Am 27.01.24 um 17:45 schrieb Gerald Lester:
> On 1/27/24 10:08, Rich wrote:
>> Mark Tarver <> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to trap errors inside an event loop. Here is the relevant
>>> code
>>> proc enact {File} {
>>> set Source [open $File r]
>>> set Data [read $Source]
>>> set Command [trim $Data]
>>> overwrite $File
>>> catch [eval $Command] err
>>> if { $err != 0 } {
>> ...
> Actually, you don't want [eval $Command] -- you just want $Command
To put it together: The correct invocation would be:
if {[catch $Command result]} {
# an error has happened
# the error message is in $result
} else {
# it went smoothly
# the reult of $Command is in $result
Catch executes the 1st arg, i.e.
catch $Command result
is the same as
set result [eval $Command]
- with the difference that it catches the errors.
Also note that the command is executed in the current scope. I.e. if
Command is "set a 3", then the variable a inside the proc enact will be
set. Most systems that execute such commands, e.g. Tk button commands
etc., rather use the global level via
catch {uplevel #0 $Command}