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ISO conversion tool for text widgets

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Helmut Giese

Sep 3, 2021, 3:23:45 PM9/3/21
Hello out there,
wanting to display text in a text widget which is partly italic and /
or bold I am wondering if there is a light weight conversion tool
which converts text like
This is normal text while this is in <i>italic</i>
(or with any other annotation) into the proper text widget 's
pathname tag configure ...

Any link or tip will be greatly appreciated


Sep 3, 2021, 3:54:33 PM9/3/21
This is what I use and it works for me.

> # Return the text widget tag for html italic or bold text
> #
> proc tag {ib} {
> switch -exact $ib {
> i {
> return tagCaptionItalic
> }
> b {
> return tagCaptionBold
> }
> default {
> return ""
> }
> }
> }
> # Replace any html character entities with the literal character
> #
> proc unHtml {text} {
> regsub -all {&amp;?} $text {\&} text
> regsub -all {&lt;?} $text {<} text
> regsub -all {&gt;?} $text {>} text
> regsub -all {&cent;?} $text "\u00a2" text
> regsub -all {&quot;?} $text {"} text
> regsub -all {&apos;?} $text {'} text
> regsub -all {&nbsp;?} $text "\u00a0" text
> return $text
> }
> # Scan a html text string and break it into {text tag} pairs for
> # into the text widget for the caption. The only html tags
supported are
> # <i>...</i> and <b>...</b> and they cannot be nested
> #
> proc tagify {string} {
> set text [list ]
> set ranges [regexp -all -indices -inline
{<{1,1}?([ib])\s*>(.*?)</\1\s*>} $string]
> set cursor 0
> foreach {whole tag content} $ranges {
> lassign $whole s e
> if { $s > $cursor } {
> lappend text [unHtml [string range $string $cursor $s-1]] ""
> }
> lappend text [unHtml [string range $string {*}$content]] [tag
[string index $string [lindex $tag 0]]]
> set cursor [expr {$e+1}]
> }
> if { $cursor < [string length $string] } {
> lappend text [unHtml [string range $string $cursor end]] ""
> }
> return $text
> }
> #
> # Derive and create fonts
> #
> array set Constants [list ]
> set size [font configure TkCaptionFont -size]
> # The fonts for the caption window
> set Constants(captionFont) [eval \
> font create [font configure TkCaptionFont] -size [incrFontSize
$size 2]]
> set Constants(captionBoldFont) [eval \
> font create [font configure TkCaptionFont] -size [incrFontSize
$size 2] \
> -weight bold]
> set Constants(captionItalicFont) [eval \
> font create [font configure TkCaptionFont] -size [incrFontSize
$size 2] \
> -slant italic]
> set Constants(captionMeasure) [font measure $Constants(captionFont) 0]
> unset size
> proc whatever ... {
> :
> :
> :
> # Insert the caption after replacing any html character
entities and
> # using an italic or bold font for <i> or <b> html tags
> if { [string length $caption] > 0 } {
> text $w.caption -font $Constants(captionFont) \
> -borderwidth 0 \
> -background white \
> -height 1 \
> -width [expr { ([image width image$id] - 50)
/ $Constants(captionMeasure) }] \
> -relief flat \
> -wrap word
> $w.caption tag config tagJustify -justify center
> $w.caption tag config tagCaptionItalic -font
> $w.caption tag config tagCaptionBold -font
> foreach {text tag} [tagify $caption] {
> $w.caption insert end $text $tag
> }
> $w.caption tag add tagJustify 0.0 end
> pack $w.caption -side top \
> -pady {0 5}
> :
> :
> :
> }

computerjock AT mail DOT com


Sep 3, 2021, 3:58:27 PM9/3/21
On 9/3/2021 2:23 PM, Helmut Giese wrote:
Forgot a proc:

> # Do arithmetic on a font size
> # If the font size is positive, the size is measured in points
> # If the font size is negative, the size is measured in pixels
> proc incrFontSize {size delta} {
> if { $size >= 0 } {
> incr size $delta
> } else {
> # tk scaling is the number of pixels/point
> set size [expr {$size - round([tk scaling] * $delta)}]
> }
> return $size

