I tried to use MasqHdr ruleset but it deals only with address part of
From header.
I can route this mail (based on sender's address and recipient domain)
to local mailer in the LOCAL_RULE_0, then alter Full Name with
procmail and send mail to destination.
But that way I expect problem with Bcc.
So probably there is more correct and easy way to do this.
Any ideas?
P.S. Making MUA's Full Name in latin letters is unacceptable.
Mail for recipients in zone "ru" must have Full Name in cyrillic
I doubt that you will find a decent way to have Sendmail its self do
what you are wanting to do. I suspect that you will have much better
luck getting a milter, say MIMEDefang, to do what you are after,
especially with the condition on where the message recipient.
Grant. . . .