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The people who invented antipiracy laws are ...

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_ XL1201 _ Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka Franz Kafka

May 21, 2003, 10:32:10 PM5/21/03

Yes, that's right--Nazis.

I was watching the Hitler miniseries, and was strict that
the ant laws aimed at limited the people from freely
using their software were kind of like Hitler's laws aimed
at destroying an other FSF/GPL like society namely Communism.

Let's look at the similarities.

First: The Nazis distorted the facts to prove their point. The antipiracy
people distorted some facts about RedHat Software and how it's flagship
product namely Linux is a holy grail of communal property--the key stone of
the FSF/GPL, and GNU movements toward free software for the masses.

However the fascists at Microsoft have setup roadblocks to free software by
implementing Draconian laws aimed to destroy the spirit of free software.

Anitpiracy people have even set up concentration camps to hold the innocent
masses who have not committed any crimes--namely Kevin MitNick
( and the 16 who designed the DeCSS software. (The people
have been locked into prisons for five years without a trial and have had
had to fight frivolous lawsuits because of Nazi-like laws passed by the
antiparty fascists.

It might never end go to and fight these new antipiracy Nazis
before the supporters of FSF/GPL and GNU
are rounded up by the strong arm of the antipiracy cops and thrown into a
concentration camp for pirates.

We can fight back by: releasing worms and viruses on the Internet, DOS
Attacks on any web site that supports antipiracy laws or other
communications laws that have thrown people into prison. Or by
a carefully placed EMP/T Bomb (

If the antipiracy fascists have to rebuild their networks they can't enforce
their draconian laws--you can't fight when your own army has to rebuild it
self. (Destruction from within--from "the Art of War")

Act now before you loose the right to use Free Software.

Don't believe any fascists who tell you otherwise--free software is a
powerful tool.

If a government suppresses you, such as China, Iran, Iraq, etc. if civilians
in those countries destroy the information infrastructure/ the
communications that those countries use to mobilize their troops, and
control the population--then, and only then, have they made a giant leap to


May 21, 2003, 11:08:52 PM5/21/03
On Thu, 22 May 2003 02:32:10 GMT, "Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _
Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com> wrote:

>Don't believe any fascists who tell you otherwise--free software is a
>powerful tool.

>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000

He says posting from a Windows box...


May 21, 2003, 11:32:44 PM5/21/03

"Me" <> wrote in message
: On Thu, 22 May 2003 02:32:10 GMT, "Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _

I support open source, the EFF, and have sent emails to Senator Fritz
Hollings denouncing his sponsorship of the SSSCA, and yet I'm using Outlook
Express, too. Do you suppose I should be ashamed or something? ;o)


+++alt.2600/#hack FAQ (by The Voyager)+++

agent Rev Turd Fredericks

May 22, 2003, 3:16:37 AM5/22/03
ramalane wrote:

> "Me" <> wrote in message
> : On Thu, 22 May 2003 02:32:10 GMT, "Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _
> : Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com> wrote:
> :
> : >Don't believe any fascists who tell you otherwise--free software is a
> : >powerful tool.
> :
> : >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
> : >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
> :
> : He says posting from a Windows box...
> I support open source, the EFF, and have sent emails to Senator Fritz
> Hollings denouncing his sponsorship of the SSSCA, and yet I'm using
> Outlook
> Express, too. Do you suppose I should be ashamed or something? ;o)


Unless you have made no mistakes in your life
Be careful of the stones that you throw
-Bob Dylan


May 22, 2003, 8:17:25 AM5/22/03
On Wed, 21 May 2003 23:32:44 -0400, "ramalane"
<> wrote:

>"Me" <> wrote in message
>: On Thu, 22 May 2003 02:32:10 GMT, "Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _
>: Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com> wrote:
>: >Don't believe any fascists who tell you otherwise--free software is a
>: >powerful tool.
>: >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>: >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
>: He says posting from a Windows box...
>I support open source, the EFF, and have sent emails to Senator Fritz
>Hollings denouncing his sponsorship of the SSSCA, and yet I'm using Outlook
>Express, too. Do you suppose I should be ashamed or something? ;o)

Naa, I'm using weeners too. Just thought it was kinda funny to see a
two foot rant on the evils of Microslop v.s. the wonders of open
source posted from a Microslop box.

