
Alan Browne <> wrote:
> On 2020-10-18 15:11, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
> > analog headphone jacks! What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)
> I guess you'll be devastated when Samsung copy Apple's lead ... but a
> year later.

Nah, it was just a friendly sting, hence the smiley. I couldn't care
less either way.

> 3.5mm analog headphone jacks? Quaint.

Well, a lot (the majority of?) audio/video equipment still have them
and they will be there for a long time to come. These transititions
often take a long time. Only when they're over, you know how long the

> (I'm pretty indifferent about the headphone jack, actually).

Same here. I hardly ever used headphones on my phones. (If I do audio
to an external device, I stream.)

Frank Slootweg

Oct 19, 2020, 8:14:32 AM10/19/20
123456789 <> wrote:
> Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > 123456789 wrote:
> >> Since I've always bought premium Android phones over the years I
> >> have a bag full various old chargers. So I really didn't need the
> >> new charger that came in the box with my current Galaxy S10+ phone.
> >> Especially since I use a wireless charger...
> > Our Samsung Galaxy A51 phones - purchased late August - also came
> > with chargers. I thought they were not needed, but these are
> > 'special' chargers, which do not only charge at 5V (at upto 2.0A),
> > but can also fast charge at 9V (at upto 1.67A).
> My S10+ came with the same charger specs. Perhaps the same charger. Is
> it white with the port on the side?

The port is indeed on the side, but my previous Samsung chargers (for
tablets) have that as well. And if you don't mind, mine is black! :-)
But indeed SWMBO's is white. Why, because to phones are a different
colour (mine's black, SWMBO's is some fancy blue colour).

> > So, while I do not need/use this 'Adaptive Fast Charging',
> I've never use the fast charging capability either. I tried it once and
> it made the phone hot which I thought may shorten battery life. And
> since I always charge it overnight it has plenty of time to charge, no
> hurry. But I can see where some heavy users would fast charging necessary...

I indeed switched off fast charging for the same reasons, less heat
and not needed (daily top-up needs only 30 minutes).

> > the adapters are not really superfluous.
> Good point. But I would suggest that even though my phone has wireless
> charging capability it didn't come with a wireless charger. Likewise
> IMO Samsung could make its fast charger (or standard charger) an
> aftermarket option as well...

Well, the problem with (seperate) add-ons (from the device
manufacturers) is that they often cost an arm and a leg (compared to the
device). Think covers, cables, (cable-)adapters, etc.. That's probably
not so much a problem with high-end phones, but is for lower-/low-end

> > *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm analog
> > headphone jacks!What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)
> Ah yes, I see we're still crossposting. That's bad enough but why rattle
> the fence... ;)

It's just a friendly sting. Some of my closest family members /
friends use Apple products and are mostly very happy with them. They're
just not for me, mostly because of price range, but also because they
don't run the software I have/need/want. Different strokes for different

Arlen Holder

Oct 19, 2020, 11:19:51 AM10/19/20
On 19 Oct 2020 11:58:02 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

>> 3.5mm analog headphone jacks? Quaint.
> Well, a lot (the majority of?) audio/video equipment still have them
> and they will be there for a long time to come. These transititions
> often take a long time. Only when they're over, you know how long the
> took.

What I'm imparting below is probably too deep for most people here...
o It's an assessment on what Frank above termed a "transition".

I'm not attacking Frank - he really believes there is a "transition"
o I'm pointing out the fallacy of the apologists' claims to that effect

There is no transition.
o There never was.

Courage is just Apple's bullshit for greed.
o Android users aren't as gullible as iPhone owners clearly are

Here's what happened, in my humblest of assessments of the facts:
o Bearing in mind there is no transition in headphone jacks on Android

Given almost every Android device has the headphone jack, I wouldn't term
it as a "transition", as there is no transition.
o Almost every Android phone ever sold has this basic functionality.

