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Updated Call for Papers PPoPP 93

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Brent T. Hailpern

Aug 3, 1992, 4:11:33 PM8/3/92

Call for Papers
Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
San Diego, California, May 19-21, 1993(*)

A Constituent Meeting of FCRC 1993 Inaugural Conference

The goal of this Symposium is to promote the exchange of ideas and
experience in parallel programming with emphasis on methodologies,
tools, foundations, and scalability to large degrees of parallelism.
We are soliciting submissions that: (1) center on experiments and
comparative evaluation of parallel software, (2) report on new ideas
in languages, compilers, and environments for parallel programming, or
(3) summarize experience with parallel programming in a way that
illustrates general principles.

Topics of interest include:
compilers, restructuring compilers, and parallel-program
manipulation systems for parallel architectures;

parallel language design and implementation;

tools, environments, debuggers, performance monitors, load
balancing and operating system support;

experience with programming or porting applications to
parallel architectures;

performance aspects of parallel programming systems; and

the relationship between parallel programming languages,
compilers, and machine architectures;

Papers reporting on experience should indicate how the experiments
illustrate general principles; papers oriented towards foundations
should indicate how the work illuminates or influences practice.
Papers containing results derived from actual implementation on
parallel machines and papers containing results applicable to highly
parallel machines will be especially welcomed.

Authors should submit 13 copies (preferably double-sided) of a
technical summary of a prospective paper to the program chair. The
submission should include an abstract, and be at most 5000 words long
(this is equivalent to 10 pages set in 10-point type on 16 point
spacing). Longer summaries may be rejected summarily by the Program
Chair. Papers awaiting acceptance by any other conference are
ineligible for PPoPP '93; if a similar paper has been submitted
elsewhere, the authors must notify the program chair.

The summary must be organized so that it is easily understood. It
should clearly identify what has been accomplished, why it is
significant, and how it compares with prior work. Papers will be
judged on clarity, significance, relevance, correctness, and
originality. Papers should contain enough background material to make
them accessible to the entire parallel programming research community.

Submissions must be received by October 9, 1992, and should include a
return mailing address and if possible, an electronic address.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by December 14.
Final versions of accepted papers must be received in camera-ready
form by February 1. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to
sign a copyright release form. Proceedings will be distributed at the
conference and as a special issue of SIGPLAN Notices; they will be
available from ACM subsequently. All papers published in the
proceedings are eligible for publication in refereed ACM journals at
the discretion of the editor.

Tutorials will precede the conference on May 18. The advance program
will announce the tutorial topics.

Program Committee:
David Callahan, Tera Computer Company
David Culler, University of California, Berkeley
Carla Ellis, Duke University
Robert Halstead, DEC Cambridge Research Lab
Monica Lam, Stanford University
Olaf Lubeck, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bart Miller, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dan Reed, University of Illinois
Guy Steele, Thinking Machines Corporation
Michael Wolfe, Oregon Graduate Institute
Aki Yonezawa, University of Tokyo
Hans Zima, University of Vienna

Conference Chair Program Chair Local Arrangements Chair
Marina Chen Robert Halstead Young-il Choo
Yale University DEC Cambridge Research Lab Yale University
51 Prospect Street One Kendall Square, Bldg. 700 51 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT. 06525 Cambridge, Mass. 02139 New Haven, CT. 06525

(*) Please note the change in dates from previous announcements.


Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC)

The FCRC will encompass several established research conferences and
workshops to be held in conjunction. Its main goal is to obtain the
benefits of having the computing research community meet together as a
larger group, but to retain the traditional structure and research
identity of constituent meetings. Such a meeting should provide much
greater visibility for the field as a discipline. It should also make
possible the scientific benefits that come from greater opportunity to
meet and interact with peers in other specialties. Important new
results from the specialized subfields will be exposed to a broader
computing research community.

Thus, each conference will continue to be independently administered,
having responsibility for its own program and proceedings.

Attendees will register for their own conference; however, on the days
their conference is in session, and as facilities allow, they will
also be free to sit in on other sessions. In addition, mornings will
feature plenary talks on topics of broad appeal to the research
community, and plenary evening social events will be held early and
late in the week.

The 1993 inaugural conference has the following constituent meetings:

* 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 93)
* 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC)
* 7th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS)
* Workshop on Parallel Algorithms (WOPA 93)
* 4th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practices of Parallel
Programming (PPoPP 93)
* Structure in Complexity Theory, 8th Annual Conference (Structures)
* 9th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG)
* ACM/ONR Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging (WPDD)

These meetings will take place from May 14-21, 1993, at Sheraton Harbor
Island in San Diego:

Fri 14 Sat 15 Sun 16 Mon 17 Tue 18 Wed 19 Thu 20 Fri 21
ISCA ws ws t <----------r----------->
STOC r <---------------------->
PADS <---------------------->
WOPA <-------------->
PPoPP t/r <---------------------->
Structures r <------------------------------->
SCG r <---------------------->

[Key: ws=workshop, r=reception, t=tutorial.]


Organizations sponsoring and providing support for these meetings

Computing Research Association (CRA)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE/CS TC on Mathematical Foundations of Computing
IEEE/CS TC on Computer Architecture
IEEE/CS TC on Simulation
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Systems (UMIACS)

Brent Hailpern Sr. Technical Consultant, Computer Sciences Dept.
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center | phone: +1-914-784-6821
P. O. Box 704 | fax: +1-914-784-7279
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-0704 USA | tieline: 863

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