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Repost: VL'97 Call for Participation

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Daniel Yellin

Jul 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/30/97

Please respond to bur...@gold.CS.ORST.EDU @ internet

Call For Participation

1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'97)
September 23-26, 1997 - Europa Palace Hotel, Capri, Italy
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

This information is also available on our Web page at:

VL97 is the premier international conference on visual and multimedia
computer languages. The aim of the conference is to discuss both
formal methods and concrete applications in the area of visual and
multimedia languages, as well as innovative methods for visual
interaction and interaction with visual objects.


Tuesday, Sept. 23: Tutorials:
Tutorials introducing visual programming languages and
visual information retrieval interfaces.
Wednesday - Friday, Sept. 24-26: Technical Program:
Papers, panels, keynotes, and the award-winners of the
Visual Programming Challenge.
Saturday, Sept. 27: Workshop on Theory of Visual Languages



The conference will be held at the Europa Palace Hotel in Capri,
Italy. Capri is a beautiful island with many breathtaking views. It
is located near the southern entrance of the Bay of Naples off the
southwest coast of Italy. Capri is a single block of limestone with an
area of 4 square miles and a population of 12,000 persons. The island
has two suburbs: Capri and Anacapri. The latter is located at the top
of the mountain. The island was colonized by the Greeks and later
served as a vacation retreat for several Roman emperors, including
Augustus and Tiberius, who built their villas there. The climate is
particulary mild (with an average temperature range of 50-85 degrees
F). Tourism is the primary economic resource. Many caves line the
shore, the most famous of which is the shimmering Blue Grotto.

For more tourist information, please visit the Capri on Line site



Tuesday Sept. 23

9:00 Tutorial:
Introduction to Visual Programming Languages: Scaling-Up Issues
Margaret M. Burnett and Rebecca Walpole, Oregon State University

14:30 Tutorial:
Visual Information Retrieval Interfaces (VIRIs)
Robert Korfhage, University of Pittsburgh

Wednesday Sept. 24

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome

9:15 - 10:15 Keynote Address:
Representation and Learnability in Visual Languages for Web-based
Interpersonal Communication
Steven Tanimoto, University of Washington

10:15 - 10:30
Introduction to the Visual Programming Challenge
Allen L. Ambler, University of Kansas

10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break

10:50 - 12:05: (Parallel Session) Human Computer Interaction Issues in VLs
- Visual Focusing and Transition Techniques in a Treeviewer for
Web Information Access -
K. Wittenburg, GTE Laboratories, E. Sigman, Bell Communications
- Keyboardless Visual Programming Using Voice, Handwriting, and
Gesture -
J. L. Leopold, A. L. Ambler, University of Kansas
- Making Distortions Comprehensible -
M. S. T. Carpendale, D. J. Cowperthwaite, F. D. Fracchia,
Simon Fraser University

12:05 - 12:55: (Parallel Session) Visual Language Implementation
Techniques I
- A Petri Net-based Visual Language for Specifying GUIs -
X. Li, W. B. Mugridge, J. G. Hosking, University of Auckland.
- A Framework of Syntactic Models for the Implementation of Visual
Languages -
G. Costagliola, A. De Lucia, G. Tortora, University of Salerno,
S. Orefice, University of L'Aquila.

10:50 - 12:55 (Parallel Session) Special Session on Visual Languages and
Software Engineering
- Supporting Reuse of Evolving Visual Code -
R.A. Walpole, M.M. Burnett, Oregon State University
- Supporting Design Patterns in a Visual Parallel Data-flow
Programming Environment -
M. Toyoda, B. Shizuki, S. Takahashi, S. Matsuoka, E. Shibayama,
Tokio Institute of Technology
- The Khoros Visual Programming Toolkit -
D. Argiro, S. Kubica, M. Young, Khoral Research Inc.
- Satisfying the Graphical Requirements of Visual Languages in the
DV-Centro Framework -
P. C. Brown, DataViews Corporation
- HotDoc: A Flexible Framework for Spatial Composition -
J. Buchner, T. Fehnl, T. Kunstmann, Darmstadt University of

12:55 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:35: Visual Query Languages
- From Queries to Answers in Visual Logic Programming -
J. Puigsegur, W. M. Schorlemmer, J. Agustô, IIIA-CSIC
- A Visual Language for Authorization Modeling -
S.K. Chang, University of Pittsburgh, G. Polese, University of
Salerno, R. Thomas, S. Das, ORA
- POSTER Visualizing Document Space by Force-directed Dynamic
Layout -
J. Tatemura, University of Tokyo
- POSTER Using Tasks for Improving the Design of Presentations for
Database Query Results -
N. Aloia, M. Matera, F. Paterno', CNUCE-CNR
- POSTER Combining Constraints and Data-Flow in a Visual Query
Language -
M. Chavda, P. T. Wood, University of Cape Town

