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From Address Configure

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Peter Breitfeld

Apr 6, 1997, 4:00:00 AM4/6/97

I use linux as user `brf' but my e-mail address is like the one in my
signature (bootom of this message). PINE alway sets
as my from-address.

How can I force pine to put `' in the
from-field of the header?


Peter Breitfeld, Saulgau, Germany <>

Sylvain Robitaille

Apr 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/7/97

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997 12:32:28 +930,
Matthew Schinckel <> wrote:

>On 6 Apr 1997, Peter Breitfeld wrote:
>> I use linux as user `brf' but my e-mail address is like the one in my
>> signature (bootom of this message). PINE alway sets
>> as my from-address.
>> How can I force pine to put `' in the
>> from-field of the header?

>Looks pretty good from my end.
>(Sender: has the other address, but From: has the one you say you want

Yeah, except that's a usenet post, not an email message.

There are two things you can do, Peter.

1. (the simplest) You can set up a Reply-To: header in the customized headers
section of your .pinerc file. Most email programs will either use this by
default when users reply to your messages, or will ask if the user wants to
use it.

2. You can recompile pine, (if it's your own machine, or you have permission
to recompile installed software), and permit the From: field to be edited.
Then you can set up the correct From: in customized headers, and you'll have
what you're after. Note that this will have the side effect of allowing any
user on your system to edit the From: field, which may or may not be

Hope that helps...

Sylvain Robitaille

Slowly and surely the unix crept up on the Nintendo user ...

Miguel Cruz

Apr 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/7/97

Matthew Schinckel <> wrote:
>On 6 Apr 1997, Peter Breitfeld wrote:
>> How can I force pine to put `' in the
>> from-field of the header?
>Looks pretty good from my end.

That's because Peter was using knews, and not Pine, to post his message.


Mike Brudenell

Apr 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/9/97

Pine does not allow you to change the "From:" header field unless it has
been specially built (compiled) to allow you to do so. This is in an
attempt to cut down mail forgery.

Most people in a situation like yours simply set up a "Reply-to:" header
with their "correct" reply address in instead. (That _is_ what this
header's for! ;-)

You can do this in Pine's Setup Configuration screen, by adding the header
to the "customized-hdrs" variable. In your case you will want to add the
header along with a default value (that way it will get set automatically
for every message you compose):

Reply-to: Peter Breitfeld <>

(Incidentally, your message already came through on the Pine Forum mailing
list as "Peter Breitfeld <>" ... are you sure
there's a problem? ...It might be that some part of your site's mail
gateway is rewriting the "From:" header to the "correct" value anyway?)


Mike Brudenell <>
The Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York, YO1 5DD, UK
Tel: +44-1904-433811 FAX: +44-1904-433740

On 6 Apr 1997, Peter Breitfeld wrote:

> I use linux as user `brf' but my e-mail address is like the one in my
> signature (bootom of this message). PINE alway sets
> as my from-address.

> How can I force pine to put `' in the
> from-field of the header?

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