I've ported the final release of Seaside 3.
This version is like the previous (2.9) ported one year ago.
Differences are on the portability layer and some configuration tools.
Now Seaside uses Pharo's Grease. I think that Grease will contribute
to make easy the job when porting other Frameworks related to Seaside
or Pharo and currently ported to other Smalltalk dialects (Magritte,
Pier, etc, I think will be funny porting both ;)
Another difference is the Welcome application, very nice Welcome to
I also fix a problem with "Die Hard" processes initiated by the Swazoo
serving loop and left hanging until the server shuts down. Now the
process list should remain small :)
Currently there are 5 failing tests unresolved but I think does not
affects the overall Seaside behavior. This problems are on the UTF
encoding and related to handling of BOM characters.
You can download it from http://twit.io/2F9
Best Regards
Jose Sebastian Calvo
Can somebody say something or point to somewhere that says something
about AidaWeb versus Seaside? What are the pros and cons?
having 2 customers running a dolphin seaside 2.8 application, I'm happy
seeing being up to date with the Pharo/Seaside stuff.
Thanks for your efforts. If you also port Magritte and Pier this would
be great.
I was just running Seaside 3 on squeak on my web just recently, It could
render Unicode strings but could not show Unicode characters in it's UI,
Pharo has the same problem, It is said that there is an option to change
system font in pharo's FAQ but it cause system halt at startup.
The problem with UTF encoding is real a great issue for me.
The Unicode rendered in the web page always showed trailing ���....
Hope it could be resolved soon.
Best regards,
On 2010/11/6 下午 11:13, GallegO wrote:
> Currently there are 5 failing tests unresolved but I think does not
> affects the overall Seaside behavior. This problems are on the UTF
> encoding and related to handling of BOM characters.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ne...@netfront.net ---
Are you having problems with Seaside for Dolphin too? The last
Sebastian Calvo
> --- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: n...@netfront.net ---
Esteban A. Maringolo