15:35 - 15:55 Coffee Break

15:55 - 17:55 Challenge of Visual Programming Languages
Panel of judges:
Allen Ambler, U. of Kansas
Thomas Green, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dan Kimura, Washington U., St. Louis
Alex Repenning, U. of Colorado
Trevor Smedley, Technical U. of Nova Scotia

18:30 PC Meeting

Thursday Sept. 25

9:00 - 10:00 Keynote Address: On the Aesthetics of Diagrams
David Harel, The Weizmann Institute of Science

10:00 - 10:50 Visual Language Implementation Techniques II
- A Structured Interactive Workspace for a Visual Configuration
Language -
J.-Y. Vion-Dury, F. Pacull, Rank Xerox Research Centre
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION Sonifying the Desktop Visually -
D. H. Jameson, B. M. Radtke, IBM Research Division

10:50 - 11:10 Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:15 (Parallel Session)Visual Language Design I
- Towards Visual Development of Message-Passing Programs -
N. Stankovic, K. Zhang, Macquarie University
- Iterative Constructs in the Visual Data Flow Language -
M. Auguston, A. Delgado, New Mexico State University
- POSTER VISPATCH: Graphical Rule-based Language Controlled by User
Event -
Y. Harada, K. Miyamoto, R. Onai, NTT
- POSTER A Rule-Based Visual Language for Small Mobile Robots -
J. J. Pfeiffer, Jr., New Mexico State University
- POSTER A Visual Language for Data Structures Programming -
R. Wodtli, P. Cull, Oregon State University

12:15 - 13:15 (Parallel Session) Software Visualization and Algorithm
Animation I
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION VRCS: Integrating Version Control and
Module Management using Interactive Three-Dimensional Graphics -
H. Koike, H.-C. Chu, University of Electro-Communications, Tokio.
- VisuaLinda: A Framework and a System for Visualizing Parallel
Linda Programs -
H. Koike, T. Takada, University of Electro-Communications, Tokio
- POSTER Visualising Alignment with Adaptive Gridlines -
J. Noble, Macquarie University
- POSTER HAL: A Multimedia Language for the Creationof 3D Animation
of Human Figures -
D. Meziat, J. Lopez, I. Rodriguez, M. Carbajo, A. Casillas,
J. Real, J. M. Garcia, University of Alcala'

11:10 - 13:15 (Parallel Session) Special Session on Visual Information
Retrieval Interfaces
- GUIDO: Visualizing Document Retrieval -
A. Nuchprayoon, Chulalongkorn University, R. R. Korfhage
University of Pittsburgh
- A Hypertabular Visualizer of Query Results -
G. Santucci, University of Rome "La Sapienza", L. Tarantino,
University of L'Aquila
- Querying GIS with Animated Spatial Sketches -
V. Haarslev, M. Wessel University of Hamburg
- PICASSO: Visual Querying by Color Perceptive Regions -
J.M. Corridoni, A. Del Bimbo, M. Mugnaini, P. Pala, F. Turco,
University of Florence
- Delaunay\M: A Visual Framework for Multimedia Presentation -
I.F. Cruz, W. T. Lucas, Tufts University

13:15-14:45 Lunch

14:45 - 15:45 Panel: Negotiations in Spatial Reasoning Applications
Panel Chair: E. Jungert, FOA, Sweden
S.-K. Chang, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
R. Laurini, Universite C. Bernard, Lyon, France
K. Ohlsson, Lulea Technical University

15:45 - 16:40: Theory of Visual Languages I
- Diagram Editing with Hypergraph Parser Support -
M. Minas, University of Erlangen- Nuernberg
- From Visual Language Specification to Legal Visual Interaction -
P. Bottoni, S. Levialdi, University of Rome "La Sapienza",
M.F. Costabile, University of Bari, P. Mussio, University of
- POSTER Pretty-printing of Visual Sentences -
T.B. Dinesh, CWI, S.M. Uskudarli, University of Amsterdam

16:40 - 17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:30: End-User Programming Languages
- Graphical Definitions: Making Spreadsheets Visual through
Direct Manipulation and Gestures -
H. J. Gottfried, M. M. Burnett, Oregon State University
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION Experiences with Visual Programming in a
Specific Domain: Visual Language Challenge'96 -
P. T. Cox, T. J. Smedley, Technical University of Nova Scotia,
J. Garden, M. McManus, Pictorius Inc.

