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Eudora on windows 7 connection closed by foreign host

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Jan 15, 2010, 7:22:12 PM1/15/10

I can't receive any mail due to this error.

How can I correct this problem?



John H Meyers

Jan 15, 2010, 10:54:11 PM1/15/10
On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:22:12 -0600

> I can't receive any mail due to this error.

["connection closed by foreign host"]

> How can I correct this problem?

The information thus far given
is approximately 0% of what would be needed
to even begin to diagnose the issue,
comparable to "I'm not feeling well"
as the only information given to a physician.

"Follow the setup instructions of your ISP" (sbcglobal?)
is about as far as I can suggest, comparable to
"take it easy and get some rest."



Jan 16, 2010, 7:46:35 AM1/16/10
"John H Meyers" <jhme...@nomail.invalid> wrote in

I'll add that my migration from an old computer running (sort of) Win XP
Pro to a new one running Win 7 Pro has gone fairly smoothly. One change
I made by hand is hat I generated a new partition, and moved the Eudora
data files to a subdirectory there. Editing the path variable in the
shortcut to Eudora then was all that was needed (I think).

Connection closed sounds like a connectivity problem, firewall, or
something else <grimn>.

Best regards
email address is invalid


Jan 16, 2010, 12:05:28 PM1/16/10

Sorry for the brevity.

This has been a common problem for many releases of Eudora so I
thought I would hear from some of the people who had experienced the
same problem.

Under options I had setup:



Everything under OPTIONS for:

getting started

checking mail

incoming mail

sending mail

is the same as on my XP machine.

Thanks for any help


John H Meyers

Jan 16, 2010, 5:11:11 PM1/16/10
On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 11:05:28 -0600:

> This has been a common problem for many releases of Eudora

If there were any basis in reality to any claim
that Eudora has for all these years not worked,
you should have years ago switched to something else.

> mailserver IN --
> mailserver OUTGOING -

> Everything under OPTIONS for:
> getting started
> checking mail
> incoming mail
> sending mail
> is the same as on my XP machine.

Very humorous -- "the same as"
will of course enable everyone who reads this,
provided they are psychics and can see into your XP machine,
to know what the rest of the settings are,
like "my X-rays look just like my brother's, doc" :)

Fortunately, the server names alone, plus your email address,
are enough for us to surmise that you are an "sbcglobal" customer
using the same ATT/Yahoo email outsourcing that all the
USA "Baby Bells" use, whose proper settings are well known.

"Secure Sockets when Receiving" - "Required, Alternate Port"
"Secure Sockets when Sending" - "Required, Alternate Port"

User name: Most "Baby Bells" require specifying the full email address
(e.g. "") as the user name,
although one of them (I don't recall which one) may be the default,
in case the domain name part is omitted -- the reason for this
seems evidently to be that all of these companies share the same servers,
and thus need to know to which company you belong -- to distinguish,
for example, "" from ""

It is also necessary for the incoming and outgoing servers
in any one personality to have the same username/password combination,
which seems likely here to be so, given the related servers.

If it were known that when you re-try your "check mail"
then it works fine, and continues to do so for as long as
you keep Eudora running, then we would know something else
that would uniquely identify your situation, but once again,
our knowledge is limited to the posted minimal information.

So I might as well refer you to a note from one of the developers:

"In many cases, it is helpful to have a Eudora log
to troubleshoot a problem. Logs are particularly helpful
when troubleshooting problems related to sending or checking mail"

For instructions, see:

If you post a log, omit or replace by "xxxxxx" any pure "gibberish"
(which may actually represent your password, for example),
since all of the useful diagnostic information
is contained in plain and readily readable text.


John H Meyers

Jan 16, 2010, 5:54:46 PM1/16/10
On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 11:05:28 -0600...

> This has been a common problem for many releases of Eudora...

> so I thought I would hear from some of the people
> who had experienced the same problem.

Oh, I see what is meant -- "connection closed by foreign host"
happens to many people, so anyone to whom it has happened
might be able to tell you what was their problem,
and what fixed it for them?

Well, I understand that headaches are a common problem for many people.

If any of you out there have had headaches,
perhaps you can tell me what your condition was,
and what cured it for you -- then I will not need
to consult a doctor myself, nor have to fill out a patient history
or get any diagnostic tests that they always first want everyone to take :)

I'm also willing to try anything, so just send me your left-over pills,
and I'll swallow them all :)


Message has been deleted

Daniel Jacobson

Feb 3, 2010, 12:17:28 AM2/3/10
In article <>, says...

