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What happened to Eudora Forums???

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May 3, 2013, 3:53:31 AM5/3/13
What happened to Eudora Forums??? Will it be coming back??? I sure miss being able to go there to be able to get help when needed and at 81 years I need help more often.

John H Meyers

May 3, 2013, 4:49:12 AM5/3/13
On 5/3/2013 2:53 AM, Jim wrote:

> What happened to Eudora Forums???

All original Qualcomm people moved on.

Forums (
were left in the hands of some apprentice,
who thought (s)he could improve them by:

(a) Telling Google to no longer index them.
(b) Requiring everything to use "https"
(secure connections) rather than "http,"
including even the "stylesheets" and images
which are essential to make the pages readable.

Part (b) is why you can barely read anything now,
and also why any link that you click doesn't respond,
because that server doesn't actually handle https at all!
(manually change every URL back to "http" to partially fix that).

The handiwork of apprentices is summarized in this classic by Walt Disney:
<> (just glorious Mickey)
(with preface, plus Mickey congratulates conductor Stokowski at end)

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice"


May 3, 2013, 9:32:23 PM5/3/13
John, first, let me start out by saying that I enjoy your humor. And secondly thanks for the many times you have helped me over the years on that forum. I don't really like the way "groups" are laid out and like the forums much better.

Once in a while I have a hard time understanding your instructions because I have lost a lot of my abilities to understand things and when that has happened you have had patience with me and have came back with simpler explanations...haha...

I don't know what I will do when it gets so we can no longer use Eudora as there is no email program that I have found that comes anywhere close to the capabilities of Eudora. I had some recent problems with Comcast and Ports and was taking to Comcast help and the first thing he said is Comcast no longer supports Eudora. In fact the second tech I talked to was so young that he had never heard of Eudora...haha... We visited a while and talked about Eudora and how good of an email program it is and I aroused his curiosity and so he said he was going to do some investigation of it and maybe would even start using it himself.

So Minnie Mouse is the problem with the forum huh? Is there anyway we can get that forum going again???

Thanks again for your help.



John H Meyers

May 4, 2013, 7:21:53 AM5/4/13
On 5/3/2013 8:32 PM, a different Jim wrote:

> I don't really like the way "groups" are laid out
> and like the forums [Qualcomm's, using vBulletin software] much better.

Yet another option is subscribing to a mailing list which has
no web site (and no archives), but does have Katrina,
whose measured output runs into the kilowatts :)

<> Eudora for Windows
<> Eudora for Mac

> Once in a while I have a hard time understanding you

So do I :)

That's why I keep trying endlessly to re-write everything,
which is about all that keeps me participating,
even though nothing new ever really comes up :)

> I don't know what I will do when it gets so we can no longer use Eudora
> as there is no email program that I have found that comes anywhere close
> to the capabilities of Eudora.

I have to confess that in real life I now use Gmail
(to which I have to migrate my university,
so I might as well take my own medicine :)

> I had some recent problems with Comcast and Ports

Is it solved now?

Incoming:, SSL: Req. Alternate Port [is port 995]
Outgoing:, SSL: Req, Alternate Port [is port 465]
(this pair ensures encrypted traffic including login info)

Although the following also continue to work,
and since each server supports TLS (similar to SSL),
encrypted traffic also occurs anyway to Comcast with these settings:

Incoming:, SSL: If Avail StartTLS [port 110]
Outgoing:, SSL: If Avail StartTLS [port 587 or 25]
(port 587 if "Use submission port 587" is checked, otherwise 25)

Additionally: Allow authentication, use passwords, use Comcast userid,
and if any "certificate problem" occurs, click "Yes" or "OK" once
to permanently end that problem.

Comcast's current advice:

Despite all that, Comcast's servers continue to listen for connections
on EVERY STANDARD EMAIL PORT (above) and will function with any Eudora
settings combination that allows authentication with passwords,
the worst mistake being that connections might be unencrypted
if the selection for SSL says neither "Required" nor "If Available"

If a connection does not occur, therefore,
the issue is not with Eudora settings,
but is something else about networking or equipment,
or even Comcast servers being occasionally down.

> Is there any way we can get the Qualcomm Eudora forums going again???

I don't really know, as I don't work there.

Perhaps try finding someone to write to.

Also round up some participants,
including any interested moderators,
to trim the spam weed crop which attempts to take over.