Franz Kafka

May 22, 2003, 9:02:30 AM5/22/03

& What makes you think I paid for the software ;)

piracy --> a method to make all software, free.

read 2600 @ and fight the fascist legal system so
they are no more Kevin MitNicks or Bernie S.'s locked up in American
concentration camps. (

So the ANTI-DeCSS Nazi's too--they are trying to pass some
fascist laws as well. (If they get their way you could be
arrested for the crimes of: 1.) backing up a cd. or 2.) writing
some free software to play DVD's on any computer you want.

... & if prob. won't end their--people will prevent coders from
coding because of fascist Nazi-like corporations don't what some
code written. (Support Free Software, End Fascism.)

Wayne Tiffany

May 22, 2003, 1:32:23 PM5/22/03
I can't stand this any more without commenting. What you are
suggesting is that all software should be free. Fine. Who's going to
write it? A lot of software is written for the fun of it, to see what
can be accomplished, because I felt like it, etc., and then given
away. That's ok, and I have contributed to that cause many times, and
am happy for that opportunity.

However, most of the software is written because someone recognizes a
need, and also a possibility to generate some income. Does that make
that person a bad person because they want to be paid for the time
they spent working out the details of their code? I don't think so,
because in a free market system, supply and demand, for the most part,
determine who gets paid for what, and how much.

To say that "someome" (fascist government???) should take everyone's
software from them and give it away to "those that need it" is a
system that already has a name - socialism. It was a system that was
tried for many years in the USSR, and then it collapsed on itself
because without the expectation of a rewaard, nobody works. Why
should I spend my time, money (what little I have left,) and energy
developing something, just to have it taken away and given to someone
that can't or doesn't want to do it themselves? Whay stop at
software? What about the vegetables in your garden? What about your
car? Maybe someone else "needs" it more than you do? Free for all?
Who decides?

A free market system isn't perfect, but it's the best there is for
now. The bottom line is that without the reward, there is no reason
to work, therefore, the system collapses from apathy. My $.02 worth.

WT (Franz Kafka) wrote in message news:<>...

May 22, 2003, 3:17:59 PM5/22/03
"ramalane" <> wrote in message news:<VnXya.64668$>...

> I support open source, the EFF, and have sent emails to Senator Fritz
> Hollings denouncing his sponsorship of the SSSCA, and yet I'm using Outlook
> Express, too. Do you suppose I should be ashamed or something? ;o)

Yeah, but it has nothing to do with what software you use.

May 22, 2003, 3:21:30 PM5/22/03
"Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _ Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com> wrote in message news:<KEWya.730$>...
> [snip] an other FSF/GPL like society namely Communism.

So, the FSF goombas are communists. This is the only part of
your post that even vaguely made sense.

Agent Mimic

May 22, 2003, 4:06:49 PM5/22/03
"Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _ Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com>
wrote in message news:KEWya.730$
> First: The Nazis distorted the facts to prove their point.

## Propaganda is a key point in any confrontational situation. The americans
and British, as well as all other countries have distorted the facts in
order to further their own efforts.

> masses who have not committed any crimes--namely Kevin MitNick

## Kevin Mitnik was a glorified Con man who used social engineering and
computers, he wasnt overly technical and the authorities merely used him as
an example.

> ( and the 16 who designed the DeCSS software. (The
> have been locked into prisons for five years without a trial and have had
> had to fight frivolous lawsuits because of Nazi-like laws passed by the
> antiparty fascists.

## Last i heard the creator of DeCSS was not charged with anything. (?)

> We can fight back by: releasing worms and viruses on the Internet, DOS
> Attacks on any web site that supports antipiracy laws or other
> communications laws that have thrown people into prison. Or by
> a carefully placed EMP/T Bomb (

## Thus funding the companies developing Anti-* software and techniques
making the job of cracking, virus writing and the distribution of free
software harder whilst giving our culture even more of a bad name.

