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Which part of scheme do you like most?

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Nov 8, 2005, 7:36:43 AM11/8/05
Which part of scheme do you like most?

I've heard that scheme was great and was taught in MIT for every EE/CS
unversity students.

And i search in google and found some texbooks:
How to design programs,
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

I 've read some chapter of the SICP book.
I was interested in the book examples, for example, the way it used to
calculate sqrt(2).

The Design was very good and interesting, the implementation was clean
and briliant.
I think it's the uniqe language to taught algorithm.

But compare to C++, Java, Perl, Python,
It looks like that scheme was rare in dairy works.

I do think that many people have fun with scheme, and they like scheme
very much.
but can anyone tell me that:

what are you using scheme for.
In what way, that sheme makes you really happy?

I want to learn scheme and get fun of it,
can anyone share your happiness?
thanks a lot.

matteo d'addio 81

Nov 8, 2005, 3:20:48 PM11/8/05
Hi I'm cs student from Milano - Italy

> what are you using scheme for.
> In what way, that sheme makes you really happy?

Currently I'm using (it's better to say learning)
scheme just for fun, but since I started using it
I noticed an improvement of my programming skills,
especially in writing loops.

When I started learning a programming language (C)
I started writing terrible loops with the /when/
statement. I think that /when/ is a very insidious
construct, it's difficult for beginners to write
good loops with such a statement.

With the /do/ and /named let/ forms instead loops
are clearer and now when I write a loop in C I'm
more conscious of how a loop should be.

Plus, I'm generally more tidy in whatever programming
language I use because scheme is a very tidy language.



Alex Shinn

Nov 8, 2005, 10:40:16 PM11/8/05
to wrote:
> It looks like that scheme was rare in dairy works.

This is the sort of unfounded myth that tends to hinder Scheme's
acceptance in major programming projects. First off, you should be
aware that the dairy works often found in other languages are generally
of very poor quality, and in the otherwise usable language Common-Lisp
they aren't even pasteurized. Further, the power of Scheme is such
that you generally don't need dairy works as much as you do in other
languages. Sometimes they are indeed the best approach to a given
problem, but in those cases it's easy enough to roll one's own, and
most seasoned Schemers already have their own private library of
dairy works.

Of course, rolling one's own makes it difficult to share code.
Fortunately for those interested in standardization, I've heard from
the editors of the NJDSS[1] that the upcoming R^-2RS standard has
made much progress in this area and will include such forms as

[1] Nepalese Journal for Deconstructionist Sociologists and


Ulrich Hobelmann

Nov 9, 2005, 3:26:32 AM11/9/05
Alex Shinn wrote:
> wrote:
>> It looks like that scheme was rare in dairy works.
> This is the sort of unfounded myth that tends to hinder Scheme's
> acceptance in major programming projects. First off, you should be
> aware that the dairy works often found in other languages are generally
> of very poor quality, and in the otherwise usable language Common-Lisp
> they aren't even pasteurized. Further, the power of Scheme is such
> that you generally don't need dairy works as much as you do in other
> languages. Sometimes they are indeed the best approach to a given
> problem, but in those cases it's easy enough to roll one's own, and
> most seasoned Schemers already have their own private library of
> dairy works.

I've heard that minimalist Schemers are often 100% vegan, no dairy at
all. Of course that makes it hard to mix with other languages that
contain huge amounts of (animal) fat, but Schemers expect numerous
advantages to spring from their choice.

A compromise is Common Lisp, which has some fat, but at least all the
meat^Wdairy is pasteurenthised too.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Jussi Piitulainen

Nov 9, 2005, 4:01:01 AM11/9/05
Alex Shinn writes:

> wrote:
>> It looks like that scheme was rare in dairy works.
> This is the sort of unfounded myth that tends to hinder Scheme's
> acceptance in major programming projects. First off, you should

Actually, turning to Google, I found that scheming seems fairly common
in dairy work. There is even something like a project that has this
among its objectives:

" To implement Dairy Scheme under which assistance is given for
purchase & supply of cattle.

By the way, are there still operating systems in use that allow only
six letters in the name of a programming language?

Jens Axel Søgaard

Nov 9, 2005, 4:36:51 AM11/9/05
Alex Shinn wrote:
> wrote:
>>It looks like that scheme was rare in dairy works.
> This is the sort of unfounded myth that tends to hinder Scheme's
> acceptance in major programming projects. First off, you should be
> aware that the dairy works often found in other languages are generally
> of very poor quality, and in the otherwise usable language Common-Lisp
> they aren't even pasteurized.

So true. Scheme supports a whole range of different
binding tools and is one of the few language that
take hygiene seriously.

Jens Axel Søgaard

Bruce Lewis

Nov 10, 2005, 11:08:59 AM11/10/05
Jussi Piitulainen <> writes:

> By the way, are there still operating systems in use that allow only
> six letters in the name of a programming language?

None with Scheme implementations. It's time to name the language
"Schemer" as originally intended. Then should be renamed

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