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About the Operator '|' and the DCG Draft

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Mostowski Collapse

Jan 10, 2022, 3:32:54 PM1/10/22
Just dont use it for DCG. This here is much more better:

p --> q; r.
?- listing.

p(_0, _1) :- q(_0, _1); r(_0, _1).

Works in Dogelog like that:

Rational: Ever tried to convert some ordinary code into
DCG? With (;)/2 reflected as (;)/4 in DCG, this is easy.
Just replace (:-)/2 by (-->)/2.

But now the DCG draft wants people to also change (;)/2
into (|)/4. What a nonsense, since (,)/2 reflects into (,)/4,
(->)/2 reflects into (->)/2 and !/0 reflects into !/2.

With the Dogelog approach all ISO control construct
reflect without any need for renaming. You can leave '|'
untouched and use it for TPTP Syntax side by side

with DCG. On the other hand the DCG Draft wants an
exception for the (;)/2 and reflect it into (|)/2, causing
infinitely many nonsense problems.

See also:

% operator definitions (TPTP syntax)

:- op( 500, fy, ~). % negation
:- op(1000, xfy, &). % conjunction
:- op(1100, xfy, '|'). % disjunction
:- op(1110, xfy, =>). % implication

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 10, 2022, 3:45:19 PM1/10/22
Now have drummed for DCG usage for the web. Only to notice that
the DCG Draft has made everything to make this not work. My point
of departure was Phil Zuckers mixture of Prolog and JavaScript.

I always thought there is an overselling of Prolog DCG. But somehow
there is an underselling when doing web stuff. Phil Zuckers example
using JavaScript for pretty printing is the worst thing I have ever

seen. If you search a proof tree via Prolog and then use JavaScript
to render it, you generate a hell of Problems:

- You need to assume some JavaScript representation of
the Prolog terms. In the case of Phil Zucker the TauProlog
this is just an arbitarily designed API. There is no such
standard for such APIs.
→ Your code is not portable.

- You need to do stuff in JavaScript that Prolog is much
better suited for. Like doing text generation, proof filtering
etc…, I wouldn’t want to do this in JavaScript.
→ Your code is not concise.

- When doing stuff in Prolog you have automatically
some flexible indexing, like first argument indexing. Also
Prolog has additional garbage collection. Things not
available in JavaScript.
→ Your code is not efficient.

- It might be prohibitive to call repeatedly Prolog
predicates during JavaScript rendering. So that
you might implement stuff twice, in Prolog and
in JavaScript.
→ Your code is not single source.

- What else?

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 10, 2022, 3:48:40 PM1/10/22
Using DCG is not mandatory. You could also imagine a Prolog
only solution where this DCG here:

p --> ['foo bar'], q.

Is replaced by old CGI style web service:

p :- write('foo bar'), q.

You could also use something similar for client side, like Tau-
Prolog not only server side like for SWI-Prolog. Performance
depends on the stream that write/1 will use.

On the server side you could write into a buffer, and then serve
a HTTP request with a known length, or directly write into the
HTTP response socket and deliver the result chunked.

What I observed is that DCG is more handy for debugging. In
CGI style write/1, when you use it in the Prolog debugger, in
some console based debugger, the write/1 will constantly

flood the console, making it practically impossible
to sensibly debug the thingy.

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 10, 2022, 4:15:21 PM1/10/22
I dont know yet how much legacy will be destroyed by
adopting (;)/2 and only (;)/2. If I remember well some
Prolog system support both (|)/2 and (;)/2 in DCG?

Not sure. And not sure what the experts say.
Typically (|)/2 is rather rare, because for DCG there
is not so much the idiom as seen in syntax docu:

p --> "foo"
| "bar"
| "baz".

Since we want to parse something, and return
something. So although a syntax docu might read
as in the above, practically this often turns into:

p(ast1) --> "foo".
p(ast2) --> "bar".
p(ast3) --> "baz".

The DCG disjunction disappears!

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 11, 2022, 5:55:49 PM1/11/22
Here is a little educational parser called Birdy. Joseph Vidal-Rosset might
use it in his prover web site? It understands xfy and fy only, very primitiv.
Advantage, Birdy accepts lower and upper case as atom:

/* Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.5.1) */

?- parse('p=>(q=>p)', T), write_canonical(T), nl.