> If the antipiracy fascists have to rebuild their networks they can't
> their draconian laws--you can't fight when your own army has to rebuild it
> self. (Destruction from within--from "the Art of War")

## Taken out of context. If you had any knowledge you would know that the
internet was designed as a method of communications that has no central
point, therefore making it a highly effective weapon.

> Act now before you loose the right to use Free Software.
> Don't believe any fascists who tell you otherwise--free software is a
> powerful tool.
> If a government suppresses you, such as China, Iran, Iraq, etc. if
> in those countries destroy the information infrastructure/ the
> communications that those countries use to mobilize their troops, and
> control the population--then, and only then, have they made a giant leap
> freedom.

(note : see notes above if you missed them)

Alternatively, you could just write the software yourself. THIS is the key
to a virtual economy of free/shareware. If i write a CDRW software program
and release it as freeware, who has the power to stop me ? there are no
copyright infringements. Linux, nmap, fprot and the many many other free
programs available are the result of this concept. If you want a society of
free software, this is how to acheive it. Put down Sun Tzu and use your own

And Remember; If you cant beat the system, Go around it.


"Without Knowledge you have fear, With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont".

Agent Mimic

May 22, 2003, 4:15:22 PM5/22/03
"Franz Kafka" <> wrote in

To be really are a dumbass.


May 22, 2003, 10:11:04 PM5/22/03

<> wrote in message
: "ramalane" <> wrote in message

Your comment only strengthens my point, but thanks anyway. :-P


Church of the Swimming Elephant
Have you been to church today?

Franz Kafka

May 23, 2003, 6:29:17 PM5/23/03

Socks let's look it it logicaly.

Let x = FSF goombas are communists.


Let y = Nazi's hate communinsts.

Logically if

y hates x
Socks also hates x
Socks must agree on some level with y.


Socks supports Nazis by attacking FSF :)
Anyone who opposes FSF must support the Nazis.

People who help support FSF,
also help stop Nazis.

QED ;)

Agent Mimic

May 23, 2003, 10:38:55 PM5/23/03
"Franz Kafka" <> wrote in

The only "logic" in youre posts are that youre trolling.

Franz Kafka

May 23, 2003, 10:50:30 PM5/23/03
"Agent Mimic" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> To be really are a dumbass.

Are you an Antipiracy Nazi?
When you go after software pirates, do you sulute Hitler?
Why do you nazis attempt to suppress DeCSS?
Why do you nazis lock up Kevin MitNick and Bernie S. and
then blame them for committing crimes, but keep them
locked away in your concentration camps for months, years
with out a trial?
Microsoft should put a Swatsiga on their products, and keep
hiring the Gastapo to fight piracy, and the FSF?
The S.S. fights pirates, Bernie. S--Hitler had an S.S any questions?
Don't support the Aryan Brotherhood; use Linux. :)
The antipiracy nazis want to control computers so they can control people.

To be are a nazi. :)

Franz Kafka

May 24, 2003, 11:48:57 AM5/24/03
"Agent Mimic" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Oh, an antitrolling Nazi :-P

We need to fight the fascism of antipiracy--antihacking laws that the
Nazi governments are passing.

& will all the people who are against hacking please watch and
understand the "Matrix" & why we need hackers/pirates -- and then take
your pictures
of Hitler down ;) and start fighting for freedom--so that Zion (the
city near the core of the Earth not the religious city) will stand
strong & free. :)

Agent Mimic

May 24, 2003, 2:24:36 PM5/24/03
"Franz Kafka" <> wrote in

You what ? Firstly i think you need to learn what we like to call "The
English Language". Secondly, look up the word "contradictory". Then you can
move onto history and social relationships (ie, what the fuck has hitler got
to do with piracy). Infact no, forget all that, get the fuck back to school
and start again, you clearly havent learnt ANYTHING.

Agent Mimic

May 24, 2003, 2:26:00 PM5/24/03
"Franz Kafka" <> wrote in
> "Agent Mimic" <> wrote in message
> > "Franz Kafka" <> wrote in
> > The only "logic" in youre posts are that youre trolling.
> Oh, an antitrolling Nazi :-P
> We need to fight the fascism of antipiracy--antihacking laws that the
> Nazi governments are passing.
> & will all the people who are against hacking please watch and
> understand the "Matrix" & why we need hackers/pirates -- and then take
> your pictures
> of Hitler down ;) and start fighting for freedom--so that Zion (the
> city near the core of the Earth not the religious city) will stand
> strong & free. :)

Oh please. You really are fucking thick. Fuck this, youre just trolling, and
very badly, watch how i put an end to you dumbass posts.