My take on what happened is simple, logical,and sensible.
1. Apple, as they always do, removed the functionality on iPhones
2. They did that, as Apple always does, purely for greed & profit
3. Apple MARKETING, as they always do, ramped up the "courageous" decision

And yet, nobody wanted it, but certainly everyone wants profits.
A. So some high end Android devices, not many, _copied_ Apple
B. They did that for the same reasons Apple removed the functionality
C. Who wouldn't want to copy Apple' highly successful profit margins

And yet, nobody wanted it.
o Hence, there is no transition

There will always be a fool who falls for these MARKETING gimmicks
o More fools live in Apple land because Apple targets them specifically

But in Android land, there is no transition.
o Almost every Android phone ever sold has this basic functionality.
Most people only believe what the MARKETING organizations feed them.


Oct 19, 2020, 11:39:55 AM10/19/20
On 10/19/2020 5:14 AM, Frank Slootweg wrote:


> Well, the problem with (seperate) add-ons (from the device
> manufacturers) is that they often cost an arm and a leg (compared to the
> device). Think covers, cables, (cable-)adapters, etc.. That's probably
> not so much a problem with high-end phones, but is for lower-/low-end
> phones.

For the competitive Android market, omitting items like a charger or
earbuds would be a mistake and would lead to unfavorable comparisons in
reviews. For the iPhone market, this is not an issue. Someone that is
already willing to pay a premium for an iPhone, over a comparable spec
Android phone, is not going to care about spending an extra $19 for a
fast charger, and an IT department doing bulk purchases direct from
Apple will negotiate a price that includes a charger.

Samsung often has very good specials on accessories even though their
normal prices are high. Some of the Samsung accessories are pretty
unique. As we all remember, Apple canceled their AirPower Wireless
charger, but Samsung managed to get their similar device to work:


Oct 19, 2020, 11:45:11 AM10/19/20
In article <rmkc0a$p8r$>, sms
<> wrote:

> For the competitive Android market, omitting items like a charger or
> earbuds would be a mistake and would lead to unfavorable comparisons in
> reviews.

Samsung may not include chargers in the boxes of some of its
smartphones starting in 2021, according to a report from Korean
news site ETNews. The company is taking them out because many
people already have chargers and to help reduce costs, the report

Google's latest Pixel phones don't have USB-C earbuds or an adapter
included the box, meaning you may need to go with wireless headphones
or get a USB-C to 3.5mm adapter on your own.


Oct 19, 2020, 12:39:13 PM10/19/20
Frank Slootweg wrote:
> 123456789 wrote:

>> My S10+ came with the same charger specs. Perhaps the same
>> charger. Is it white with the port on the side?

> The port is indeed on the side, but my previous Samsung chargers (for
> tablets) have that as well. And if you don't mind, mine is black! :-)
> But indeed SWMBO's is white. Why, because to phones are a different
> colour (mine's black, SWMBO's is some fancy blue colour).

Interesting. Now I'm not so sure I mentioned the right charger (above).
That charger may have come with my Samsung Tab S4 tablet (which has a
gold rim and white back). I looked through my bags (30+ chargers) again
but am just not sure which one came with the S10+. That was a year ago
and my memory isn't good for much over a day... :-/

I just use the charger that came with this Chromebook for everything
USB-C I own, except the ones I wireless charge (phone and Fire HD8+).

>> But I would suggest that even though my phone has wireless
>> charging capability it didn't come with a wireless charger.
>> Likewise IMO Samsung could make its fast charger (or standard
>> charger) an aftermarket option as well...

> Well, the problem with (seperate) add-ons (from the device
> manufacturers) is that they often cost an arm and a leg (compared to
> the device). Think covers, cables, (cable-)adapters, etc.. That's
> probably not so much a problem with high-end phones, but is for
> lower-/low-end phones.

Yes I can see your point. My Fire 7 tablet ($29 US on sale) came with a
charger in the bag (yes Fire tablets here actually come in bags). It
would seem silly to have to purchase a $29 charger and thus making a
cheapo $29 tablet a not so cheapo $58. On the other hand if I had
previously owned a charger (or 30+ of them) and Amazon sold charger free
tablets I might have been able to save a few bucks more and do my part
for the environment at the same time...

