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Assigning to self.__class__

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Paul McGuire

Jan 26, 2006, 3:24:26 AM1/26/06
I have some places in pyparsing where I've found that the most
straightforward way to adjust an instance's behavior is to change its class.
I do this by assigning to self.__class__, and things all work fine.

(Converting to use of __new__ is not an option - in one case, the change is
temporary, and before the end of the function, I change it back again.)

Any comments on this practice? Is this intended capability for Python
objects, or am I taking advantage of a fortuitous accident, which may get
undone at a future time?

-- Paul

bruno at modulix

Jan 26, 2006, 3:36:12 AM1/26/06
Paul McGuire wrote:
> I have some places in pyparsing where I've found that the most
> straightforward way to adjust an instance's behavior is to change its class.

Hooray ! You've just (re)discovered the state pattern... for which the
most stupid simple implementation in Python is to :

>(snip) assigning to self.__class__, (snip)


> Any comments on this practice?

It can be very confusing for newbies and peoples having no experience
with *dynamic* languages, and I guess control-freaks and
static-typing-addicts would runaway screaming. But I like it anyway !-)

> Is this intended capability for Python
> objects,

AFAIK, yes.

> or am I taking advantage of a fortuitous accident, which may get
> undone at a future time?

It's certainly not a fortuitous accident.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'on...@xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"

Heiko Wundram

Jan 26, 2006, 3:45:54 AM1/26/06
bruno at modulix wrote:

> Paul McGuire wrote:
>> or am I taking advantage of a fortuitous accident, which may get
>> undone at a future time?
> It's certainly not a fortuitous accident.

And even the (printed) cookbook has examples which assign to
self.__class__... I guess this means this feature isn't going to go away
soo. ;-)

--- Heiko.

Alex Martelli

Jan 26, 2006, 9:48:32 AM1/26/06
Heiko Wundram <> wrote:

Hmmm, I'm the main decision-maker for what goes in the printed cookbook,
but it's Guido who decides what stays or goes in the language, and it's
not as if we always agree (though I will admit that when we disagree it
later usually turns out he's right, but that's another issue;-). Still,
in this case I don't think we disagree!-)


Terry Reedy

Jan 26, 2006, 3:38:47 PM1/26/06

"Paul McGuire" <> wrote in message

Very little if any of the new class stuff is accidental. As I remember,
.__class__ was originally read-only and was intentionally changed when
practical use cases for rewriting it were developed and presented with a
request for change. Though I could be wrong, I would comfortably use this
feature myself.

Terry J. Reedy

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