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ANNOUNCE: moodss-20.0 and moomps-5.0

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Jean-Luc Fontaine

May 10, 2005, 1:29:20 PM5/10/05
### CHANGES ###

--- moodss 20.0 and moomps 5.0 ---
- implemented distributed monitoring feature whereas moodss or moodss
can act as a server or client for exported data:
- added File/Peer menu with Export and Import sub-menus
- added new tables for displaying exported and imported data, and
which act as any other table for dropping cells in viewers,
thresholds, ...
- added dialog boxes with server host and TCP port input
- implemented so that future extensions, such as peer data transfers
between clients and web browser support as client are possible
- many thanks to Nicolas Gagnon and Daniel Savard for their
suggestions, support and help testing this new feature
- dropped Tcl/Tk 8.3 version compatibility: Tcl/Tk 8.4 or above now
- started to remove pre 8.4 Tcl/Tk code and optimize using latest
Tcl/Tk commands
- in moodss GUI:
- prevent errors when browsing SQLite database while another process
is recording in the same database
- prevent loading internal instance module via command line
- in some cases, active thresholds on formulas viewers data cells
would not result in page tabs changing colors
- error and warning messages coming from modules and meant to remain
visible for a while (flash) are no longer prematurely erased by
update messages
- in some cases, the widget tip for the record button in the tool
bar erroneously displayed that there were no cells to archive
(thanks to Daniel Savard for his patch)
- when erasing a row from a statistics table, viewers monitoring
data cells belonging to that row were not always showing related
values as void
- the moomps daemon failed to archive formula data cells in database
and now does
- in dashboard files, internal rows of current value tables are saved
in a list in true XML fashion
- in database, values of options of password type are stored as a
single * character and their value ignored when recording, which
prevents erroneously creating multiple database instances of a module
when only a password type option value is changed
- for databases other than SQLite, added index on options table in
order to improve performance with big quantities of data
- for Oracle database, also prefixed history table index name to avoid
- updated myvars and mystatus modules for MySQL 4.1.11 support
- made cpustats a 64 bit module and fixed it so that 64 bit counters
in /proc/stat are properly handled
- for Python modules programmers:
- added support for tclpython version 4 library (used in Python
- support threaded Perl modules if tclperl version 3.1 library is
- implemented message utility functions (tclpython version 4
required): flashMessage(), pushMessage(), popMessage(),
traceMessage() and after() (thanks to Daniel Savard)
- in development HTML documentation, documented new message and
timer functions available from Python
- dictionaries are now supported, on top of arrays, for holding row
data, which is obviously much more practical (thanks to Daniel
Savard for his patch)
- on 64 bit machines, abort moodss or moomps if Tcl version is not at
least at 8.4.8, as a bug otherwise prevents proper long integers
- updated nagios module documentation
- in database HTML documentation, specified how concurrent accesses
are managed with SQLite
- in standalone binary, included SQLite 3.2.1

### README ###

This is moodss (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet) version
20.0 and moomps (Modular Object Oriented Multi-Purpose Service)
version 5.0.

For Unix Review, moodss is "a must-have application for today's
network and systems administrators", and for Eric S. Raymond, in "The
Art of UNIX Programming" book: "the code is polished, mature, and
considered an exemplar in the Tcl community."
Linux Magazine calls it a "lifesaver".
Tucows gives it 5 stars (cows or penguins :-).

Moodss is a modular application. It displays data described and
updated in one or more modules, which can be specified in the command
line or dynamically loaded or unloaded while the application is
running. Data is originally displayed in tables. Graphical viewers
(graph, bar, 3D pie charts, ...), summary tables (with current,
average, minimum and maximum values), tables of mathematical formulas
and free text viewers can be created from any number of table cells,
originating from any of the displayed tables or viewers. The display
area can be extended by adding pages with notebook tabs. Thresholds
can be set on any number of cells.

Moomps (shipped with moodss) is a monitoring daemon which works using
configuration files created by moodss. Thresholds, when crossed,
create messages in the system log, and eventually trigger the sending
of email alert messages and the execution of user defined scripts.

For both moodss and moomps, it is also possible to use a database as a
storage mean, so that data history is recorder and later made
available, for example, in presentations and graphs, via commonly
available spreadsheet software.

Specific modules can easily be developed in the Tcl, Perl and Python
scripting languages or in C.

A thorough and intuitive drag'n'drop scheme is used for most viewer
editing tasks: creation, modification, type mutation, destruction,
.... and thresholds creation. Table rows can be sorted in increasing or
decreasing order by clicking on column titles. The current
configuration (modules, tables and viewers geometry, ...) can be saved
in a file at any time, and later loaded at the user's convenience,
thus achieving a dashboard functionality.

The module code is the link between the moodss core and the data to be
displayed. All the specific code is kept in the module package. Since
module data access is entirely customizable (through C code, Tcl,
Perl, Python, HTTP, ...) and since several modules can be loaded at
once, applications for moodss become limitless.

Many modules are provided, such as a comprehensive set for Linux
system monitoring, MySQL, network, SNMP, Nagios compatibility, Python
and Perl modules examples. For example, thoroughly monitor a dynamic
web server on a single dashboard with graphs, using the Apache, MySQL,
ODBC, cpustats, memstats, ... modules. If you have replicated servers,
dynamically add them to your view, even load the snmp module on the
fly and let your imagination take over...
There are currently about 100 usable modules for moodss (counting the
Nagios plugins)

Thorough help is provided through menus, widget tips, a message area,
a module help window and a global help window with a complete HTML

Moodss is multi-lingual thanks to Tcl internationalization
capabilities. English, Japanese and French are supported. Help with
other languages will be very warmly welcomed.

Development of moodss is continuing and as more features are added in
future versions, backward module code compatibility will be maintained.


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