Helmut Giese

Sep 4, 2021, 6:35:28 AM9/4/21
Hi Dave,
many thanks for your code, it sems to be what I was looking for.
Looking at the time stamp of your posting I could have waited online
for it to arrive. :)
Thanks again

Alex Plotnikov

Sep 5, 2021, 11:48:22 PM9/5/21
Probably a bit late, still I would like to share with a code I use.
Its main feature is that it doesn't use RE, but string commands only.
The code is rather old, don't judge it too strictly:)

For its test below:
There two texts - normal and disabled. The disabled becomes normal after 10 sec.


proc resetText {w state {contsName {}}} {
# Resets a text widget to edit/view from scratch.
# w - text widget's name
# state - widget's final state (normal/disabled)
# contsName - variable name for contents to be set in the widget

if {$contsName ne {}} {
upvar 1 $contsName conts
$w replace 1.0 end $conts
$w edit reset; $w edit modified no
$w configure -state $state

proc displayTaggedText {w contsName {tags ""}} {

# Sets the text widget's contents using tags (ornamental details).
# w - text widget's name
# contsName - variable name for contents to be set in the widget
# tags - list of tags to be applied to the text
# The lines in *text contents* are divided by \n and can include
# *tags* like in a html layout, e.g. <red>RED ARMY</red>.
# The *tags* is a list of "name/value" pairs. 1st is a tag's name, 2nd
# is a tag's value.
# The tag's name is "pure" one (without <>) so e.g.for <b>..</b> the tag
# list contains "b".
# The tag's value is a string of text attributes (-font etc.).

upvar 1 $contsName conts
if { [set state [$w cget -state]] ne {normal}} {
$w configure -state normal
if {$tags eq {}} {
resetText $w $state conts
set taglist [set tagpos [set taglen [list]]]
foreach tagi $tags {
lassign $tagi tag opts
$w tag configure $tag {*}$opts
lappend tagpos 0
lappend taglen [string length $tag]
set tLen [llength $tags]
set disptext {}
set irow 1
foreach line [split $conts \n] {
if {$irow > 1} {
append disptext \n
set newline {}
while 1 {
set p [string first \< $line]
if {$p < 0} {
append newline [string range $line 0 $p-1]
set line [string range $line $p end]
set i 0
set nrnc $irow.[string length $newline]
foreach tagi $tags pos $tagpos len $taglen {
lassign $tagi tag
if {[string first "\<$tag\>" $line]==0} {
if {$pos ne {0}} {
error "Mismatched \<$tag\> in line $irow"
lset tagpos $i $nrnc
set line [string range $line $len+2 end]
} elseif {[string first "\</$tag\>" $line]==0} {
if {$pos eq {0}} {
error "Mismatched \</$tag\> in line $irow"
lappend taglist [list $i $pos $nrnc]
lset tagpos $i 0
set line [string range $line $len+3 end]
incr i
if {$i == $tLen} {
# tag not found after "<" - shift by 1 character
append newline [string index $line 0]
set line [string range $line 1 end]
append disptext $newline $line
incr irow
resetText $w $state disptext
set lfont [$w cget -font]
catch {set lfont [font actual $lfont]}
for {set it [llength $taglist]} {[incr it -1]>=0} {} {
set tagli [lindex $taglist $it]
lassign $tagli i p1 p2
lassign [lindex $tags $i] tag opts
$w tag add $tag $p1 $p2

# Test

set textTags [list \
[list "red" " -font {-weight bold} -foreground white -background red"] \
[list "i" " -font {-weight bold -slant italic} -foreground red"] \
[list "inv" " -font {-weight bold} -foreground blue -background white"] \
set text "

Sets the text widget's contents using tags (ornamental details).


