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The Story Of God's Love For You.epub

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Annalisa Pletz

Dec 9, 2023, 11:42:45 AM12/9/23
The Story Of God's Love For You.epub: A Book Review
If you are looking for a book that will inspire you, challenge you, and transform you, you might want to check out The Story Of God's Love For You.epub. This book is not just another Bible storybook. It is a captivating retelling of the greatest story ever told: the story of God's love for you.

The Story Of God's Love For You.epub is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, a bestselling author of children's books, and illustrated by Jago, a talented artist who brings the story to life with his colorful and expressive drawings. The book is based on the award-winning The Jesus Storybook Bible, but it is designed for a wider audience, including teenagers and adults who want to discover or rediscover the beauty and power of God's love.

The Story Of God's Love For You.epub

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What is The Story Of God's Love For You.epub about?
The Story Of God's Love For You.epub is a collection of 44 short chapters that cover the whole span of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Each chapter tells a part of the story of God's love for you, showing how every story in the Bible points to Jesus, the ultimate expression of God's love.

The book begins with the creation of the world and the fall of humanity into sin. It then follows the history of God's people, Israel, and their journey from slavery to freedom, from exile to restoration. It shows how God sent prophets and judges, kings and warriors, to rescue his people and prepare them for his greatest gift: his Son.

The book then focuses on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and how he fulfilled all the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. It shows how Jesus came to save us from our sins, to heal our brokenness, and to restore our relationship with God. It also shows how Jesus sent his Spirit to empower his followers to spread his message of love to the ends of the earth.

The book ends with a glimpse of the future, when Jesus will return to make all things new, and when we will see him face to face. It invites us to join in the great adventure of following Jesus, and to experience his never-stopping, never-giving-up, unbreaking, always and forever love.

Why should you read The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
There are many reasons why you should read The Story Of God's Love For You.epub. Here are some of them:

It is a faithful and accurate retelling of the Bible. The book does not add or subtract anything from the biblical text. It stays true to the original meaning and message of each story. It also uses simple and clear language that makes it easy to understand and remember.
It is a creative and engaging retelling of the Bible. The book does not just tell facts and dates. It tells stories that capture your imagination and emotions. It uses vivid descriptions, dialogues, and metaphors that make you feel like you are part of the story. It also uses humor, suspense, and surprise that keep you interested and entertained.
It is a Christ-centered and gospel-centered retelling of the Bible. The book does not just tell stories about people and events. It tells stories about God and his love. It shows how every story in the Bible reveals something about who God is, what he has done, and what he will do for us through Jesus. It also shows how every story in the Bible invites us to respond to God's love with faith, repentance, obedience, and worship.
It is a personal and practical retelling of the Bible. The book does not just tell stories about them and then. It tells stories about us and now. It shows how every story in the Bible relates to our own story, our own struggles, our own questions, our own hopes. It also shows how every story in the Bible challenges us to apply God's truth to our own lives, our own decisions, our own actions.

How can you get The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
If you are interested in reading The Story Of God's Love For You.epub, you can get it in various formats and platforms. You can buy it as an eBook from or other online retailers. You can also download it as an audiobook from or other audio platforms. You can listen to it performed by David Suchet, an Emmy Award-winning actor who brings the story to life with his voice.

Whatever format or platform you choose, you will not regret reading The Story Of God's Love For You.epub. It will enrich your mind, touch your heart, and change your life. It will help you discover or rediscover the most amazing gift ever: God's love for you.

Who is the author of The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
The Story Of God's Love For You.epub is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, a British-born writer who now lives in New York City. She is best known for her children's books, especially The Jesus Storybook Bible, which has sold over 3 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 40 languages. She has also written other books for children and adults, such as Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing, Baby Wren and the Great Gift, Song of the Stars, and How to Be a Baby.

Sally Lloyd-Jones has a unique gift of storytelling that captures the hearts of readers of all ages. She writes with warmth, humor, and insight, drawing from her own experience of growing up in Africa and England, and her love for literature and art. She has a passion for sharing the gospel with children and adults, and helping them see how God's love is woven into every story.

