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Daniel Yellin

Jul 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/15/97


Twenty-third international conference and exhibition

Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems

Santa Barbara, California, July 28 - August 1, 1997

Program Chair: Raimund Ege, Florida International University
Panel and Workshop Chair: Madhu Singh, Bellcore
Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer, ISE

New: The registration now includes a free one-year ACM membership (or
membership renewal).

TOOLS is one of the major international conferences and exhibitions
devoted to the applications of object-oriented technology and other
leading-edge software developments.

TOOLS USA '97 returns to the unique setting of Santa Barbara's Red
Lion Resort, the most beautiful spot in Southern California.

Conference home page:

Registration form at the end of this message, or register on-line
at the above address.


- Overview
- Tutorials
- Conference (keynote presentations, refereed papers, workshops, panels)
- Social events
- Practical information
- Registration fees and registration form


Tutorial program (28-29 July): 15 tutorials covering the most important
areas of leading-edge software technology, from CORBA to Java,
O-O databases, analysis by contract, UML and OML, BON, Eiffel etc.

Conference program with six prestigious keynoters -- James Coplien, Joseph
Gil, David Harel, Bertrand Meyer, John Potter and Richard Soley --, 25
refereed papers, numerous workshops and panels.

Exhibition of products and services.

The best place to learn about what's new in objects in 1997.


28-29 July (Monday and Tuesday)

Tutorial tracks at a glance
The BON Method for reusability
Analysis by Contract
Real-time with Shlaer-Mellor
Applying O-O principles in Java
A tour of Python
Eiffel Essentials
Testing O-O software
Effective object databases
Relational and O-O coexistence
Design and management
Safety-critical applications
Advanced encapsulation techniques
Metrics for O-O development
ISO 9000 for quality management

Applying O-O principles in Java
Roy Phillips, Technical Resource Connection (Perot
Systems) (USA)

Gordon Jones, ICL (UK)

Method unification: UML and OML
Rob Allen (Swinburne Inst., Australia), Don
Firesmith (KSC, USA), Brian Henderson-Sellers

Effective object databases and multi-tier architectures
Nimish Doshi, Versant (USA)

Real-Time Development with the Shlaer-Mellor Method
Steve Mellor, Project Technology (USA)

Relational and O-O coexistence
Per Grape and Kim Waldén, ENEA Data (Sweden)

Testing object-oriented software
Robert V. Binder, RBSC Corporation (USA)

Class design: advanced encapsulation techniques
Raimund Ege, Florida International Univ. (USA)

Metrics for object-oriented development
Christine Mingins, Monash Univ. (Australia)

The BON Method: analysis and design for reusability
Kim Waldén, ENEA Data (Sweden)

A tour of the Python language
Guido van Rossum, Python designer (USA)

Eiffel Essentials
James McKim, Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

ISO 9000 for software quality management
Madhu Singh and Patricia Bonanni, Bellcore (USA)

Analysis by Contract
Richard Mitchell, Univ. of Brighton (UK)

Object Technology for safety-critical applications
Richard Riehle, Adaworks (USA)


30-31 July (Wednesday and Thursday)


The conference will include six keynote presentations :
James Coplien, Joseph Gil, David Harel, Bertrand Meyer, John Potter
and Richard Soley.

James Coplien, Bell Laboratories

James Coplien is one of the creators of the "patterns"
movement. A member of the Software and Systems
Research Center at Bell Laboratoris, he is the author of
Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms and The
Patterns White Paper, and co-editor of two volumes of
Pattern Languages of Program Design. He is a regular
columnist for the C++ Report. (For more details see Jim's
home page.)

Joseph Gil, Technion

Joseph (Yossi) Gil is on the faculty at the Technion
(Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa. His work covers
parallel computation, object technology, design patterns,
algorithms, parsing, re-engineering and computer-aided
geometric design. He will talk about patterns and how
they change the practice of software construction. (See
Yossi's home page.)

David Harel, The Weizmann Institute

David Harel is the author of the classic book
"Algorithmics" and, as the creator of the Statecharts
formalism for modeling the behavior of complex systems,
a pioneer in the area of visual languages. He is a professor
at the Weizmann institute in Jerusalem and one of the
founders of i-Logix, Inc. (For more details see David's
home page.)

Bertrand Meyer, ISE: The next software breakthrough.

Bertrand Meyer is the author of several best-selling books
on object technology and software engineering, including
the recent second edition of "Object-Oriented Software
Construction". In this talk he will describe his view of the
next major development which, after object technology
and the Internet, can change the face of the software

John Potter, Macquarie University: Java and Eiffel: a de
facto relationship?

