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[RELEASE] Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 now available.

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Thomas Wouters

Feb 7, 2024, 10:15:41 AM2/7/24
*Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 are here! *In addition to all the usual bugfixes,
these releases contain a small security fix: hidden .pth files are no
longer automatically read and executed
as part of Python startup. (New releases of 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 containing
the same fix are expected next week.)

Python 3.12’s second bugfix release. In addition to the mentioned security
fix and the usual slew of bug fixes, build changes and documentation
updates (more than 350 commits), this is also the first release to include
a Software Bill-of-Materials for the source packages
(Python-3.12.2.tgz and Python-3.12.2.tar.xz). Full changelog

More than 300 commits of bug fixes, build changes and documentation
updates. Full changelog
hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and
these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by
volunteering yourself, or through contributions to the Python Software
Foundation <> or CPython itself

Thomas Wouters @thomas <>
on behalf of your release team,

Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Pablo Galindo Salgado
Łukasz Langa
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