I find the following methods exported in (an older copy of) PDFlib:
METHOD New( cFile, nLen, nHeigth, nWidth )
METHOD PdfNewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName,
_nFontType, _nFontSize )
METHOD PdfClosePage()
METHOD PdfClose()
METHOD PdfPageSize( _cPageSize )
METHOD PdfPageOrient( _cPageOrient )
METHOD PdfSetLpi( _nLpi )
METHOD PdfSetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId )
METHOD PdfDrawHeader()
METHOD PdfMargins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom )
METHOD PdfImageInfo( cFile )
METHOD PdfTiffInfo( cFile )
METHOD Pdfjpeginfo( cFile )
METHOD Pdfimage( cFile, nRow, nCol, nHeight, nWidth, cId,
Scalex, Scaley )
METHOD Pdfatsay( cString, nRow, nCol, lExact, cId )
METHOD Pdfgetfontinfo( cParam )
METHOD Pdfpagenum( n )
METHOD Getpagetype( nWidth, nHeight )
METHOD Settop( N ) INLINE ::aReport[ PDFTOP ] := N // top
METHOD Setleft( N ) INLINE ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := N // left &
METHOD Setbottom( N ) INLINE ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := N
METHOD Pdf_Rect( x, y, width, height )
METHOD Pdf_Stroke()
METHOD Setoverline( l )
METHOD Setunderline( l )
METHOD Pdfmoveto( X, Y )
METHOD Pdflineto( X, Y )
METHOD Pdfsetlinewidth( w )
METHOD Pdfsetlinecap( w )
METHOD Pdfsetdash( b, w )
METHOD Pdfsave( lBuf )
METHOD Pdfrestore( lBuf )
METHOD Pdfunder( Text, Len, X, Y )
METHOD Pdfover( Text, Len, x, y )
METHOD Pdf_Str_Width( Text, Len, Font, Size )
METHOD Pdfsetrgbcolor( R, G, B )
METHOD Pdfscale( X, Y, lBuf )
METHOD Pdftranslate( tX, tY )
METHOD Pdfpnginfo( cFile )
METHOD Pdfrotate( pHi )
METHOD Pdfclosepath()
METHOD Pdfendpath()
METHOD Pdfcurveto( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )
METHOD Pdfcomplevel( x )
METHOD Pdfinfo( cTitle, cAuthor, cKey, cCreator )
METHOD PDF_setrgbcolor_fill( R, G, B )
... so you might be able to generate the PDF with the formatting you
want, without making the text file first.
David A. Smith