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140 computer periodicals now searchable on the Internet thanks to Python

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Steve Kirsch

Jul 18, 1994, 12:20:13 AM7/18/94
InfoSeek has been using Python since March to develop parts of our full text
information retrieval service. Our email request server is also written in
Python; it's a great language!

We are offering our service for free for a limited time to a limited number
of users on the net. I wanted to give the people on this, our favorite newsgroup, an
opportunity to get an account before everyone else finds out about it. We can
only give out 5,000 free accounts and they will probably go fast.

In essence, we have the full text of about 140 computer publications available
for searching using plain English queries. So you can pose queries such as:
Who makes the fastest Pentium PC?
Who is Guido Van Rossum? <<--- our all-time favorite query!!!
What is Spec 1170?
Who is the new president of Sun Microsystems Computer Corp?
What is Kerberos?
and get back the answer in the top 1 or 2 documents.

You need Mosaic or a WWW browser with forms and authentication to access the

For more info, please send e-mail to our automated info server at:

Steven T. Kirsch
InfoSeek Corporation
2620 Augustine Dr #250
Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 982-4463 FAX: (408) 986-1889

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