- A Graphical Language for Generating Architectural Forms -
A. Rau-Chaplin, T. J. Smedley, Technical University of Nova
- POSTER A Visual Programming Language for Qualitative Data -
M. Duecker, W. Mueller, C-LAB, C. Geiger, G. Lehrenfeld, C. Tahedl,
Heinz Nixdorf Institute.
- POSTER Behavior Combination Through Analogy -
B. Craig, University of Colorado
- POSTER The EBP System: A Complete 'Programming by Demonstration'
Environment in Computer Aided Design Area -
P. Girard, G. Pierra, J.C. Potier, LISI-ENSMA

19:30 Banquet

Friday Sept. 26

9:00 - 10:40: Theory of Visual Languages II
- Alterable Visual Languages -
C.M. Holt, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Reserved Graph Grammar: A Specification Tool for Diagrammatic
VPLs -
D.-Q. Zhang, K. Zhang, Macquarie University .
- An Interpreter for Diagrammatic Languages Based on SR Grammars -
F. Ferrucci, F. Napolitano, G. Tortora, M. Tucci, G. Vitiello,
University of Salerno.
- Semantics of Visual Languages -
M. Erwig, University of Hagen.

10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:15: (Parallel Session) Hypermedia and Multimedia
- Content-Based Retrieval of Video Data by the Grammar of the Film
A. Yoshitaka, T. Ishii, M. Hirakawa, T. Ichikawa,
Hiroshima University
- Multimedia Languages for Teleaction Objects -
T. Arndt, A. Cafiero, A. Guercio, University of Salerno
- Visual-Textual Prototyping of 4D Scenes -
M. Duecker, W. Mueller, C-LAB, C. Geiger, R. Hunstock,
G. Lehrenfeld, Heinz Nixdorf Institute

12:15 - 13:05: (Parallel Session) Software Visualization and
Algorithm Animation II
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION Visual Execution and Data Visualisation in
Natural Language Processing -
P. Rodgers, R. Gaizauskas, K. Humphreys, H. Cunningham, University
of Sheffield.
- A Visual Programming Model for User Interface Animation -
D. Vodislav, CEDRIC

11:00 - 13:05 (Parallel Session) Special Session on Visual Languages for
Human-to-Human Communication
- Animation of User Algorithms in the Web -
J. Haajanen, M. Pesonius, E. Sutinen, T. Terasvirta, P. Vanninen,
University of Helsinki, J. Tarhio, University of Joensuu
- Staging Software Visualizations on the Web -
J. Domingue, P. Mulholland, The Open University
- A Java-Based Implementation of Collaborative Active Textbooks -
M.H. Brown, M.A. Najork, R. Raisamo, DEC Systems Research Center
- Programming Narrative -
K.M. Brooks, MIT Media Lab
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION Mr. Rogers Sustainable Neighborhood: A
Language Case Study for Community Education -
C. Perrone, S. Spencer, E. Arias, University of Colorado

13:05 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:55: Visual Language Design II
- BDL-A Nondeterministic Data Flow Programming Language with
Backtracking -
A. Schuerr, Technical University of Aachen
- Behavior Processors: Layers between End-Users and Java Virtual
Machines -
A. Repenning, A. Ioannidou, University of Colorado,
- Low Level Visual Programming -
M. Beaumont, D. Jackson, University of Liverpool
- POSTER Object-Flow -
L. Braine, C. Clack, University College London.
- POSTER A Visual Language for Constraint Programming -
E. Chailloux, University of Paris, P. Codognet, INRIA

15:55 - 16:15 Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:40: Visual Environments
- CASE STUDY/APPLICATION A Visual Language Based System for the
Efficient Management of the Software Development Process -
G. Costagliola, G. Polese, G. Tortora, University of Salerno,
G. D'Ambrosio, Ghenos
- Visual Environments for Designing Sequence Control Program with
AI Planning -
Y. Namioka, H. Mizutani, Toshiba Corporation
- A Declarative Language for the Design of Structures -
P.T. Cox, T.J. Smedley, Technical University of Nova Scotia
- POSTER Concrete Programming Paradigm for Kinetic Typography -
C.M. Chao, J. Maeda, MIT Media Lab
- POSTER Designing Cut and Paste in a Visual Environment -
K. Griepentrog, W. Citrin, University of Colorado.