?- parse('P=>(Q=>P)', T), write_canonical(T), nl.

?- parse('p=>p|q=>(q=> ~ ~r&s)', T), write_canonical(T), nl.

Thats the code of Birdy:

:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).

oper(500, fy, ~).
oper(1000, xfy, &).
oper(1100, xfy, '|').
oper(1110, xfy, =>).

parse(A, T) :-
atom_codes(A, C),
tokens(L, C, []),
term(T, 1200, L, []).

term(X, L) --> factor(Y), rest(Y, L, X).

rest(Y, L, S) --> [atom(X)], {oper(M, xfy, X)}, {M =< L}, !,
term(Z, M), {T =.. [X,Y,Z]}, rest(T, L, S).
rest(Y, _, Y) --> [].

factor(X) --> [lpar], !, term(X, 1200), [rpar].
factor(Z) --> [atom(X)], {oper(L, fy, X)}, !,
term(Y, L), {Z =.. [X,Y]}.
factor(X) --> [atom(X)].

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 11, 2022, 5:58:01 PM1/11/22
This belongs also to Birdy, the tokenizer:

tokens([X|L]) --> token(X), !, tokens(L).
tokens([]) --> [].

token(F) --> " ", !, token(F).
token(atom(A)) --> alpha(X), !, alphanums(L), {atom_codes(A, [X|L])}.
token(atom(A)) --> sym(X), !, syms(L), {atom_codes(A, [X|L])}.
token(lpar) --> "(", !.
token(rpar) --> ")".

alphanums([X|L]) --> alpha(X), !, alphanums(L).
alphanums([X|L]) --> num(X), !, alphanums(L).
alphanums([]) --> [].

alpha(X) --> [X], {0'a =< X, X =< 0'z}, !.
alpha(X) --> [X], {0'A =< X, X =< 0'Z}, !.
alpha(X) --> [X], {member(X, "_")}.

num(X) --> [X], {0'0 =< X, X =< 0'9}, !.

syms([X|L]) --> sym(X), !, syms(L).
syms([]) --> [].

sym(X) --> [X], {member(X, "<=>&|~")}.

Why do such a thing? Well it gets interesting, since we could now
add quantifier parsing, which is not available in ordinary Prolog. We
could also extend it by automatically for example mapping Unicode
→ into ASCII =>.

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 12, 2022, 6:58:21 AM1/12/22
Ok I made a further version, which in summary adresses
two issues with the default Prolog parser:

- Upper Case: The new tokenizer should not classify upper
case tokens into Prolog variables, instead they should
simply go into Prolog atoms.

- Solo Characters: The new tokenizer should have a larger
class of solo character tokens, this is more comfortable
for prefix operators.

See also:

Prolog Operator Syntax in One Page

Prolog Operator Syntax in One Page

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 12, 2022, 7:45:19 AM1/12/22
BTW: I have already a prototype in the pipeline that can do
quantifiers. But unfortunately not yet in the TPTP syntax.
Also not in the TPTP syntax with my modification.

But its relatively easy to add quantifier syntax to such
a parser/unparser. For example I added, so the idea is
that a quantifier has novel associativity icon fzy:

oper(!, fzy, 500).
oper(?, fzy, 500).

The parser needs only this additional clause:

factor(T) --> [atom(X)], {oper(X, fzy, M)}, !,
term(Y, 0), term(Z, M), {T =.. [X,Y,Z]}.

The unparser needs only this additional clause:

show(T, L) --> {T =.. [X, Y, Z], oper(X, fzy, M)}, !,
needs(L, M, '('),
[X], show(Y, 0), [' '], show(Z, M),
needs(L, M, ')').

Eh voilà the following works:

?- parse('!x p=>?x p', X).
X = =>(!(x, p), ?(x, p)).

?- unparse(=>(!(x, p), ?(x, p)), X).
X = '!x p=>?x p'.

?- parse('!x(p=>q)=>!x p=>!x q', X).
X = =>(!(x, =>(p, q)), =>(!(x, p), !(x, q))).

?- unparse(=>(!(x, =>(p, q)), =>(!(x, p), !(x, q))), X).
X = '!x (p=>q)=>!x p=>!x q'.

They are on par with prefix operators, so I assume they are
solo characters, which I did arrange in the tokenizer, and I
can then omit spaces around them.