Meanwhile, try joining the Listmoms' Eudora-win mailing list:



May 4, 2013, 2:51:13 PM5/4/13

> > I had some recent problems with Comcast and Ports
> Is it solved now?

Comcast just up and blocked Port 25 without saying anything to me about it so that stopped my SMTP from working. I send email using Comcast and receive mail from my yahoo disposable email address account (have up to 500 disposable email addresses). I was receiving email okay but just couldn't send any. Everything is working okay again.


John H Meyers

May 4, 2013, 3:24:59 PM5/4/13
On 5/4/2013 1:51 PM, Jim wrote:

> Comcast just up and blocked Port 25
> without saying anything to me about it
> so that stopped my SMTP from working.

They evidently do this blocking
on your individual internet connection,
although they haven't blocked their own
message submission servers (for subscriber use)
from accepting outgoing mail on port 25 as always.

So if I had a Comcast account but was not using
their cable box, I could send mail via Comcast
using port 25, although you can not :)

Almost all of Comcast's published explanation
for this blocking is mis-direction from its real purpose;
what they really want
is to stop the ability of their subscribers
to send spam anonymously and directly
to the incoming email delivery points
("mail exchangers") for all domains on the internet,
which gives them a bad reputation as an ISP.

We have no blocking at all in effect here,
but a recent spate of "you've got a spammer" complaints
sent to one of our main internet bandwidth providers
prompted me to meet with our firewall guy yesterday,
at which time we found out that this was entirely
unsuspected and accidental :)

"Fixing" that "mistake," however, temporarily prevented me
from even reading or posting to any forums such as this,
which was the sort of ongoing problem for which the
"oh to heck with it, let anything be sent on any port" band aid
was originally designed as just a "temporary fix"
and then completely forgotten for the next two years,
the same way as governments often "fix" things :)


May 5, 2013, 1:15:24 AM5/5/13

> They evidently do this blocking
> on your individual internet connection,
> although they haven't blocked their own
> message submission servers (for subscriber use)
> from accepting outgoing mail on port 25 as always.
> So if I had a Comcast account but was not using
> their cable box, I could send mail via Comcast
> using port 25, although you can not :)

I have my own cable box and not one of their rented ones but you must be correct in what you are saying because one of the techs supposedly went into my cable box and unblocked port 25 and then told me that it wouldn't be permanent. Everything then worked okay for some time and then it stopped working again. But all is working okay now.

> Almost all of Comcast's published explanation
> for this blocking is mis-direction from its real purpose;
> what they really want
> is to stop the ability of their subscribers
> to send spam anonymously and directly
> to the incoming email delivery points
> ("mail exchangers") for all domains on the internet,
> which gives them a bad reputation as an ISP.

The tech did say it had something to do with stopping spam...haha...

> We have no blocking at all in effect here,
> but a recent spate of "you've got a spammer" complaints
> sent to one of our main internet bandwidth providers
> prompted me to meet with our firewall guy yesterday,
> at which time we found out that this was entirely
> unsuspected and accidental :)
> "Fixing" that "mistake," however, temporarily prevented me
> from even reading or posting to any forums such as this,
> which was the sort of ongoing problem for which the
> "oh to heck with it, let anything be sent on any port" band aid
> was originally designed as just a "temporary fix"
> and then completely forgotten for the next two years,
> the same way as governments often "fix" things :)

So it sounds like you have had a little of similar problems yourself...

Have a good night my friend.


Aug 14, 2013, 8:33:29 PM8/14/13
Hello 'jimee" and John:

I too wondered where the Forums went! Jumping on this thread while it's hot - three months old...

Anyway John, you have also helped me many times in the past. As good as Eudora is, you seem to be the ONE guy who really knows how to make it sing...

My current issue isn't related to jimmee's, but this is the onlu way I can find to access you!

But ever since I was in China for a few days two months ago, every once in a while I get incoming messages showing up as Chinese characters. Only from certain senders too - and not all the time! These random ones are the hardest to figure out, yes?

When I hit 'Reply', the content usually reverts to English, although once in a while there is nothing in the body of the 'reply' part of the message at all.

I have read the various things I can find about Chinese characters in Eudora, but they all try to show you how you CAN do it. I want to stop Eudora FROM doing it!

Any clues?


Jim Kenzie

John H Meyers

Aug 18, 2013, 2:51:59 PM8/18/13
On 8/14/2013 7:33 PM, Jim Kenzie wrote:

> Jumping on this thread while it's hot - three months old...