<inv>displayTaggedText {w contsName {tags {}}}</inv>
<inv>w</inv> - text widget's name
<inv>contsName</inv> - variable name for contents to be set in the widget
<inv>tags</inv> - list of tags to be applied to the text

The lines in <inv>text contents</inv> are divided by \\n and can include
<inv>tags</inv> like in a html layout, e.g. <red>RED ARMY</red>.

package require Tk
text .tnormal -height 16
text .tdisabled -height 16 -state disabled
displayTaggedText .tnormal text $textTags
displayTaggedText .tdisabled text $textTags
pack .tnormal
pack .tdisabled
after 10000 "::resetText .tdisabled normal; puts {.tdisabled's state is normal}"


Sep 14, 2021, 2:18:06 PM9/14/21
just following the chain . this seems a little simpler
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec /opt/usr8.6.3/bin/tclsh8.6 "$0" ${1+"$@"}

proc push { q item } {
upvar $q queue
lappend queue $item
proc peek { q } {
upvar $q queue
return [lindex $queue end ]
proc pop { q } {
upvar $q queue
set retval [lindex $queue end ]
set queue [ lreplace $queue end end ]
return $retval;
proc process { buffer } {
set retval [list]
set done 0
set prevchar ""
set mode text
set tagqueue [list]
set tagname ""
set level 0
set outbuffer ""
foreach c [split $buffer "" ] {
switch -exact -- $c {
"/" {
if { "$prevchar$c" eq "</" } {
set mode endtag
"<" {
if { $mode in { "tag" "endtag" } } {
append outbuffer "<$tagname"
set tagname ""
} else {
if { [string length $outbuffer] } {
lappend retval [list $outbuffer $tagqueue ]
set outbuffer ""
set mode tag
">" {
if { $mode eq "tag" } {
push tagqueue $tagname
set tagname ""
} elseif { $mode eq "endtag" } {
set t [peek tagqueue ]
if { $t eq $tagname } {
if { [string length $outbuffer] } {
lappend retval [list $outbuffer $tagqueue ]
pop tagqueue
set tagname ""
} else {
error " nesting error "
set outbuffer ""
} else {
append outbuffer $c
set mode text
default {
if { $mode in { "tag" "endtag" } } {
append tagname $c
} else {
append outbuffer $c
set prevchar $c
if { [string length $outbuffer] } {
lappend retval $outbuffer $tagname
return $retval

package require Tk

set example {<h1>The Example</h1>
<h2><u>The Rain</u></h2>
the <i>rain</i> in spain > falls mainly in <x>the <i><b>plain</b></i></x>}

text .text -width 80 -height 10 -bg black -fg white -font { Courier 10 }
.text tag configure x -overstrike 1
.text tag configure u -underline 1
.text tag configure h1 -font { Helvetica 20 }
.text tag configure h2 -font { Helvetica 15 }
.text tag configure i -font { Helvetica 12 italic }
.text tag configure b -font { Helvetica 12 bold } -background red
pack .text
foreach segment [ process $example ] {
lassign $segment text tags
.text insert end $text $tags

Christian Gollwitzer

Sep 14, 2021, 4:42:49 PM9/14/21
Am 14.09.21 um 20:18 schrieb Bezoar:
> just following the chain . this seems a little simpler
> [...]
> set example {<h1>The Example</h1>
> <h2><u>The Rain</u></h2>

It seems you are trying to reinvent tkwebview, which is a basic HTML
parser for the text widget. I use it in a few programs to show rich text
in an easy way.

Kevin Walzer seems to have pulled it from the web, unfortunately, but
the wayback machine still has it:

Best regards,


Conor Williams

Oct 11, 2021, 5:37:56 PM10/11/21
it is zero bytes when i try to download it Christian... (the tkwebview program??)

Christian Gollwitzer

Oct 12, 2021, 1:40:04 AM10/12/21
Am 11.10.21 um 23:37 schrieb Conor Williams:
> it is zero bytes when i try to download it Christian... (the tkwebview program??)

This link works for me:

(833 kb)

Make sure to copy the whole link (with the "nested" http:// )

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