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 12, 2022, 3:47:49 PM1/12/22
Ok, there is a first prototype integrating the one page
Prolog operator syntax code, with the MathJax renderer.
The idea is simple, add a column to the table oper/3:

oper(~, fy, 800, '\\neg ').
oper(&, xfy, 1000, ' \\land ').
oper('|', xfy, 1100, ' \\lor ').
oper(=>, xfy, 1200, ' \\implies ').

See also:

Latex Bliss from Prolog Operator Syntax

Latex Bliss from Prolog Operator Syntax

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 16, 2022, 7:25:57 AM1/16/22
Now having fun with an output switch, can do:

?- parse('∀x ∃y f(x) = y', F).
F = !(:([_0 = x], ?(:([_1 = y], f(_0) = _1)))).

?- unparse(!(:([A = x], ?(:([B = y], f(A) = B)))), unicode, T).
T = '∀x ∃y f(x) = y'.

?- unparse(!(:([A = x], ?(:([B = y], f(A) = B)))), latex, T).
T = '\\forall x\\, \\exists y\\, \\mathup{f}(x) = y'.

The LaTeX DCG result can be used inside a browser via MathJax.
But with the novel operator type fzy, that is used under the hood,
I am also solving another problem, not only LaTeX output.

The other problem that is also solved is dealing with input and output
of formulas that contain quantifiers. The library is now called
Formula Interlingua Library (FIL).

See also:

Formula Interlingua from Prolog Operator Syntax

Formula Interlingua from Prolog Operator Syntax

Mostowski Collapse

Jan 16, 2022, 7:30:12 AM1/16/22
Adding MathJax to your web site is very simple,
bypassing the now outdated and not widely
supported MathML. MathJax notes the following

problems with MathML:

> CommonHTML and not MathML is MathJax’s primary output
> mode since MathJax version 2.6. Its major advantage is its
> quality, consistency, and the fact that its output is independent
> of the browser, operating system, and user environment.
> HTML Support — MathJax 3.2 documentation

This worked for me:

- Step 1: Load the MathJax library. Load the CommonHTML
output processor (chtml), that renders your mathematics
using HTML with CSS styling:

<script src=""
id="MathJax-script" async=""> </script>

- Step 2: Make the MathJax library load some stuff by itself.
This is a little cludge, not sure what would be the official
approach here, this loads bussproof:

<p>\begin{prooftree} \end{prooftree}</p>

- Step 3: Notify MathJax library if you have DOM changes. Not
needed after browser page load, only for user interaction. Do
this JavaScript when you are finished doing updates:


Mostowski Collapse

Jan 17, 2022, 3:51:20 PM1/17/22
Currently picking up the topic again. Seems I don't run
into problems when abandoning (|)/2 and favoring (;)/2 for DCG.

Its rather the rule to have (;)/2 and the exception
to have (|)/2. Take this example:

p --> q;r.
p --> q|r.

Just out of curriousity checked TauProlog, it barks
at the operator (|)/2, but does (;)/2:

error parsing program: error(syntax_error(. or operator
?- listing(p/2).
p(_1,_3) :- (q(_1,_2);r(_1,_3)),_2=_3.

And then checked SWI-Prolog. It does both operators:

?- listing(p/2).
p(A, B) :-
( q(A, B)
; r(A, B)
p(A, B) :-
( q(A, B)
; r(A, B)

So they both have (;)/2 as DCG disjunction.
Thats nice.

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 22, 2022, 7:23:10 PM2/22/22
Some of the best kept secrets in Prolog. How to make a parser
that can parse TPTP Syntax? Here is the problem:

:- op( 600, fy, !).
prove(F, C, I) :- norm(F, C, G), iter(G, 0, C, I), !.

Hell breaks loose, and a naive Prolog parser wants me to write the
cut with parenthesis (!). But SWI-Prolog doesn't need that.

What is the magic potion that does this feat?