Whenever you have a new topic,
it suffices to jump into the forum and start a new thread.

But as to heat, the "cool wave" we're having in Iowa has been just great :)

> you seem to know how to make Eudora sing...

The last time it sang for me,
I had to disconnect my speakers --
I'm just sick of that "new mail" tune,
too lazy to set a filter to play a different tune,
and too cheapskate to even buy another tune :)

> Ever since I was in China for a few days two months ago,
> every once in a while I get incoming messages
> showing up as Chinese characters.
> Only from certain senders too - and not all the time!
> These random ones are the hardest to figure out, yes?
> When I hit 'Reply', the content usually reverts to English,
> although once in a while there is nothing
> in the body of the 'reply' part of the message at all.
> The various things I can find about Chinese characters in Eudora
> all try to show you how you CAN do it [use Eudora for Chinese emails],
> but I want to stop Eudora FROM doing it!

Hm.. do you understand real Chinese, in written form?

If so, can you give us some translation of any bits of written Chinese
that you have found in your messages?

If not, how about asking anyone who can read real Chinese
to translate some of it for you?

If no one can be found who can recognize any of this material,
then the question might arise of possible mis-identification,
of a mere set of meaningless characters as "Chinese,"
merely because we've just been visiting there?

Or might some Chinese counterpart of the U.S. National Security Agency
have installed some program on your computer, disguising itself
as merely annoying "Chinese ad-ware" while secretly trying to cause
the USA to self-destruct via commands from your computer? ;-)

Garbled characters in messages are often the result of receiving mail
in which the "character set" has been specified
as the now standard universal character set UTF-8,
which "classic" Eudora was never adjusted to handle, possibly
in combination with a UTF8ISO plugin which, with certain settings,
sometimes makes things worse instead of replacing European accented
(and a few other) UTF-8 multi-byte character strings
with single byte ISO-8859-x approximations.

Flipping the "Use Microsoft's viewer" option may also change appearances.

Disabling any installed UTF8ISO plugin (DLL) and instead installing
Brana Bujenovic's free "Greek Viewer" plugin may also turn out
to correctly display any true incoming UTF-8, including common
characters such as "curly quotes" which Eudora otherwise always
always garbles, because those characters are multi-byte strings in UTF-8,
whereas Eudora is locked into "each byte displays one character" mode.


A truly accurate analysis of an incoming message really requires
a view of its "original source," but Eudora can not even display that,
because the original package has been torn apart by the time it reaches
the "In" mailbox, and not even the "Blah blah blah" button has any way
to recover what an entire multi-part "MIME" message really contained,
in its original unopened box.

You can, however, view the original "source"
(as well as the proper interpretation of the message)
if you can do any of these things:

o Access the same original message
using a different client (e.g. Thunderbird, Outlook, Windows Live)
o View the same message in either ISP webmail
or Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo etc. webmail.
o View the message still residing on the incoming server,
via (go first to "Advanced Login")

So good luck, and "may the source be with you" :)


Nov 2, 2013, 3:22:01 PM11/2/13
Hi Jim,

I read the comments about the trouble you are having with Eudora when comcast changed the outgoing port number. I'm only 43 but I'm legally blind and I have been using Eudora Pro since the mid 90's because I can control the font size and read the emails in large print. Like you, I tried experimenting with several other email programs, but nothing came close to matching the capabilities of Eudora. I finally downloaded a newer version of Eudora which allows me to change the port number. So now I read my emails with the old Eudora and reply with the new one. The problem with this system is, the newer version of Eudora doesn't allow me to set the font size. So I have no idea what I am typing. But it's the only system I could figure out.

I'm hoping you have found some kind of solution for Eudora. If you have, I would sure like to hear about it. Life on the internet will be so much easier.



John H Meyers

Nov 4, 2013, 12:25:18 PM11/4/13
On 11/2/2013 2:22 PM, Christopher wrote:

> I'm only 43 but I'm legally blind and I have been using Eudora Pro
> since the mid 90's because I can control the font size
> and read the emails in large print.
> I finally downloaded a newer version of Eudora
> which allows me to change the port number.

Comcast uses only industry _standard_ port numbers,
all of which are built into Eudora and used _automatically_

Here are Comcast's server specifications for email:

Eudora has supported secure connections (SSL)
in all versions since 5.1, including final version

In all of those Eudora versions, all that you need do,
for Comcast's "Recommended" settings from the above web page,
is to select "Required, Alternate Port" for "Secure Sockets"
both when sending and receiving. Done!

