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Pine won't search my IMAP mail.

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Christian Dysthe

Feb 9, 2003, 2:34:27 AM2/9/03

I have all my mail stored on a remote IMAP server (I beleive it's a
Courier server). Pine work fine with it except for the fact that I am
not able to search all my mail for mssages that contains a certain
word. I get an error message saying "Scan not valid on this server".

These kind of searched works fine with other IMAP capable clients like
Evolution. I really like Pine, but this prevents me from using it as
my default client since I need to be able to search efficiently. If
this is server related it's not much I can do since I have not
influence over what's run on this server.

Advice and pointers appreciated. TIA


Mark Crispin

Feb 9, 2003, 3:20:46 AM2/9/03
On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Christian Dysthe wrote:
> I have all my mail stored on a remote IMAP server (I beleive it's a
> Courier server). Pine work fine with it except for the fact that I am
> not able to search all my mail for mssages that contains a certain
> word. I get an error message saying "Scan not valid on this server".

You are trying to do a multi-mailbox search, which uses an IMAP extension
(SCAN) that is not supported by the Courier server. SCAN is supported by
the UW server.

A single mailbox search should work.

-- Mark --
Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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