See also:

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 22, 2022, 7:26:12 PM2/22/22
For example in formerly Jekejeke Prolog and in Dogelog I can
also parse the same. Because I do have additional rules to the
following operator escaping that is suggested:


I added these operator escapes, the ')' escaping is only a special
case of it, the general routine does the following:

% read_prefix(-Term, +Integer, +Integer, +Integer, +Quad, -Quad)
read_prefix(A, A, _, _, _) --> current_token(T), {is_stopper(T)}, !.
read_prefix(H, A, L, R, E) -->
{L < R -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash), _)); true},
{T is R-E}, read(Z, T), {H =.. [A, Z]}.
% is_stopper(+Term)
is_stopper(')'). %%% Covers the usual ( op ) and more %%%%

Its open source and 100% pure Prolog:

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 22, 2022, 7:30:28 PM2/22/22
SWI-Prolog might have yet another heuristic, this is genuine
Dogelog player. But its a quite useful heuristic. Here you see
how the ',' stopper together with the ')' stopper does a little more.

I can for example parse the following in Dogelog player:

?- X = (-, -).
X = (-, -).

SWI-Prolog adds some parenthesis around - during writing, but
this is not necessary, when it can parse it without, why should it
write it with? Formerly Jekejeke Prolog and Dogelog cover this

case also during writing. On the other hand Scryer Prolog gives me:

?- X = (-, -).
caught: error(syntax_error(incomplete_reduction),read_term/3:1)

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 22, 2022, 7:50:41 PM2/22/22
In general I think its good that SWI-Prolog pioneers a little bit
more than what is usually considered Prolog syntax. The only
problem is that Prolog has no “Living Standard” project,

unlike for example HTML.

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 23, 2022, 4:48:07 AM2/23/22
It is extremly trivial as the is_stopper/1 source code shows,
it can be verbalized as follows:

* Dont use the grammar production prefix_op term, when term is
* anyway no term determined by looking at the current token.
And when in doubt, you can just try it online:

?- X = (- - a), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = - -a.
?- X = (- - -), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = - - - .

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 23, 2022, 4:49:58 AM2/23/22
I have the impression many Prolog systems have it or had it, and maybe
it slipped the ISO core standard or the Ulrich Neumerkel test cases, otherwise
I cannot explain how mode declarations such as append(+, +, -)

were/are handled? The is_stopper/1 doesn't change when something is a
prefix operator, its a conservative extension concerning the accepted
sentences by the language grammar.

It only changes when something is not a prefix operator. It produces
less many errors, i.e. the cryptic incomplete_reduction error by Scryer
Prolog goes away. It does so in a very simple and efficient way, not

needing some extra look ahead or complicated algorithm.

Mostowski Collapse

Feb 23, 2022, 5:28:56 AM2/23/22
The main challenge for Dogelog player was only to write a tokenizer
that plays into the hands of the parser, so that is_stopper/1 works
as desired. Note that I also have is_stopper('|'). This is consistent with:

?- X = '|'.
X = '|'.

?- X = | .
error(syntax_error(cannot_start_term), _0)

So there is some special handling of ',' and '|' already in the
tokenizer. For example the bare | is tokenized as '|' whereas
the quoted '|' is tokenized as atom('|').

Conceptually the same happens now in Dogelog player
and formerly Jekejeke Prolog, although Jekejeke Prolog does it
in Java, whereas Dogelog player does it in Prolog itself,

since also the tokenizer is 100% Prolog. So you could lookup
this part as well and find it "specified" in Prolog. Or lookup
some other Prolog or non-Prolog implementation.

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 3, 2022, 10:51:56 AM3/3/22

I got just new interest in the issue of a living standard.
I found more evidence that Prolog systems or Prolog
related languages implement something more elaborate

than what a certain interpretation of the ISO core standard
would gives. New use case, the Mercury language state
variables notation, which uses ! prefix:

main(!IO) :-
io.write_string("The 100th prime is ", !IO),
X = prime(100),
io.write_int(X, !IO),!IO).

Bringing the above to Prolog, you will possibly get scolded by
the ISO core standard orthodoxy fighters. As soon as ! is a prefix,
according to the orthodoxy fighters, whos names I do not want to

mention, you have to write (!) in your ordinary code, for the ordinary cut.

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 4, 2022, 9:21:23 PM3/4/22

So there is a new study object, SWI-Prolog parser/scanner
reverse engineered into partially pPEG and manual Prolog code.

It becomes now apparent why SWI-Prolog is quite some dialect.
A lot of Prolog coding! Cudos. Trying to understand the example.