Before Eudora 5.1, all that you needed to do,
for Comcast's "Only If Needed" settings from the above web page,
was to edit the "[Settings]" section (main section)
of file "Eudora.ini" and insert this single line:


If you relied on Comcast's somewhat ignorant advice, however, at
you were told to waste your time installing an unneeded Eudora plugin
(Esoteric.epi) and then to fill in port numbers 587 (or 465) for SMTP
and 995 for POP -- however, that advice from Comcast is ABSOLUTELY WRONG
and WOULD NEVER WORK for the SSL ports (465 and 995).

If anyone followed the remaining instructions from Comcast and found
that it did work, this good fortune was due solely to Comcast's
adding the one correct thing which actually makes SSL work,
which is to select "Required, Alternate Port" for "Secure Sockets"
both when sending and receiving, as we said above, which
IGNORES any port numbers that you may have typed in yourself,
and automatically uses the correct SSL port numbers anyway!

Similarly, if you do not set "Required, Alternate Port" for SSL,
but do put a check mark next to "Use submission port (587)"
in the normal settings area, then Eudora will of course use port 587,
again IGNORING any port number that you might have typed for SMTP!

So if you have succeeded after turning to Comcast for Eudora settings,
it was due to only good luck that Eudora knows what to do automatically,
when you do the one right thing, and that it ignores everything else
that you do wrong by following the remainder of Comcast's bad advice!

> So now I read my emails with the old Eudora and reply with the new one.

I also simultaneously cook a hot breakfast
and do my laundry while doing both of the above -- this keeps nearly all parts
of mind and body fully occupied, so that our minds don't wander off somewhere :)

> The problem with this system is, the newer version of Eudora
> doesn't allow me to set the font size.

Of course it does, in fact, you can make three independent settings:

o Adjust font size for message text on the screen.
o Adjust font size for text in the Eudora graphical interface.
o Adjust font size for text that is output to a printer.

> So I have no idea what I am typing.
> But it's the only system I could figure out.

That was before you asked here ;-)

If your Eudora "Font" settings don't seem to be applied
to incoming messages (or parts of them), then that's because
as Eudora became HTML-aware, it began to honor font size specs
that are in the HTML itself.

You can "fight back" and win that conflict in more than one way:

o Right click in any HTML message body and "Send to Browser," then
use the browser's own "zoom" control to enlarge everything.

o Use the "pencil edit" tool on incoming messages, during which
you may select text and then use the "remove formatting" tool button
to strip the HTML away; now your Eudora font settings are the only
settings that apply, and you have of course selected a large size there.

Let us know who wins :)


Sep 20, 2014, 11:44:29 AM9/20/14

You have helped in the past, I'm hoping you can help me here. I have been using Eudora and yesterday received the following error "Server SSL Certificate Rejected" I recall getting this error couple times in the past, but after clicking "yes" it allowed me to download the email, this time it is not. See the attached screen print errors:

If it would give me some type of clue as to which email it is, I could delete it and continue on, unfortunately it is not doing so.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dan a.k.a. dbassman55
Message has been deleted

Ajo Wissink

Sep 21, 2014, 1:58:42 PM9/21/14

Feb 12, 2015, 9:55:32 AM2/12/15
HI, I have the same question. So are we forced to stop using Eudora now? SOB!

Feb 12, 2015, 9:59:54 AM2/12/15
On Friday, May 3, 2013 at 3:53:31 AM UTC-4, jimeee wrote:

Ajo Wissink

Feb 12, 2015, 10:52:29 AM2/12/15
Eudora continues to work fine in all Windows versions.

If you need help subscribe to the Eudora mailing list mentioned in the
beginning of this thread in a post by the late jhmeyers.
Message has been deleted

Jul 28, 2015, 10:10:29 PM7/28/15
July 28 2015 I am still using Eudora 7.0 on Win 8 without any problems, just my personal experience. Those of us that are still Eudora users need to get together. I have tried the newer clients and did not like them. Eudora OSE or Tbird might be an exception. Mozzilla has abandoned us, but we have not abandoned Eudora. If you have questions, email me and I might be able to help, even though I am not a geek, just a stubborn 76 YO guy.