>>> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
>>> analog headphone jacks!What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)
>> Ah yes, I see we're still crossposting. That's bad enough but why
>> rattle the fence... ;)
> It's just a friendly sting. Some of my closest family members /
> friends use Apple products and are mostly very happy with them.

Yup. I live in a mixed marriage: Me Android, wife iStuff. The iStuff
(with the exception of one swollen battery) has worked flawlessly over
the years so I'm sold. Happy wife, happy life.

> They're just not for me, mostly because of price range, but also
> because they don't run the software I have/need/want. Different
> strokes for different folks.

I like to play with my gadgets and Android seems to allow that more. For
example my Amazon Fire tablets use the Fire OS (Android) that allows me
to sideload any of my archived apps from years past. For example my
Groundhog newsreader broke at Android 9, but still works just fine on my
Fire tablets. Also I have sideloaded the Play Store so can use both the
Amazon and Google app stores. Life is good... ;)


Oct 19, 2020, 12:55:58 PM10/19/20
Arlen Holder wrote:
> Frank Slootweg wrote:

>> a lot (the majority of?) audio/video equipment still have them
>> [headphone jacks] and they will be there for a long time to come.
>> These transititions often take a long time. Only when they're over,
>> you know how long the took.

> There is no transition. There never was.

Tell that to Samsung. My current premium Android tablet is a Galaxy Tab
S4. It still runs flawlessly but when the time comes that I want a new
toy the newer model is the S7. Guess what. No headphone jack.
Unfortunately a deal breaker for me...

Arlen Holder

Oct 19, 2020, 1:07:40 PM10/19/20
o *The typical Android consumer isn't as gullible as Apple's target market*

You just said it for me, which is that it was a "deal breaker."
o That is, you essentially just said, for you: "There is no transition."

The math is accurate in this thread, as far as _anyone_ can tell:
o How many of the existing Android phones lack headphone jack basic hardware functionality?

There is no transition.
o Over 99.5% of all Android devices have this basic functionality.

Certainly some high end manufacturers would _love_ follow Apple's profits:
a. Purposefully reduce the functionality of the iOS device
b. And advertise the hell out of how "green" or "courageous" it is to do
c. And then _sell_ (sell!!!) the consumer back that missing functionality

What manufacturer on the planet would NOT want to follow Apple's profits?
o The typical Android consumer isn't as gullible as Apple's target market
The huge difference in gullibility is _why_ Apple has such high profits.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 19, 2020, 1:25:39 PM10/19/20
123456789 <> wrote:
> Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > 123456789 wrote:
> >> My S10+ came with the same charger specs. Perhaps the same
> >> charger. Is it white with the port on the side?
> > The port is indeed on the side, but my previous Samsung chargers (for
> > tablets) have that as well. And if you don't mind, mine is black! :-)
> > But indeed SWMBO's is white. Why, because to phones are a different
> > colour (mine's black, SWMBO's is some fancy blue colour).
> Interesting. Now I'm not so sure I mentioned the right charger (above).
> That charger may have come with my Samsung Tab S4 tablet (which has a
> gold rim and white back). I looked through my bags (30+ chargers) again
> but am just not sure which one came with the S10+. That was a year ago
> and my memory isn't good for much over a day... :-/

It's somwhat easy to spot. The 'front' - not the side with the specs -
has a lightning (Oops! :-)) symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast Charging' (in
three 'lines' and in relief letters (i.e. no contrast)). The side with
the specs says "9.0 V 1.67 A" (and "5.0 V 2.0 A"), so it's not plain
USB, because that's 5.0 V.


