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Finite State Machines

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Evan Simpson

Nov 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/20/98
'''Finite state machine class

Right now, just about anything I read about programming
techniques and patterns makes me think "How would I do
that in Python?", so when recently
posted about their Libero FSM-generator (which doesn't
do Python yet), I just had to try it myself.

(I am aware of Skip Montanaro's FSM module at , but I
wanted to try a slightly different approach)

class FSM:
'''Finite State Machine Base Class

Define a subclass with a mapping attribute for each
state of the FSM. These states map events to
('state', 'action') transitions, where 'state' is the name
of the next state, and 'action' is the name of the action
to perform before changing state. Initialize an instance
with an actor object which defines the implementations
of the transition actions, then call the start method with
the initial event.

The pre-defined state 'initial_state' must be overridden,
and a set of global default transitions may be defined
by overriding 'defaults'.

An event is first checked for a literal match. If that fails,
it is then passed to any callable keys until one of them
returns a true value. After that, global default transitions
are checked for.

An 'action' may be a callable attribute of the actor
object with which the FSM was initialized, or it may be
an event value (either literal or looked up in the actor).

Callable actions may use the passed FSM parameter
to look up the state, event, next_state, and match. They
can also use it to set next_state explicitly.
initial_state = None
STOP = []
Error = ValueError
defaults = {}

def _noact(self, x): pass
def _prep_states(self, states):
memo = {'STOP': self.STOP}
while states:
statename, states = states[0], states[1:]
state = getattr(self, statename)
for item in state.items():
(event, (statename, actname)) = item
# Actions are either attributes of actor, or literals
action = getattr(, actname)
action = actname
if not memo.has_key(statename):
memo[statename] = getattr(self, statename)
state[event] = (memo[statename], action)
# Remember which 'events' are actually callable event tests.
state[callable] = filter(callable, state.keys())

def __init__(self, actor): = actor
try: self._pre = getattr(actor, '__pre_hook__')
except: self._pre = self._noact
try: self._post = getattr(actor, '__post_hook__')
except: self._post = self._noact
self._prep_states(['initial_state', 'defaults'])

def _get_transition(self, state, event):
transition = state.get(event, None)
if not transition:
for event_test in state[callable]:
self.match = event_test(event)
if self.match:
transition = state[event_test]
if state is self.defaults:
raise self.Error, (self.state, self.event)
return self._get_transition(self.defaults, event)
self.next_state, action = transition
return action

def start(self, event):
state = self.initial_state
while state != self.STOP:
self.state, self.event, self.match = state, event, None
action = self._get_transition(state, event)
if callable(action):
event = action(self)
event = action
state = self.next_state

default = lambda x: 1

# Test case

import re

class FiniteSodaMachine(FSM):
initial_state = {
'OK': ('Waiting', 'idle'),
'Broken': ('STOP', 'power_off')
Waiting = {
'Coin': ('Got_coin', 'get_coin_value'),
'Return_lever': ('Reset', 'return_coins'),
re.compile(r'(cola)|(juice)|(water)', re.I).search: ('Selection',
default: ('Reset', 'no such drink stocked')
_valid_coin = ('Reset', 'add_coin')
Got_coin = {
5: _valid_coin,
10: _valid_coin,
25: _valid_coin,
default: ('Reset', 'reject_coin')
Selection = {
0: ('Waiting', 'idle'),
1: ('Dispense', 'give_selection'),
Dispense = {
default: ('Reset', 'debit_balance')
Reset = {
default: ('Waiting', 'idle')

class SodaMachinery:
def __init__(self):
self.balance = 0
def __pre_hook__(self, fsm):
print fsm.event
def idle(self, fsm):
self.input = raw_input("Coin value, selection, or 'return':")
if self.input == 'return':
return 'Return_lever'
return self.input
return 'Coin'
def get_coin_value(self, fsm):
return int(self.input)
def enough_money(self, fsm):
return self.balance >= 50
def return_coins(self, fsm):
print "Here's your %d back." % self.balance
self.balance = 0
def add_coin(self, fsm):
self.balance = self.balance + fsm.event
print "Total: %d" % self.balance
def reject_coin(self, fsm):
print "I only take 5s, 10s, and 25s, not %ds" % fsm.event
def give_selection(self, fsm):
print "Here's your " + self.input
def debit_balance(self, fsm):
self.balance = self.balance - 50
print "Total: %d" % self.balance

if __name__=="__main__":

Evan Simpson

Nov 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/22/98
Thanks to a fine test case by Rafal Smotrzyk, I discovered a massive stupid
error in my class init code. If anyone else is interested, here's the fix:

def _prep_states(self, states):
memo = {'STOP': self.STOP}

for statename in states:

memo[statename] = getattr(self, statename)

si = 0
while si < len(states):
statesrc = getattr(self, states[si])
for item in statesrc.items():

(event, (statename, actname)) = item

if not memo.has_key(statename):
memo[statename] = getattr(self, statename)

setattr(self, states[si], {})
si = si + 1
for statename in states:
state = getattr(self, statename)
for item in memo[statename].items():

(event, (statename, actname)) = item
# Actions are either attributes of actor, or literals
action = getattr(, actname)
action = actname

state[event] = (getattr(self, statename), action)

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