17:40 - 18:40 Open House



TUTORIAL #1: (9:00)
Introduction to Visual Programming Languages: Scaling-Up Issues

Instructors: Margaret M. Burnett and Rebecca Walpole
Department of Computer Science
Oregon State University
Email: {burnett, walpolr}

Visual programming languages let the programmer sketch, point at, or
demonstrate data relationships or transformations, rather than
translate them into sequences of commands. The directness, immediacy
and simplicity of visual programming languages are appealing. The
question is, how can visual programming languages be effectively
applied to large-scale programming problems while retaining these
characteristics? The objectives of this tutorial are to present basic
concepts of visual programming and provide an in-depth look at the
issues for making visual programming languages suitable for solving
large programming problems. Several existing visual programming
languages as well as emerging research will be included as a way to
explore in depth some of the issues in the scaling up

Attendees should come away with the basic concepts of visual
programming languages, an understanding of some of the issues
important to scaling-up, and an understanding of solutions and
attempted solutions to the scaling-up problem employed by a variety of
visual programming languages.

TUTORIAL #2: (14:30)

Visual Information Retrieval Interfaces (VIRIs)

Instructor: Robert Korfhage
Department of Information Science
University of Pittsburgh

The problem of perfoming information retrieval efficiently is a severe
one in this era of full text and multimedia databases accesible over
the Web. More than one hundred different visual interfaces have been
developed to address this problem. Most enable the user to view and
manipulate large numbers of documents to isolate the few relevant
ones, while a few are aimed at a more detailed analysis of individual
documents. This half day workshop reviews the status of VIRI
development, focusing on the different metaphors and models being
used, the different modes of user interaction available, and the types
of results that have thus far been obtained.



The objective of the Visual Programming Challenge (VPC) is reward
visual language approaches that offer the greatest promise to ease
programming for all programmers, including public programmers, a term
we use to denote those individuals who may have had little computer
usage experience and perhaps no formal computer programming training.

The competition's problem domain requires quasi-real-time control of a
robotic vehicle. The control of these robotic vehicles, made from
LEGO« parts, represents a large class of control-type problems that
are potentially interesting to public programmers. For instance,
programming a robotic vehicle is similar to programming a robotic
vacuum cleaner. Yet, the problem domain is sufficiently rich to
reflect typical commercial problems as well.

This challenge is made possible through the support of National
Science Foundation Grant IRI-9616242.



Following the success of TVL '96 which was held in conjunction with
AVI '96 in Gubbio, Italy, in September '96, we are pleased to announce
the second International Workshop on Theory of Visual Languages. TVL
'97 will be held under the auspices of the IEEE Symposium on Visual
Languages (VL '97) in Capri, Italy on September 27.

The TVL workshop is dedicated to discussions about different
perspectives of visual languages and their theoretical foundations and
aims at providing an open and creative platform for comparisons of
different approaches to visual language theory. Research on visual
language theory is widespread among different communities inside and
outside the traditional visual language community. Several fields
inside of computer science (such as artificial intelligence,
diagrammatic reasoning, human computer interaction, formal language
theory, graph grammars, databases, etc.) are working on visual
languages as well as related neighbor disciplines like computational
linguistics and cognitive science. The main aim of the workshop is to
strengthen the dialogue between these diverse communities.

For all questions and further information about TVL '97 mail to



Steering Committee:
Allen Ambler, Univ. of Kansas, USA
Shi-Kuo Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
Tadao Ichikawa, Univ. of Hiroshima, Japan
Erland Jungert, Swedish Defence Research Establishment, Sweden
Robert Korfhage, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
Stefano Levialdi, Univ. of Rome, Italy
Steven Tanimoto, Univ. of Washington, USA

General Co-Chairs:
Margaret Burnett, Oregon State Univ., USA
Wayne Citrin, Univ. of Colorado, USA