> >>> *And* they came with headphones (in-ear) *and* they have 3.5mm
> >>> analog headphone jacks!What about *them* apples!? Oops! :-)
> >>
> >> Ah yes, I see we're still crossposting. That's bad enough but why
> >> rattle the fence... ;)
> >
> > It's just a friendly sting. Some of my closest family members /
> > friends use Apple products and are mostly very happy with them.
> Yup. I live in a mixed marriage: Me Android, wife iStuff. The iStuff
> (with the exception of one swollen battery) has worked flawlessly over
> the years so I'm sold. Happy wife, happy life.

Well, my SWMBO could either get an iDevice or tech support, not both!
So as far as this is concerned, *I* am the one WMBO! :-)

> > They're just not for me, mostly because of price range, but also
> > because they don't run the software I have/need/want. Different
> > strokes for different folks.
> I like to play with my gadgets and Android seems to allow that more. For
> example my Amazon Fire tablets use the Fire OS (Android) that allows me
> to sideload any of my archived apps from years past. For example my
> Groundhog newsreader broke at Android 9, but still works just fine on my
> Fire tablets. Also I have sideloaded the Play Store so can use both the
> Amazon and Google app stores. Life is good... ;)

I don't always like to *have* to tinker things, but I like to be
*able* to tinker things when the need arises. With Android and Windows,
I get both, whether I like it or not.


Oct 19, 2020, 2:42:46 PM10/19/20
Frank Slootweg wrote:
> 123456789 wrote:

>> My S10+ came with the same charger specs. Perhaps the same charger.
>> Is it white with the port on the side?

>> I'm not so sure I mentioned the right charger (above). That
>> charger may have come with my Samsung Tab S4 tablet (which has a
>> gold rim and white back). I looked through my bags (30+ chargers)
>> again but am just not sure which one came with the S10+. That was a
>> year ago and my memory isn't good for much over a day... :-/

> It's somwhat easy to spot. The 'front' - not the side with the specs
> - has a lightning (Oops! :-)) symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast
> Charging' (in three 'lines' and in relief letters (i.e. no
> contrast)). The side with the specs says "9.0 V 1.67 A" (and "5.0 V
> 2.0 A"), so it's not plain USB, because that's 5.0 V.

Yup. My white charger has the lightning symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast
Charging' but I now think that it did come with my Samsung Galaxy S4
tablet because in the interest of accuracy I (sigh) dumped all my
chargers on the floor and found a *black* Samsung charger with fast
charging capability that looks completely different with the port on the
front but the clincher (besides color) was it's an international model
with the AC plug being removable. As I replaced the 30+ chargers in the
bags I kept repeating the name "Frank" with a frown on my face. Dunno
why... ;)

> I don't always like to *have* to tinker things, but I like to be
> *able* to tinker things when the need arises. With Android and
> Windows, I get both, whether I like it or not.

Yes, I suppose iStuff is much like this Chromebook I'm posting with.
It's more locked down (for my own safety) and thus harder to tinker with...

Alan Baker

Oct 19, 2020, 3:13:10 PM10/19/20
On 2020-10-19 10:07 a.m., Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:55:53 -0700, 123456789 wrote:
>>>> a lot (the majority of?) audio/video equipment still have them
>>>> [headphone jacks] and they will be there for a long time to come.
>>>> These transititions often take a long time. Only when they're over,
>>>> you know how long the took.
>>> There is no transition. There never was.
>> Tell that to Samsung. My current premium Android tablet is a Galaxy Tab
>> S4. It still runs flawlessly but when the time comes that I want a new
>> toy the newer model is the S7. Guess what. No headphone jack.
>> Unfortunately a deal breaker for me...
> IMHO...
> o *The typical Android consumer isn't as gullible as Apple's target market*
> You just said it for me, which is that it was a "deal breaker."
> o That is, you essentially just said, for you: "There is no transition."
> The math is accurate in this thread, as far as _anyone_ can tell:
> o How many of the existing Android phones lack headphone jack basic hardware functionality?
> <!topic/>

You citing a post made more than a year and a half ago...

...which cites a report from more than two and a half years ago.

> There is no transition.
> o Over 99.5% of all Android devices have this basic functionality.