> I can't receive any mail due to this error.
> How can I correct this problem?

Checking mail for ATTBI/Comcast

Quit Error when Checking AT&T
Over and Out
Daniel Jacobson

Dec 20, 2013, 6:42:32 AM12/20/13
On Saturday, January 16, 2010 8:22:12 AM UTC+8, johnrn wrote:
> I can't receive any mail due to this error.How can I correct this problem?Thanks, John

Just wanted to thank you
I am a long time user of Eudora on WinXP and recently had to select the below to recover from a ["connection closed by foreign host"] issue that cropped up for no apparent reason

"Secure Sockets when Receiving" - "Required, Alternate Port"


Jan 9, 2014, 8:35:49 AM1/9/14
After weeks of frustration, finally came across this - Problem Solved! very many thanks.

Jan 28, 2015, 8:12:20 PM1/28/15
This is a SOLUTION and worked for me today (28 Jan 2015)
Eudora - Error reading from network - Cause: Connection closd by foreign host (0) - SOLUTION

This error message has cropped up for various users of Eudora for many years, and no one has published a solution. When this happened to me recently, after using this E-mail client for many years with the same settings and the same ISP, I was very puzzled.
All the more so because alternate access to E-mail via's E-mail facility and Gmail, everything worked pefectly well, receiving and sending messages.

On considering the differences in set up of these three E-mail clients, I intuitive ly went to Eudora : Tools > Options> Checking Mail. The stting there had been the same for years: Secure Sockets when Receiving = [if available STARTTLS]
I changed this to one of the alterative choices: [ Required, Alternate Port ]..
That small change allowed me to receive mail again and the operation of Euudora went back to NORMAL.

Feb 18, 2015, 11:47:00 PM2/18/15
I'm having a possibly related problem:
Eudora has started to take a long time to Receive (Check) incoming emails. Two thirds of the time it waits so long that it times out. (This leads to the error you've been talking about in this thread: "connection closed by foreign host" - albeit: the code is 10100, which may be a different cause from your situations.) Then, occasionally it will download/process quickly like normal. (Sometimes, it will just download one out of several emails, so another set of long waits.)

This has happened each time I've changed internet/email providers. When I changed to Verizon, they eventually walked me through getting the ports to be consistent (I think), and then it worked.
This time, I've switched to RCN (which has far better customer service. However,) their reps were not able to solve this. (understandably, as this is mainly a quirk of Eudora.)
I finally was able to find a way to create/uncover a Ports setting in Tools/Options, and explicitly put the POP server at 110 (which RCN uses). No change.
I also tried your (Guns...@gmail) suggestion to change from [if available STARTTLS] to [Required, Alternate Port]. However, then I got the error:
"SSL Negotiation Failed: Unknown Error; Certificate bad: Destination Host name does not match host name in certificate. But ignoring this error because Certificate is trusted. The connection with the server has been lost. Cause: (200)"

(Even when I changed the port to that of the certificate (995), the same error as above occurred.)
I changed settings back (to "Never") and we're back to: slow but eventual Receiving (which is better than irrevocably fails). So thanks but that didn't work.

So, anyone who has experienced this particular wrinkle and has ideas, let me know (please!) Thanks !
Note: I have Eudora

Feb 9, 2019, 6:17:33 PM2/9/19
On my Win 7 system, this error was caused after AVG Antivirus update. For these types of errors I recommend temporarily disabling first antivirus, then firewall. See if that fixes.

Jun 3, 2020, 2:14:10 PM6/3/20

I know your comment is a couple of years old, but in most cases, that doesn't really matter. I have the same issue with that error

>> Eudora - Error reading from network - Cause: Connection closd by foreign host (0)

I followed your advice and changed it from "[if available STARTTLS]" to "[Required, Alternate Port]" but then I get an authentication error. I also added the alternative ports into the eudora.ini, but it looks like it hasn't done the trick either. Outlook, Windows Mail, even Gmail works fine, but I want to use it with Eudora.

Thanks for your help in advance, if you actually read that. :-)


Jun 4, 2020, 7:31:19 AM6/4/20
On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 19:14:10 UTC+1, wrote:
> Hi,
> I know your comment is a couple of years old, but in most cases, that doesn't really matter. I have the same issue with that error
You almost certainly need to apply the "Hermes" update to Eudora which will enable it to communicate with Yahoo's servers using the TLSv1.2 protocol. Natively Eudora only supports TLSv1 due to its age. If you look at the "Last SSL Info" on the incoming mail settings page, that will probably confirm that. Yahoo (and others) are starting to reject TLSv1 logins on their servers.
I can talk you through installing the necessary files if you like.