Program Chair:
Genny Tortora, Univ. of Salerno, Italy

Tutorials Chair:
Maurizio Tucci, Univ. of Salerno, Italy

Publicity Chair:
Angela Guercio, Univ. of Salerno, Italy

Local Arrangement Chair:
Gennaro Costagliola, Univ. of Salerno, Italy

Program Committee:
Vincenzo Ambriola, Univ. of Pisa, Italy
Margaret Burnett, Oregon State Univ., USA
Wayne Citrin, Univ. of Colorado, USA
Francesca Costabile, Univ. of Bari, Italy
Philip T. Cox, Tech University of Nova Scotia, Canada
Isabel Cruz, Tufts Univ. USA
Alberto Del Bimbo, Univ. of Firenze, Italy
Max J. Egenhofer, Univ. of Maine, USA
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ephraim Glinert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ., USA
David Harel, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Masahito Hirakawa, Hiroshima Univ., Japan
H.-J. Hoffmann, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Dan Kimura, Washington Univ., USA
Henry Lieberman, MIT Media Lab., USA
Kim Marriott, Monash Univ., Australia
Piero Mussio, Univ. of Brescia, Italy
Giuliano Pacini, Accademia Navale di Livorno, Italy
Alex Quilici, Univ. of Hawaii, USA
Alex Repenning, Univ. of Colorado, USA
Ben Shneiderman, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Peter Selfridge, AT&T Research, USA
Trevor Smedley,Tech University of Nova Scotia, Canada
John Stasko, Georgia Tech, USA
Genny Tortora, Univ. of Salerno, Italy
and the members of the Steering Committee

Conference Secretariat:
VL'97 (attn. Prof. Genny Tortora)
Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni
Universita' di Salerno
via S. Allende
84081 Baronissi (SA)
fax: +39-89-965391


Europa Palace Hotel
via Capodimonte, 2b
80071 Anacapri (NA)
tel.: +39-81-8373800
fax: +39-81-8373191

Daily rates per person (Italian Lire) - half board

Europa Palace *** **
Hotel (****)

Double room (double Lit. 185,000 Lit. 145,000 Lit. 130,000

Single room Lit 210,000 Lit. 165,000 Lit. 150,000
(single occupancy)

Double room Lit. 245,000 Lit. 200,000 Lit. 175,000
(single occupancy)

Lunches are included in the price and will all be served at the Europa
Palace Hotel. Please contact the Europa Palace Hotel directly to book
your reservation. You can contact the Europa Palace Hotel also for the
three- or two-stars hotels. All hotels reserved for the conference
are located at walking distance from the Europa Palace Hotel. Please,
notice that a limited number of have been reserved.



Registration forms must be completed and returned to the Conference
Secretariat before July 20, 1997.
The registration fees are (in US $):

before after
July 20, 1997 July 20, 1997

IEEE Members 370 450
Non-Members 470 550
Full-time students 150 200

One half-day tutorial:

IEEE Members 130 150

Non-members 160 200

TVL'97 Workshop:

IEEE Members 100 120

Non-members 130 150

The registration fee for all participants to the conference includes
attendance to the conference, coffee breaks, the social dinner, and a
copy of the proceedings. The registration to each tutorial and to the
TVL workshop include coffee breaks.

Members must include the membership/organization number in order to
receive the discount. Students must submit proof of their status.



The amount due for participation in the conference and in the
social programme can be paid (in US dollars) by money transfer to:

IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages
account no. 11861-00 Credito Italiano, Salerno, Italy
ABI 2008 CAB 15200

Credit card service is also available.

Please make sure that your payment includes any banking or other fees,
so that we receive the correct amount. A confirmation of registration
and payment will be sent to you immediately.



Confirmed registrants who cannot attend and who do not send a
substitute, are entitled to a refund of paid fees (less a $50
processing charge) if a request is received in writing on or before
September 1, 1997. Registrants are liable for their full fees after
that date. All VL'97 attendees registered before July 20, 1997 will
receive confirmation by electronic mail.


@ @
@ @

Please complete and return (either by fax or by email) to the
Conference Secretariat by July 20, 1997, to pay a reduced fee. Notice
that if payment is made by money transfer, a copy of it must be faxed
(fax +39-89 965391). In case of payment by credit card, electronic
mail registrations will be accepted, provided that an original signed
form is sent by regular mail.


Last name:

First name:


Full address:




Name/s of the accompanying person/s participating in the conference:

IEEE membership no.:


Please check as appropriate:
Amount due:

< > Conference registration - -

< > Tutorial #1 - -

< > Tutorial #2 - -

< > Workshop on Theory of Visual Languages - -

no. ... additional banquet dinner tickets ($ 60 each) - -


Total amount due: - -



__ Please charge my credit card

Number : ________________

exp. date: ________________

Type : __ Master/Euro __ Visa

__ Bank transfer (Net of bank charges) to: IEEE Symposium on Visual

Account no.: 11861-00 ABI 2008 CAB 15200
Bank: Credito Italiano

mentioning your full name and company name.



For more information, see:
For questions, please contact:

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