John Potter is head of the Distributed Object Technology
Group at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). His
publications cover distribution, concurrency, Eiffel,
formal specification and design methods. (See John's
home page.)

Richard Soley, OMG

Richard Soley is Vice President and Technical Director of
the Object Management Group (OMG) where he
oversees the product directions for standards in
distributed object-oriented systems, and chairs the 1000+
member Technology Committees. He has played a key
role in the design of the CORBA architecture. (For more
details see Richard's home page.)


Session S1: FRAMEWORKS 1

Applying Object-Oriented Technology to Embedded Software
Ikeda Nobuyuki et al., Toshiba Corporation, Japan

A Framework for Temporal Data Models - Exploiting Object-Oriented
Iqbal Goralwalla, M. Tamer Ozsu, Duane Szafron,
Univ. of Alberta, Canada

Pattern-Based Framework for Multimedia
Distributed Applications
S. Gievska, S. Jordanoski, D. Davcev, St. Kiril and
Metodij Univ., Macedonia

Session S2: PATTERNS

New Coding Patterns for Object Management
Adair Dingle, Thomas Hildebrandt, Univ. of Seattle, USA

The Translator pattern -- External Functionality with
Homomorphic Mappings
Thomas Kühne, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt, Germany

Incremental Table-Based Method Dispatch for Reflective O-O Languages Wade
Holst, Duane Szafron, Univ. of Alberta, Canada


Object-Oriented Visualization of Program Logics
S.-P. Lahtinen, Erkki Sutinen, J. Tarhio, A.-P.
Tuovinen, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland

Films as Graphical Comments in the Source Code of Programs
Hanspeter Mössenböck, Johannes Kepler Univ., Austria

SOLAT - A Simple O-O Language Analyzing Tool
Wolfgang Golubski, Bjarne Pohlers, Univ. of Siegen, Germany


Steering Object-Oriented Scientific Computations
T.-Y. Yang, G. Furnish, P. Dubois, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (US)

Towards an Abstract Language for Dynamic Modelling in OOD
K. Normark, Aalborg Univ., Denmark

From Specification to Management of Composite Object Behavior
M. Magnan, S. Vauttier, C. Oussalah, LGI2P/EMA, France


Inheriting and Modifying Behavior
Neelam Soundarajan, Stephen Fridella, Ohio State Univ., USA

Extending Object-Z for Specifying Real-Time Systems
K. Periysamy, V. S. Alagar, University of Manitoba
and Concordia University, Canada

ROAD/EE - A Prototyping Environment for O-O Specifications
Naoki Tamura, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Univ. of Colorado, USA

Session S6: MODELING

Mapping the Object-Oriented-Jacobson Approach into Function
Point Analysis
Alain Abran, Tho-Hau Nguyen, Thomas Fetcke, Univ. du Québec, Canada

Framework Composition - Problems, Causes and Solutions
Michael Mattsson, Jan Bosch, Univ. of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden

Extending the Concept of Mixin to Multidimensional Objects
H. J. Borron, INRIA, France


Java Implementation of User Interface Frameworks
N. Bencomo, F. Losavio, F. Marchena, A. Matteo,
Univ. Central, Venezuela

A Scripting Language Interface to C++ Libraries
Harald Winroth, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

A Visual Programming Interface for Smalltalk
R. Giffen, I. Tomek, Acadia Univ., Canada

Session S8: TOOLS

T++: A Test Case Generator Using a Debugging
Information Based Technique for Source Code
J. Gil, B. Holstein, Technion (Israel)

Mechanical Generation of Robust Class Hierarchies
J. Frigo, R. Neumann, W. Zimmermann, Univ.
Karslruhe, Germany

Session S9: FRAMEWORKS 2

Dynamically Extensible Objects in a Class-Based Language
R. Schmidt, Aarhus Univ., Denmark

A Meta-Object Protocol for Distributed O-O Applications
L. Seinturier, L. Duchien, G. Florin, CNAM (France)

An Object Oriented Framework for Distributed, Interoperable
Process Engineering Environments
Noureddine Belkhatir, IMAG, France


Panel: Are advanced O-O technologies such as
ORBs and ODBMS ready for mission-critical applications?
Moderator: Nimish Doshi, Versant (USA)

Panel: Object Languages: How Many Need We learn?
Moderator: Richard Riehle, AdaWorks (USA)

Panel: Swim or Sink with Java
Moderator: Roy Phillips, Technical Resource Connection
(Perot Systems) (USA)

Eiffel User Workshop
Moderators: James McKim (Hartford Graduate Center, USA)
and Richard Mitchell (Univ. of Brighton, UK).
Call for contributions still open.