Zauberlehrling !

Jun 10, 2020, 10:21:02 AM6/10/20
Hi Dave,

Okay, I have downloaded the File and hope you could talk me through to get it implemented into my Eudora. :-)

Thanks in advance,

Zauberlehrling !

Jun 10, 2020, 10:24:50 AM6/10/20
Am Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020 12:31:19 UTC+1 schrieb DaveH2:
Sorry if that is double, I am not sure if my last reply went through.
I downloaded and would be greatful if you could talk me through with the installation.


Jun 10, 2020, 6:09:13 PM6/10/20
Hi, sorry for the delay in responding.
You need to extract the file in to a folder.
In the HermSSL folder (I assume you're on Windows) you will find a file called "vcredist.exe". Double click on that and follow the prompts to install it. If you get a message that it's already installed, just say OK. Then you need to copy the following files from that folder to your Eudora program folder (with Eudora closed of course!) libeay32.dll QCSSL.dll rootcerts.p7b and ssleay32.dll.
Then start Eudora, and try to connect again. It should now be connecting using TLSv1.2. You can check this by looking at the server settings for the profile you're using (probably "<Dominant>" if you only have one account) and look at "Last SSL Info" on the "Incoming Mail" tab. That should say TLSv1.2.
If that is correct but you still can't connect, we need to do something else!
HTH. Cheers, Dave.

Zauberlehrling !

Jun 11, 2020, 9:27:48 AM6/11/20
I have 2 Emails where Eudora is refusing to work with.

The first one, my t-online email, is working now.
Many thanks for your help with that.

The second one, outlook email, is not working. I can send emails from that, but not receive. This is the message I got.

Outlook. Logging into POP Server, PASS (02:04:38 PM)
There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: PASS <shhhh! Don't tell anyone.> and then the POP server ( said: ERR Login failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I made sure that the email address is correct and the password as well. I even got an email to that address from microsoft, telling me that, if I want "To continue sending messages, please sign in and validate your account." I did so, but the message (see above) continues to come up.

Official Settings from microsoft, see below.

POP server name:
POP port: 995
POP encryption method: TLS

SMTP server name:
SMTP port: 587
SMTP encryption method: STARTTLS

Eudora Settings are

POP Server:
Authentication style: Passwords
Secure Sockets when receiving: If available, STARTTLS

SMTP Server:
Authentication allowed (yes)
Use relay personality, if defined (yes)
Use submission port 587 (yes)
Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, STARTTLS (also works with If available, STARTTLS)

Summary: sending from outlook account works, but receiving doesn't.

Can you help?


Jun 11, 2020, 9:40:14 AM6/11/20
Try setting Secure Sockets when Receiving to "Required, Alternate Port".

Zauberlehrling !

Jun 11, 2020, 11:24:07 AM6/11/20
> Try setting Secure Sockets when Receiving to "Required, Alternate Port".

Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.
I also tried with the other options, but no luck with that.
Do you have any other idea?


Jun 11, 2020, 1:27:30 PM6/11/20
Are you sure that POP server is correct?
If the SMTP server is, I would expect the POP server to be I've never seen a POP server without "pop" in the server name. Try changing it to
If that doesn't work, you may need to generate an application specific password.

Sid Elbow

Jun 11, 2020, 5:35:13 PM6/11/20
On 6/10/2020 10:21 AM, Zauberlehrling ! wrote:

> Okay, I have downloaded the File and hope you could talk me through to get it implemented into my Eudora. :-)
The definitive procedure as recommended on the group (which you should join) is:

"Install it over top of your current Eudora installation. When it asks
you whether you're doing a new installation or altering an existing
installation, you need to tell it to do a new installation. Otherwise it
will uninstall Eudora, which you don't want to do. If you get an error
saying the C++ runtime package is already installed, just tell it to go
on with the installation. If that's installed already, it doesn't need
to be installed again."


Jun 11, 2020, 6:00:57 PM6/11/20
That's already been done, the TLS connection is fine, the problem is now the server apparently rejecting the login credentials.