New devices... ...or every device out there?


Oct 19, 2020, 3:56:31 PM10/19/20
On 10/19/2020 10:25 AM, Frank Slootweg wrote:


> It's somwhat easy to spot. The 'front' - not the side with the specs -
> has a lightning (Oops! :-)) symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast Charging' (in
> three 'lines' and in relief letters (i.e. no contrast)). The side with
> the specs says "9.0 V 1.67 A" (and "5.0 V 2.0 A"), so it's not plain
> USB, because that's 5.0 V.

Qualcomm QuickCharge and USB-PD charging are necessary because to keep
increasing the gauge of the power wires in the cable to accommodate
higher wattage charging at 5 volts was not practical.

Both of these charging methods adjust the charge current based on
battery voltage (which correlates with SOC (State of Charge)) and
temperature. While slow charging for the entire charge cycle might be
slightly better in terms of the total number of charge cycles that a
battery can function without a big decrease in capacity, the reality is
that charging at a higher current when the battery is close to empty
have very little negative effect.

Arlen Holder

Oct 19, 2020, 6:54:35 PM10/19/20
On 19 Oct 2020 17:25:38 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> It's somwhat easy to spot. The 'front' - not the side with the specs -
> has a lightning (Oops! :-)) symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast Charging' (in
> three 'lines' and in relief letters (i.e. no contrast)). The side with
> the specs says "9.0 V 1.67 A" (and "5.0 V 2.0 A"), so it's not plain
> USB, because that's 5.0 V.

A fast charger is like a microwave; it's convenient because it's fast.

Like others, I apparently have these "fast chargers" of different makes
o <>

*Samsung* "Adaptive Fast Charging" Model EP-TA20JBE
(9.0V at 1.67A or 5.0V at 2.0A)

*Motorola* "TurboPower" Model SC-51 SA18C30116
(5F at 3.0A, or 9V at 2.0A, or 12V at 1.5A)

As always, they came free, in the box, and they're very convenient.
A fast charger is like a microwave; it's convenient because it's fast.

Arlen Holder

Oct 19, 2020, 7:22:46 PM10/19/20
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 11:42:42 -0700, 123456789 wrote:

> Yup. My white charger has the lightning symbol and says 'Adaptive Fast
> Charging' but I now think that it did come with my Samsung Galaxy S4
> tablet because in the interest of accuracy I (sigh) dumped all my
> chargers on the floor and found a *black* Samsung charger with fast
> charging capability that looks completely different with the port on the
> front but the clincher (besides color) was it's an international model
> with the AC plug being removable. As I replaced the 30+ chargers in the
> bags I kept repeating the name "Frank" with a frown on my face. Dunno
> why... ;)

A fast charger is like a microwave; it's convenient _because_ it's fast.

Like others, I apparently have these "fast chargers" of different makes
o <>

*Samsung* "Adaptive Fast Charging" Model EP-TA20JBE
(9.0V at 1.67A or 5.0V at 2.0A)

*Motorola* "TurboPower" Model SC-51 SA18C30116
(5V at 3.0A, or 9V at 2.0A, or 12V at 1.5A)

Arlen Holder

Dec 4, 2020, 11:53:56 PM12/4/20

Verbatim because apologists deny all facts about Apple which conflict with
their imaginary belief system, which, itself, is based on zero (0) facts.

"Apple might be forced to ship new iPhones with a charger
when they're sold in Brazil."

o Brazilian iPhone buyers might get a charger in the box after all

"Public agency Procon-SP first reached out to Apple in October to get
clarification on the reason for removing the power adapter from iPhone
boxes and the predictable response doesn't hold much weight for the

"Apple does not demonstrate in its response that the use of old adapters
cannot compromise the charging process and safety of the procedure,
nor that the use of third-party chargers will not be used as a refusal
for eventual repair of the product during the legal or contractual
Bringing TRUTH to the fact-free child-like Apple newsgroups, via facts.
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