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TCL 2005 First call for papers.

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Ron Fox

Apr 18, 2005, 12:42:07 PM4/18/05
Tcl/Tk 2005 First Call for papers.

Tcl/Tk 2005 will be held in Portland, Oregon USA in late October or
early November. The program committee asks all people using and
developing with Tcl/Tk and extensions to submit papers and proposals for
presentations at this conference.
Past conferences have seen submissions covering a wide variety of
topics including and not limited to:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-Centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization

At this point we are requesting submissions of:
* Abstracts of papers for oral presentation.
* Proposals for short courses to be taught the day prior to the conference.
* Proposals for other presentations/discussions.
* Proposals to present tutorial sessions.

Please send abstracts and proposals to tcl2005 (at) nscl (dot) msu (dot) edu

Important target dates:
July 1, 2005 - Abstracts and proposals due.
July 31, 2005 - Notification to authors.
Sep 15, 2005 - Author materials due.

The submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of a maximum of two pages. Omit extraneous or redundant
information. Length is not a direct factor in judging the quality of the

The authors of oral presentations will have 20-25 minutes to present the
paper at the conference.

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but those
with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to the
application. Application and experience papers should clearly explain
how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of Tcl/Tk, and
what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the application or
experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration to
the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations of
related research papers.

Program Committee:
Donal Fellows University of Manchester
Clif Flynt Noumena Corp.
Ron Fox NSCL Michigan State University
Jeff Hobbs ActiveState Corp.
Steve Landers Digital Smarties
Gerald Lester HMS Software
Cyndy Lilagan Eolas Technologies Inc.
Arjen Markus WL | Delft Hydraulics

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