Aug 19, 2020, 1:15:18 PM8/19/20
Recently, I have been experiencing a similar problem, since my provider updated its security requirements and no longer supports 'TLS1.0', and now requires 'TLS1.2'. I have already followed the instructions provided here to copy the three files from into my existing Eudora program but this has not yet fixed the problem. The specific error message which I am getting is, "Error reading from network. Cause: Connection closed by foreign host." My provider's tech support was no help, when it came to being able to tell me where within Eudora I can go to check to see if my program is now using 'TLS1.2', or not, or if the specific problem I am having (i.e. I can only download one e-mail message at a time, when using the 'check mail' function in Eudora), is not connected to this issue at all. Might anyone here be able to show me how to do this? (and, where exactly within Eudora I need to go, in order to see if it is actually using 'TLS1.2', as is now required by my provider's security requirements)


Aug 19, 2020, 7:59:31 PM8/19/20
On 18:15 19 Aug 2020, said:
> On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:00:57 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> On Thursday, 11 June 2020 22:35:13 UTC+1, Sid Elbow wrote:
>> > On 6/10/2020 10:21 AM, Zauberlehrling ! wrote:
>> >
>> > > Okay, I have downloaded the File and hope you could
>> > > talk me through to get it implemented into my Eudora. :-)
>> > The definitive procedure as recommended on the
>> > group (which you should join) is:
>> >
>> > "Install it over top of your current Eudora installation. When it
>> > asks you whether you're doing a new installation or altering an
>> > existing installation, you need to tell it to do a new installation.
>> > Otherwise it will uninstall Eudora, which you don't want to do. If
>> > you get an error
>> >
>> > saying the C++ runtime package is already installed, just tell it to
>> > go on with the installation. If that's installed already, it doesn't
>> > need to be installed again."
>> That's already been done, the TLS connection is fine, the problem is
>> now the server apparently rejecting the login credentials.
> Recently, I have been experiencing a similar problem, since my provider
> updated its security requirements and no longer supports 'TLS1.0', and
> now requires 'TLS1.2'. I have already followed the instructions provided
> here to copy the three files from

Where is the file available from?


Aug 20, 2020, 2:00:00 PM8/20/20
On Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 00:59:31 UTC+1, Pamela wrote:
> Where is the file available from?
HTH. Cheers, Dave.


Aug 22, 2020, 1:18:37 PM8/22/20
I saw "Hermes" when I searched but didn't realise it is based on Eudora. I
must look into this. Thank you.


Aug 22, 2020, 2:52:43 PM8/22/20
"Hermes" is an ongoing project to hopefully eventually produce a mail client pretty much the same as Eudora, with all its facilities, but capable of coping with modern standards, which Eudora is now struggling with. It was made possible by the release of the Eudora source code.
All it is so far is an updated Eudora installer which contains updated files to support TLS 1.2 when connecting to servers, which is now becoming a requirement. If you don't want to use the whole installer (which is also there on SourceForge) you can use the files in HermesSSLzip to manually update the files which are in your present Eudora installation.

Rick C

Aug 22, 2020, 8:30:19 PM8/22/20
It has been a while since we've heard anything from the Hermes developers. I hope things are still progressing even if only slowly. There are numerous bugs I would like to see fixed or maybe I should say, "replaced"? lol


Rick C.

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Oct 10, 2020, 11:35:02 AM10/10/20
On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 17:30:18 -0700 (PDT), Rick C <> wrote:

>It has been a while since we've heard anything from the Hermes developers. I hope things are still progressing even if only slowly. There are numerous bugs I would like to see fixed or maybe I should say, "replaced"? lol

Progress is slow... Same with donations for the guys to
get some (paid) expertise on the framework conversions.

Feb 21, 2021, 6:50:57 AM2/21/21
> > > The definitive procedure as recommended on the
> > > group (which you should join) is:

How can I join that group?
Is it a Google Group?



Feb 21, 2021, 8:10:46 AM2/21/21
No it isn't.
You need to send an e-mail to <> and make sure you include the word "Gazelle" in the subject line. That's all it needs, and you should then start getting the group's messages. If you want to ask a new question then to the members of the group send it to <>.
HTH. Cheers, Dave.

Feb 21, 2021, 8:52:19 AM2/21/21
Hi Dave,

Everything worked fine last time.
Now I had to reinstall my windows and struggle again with setting up Eudora to work.
I already installed Hermes, and it seems to work with the Dominant account (GMX), but all the others I run with Eudora (, t-online) are refusing. I still get the certificate error.
I think there was one place where I could manually put the ports for SMTP and POP, but I can't remember anymore. Do you remember?

(I am a bit frustrated and think of leaving Eudora behind and using Mailbird instead, although that also doesn't work for Outlook unless one uses a Business account...)


Feb 21, 2021, 9:32:01 AM2/21/21
You almost certainly need "Required, Alternate Port" selected for both sending and receiving.
There is no way to set a specific post manually in Eudora, but that setting should use the ports that are generally used nowadays.
If you're still getting SSL certificate errors after setting that, look at "Last SSL Info" and see what the problem actually is.
You may need to trust and/or install a certificate from your e-mail provider.