Historical backround why I am asking. The old DEC-10 Prolog
manual had a DCG specification of the Prolog syntax, which can
be turned into a direct Prolog parser, unless maybe when the

dialect is too far away. And pPEG can be more directly realized by
using DCG (\+)/1 for the non consuming features of pPEG and
by using DCG (!)/0 for the commited choice features of pPEG,

making pPEG anyway a rip-off of DCG. So I would imagine
a transpiler from pPEG to DCG, a path that was not chosen,
possibly because more complex threaded state.

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 4, 2022, 9:23:29 PM3/4/22

But putting aside how pPEG was implement. It is not
fully used. The SWIPL example uses the formal grammar
only for tokenization? Or something between tokenization

and parsing. Then something interesting happens in a second
pass and a separate Prolog text, not anymore pPEG based, the
parsed expression is flattened and then rebuilt again only then

using operators priority. So pPEG was not chosen to parse
the SWIPL dialect itself directly?

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 5, 2022, 4:42:40 PM3/5/22
Such 100% Prolog tokenizers and parsers are quite interesting. One could
attempt a multi-Prolog that can read various dialects of Prolog systems.
But if you would do that, you would possibly choose some

framework and model all Prolog system dialects in this framework?
Become independent of the other Prolog systems and its other
plattform. On the other hand one could of course spawn the other

Prolog system, consut there and call some listing/1 or write_canonical/1
to get the Prolog text. Wasn’t Logtalk working on a package exchange.
A package could have a tag in which dialect it is implemented and

a multi-Prolog could act accordingly.

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 6, 2022, 6:49:17 AM3/6/22
Living standard Prolog systems could also solve the package
exchange problem. The packages would not have a dialect tag,
the Prolog system would be polyglott enough to understand

a more flexible Prolog syntax. For example SWI-Prolog allows me to do,
something that is often used in TPTP syntax:

/* SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.5.1) */
?- [user].
p(A :- B) :- q(A), r(B).

In another Prolog system this is not accepted:

/* TauProlog 0.3.2 (beta) */

/* In Program Textarea */
p(A :- B) :- q(A), r(B).

/* Press Reconsult program */
error parsing program: error(syntax_error(, or ) expected),[line(2),column(4),found(:-)])

But from reading Rick Workman reverse engineering of
SWI-Prolog dialect, I have now indeed an idea how this happens.
I guess I could try an according modification for the Dogelog player,

so that Dogelog player would be another living standard Prolog system.
Currently Dogelog player is already polyglott in some other corners of
the Prolog syntax, but not yet in this corner.

Mostowski Collapse

Mar 6, 2022, 6:57:54 AM3/6/22
But this syntax enhancement will possibly not come in
release 0.9.8, too much other stuff to do. Also if Rick Workmans
reverse engineering where end-to-end grammarly specified,

also using some grammar notation for the operator
building phase, it would be easier to asses from paper
reading allone whether some ideas work or not,

currently its not end-to-end gammarly specified, we find:

properties such as precedence and associativity are part of the
semantics and will be addressed in post-parsing semantic analysis.

But usually this is not called semantics. If your operator building
pass turns surface S op T into op(S,T) thats not really semantics,
although some communities might like to call it so.

Specifications that are more grammarly are:

DEC-10 Prolog Manual (1982 University of Edinburgh, Dept of Artificial Intelligence)

Tau Prolog

ISO Core Standard
Have to recheck how it casts the operator building...

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 9, 2022, 6:51:13 AM4/9/22
Now I found a test case where SWI-Prolog and
Scryer Prolog differ in parsing:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- op(9,fy,fy), op(9,yfx,yfx).

?- X = (fy 1 yfx 2), write_canonical(X), nl.

But then:

/* Scryer Prolog */
?- op(9,fy,fy), op(9,yfx,yfx).

?- X = (fy 1 yfx 2), write_canonical(X), nl.

Was worried what Dogelog Player does. But it seems Dogelog Player
sides with Scryer Prolog, also GNU Prolog, Tau Prolog and
formerly Jekejeke Prolog do.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 9, 2022, 8:17:17 AM4/9/22
Can he use his SWIPL example to figure out whats going wrong here:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- op(9,fy,fy), op(9,yfx,yfx).

?- X = (fy 1 yfx 2), write_canonical(X), nl.

Maybe its just a small bug, like (>=)/2 instead of (>)/2 or somesuch.

