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ANN: cage 1.1 -- Cellular automata engine in Python

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Erik Max Francis

Jul 22, 2002, 1:14:25 AM7/22/02
A new version of CAGE is available:


CAGE is a fairy generic and complete cellular automaton simulation
engine in Python. It supports both 1D and 2D automata, a variety
of prepackaged rules, and the concept of "agents" which can move
about independently on the map for implementing agent behavior.

CAGE comes with numerous examples of fully-functional CA systems,
including Conway's Game of Life, Langton's self-reproducing
automaton, Langton's "vants," and 1D automata rule explorers. It
also comes with simple displayers (including a curses interface
for 2D automata). Also included is a unique implementation of a
finite state machine (

Note that CAGE is implemented entirely in Python, and due to its
very generalized nature, is not designed for speed. It is
sufficient to update a 80x24 Conway's Game of Life grid at a few
times per second on a modern machine. CAGE is intended primarily
as an education toolkit, rather than an industrial-strength CA

Getting the software

The software is available in a tarball here:

The official URL for this Web site is

What's new

- 1.1; 2002 Jul 21. More examples, much better abstraction of
dimensionality, PointInitializers, simple ImagePlayer (using
PIL) and rule 110 example, concept of Rule mixins, 1D
nontotalistic and totalistic rule examples, separation of
concept of "icon" from Automaton classes.

Erik Max Francis / /
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