I'm hoping someone can set me straight about something. Take the
following lines of Ruby and output from the interpreter:
[1,2,3].map {|a| a*a}
>> [1,4,9]
[4,5,6].map {|a| return a*a}
>> LocalJumpError: unexpected return
I'm trying to fit Ruby's code blocks in with the concept of anonymous
functions that's in my brain from languages like Scheme. It seems that
a code block must be something a little different, because returning
from an anonymous function should be a fine thing to do. Does a code
block not create an environment for local variables on the stack? What
is a LocalJump anyway?
I'm sure this is addressed elsewhere, but thanks for any clues or
A return within a block returns from the scope that the block is
within. So if you had:
def some_method
[4,5,6].map {|a| return a*a }
Calling some_method would return 16.
> I'm trying to fit Ruby's code blocks in with the concept of anonymous
> functions that's in my brain from languages like Scheme. It seems that
> a code block must be something a little different, because returning
> from an anonymous function should be a fine thing to do.
It is a bit different. You should look into the Proc class. And even
then, the behavior differs as to how you create the Proc instance.
Procs created with Proc.new act like blocks. But Procs created with
either Kernel.proc or Kernel.lambda work like what you're expecting.
> Does a code
> block not create an environment for local variables on the stack?
Yes, but so do conditionals and loops. And with conditionals and
loops you would expect an embedded return not to take you out of the
conditional or loop but out of the method that "surrounds" them. And
blocks work work that way too.
I hope that's helpful.
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Take this blob of Java:
void myMethod() {
int a = 1;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
int b = 2;
System.out.println(a + b + i);
If I understand correctly, even though b is defined inside the loop, a
and b are both stored in the same stack frame when this method is
compiled (barring optimation). At least, that's the way we did it in
compilers 101. The compiler prevents access to b outside the loop, but
the 4 bytes for b remain allocated on the stack during the whole
execution of the method.
Anyway, the execution of myMethod causes the allocation and cleanup of
one stack frame. Not two, and certainly not one plus one for each
execution of the loop. So, my guess is that a code block maintains
that behavior.
I'm still wondering why using the return keyword is different than
implying the return value of the block and what a "Local Jump" is.
Maybe I'm perseverating on this point, but I'm curious about how Ruby
works under the hood.
Thanks again,
I see your logic -- you're trying to look at how the language runtime
is implemented (and perhaps optimized) and then trying to do a back-
inference as to how the high-level language "should" operate. And
that can sometimes be a useful technique. However I think it's useful
to keep a separation b/w those issues -- implementation details and
the design of the language itself -- even though they're intimately
related, although ideally we'd like the design to influence the
implementation far more than the other way around.
Are you familiar with the idea of a closure? The idea is when a code
block is defined, it *somehow* captures the variables in scope at that
time. I emphasize *somehow* because that's an implementation detail.
Take a look at the following code and you'll see that a variable
that's defined in a method can *somehow* live even when we've returned
out of the method.
def make_counter
count = 0
p1 = lambda { count } #
p2 = lambda { count += 1 } #
p3 = lambda { count -= 1 } #
[p1, p2, p3] # return array of 3
counter1 = make_counter # contains 3
# will the calls to Procs
# what value of count will they
3.times do counter1[1].call end
8.times do counter1[2].call end
puts counter1[0].call
# can we make another
counter2 = make_counter
# will this counter's count start again at
12.times do counter2[1].call end
puts counter2[0].call
# does counter1 have/keep its own value of
puts counter1[0].call
Depending on your past experience, you might find the code above to be
"mind-blowing". Clearly Ruby is not implemented in terms of stack
frames as you described them. If you want to learn more about this, I
recommend _Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs_, a book
that people seem to either love or hate (on Amazon it has 85 5-star
reviews, 53 1-star reviews, and just 19 combined 2-, 3-, and 4-star
> I'm still wondering why using the return keyword is different than
> implying the return value of the block and what a "Local Jump" is.
> Maybe I'm perseverating on this point, but I'm curious about how Ruby
> works under the hood.
As for *why*, that's a language design issue. I can only presume that
Matz decided that a "return" should work at the level of the method,
not the block, as he thought it would be the most useful way for the
language to operate.
As for what a Local Jump is, I don't know other than to say that I've
only encountered the term through LocalJumpError -- the exception that
gets raised when you try to return out of a block when its original
context is no longer valid. Maybe someone else will have deeper
I find interesting the current crop of languages that mix OO and
functional concepts (including Ruby, Python, Scala, and even humble
Javascript). A perfect synthesis has yet to be found, I think, but the
ease with which code blocks can be thrown around in Ruby is one of its
nicest features.
Check out Lua [http://www.lua.org] then. Not as a replacement for Ruby,
but just as another tool in your toolbox. Very lightweight & easy to embed.