Workshop: O-O Metrics
Moderator: Christine Mingins, Monash Univ. (Australia)

Workshop: O-O Analysis and Design Methodology for Year 2000 and Beyond
Moderators: Brian Henderson-Sellers
and Rob Allen Swinburne Univ. (Australia)

Distributed O-O Techniques for Tools/Application Integration
Moderator: Christian Zeidler ABB (Germany)

Workshop: Bringing CASE to the Coal-Face: Usable, Intelligent,
Methodology Independent CASE
Moderator: Daniela Mehandjiska-Stavreva (Massey Univ, New Zealand)


All registrations (except student registrations) include:

- Lunches for the days of registration.

- Beach barbecue on Monday, 28th July.

- Conference dinner and concert on Wednesday, 30th July.

Additional lunch and event tickets are available for accompanying


TOOLS USA '97 will be held at the Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, the most
beautiful resort on the south coast, right across from the Santa Barbara
beach which offers many recreational opportunities. Rooms are available
for conference attendees at the special rates of $120 single/double, $140
triple and $160 quadruple (guaranteed until July 1). For reservations
contact: Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd, Santa
Barbara, CA 93103, phone (805) 564-4333 or (800) 879-2929, Fax (805)
962-8198. To benefit from the special rate you must mention that you are
attending TOOLS USA 97. Alternative accommodations are available, please
contact the Visitor
Information (24 hours) 36 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101,
phone (800) 793-7666 (US only), 805-564- 1637, Fax: 805-564-1633.

Additional information on Santa Barbara history, activities
(festivals, winery tours, scenic drives, etc.) is available:

Travel arrangements

Santa Barbara is served by several airline carriers. The airport is less
than fifteen minutes from downtown Santa Barbara. Free shuttle service
from the airport to the Red Lion is available by calling the Resort
upon arrival, at (805) 564-4333. For more information, please contact
International Travel of Santa Barbara, Phone (800) 383-2116,
Fax (805) 683-2118.

Special events

For five memorable days, July 31st through August 4, Santa Barbara
residents and visitors will join in sharing our cultural and romantic
past with the ringing of the bells on the steps of the Old Mission,
the procession of the El Desfile Historico parade to the colorful
Mercados, the Rodeo featuring the Competicion de Vaqueros, the Arts &
Crafts Show, the beautiful Noches do Ronda and much more, with most events
free to all.

We urge you to stay a few extra days in Santa Barbara to join the
festivities with your family and friends.


Before June 30 After June 30
Tutorials only (July 28 & 29) $ 790 $ 890

Conference only (July 30 & 31) $ 420 $ 520

Tutorials and Conf. (July 28 to 31) $ 995 $ 1,1150

Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only) $ 500 $ 600

Full Time Faculty (Conference only) $ 300 $ 380

Full Time Faculty (Conf. & Tutorials) $ 790 $ 900

Full Time Students (Tutorials only) $ 250 $ 350

Full Time Students (Conference) $ 150 $ 200

Full Time Students (Conf. & Tutorials) $ 350 $ 450

TOOLS USA '97 advance registration form

I wish to attend (check box):

| | Tutorials
| | Conference
| | Conference & Tutorials
| | Symposium on Teaching Object Technology
| | Barbecue at the beach (Monday, July 28)
___ extra barbecue tickets
| | Conference Dinner and Concert (Wednesday, July 30)
___ extra dinner tickets

Event dates: 28-29 July (tutorials); 30-31 July (conference).


Tutorials: ________________________________ $ __________________
Conference: _______________________________ $ __________________
Tutorials and Conference __________________ $ __________________
___ extra tickets for the Barbecue at $25 each $ __________________
___ extra tickets for the Dinner at $50 each $ __________________

Total $ __________________

/ / Check or International money order
/ / VISA / / Mastercard / / American Express

Card Number _______________________________ Exp. ____________________

Signature ___________________________________________________________

/ / My company is interested in exhibiting. Send Call for Exhibitors
by / / e-mail / / post

Name and address

Name _______________________________________________________________

Name ______________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP __________

Phone ____________________________ Fax ___________________________

/ /This registration is for 3 or more people from the same company site
for Tutorials & Conference packages, please include my 10% discount
(for Regular & Full-Time Faculty Registrations only; may not be combined
with any other offer)

/ /This registration is for 5 or more people from the same company site
for a Tutorial & Conference packages, please include my 20% discount
(for Regular & Full-Time Faculty Registrations only).

Send payment & registration form to:

TOOLS Conferences
270 Storke Road, Suite 7
Goleta, CA 93117, USA
Phone: (805) 685-1006 Fax: (805) 685-6869 E-mail:

Alexander Prigozhin
ISE Inc.
Santa Barbara, CA

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