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Improving performance of stdout for interprocess communication

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Joe Betz

Feb 15, 2023, 9:48:18 AM2/15/23
I want to communicate with another Windows process using pipes but am getting really poor performance when reading from its stdout pipe. Specifically, calling `outputPipe readStream nextLine` seems to always take at least 100ms to return and <1MB payloads take seconds. By comparison, if I switch the interface to using http via IWinHttpRequest, everything is fast, <10ms.

The only way I've found to improve performance of the pipes interface by increasing the block size in StdioTextFileStream>>nextLine. But even that doesn't get it to the right order of magnitude.

Anyone know a solution to his, or have a better definition of the problem? I would just switch to Http, but I need bidirectional communication which would require WebSockets. And between implementing WebSockets in Dolphin or fixing ExternalPipe, the latter seems more worthwhile.

I'm using the example found in `ExternalPipe>>example1` as a template and didn't make any significant changes to it. Here is the relevant code:

outputPipe := ExternalPipe new.
inputPipe := ExternalPipe new.
process := ExternalProcess new.
commandLine: 'ensemble.exe --interface pipes';
stdoutPipe: outputPipe;
stdinPipe: inputPipe.
[process executeSync] fork.
messageHandler :=
[[outputPipe readStream atEnd] whileFalse:
[| messageString |
messageString := outputPipe readStream nextLine.
self handleMessage: (STONJSON fromString: messageString)]]
[process isAlive] whileFalse


Feb 15, 2023, 11:48:43 PM2/15/23
I ran into this issue when I was making a chess GUI and communicating with stockfish. I don't remember exactly how I solved it, but I did some searching through the source and noticed I have a new method on

^self next: self size

I believe I had to make this change so that it wouldn't freeze when trying to get the rest of the input. Let me know if that helps, if not, I'll do a deeper dive into the difference between my chess gui source and the regular dolphin source


Feb 16, 2023, 12:07:36 AM2/16/23
Just in case it helps I'll dump the method I had in which I was using pipes as I noticed you did it a little differently. This method of using them this way may have come from some old externalpipes package source code.

|output readStream numCommands|
self exampleChessEngine

"Create external proccess"

numCommands := 0.
output := ''.
chessBoardPresenter view shell: self.
engineIsRunning ifTrue: [self closeEngine. ^self].
engineIsRunning := true.
engineOutputCollection := OrderedCollection new.
engineOutput := ReadWriteStream on: String new.
process := ExternalProcess new.

process commandLine: 'cmd'.
"Query Pipes"
outputPipe := process stdoutPipe.
inputPipe := process stdinPipe.

"load the chess engine"
(inputPipe writeStream)
nextPutAll: 'cd ' , FileLocator default basePath;
(inputPipe writeStream)
nextPutAll: 'stockfish_10_x32.exe';

"Execute exeternal proccess in different smalltalk process"
process executeAsync.

"Start Display to transcript proccess"
Transcript show;clear.
readStream := outputPipe readStream.
myProcess := [ [ |previousCommands currentcommand|

previousCommands := numCommands.
readStream size > 0 ifTrue: [ output := output, readStream upToEnd].
numCommands := output occurrencesOf: Character nl.
numCommands > previousCommands ifTrue: [ |substrings|
substrings := output subStrings: 'info'.
substrings size > 1 ifTrue: [
currentcommand := substrings at: (substrings size - 1).
Transcript nextPutAll: currentcommand;
self processVisualizeOutput: currentcommand.].

Processor sleep: 100.
] repeat ] fork.
"Wait untíl external process is alive"
[process isAlive] whileFalse.
"Ask for input as long as the process is running."
"(inputPipe writeStream)
nextPutAll: 'uci';
(inputPipe writeStream)
nextPutAll: 'go infinite';
Transcript show: 'go infinite'; cr.

Joe Betz

Feb 26, 2023, 12:09:19 AM2/26/23
Thanks for the snippet Zenchess, but I wasn't able to get things to work any better with your implementation.

> upToEnd
^self next: self size

I need each line to be processed separately, so even if this did speed things up, I don't think it would have the correct behavior.

Anyways, shortly after writing the original message I came across, a WebSockets implementation for Dolphin, so I'm going to try that next.

Joe Betz

Feb 26, 2023, 1:03:33 AM2/26/23
> Anyways, shortly after writing the original message I came across, a WebSockets implementation for Dolphin, so I'm going to try that next.

Scratch that. Swazoo, or at least version of it, doesn't have a WebSockets implementation.

I did find WebSocket functions in the WinHTTP API, however, so that looks promising.


Feb 27, 2023, 5:50:42 AM2/27/23
I actually made a websocket package a while back when trying to make a multiplayer game. I didn't perfectly implement the protocol, although most of the work is done and it worked for my scenario. I tried loading it in dolphin 8 and it said it required a prequisite package "Sockets Connection", but I think it will load in Dolphin 7. You could try it and if you have any issues I could fix it up. I'm hosting it here:

Joe Betz

Feb 28, 2023, 7:29:36 AM2/28/23
On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11:50:42 AM UTC+1, Zenchess wrote:
> I actually made a websocket package a while back when trying to make a multiplayer game. I didn't perfectly implement the protocol, although most of the work is done and it worked for my scenario. I tried loading it in dolphin 8 and it said it required a prequisite package "Sockets Connection", but I think it will load in Dolphin 7. You could try it and if you have any issues I could fix it up. I'm hosting it here:

I actually need a client, not a server. :}

And implementing it with WinHTTP did work out in the end. About a day of implementation and a couple days of debugging.

Two things I got stuck on:
- Specifying *dword for an argument that was specified in Win32 docs as DWORD_PTR. Switching to dword fixed it, though I'm still not sure that's technically correct.
- Figuring out to set up the receive function so it doesn't block literally everything while waiting for a new message. Learned about overlapping calls and that worked perfectly.

I will probably publish it to my Github (JBetz) after I've cleaned it up, though I can email it to you or anyone else if interested. Currently it's littered with debug logs.
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