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I need test .py files

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Raul Parra Bacete FS

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

I have ported the python interpreter to the sh1 hitachi, and now I would
like to get .py programs to test my python interpreter... that programs
should not have any import statment or any reference to files, so I need
some BASIC .py programs to test my python

I wonder if you could give me any addres where I can get some of them or
send me some of them by e-mail....


Raul Parra Bacete
Åbo Akademi

M.-A. Lemburg

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
to Raul Parra Bacete FS
Raul Parra Bacete FS wrote:
> Hi,
> I have ported the python interpreter to the sh1 hitachi, and now I would
> like to get .py programs to test my python interpreter... that programs
> should not have any import statment or any reference to files, so I need
> some BASIC .py programs to test my python

The scripts in Lib/test/ of the Python source distribution
are intended to be a relatively complete test suite for the interpreter
and many of the standard libs modules.

See Lib/test/ for details on how to run the suite.

Marc-Andre Lemburg Y2000: 249 days left
: Python Pages >>> :

Stefan Franke

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:10:49 +0300, Raul Parra Bacete FS <> wrote:

>I have ported the python interpreter to the sh1 hitachi,

as I remember from your previous posts, you were trying
to build a stripped off (WRT OS and file system specific
modules) Python interpreter for an embedded system

Your mail lets me assume you succeeded :-) Can you
summarize you experiences when you are finished?

It would be very cool to have a kind of "Minimal core
Python" configure option in the standard distribution
as a starting point for similar tasks!

About a year ago I was in the position to make
suggestions for a scripting language in an embedded
application to my ex-employer, with a main focus on
immediate availability.
I chose LUA, Scheme, Tcl 7.6, Python (in this order),
but have loved to see Python in a better rank.
Unfortunately the porting effort seemed quite high.


PS: Finally they chose a yucky BASIC interpreter - for them
a known language available at no cost. What they left out
of consideration was that there were no interfacing or
wrapping possibilities (like SWIG) at all...

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