Franz Kafka

May 25, 2003, 11:37:24 AM5/25/03
goto and read about all the young kids
who were charged /w Felonies for learning about
computer systems.

Check out their page about the 'Secret Service'? What
does the symbols there remind you of.

Don't people think that computer laws are a little extream? and
procucuters are a little over zelous?

I'll keep posting until it changes ;)

You can stop me from posting--by bringing the injustices to
light, and helping prevent them from ever happening again.

Goto: (the psudoowners of alt.2600) and tell me
that our legal system is not fucked up.

Franz Kafka (published 1 article in 2600)


May 31, 2003, 8:48:00 AM5/31/03
"Wayne Tiffany" <> wrote in message

> I can't stand this any more without commenting. What you are
> suggesting is that all software should be free.

No, that's not what he was suggesting. He merely wishes it to remain legal
for those who *wish* to produce free software to do so. He merely wants it
permitted; not compulsory. You didn't read closely enough, mistook what he
was saying for your own pet grudge, and jumped down his throat without
thinking. Read his first post again, where he says

>>"Act now before you loose the right to use Free Software."

He doesn't say anywhere that he thinks all software should be compelled to
be free. He just thinks people have the right to use free software if they

> A lot of software is written for the fun of it, to see what
> can be accomplished, because I felt like it, etc., and then given
> away. That's ok, and I have contributed to that cause many times, and
> am happy for that opportunity.
> However, most of the software is written because someone recognizes a
> need, and also a possibility to generate some income. Does that make
> that person a bad person because they want to be paid for the time
> they spent working out the details of their code? I don't think so,
> because in a free market system, supply and demand, for the most part,
> determine who gets paid for what, and how much.

This argument is bogus for two reasons: a) because you were wrong about
thinking he wanted software to *all* be free, and b) because you seem not to
know that writing free software can and does earn people income just like
writing closed source does.

> To say that "someome" (fascist government???) should take everyone's
> software from them and give it away to "those that need it" is a

He didn't say that. You just made it up. READ his first post. It just
doesn't say anything remotely like that. Stop worrying over things that
aren't even there!

[snip pointless theoretical discussion of problems with USSR-style command
economies because that's not what was being proposed by the OP.]

You seem to have such a chip on your shoulder that you assumed without
paying attention to what you read that it was some kind of communist
manifesto. Try re-reading it.

moderator of
Burn your ID card!
Help support the campaign, copy this into your .sig!
Proud Member of the Exclusive "I have been plonked by Davee because he
thinks I'm interesting" List Member #<insert number here>
Master of Many Meowing Minions
Holder of the exhalted PF Chang's Crab Wonton Award for kook spankage above
and beyond the call of hilarity.
PGP Key-ID: 0x0FB504D1 Fingerprint 04B7 2E8C 0245 680E 6484 C441 CEC7 D2BD


May 31, 2003, 8:59:45 AM5/31/03
"Agent Mimic" <> wrote in message

> "Franz Kafka" <Symbolics _ XL1201 _ Sebek _ Budo _ Kafka @ hotmail . com>
> wrote in message news:KEWya.730$

> > ( and the 16 who designed the DeCSS software. (The

> people
> > have been locked into prisons for five years without a trial and have
> > had to fight frivolous lawsuits because of Nazi-like laws passed by the
> > antiparty fascists.
> ## Last i heard the creator of DeCSS was not charged with anything. (?)

Last *I* heard, they were going to disregard the double jeopardy rule and
put him on trial again until they got the right result. Has there been an
update about that ?

> > If the antipiracy fascists have to rebuild their networks they can't
> enforce
> > their draconian laws--you can't fight when your own army has to rebuild
> > self. (Destruction from within--from "the Art of War")
> ## Taken out of context. If you had any knowledge you would know that the
> internet was designed as a method of communications that has no central
> point, therefore making it a highly effective weapon.