Who is the illustrator of The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
The Story Of God's Love For You.epub is illustrated by Jago, a British artist who now lives in Cornwall, England. He is best known for his illustrations for The Jesus Storybook Bible, which have won several awards and have been praised for their beauty and expressiveness. He has also illustrated other books for children and adults, such as Moses: The True Story of an Elephant Baby, The Lion Storyteller Bible, The Rhythm of Life, and The Storm That Stopped.

Jago has a unique style of illustration that combines realism and imagination, using vibrant colors and dynamic shapes. He draws inspiration from his surroundings, his family, his faith, and his love for comics and animation. He has a passion for creating art that communicates emotion and meaning, and that invites readers to enter into the story.

What are the benefits of reading The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
Reading The Story Of God's Love For You.epub can have many benefits for your spiritual growth and well-being. Here are some of them:

It can help you know God better. Reading this book will give you a clearer and deeper understanding of who God is, what he has done, and what he will do for you through Jesus. You will see his character, his attributes, his actions, and his promises in every story. You will also see how he relates to you personally, how he cares for you, how he speaks to you, and how he invites you to know him more.
It can help you love God more. Reading this book will fill your heart with gratitude, joy, and awe for God's love for you. You will see how much he loves you, how much he sacrificed for you, how much he delights in you, and how much he wants you to love him back. You will also see how his love transforms you, heals you, frees you, and empowers you to love him more.
It can help you trust God more. Reading this book will strengthen your faith, hope, and peace in God's love for you. You will see how faithful he is, how trustworthy he is, how sovereign he is, and how good he is in every story. You will also see how he works all things together for your good, how he provides for your needs, how he protects you from harm, and how he guides you in his will.
It can help you serve God more. Reading this book will inspire you to obey, worship, and witness for God's love for you. You will see how obedient he is, how worthy he is, how glorious he is, and how powerful he is in every story. You will also see how he calls you to follow him, to honor him, to praise him, and to share him with others.

What are some testimonials of reading The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
Many people have read The Story Of God's Love For You.epub and have been blessed by it. Here are some of their testimonials:

"This book is a game changer. It has opened my eyes to see God's love in a new way. It has made me fall in love with Jesus all over again." - Sarah

"This book is a treasure. It has touched my heart with God's grace and mercy. It has healed my wounds and restored my joy." - David

"This book is a masterpiece. It has captured my imagination with God's beauty and majesty. It has filled my mind with God's truth and wisdom." - Anna

"This book is a gift. It has challenged my life with God's purpose and plan. It has motivated me to live for God's glory and honor." - James

Where can you find more resources related to The Story Of God's Love For You.epub?
If you want to learn more about The Story Of God's Love For You.epub and the author and illustrator behind it, you can visit their official websites and social media accounts. You can also find more resources related to the book, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, and curriculum. Here are some links to help you:

The official website of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official website of Jago:
The official Facebook page of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official Instagram account of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official Twitter account of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official YouTube channel of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official podcast of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official blog of Sally Lloyd-Jones:
The official curriculum of The Story Of God's Love For You.epub:

How can you share The Story Of God's Love For You.epub with others?
If you have read and enjoyed The Story Of God's Love For You.epub, you might want to share it with others who might benefit from it. Here are some ways you can do that:

You can buy a copy of the book or the eBook for yourself or as a gift for someone else. You can also download the audiobook and listen to it with others.
You can write a review of the book or the eBook on online platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, Christianbook, or Scribd. You can also rate and review the audiobook on Audible or other audio platforms.
You can post about the book or the eBook on your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest. You can also share the videos, podcasts, blogs, and curriculum related to the book.
You can join or start a book club or a Bible study group that reads and discusses the book or the eBook together. You can also use the curriculum to teach or learn more about the book.
You can recommend the book or the eBook to your friends, family, church, school, or community. You can also invite them to join you in reading and sharing the book.

The Story Of God's Love For You.epub is more than just a book. It is a journey of discovery, a journey of love, a journey of faith. It is a journey that will take you from the beginning of time to the end of time, from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell, from the glory of God to the grace of Jesus. It is a journey that will show you how much God loves you, how much he gave for you, how much he wants you to love him back.

If you are looking for a book that will inspire you, challenge you, and transform you, you might want to check out The Story Of God's Love For You.epub. It is a book that will enrich your mind, touch your heart, and change your life. It is a book that will help you discover or rediscover the most amazing gift ever: God's love for you.


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