Aug 30, 2015, 11:08:06 PM8/30/15
John, you seem to know a lot about Eudora. I am pulling my hair out. I love Eudora. Never had a problem I couldn't fix until now. Getting the error of not being able to read file trash.mbx. Started with the inbox. I deleted all mail in inbox. Deleted toc. Rebuilt toc a zillion times. Found rcv files in spool folder. All started with not getting mail on check mail. This is beyond my knowledge. Can you help please. Thanks. Toni

Aug 31, 2015, 2:22:47 AM8/31/15
I am desperate! Need some help with Eudora.

Aug 31, 2015, 2:22:47 AM8/31/15

Dec 22, 2016, 9:35:36 AM12/22/16
After using road runner email and eudora for 16 years, all of a sudden I get error when trying to send: "SSL certificate rejected". asks me to trust and i check OK and Eudora shuts down. I checked personality and there were no changes. I clicked on "last SSL info" but it says you have not negotiated woth rudora. I tried to open the cert but it would not open

Ajo Wissink

Dec 22, 2016, 4:47:30 PM12/22/16
On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 06:35:35 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>After using road runner email and eudora for 16 years, all of a sudden I get error when trying to send: "SSL certificate rejected". asks me to trust and i check OK and Eudora shuts down. I checked personality and there were no changes. I clicked on "last SSL info" but it says you have not negotiated woth rudora. I tried to open the cert but it would not open

Instead of replying to a message in a thread that has nothing to do
with your problem you should have started a new thread.

The instructions for fixing SSL problems have been posted here
innumerable times since April 2014 when those problems started,
especially with gmail. Here they are again.


The following is based on posts by Katrina Knight of the Eudora-Win
mailing list. It is an exercise in following instructions. You may
fail if you don't follow them to the letter.

1- Try to check or send mail, depending on what kind of error you have
to resolve. (It seems that it is not obvious for everyone that these
actions do not have to be successful :-[ ).

When you get a certificate error a large "Server SSL Certificate
Rejection" window will open. Just dismiss it by closing it. You don't
have to click Yes or No at the bottom.

2- Open the Personalities window: Tools > Personalities, or click the
Personalities tab at the bottom in the window at the left if you are
using the default configuration.

3- Right-click on the personality in question and select "Properties".

4- If you got the error downloading mail: click the "Incoming Mail"
tab in the Personalities window that opened, or if you got the error
sending mail click on the "Generic Properties" tab of that window.

5- Click on "Last SSL Info" and the "Eudora SSL Connection Information
Manager" window will open. Then click on the button to go to the
"Certificate Information Manager".

6- In the Certificate Information Manager Eudora's trusted
certificates for the connection in question will be at the top. It is
most likely a chain of certificates that you have to open, not just a
single certificate. The "+" button at the left of a certificate opens
an additional level. Click on the "+"s until you have them all open.
Certificates that are trusted have a happy face icon before you click
on a "+". The last certificate that you can open will probably have a
skull and crossbones icon. Select that one and click on "Add to
Trusted". (Do not click on any other buttons. Do not expect the scull
to change into a happy face while you are watching. That will happen
only when you check mail again). Click on "done" and OK. (Do not just
close those windows by clicking the Close button at the top right).

7- You don't have to close and re-open Eudora before you continue. Do
another mail check or try to send a message to see if it works. You
may have to repeat this process a few more times depending on the
number of certificates in the chain: you may find another scull and
crossbones at the bottom of the chain. Each one needs to be trusted.
They're like a series of locked doors. You have to unlock each of the
doors before it can be opened to see the next one.

9- ISP's may use different certificates for receiving and sending so
you may have to do this for both servers.

Note that if you are using a relay personality to send mail when you
get the errors, it is the relay personality that you need to do this
for, not whichever personality is using the relay personality.


Ajo Wissink

Jan 23, 2018, 11:08:25 PM1/23/18
On Friday, May 3, 2013 at 2:53:31 AM UTC-5, jimeee wrote:
Jimeee,I also wish the Eudora forums were available. I'm 80YO.I still run windows xp but will probably switch to windows 10 and am wondering if I will still be able to use Eudora or have to switch email programs. Anyone know?


Jan 24, 2018, 8:36:07 AM1/24/18
Yes, Eudora works well with Windows 10. I'm not using it as my primary
email program anymore, but have it installed on a PC running the current insider
version of 10 (that's a beta of the next major update coming in spring or early
summer). I use Eudora to send and receive email occasionally.

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