Feb 28, 2021, 5:25:45 AM2/28/21
Hi Dave,

okay, I have changed to "Required, Alternate Port". My Dominant account works fine. I can send and receive emails. also the account works now. I tried the same with the account. but here I get the error message "Error reading from netwotwork. Cause: connection closed by foreign host. (0)". I installed the certificate from T-Online, but I get the same issue afterwards. Maybe I don't use the correct secure sockets...

The server settings are the following

SMTP-Server: Port 465 SSL
POP3-Server: Port 995 SSL / TLS

What is what in Eudora? There we have only the options below

- never
- if available, STARTTLS
- required, alternative port
- required, STARTTLS

I would have asked this in that Eudora for Windows list, but I can't remember how to post a question there. Sorry.
Maybe you help me anyway?


Feb 28, 2021, 5:42:35 AM2/28/21
I need to correct me.
T-Online works now as well. :-)
Now I would like to get Outlook to work as well and then I will be a happy bunny.


Feb 28, 2021, 8:25:44 AM2/28/21
So it's only your Outlook account that isn't working now?
When you try to check it, presumably you get an error message.
What does it say if you look at the last SSL info on the Incoming Mail tab of the profile settings?

Feb 28, 2021, 9:20:22 AM2/28/21
Yes, only Outlook needs setting up, yet.
I went to the online inbox because I read somewhere that one has to enable pop. So I did that, although I thought it was enabled already.
I checked the pop and smtp servers. Looks all good so far, only the "TLS" and "STARTTLS" is a struggle, because I don't know which is which in Eudora language...

What is what in Eudora? There we have only the options below

- never
- if available, STARTTLS
- required, alternative port
- required, STARTTLS

When I then check last SSL I get the following warning message: "You have never checked mail using an SSL connection with this personality since the last time you started Eudora (or a negotiation is in progress with this personality)."

(It's true, it's the first time I check the SSL connection.) ;-)

Thank you.


Feb 28, 2021, 1:44:11 PM2/28/21
On Sunday, 28 February 2021 at 14:20:22 UTC, wrote:
So you've never actually made a connection with that personality, if you had, even if it failed, the SSL Info would tell you why it failed.
I'm pretty sure you should be set to "Required, Alternate port" as you are for your other personalities.
If that doesn't work, double check that you have the correct information entered for your account.
What error message do you actually get when you try checking for mail?


Jan 17, 2022, 4:44:24 AM1/17/22
Help! I'm having trouble sending emails with Eudora with an Office365 email. I did the HERMES patch last year and things were fine until a couple weeks ago. The issue seems to be the outgoing SMTP port. It's been set to use 587 and has given TSLv1 since I did the patch last year. Hasn't been an issue but now emails aren't sent right away and I have to make several send attempts before it finally goes. I guess they've let TSLv1 slip through as it's gradually phased out but this won't be possible for me in a few days when our organization disallows TSLv1 for good. I've tried "Required, alternate port" for the SMTP server (port 465) but Eudora just hangs and doesn't send the email. Only port 587 with multiple attempts works for sending emails. Funny enough, the incoming IMAP port is 993 and I get TLSv1.2 no problem. I also have another pop-based gmail personality with Eudora and that yields TSLv1.2 no problem. So I believe the HERMES patch worked but what is going on with the SMTP server???
Any ideas on what's going on? Thanks much.

Feb 13, 2022, 5:37:05 AM2/13/22
there is no exact way to fix the problem is its a hit and trial and some time it works and some time not, but after some hit and trail its working.

Computer Technician

Paul Colder

Dec 25, 2023, 2:40:00 PM12/25/23
Op donderdag 11 juni 2020 om 00:09:13 UTC+2 schreef DaveH2:
Hi Dave,

Also in 2023 there are still quite a few people who love Eudora and I am one of them. A few days ago I had to re-build a desktop computer, but the re-installation of Eudora 7.1 was a problem: I got the error messages mentioned here. I really struggled , until I found your comments in this group. I followed your recommendations and I am very happy to report that Eudora is working again !!
Many, many thanks for your excellent support !
Have a nice X-mas.
Kind regards,



Dec 25, 2023, 3:17:16 PM12/25/23
Thanks for the kind words Paul, glad to hear that it worked for you.
Glad that a post from 3½ years ago was still useful!
Happy Christmas!
Cheers, Dave.
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