Hmmf. The 'net turns out to be a scale-free network, however, which means
that strategic attacks on the most highly connected hubs *can* fragment it
into disconnected islands. And I wasn't sure if FK was referring to the net
as a whole or just to the subnetworks within it belonging to the antipiracy
activists, which of course are generally ASs with a limited number of
connections into the cloud.

> Alternatively, you could just write the software yourself. THIS is the key
> to a virtual economy of free/shareware. If i write a CDRW software program
> and release it as freeware, who has the power to stop me ? there are no
> copyright infringements. Linux, nmap, fprot and the many many other free
> programs available are the result of this concept. If you want a society
> free software, this is how to acheive it. Put down Sun Tzu and use your
> noggin.

Well, his whole point is that that statement is becoming increasingly
untrue. If you write code to decrypt and play DVDs, or to decrypt e-books,
you can be arrested, hauled before the courts, and possibly jailed. I'd
count that as "stopping you". His arguments may be simplisticly passionate,
naive and overexaggerated, but there's a very real freedom that *is* being
actively quashed by measures such as the DCMA and that fritz chip stuff and
the malign confluence of music biz, MPAA and BSA types that are pursuing
further limitations of our freedoms to control our own systems and software.

> And Remember; If you cant beat the system, Go around it.

The true hacker's answer! (Reminds me of the Stainless Steel Rat series by
Harry Harrison!)

Franz Kafka

May 31, 2003, 9:00:45 PM5/31/03
"DaveK" <no....@my.mailbox.invalid> wrote in message news:<s24Ca.16468$>...

> Last *I* heard, they were going to disregard the double jeopardy rule and
> put him on trial again until they got the right result. Has there been an
> update about that ?

At last, somebody understands how the juggernaut must be stopped. How
the nazis are not going 2 give up until they get their way. Now if the
people who are ignoring the double jeopardy rull will take down their
pictures of Hitler my quest will be over. But, wait, more medical
experiments in sensory deperation must go on ... my quest to stop the
antipiracy nazis will be a never ending quest. We need more fighters
like DaveK.

> Hmmf. The 'net turns out to be a scale-free network, however, which means
> that strategic attacks on the most highly connected hubs *can* fragment it
> into disconnected islands. And I wasn't sure if FK was referring to the net
> as a whole or just to the subnetworks within it belonging to the antipiracy
> activists, which of course are generally ASs with a limited number of
> connections into the cloud.

and, you understand Network Archetecture, too. A carefully designed
worm using AI tools/techniques could help us win the war. Any AI
hackers willing 2 take on the challenge to end the fascist riche of
the antipiracy nazi please release 1 on the net 2 stop the nazi
juggernaut from rolling, and crushing 'innocent' programmers who are
trying to make free software ... so it goes. and so on.

> Well, his whole point is that that statement is becoming increasingly
> untrue. If you write code to decrypt and play DVDs, or to decrypt e-books,
> you can be arrested, hauled before the courts, and possibly jailed. I'd
> count that as "stopping you". His arguments may be simplisticly passionate,
> naive and overexaggerated, but there's a very real freedom that *is* being
> actively quashed by measures such as the DCMA and that fritz chip stuff and
> the malign confluence of music biz, MPAA and BSA types that are pursuing
> further limitations of our freedoms to control our own systems and software.

all nazis must |3 stopped if u value your freedom: protests,
rebelions, controlled anarchy (making sure are viri don't attact out
systems :)), and
infomation partys to make spread the word 2 the mass3s.

> And Remember; If you cant beat the system, Go around it.

or go through it :) using the virus like a jackhammer ;)

Franz Kafka (1 time 2600 auth()r)


Jun 2, 2003, 12:44:09 PM6/2/03
I strongly oppose your overuse of the term "Nazi". I don't think you
realize what this word actually means.

agent cake

Jun 2, 2003, 3:14:32 PM6/2/03
in article, somebody named
CornedBee at scrawled in red magic marker 6/2/03 09:44

yes, i think the term fascist would go over better.

I have no church. To put a church between a man and his God is the laziest
form of atheism. To obey a church is to stop listening to the voice of God

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