I am refering to:

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 10, 2022, 4:39:27 PM4/10/22
Yet another bug, which is even a test case from
the ISO core standard, its the 4-th example from
Table 6 - Equivalent Terms:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- op(9,fy,fy), op(9,yf,yf).
?- X = (fy 2 yf), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = fy 2 yf.

On the other hand:

/* GNU Prolog */
?- op(9,fy,fy), op(9,yf,yf).
?- X = (fy 2 yf), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = fy 2 yf

My suspicion, in terms of

These here are probably wrong:


Actually I don’t know exactly, I am new to this code. Whats
especially difficult for me, to specify a change, even if I
can locate the error, I don’t know what to do as a fix?

But I guess more extensive testing would be needed to find
all table errors. I have only spotted two, because of analogy
between yfx and yf. But maybe there are more nasty bugs?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 10, 2022, 5:22:47 PM4/10/22
But now things get funky, this example does also not work.
Is there a systemic error in the SWI-Prolog table or its handling?
In that something is systematically flipped by some error that

happend once? Here the result, doesn’t agree with Table 6:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- op(9,xfy,xfy), op(9,yfx,yfx).

?- X = (1 xfy 2 yfx 3), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = 1 xfy 2 yfx 3.

On the other hand, this agrees:

/* GNU Prolog */
?- op(9,xfy,xfy), op(9,yfx,yfx).
?- X = (1 xfy 2 yfx 3), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = 1 xfy 2 yfx 3

Also changing the associativity rule tables of the parser, what will
happen to the unparser in SWI-Prolog? Does it use the same
associativity rule tables, from a single point?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 11, 2022, 4:50:32 AM4/11/22
Is it a sign, that the SWI-Prolog parser/unparser wasn’t built
from a master class in test driven development? Well testing
input/output in Prolog system can be a headache.

I have a new take on a corresponding harness. This is quite
interesting. It is a harness tailored towards Dogelog Player,
which unlike formerly Jekejeke Prolog does NOT ASSUME:

- Memory Files: For Dogelog Player we do NOT ASSUME
to have access as we did in formerly Jekejeke Prolog. So
a memory file is simulated by memory.txt, ordinary file.

- setup_call_cleanup/3: For Dogelog Player we currently do
NOT ASSUME, although such a predicate might come later.
In formerly Jekejeke Prolog the harness uses this.

So how do we check with output to? Here is our new take:

* with_text_to(A, G):
* The predicate succeeds whenever the goal G succeeds and
* unifies A with its text output.
% with_text_to(-Atom, +Goal)
with_text_to(A, G) :-
fetch_text_output(S, A)).

% redirect_text_output
redirect_text_output :-
open('memory.txt', write, S),

% fetch_text_output(+Stream, -Atom)
fetch_text_output(S, A) :-
open('memory.txt', read, R),
get_atom(R, -1, A),

And then:

* try_call_finally(T, G, F):
* The predicate succeeds whenever G succeeds. The goal T is
* called for the call and redo port. The goal F is called for
* the exit, fail and error port.
% try_call_finally(+Goal, +Goal, +Goal)
try_call_finally(T, G, F) :-
(T; F, fail),
catch(G, E, (F, throw(E))),
(X == Y -> !, F; (F; T, fail)).

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 11, 2022, 4:56:25 AM4/11/22

It should be noted that we added a new built-in
to Dogelog Player, get_atom/3. This is a kind of
read_line/2, but with a different semantic than the

read line we had so far. get_atom/3 can be used
to read line via get_atom(S, 0'\n, X), and it can
be also used to read full files get_atom(S, -1, X).

The difference to our old read line, when using
get_atom(S, 0'\n, X) it will include the 0'\n in
the result. A big surprise was now the harness

for with input from. It uses change_arg/3 !!!

* with_text_from(A, G):
* The predicate succeeds whenever the goal G succeeds and
* provides A as its text input.
% with_text_from(+Atom, +Goal)
with_text_from(A, G) :-
H = v(A),
advance_text_input(S, H)).

% redirect_text_input(+Compound)
redirect_text_input(H) :-
arg(1, H, A),
open('memory.txt', write, S),
put_atom(S, A),
open('memory.txt', read, T),

% advance_text_input(+Stream, +Compound)
advance_text_input(S, H) :-
get_atom(T, -1, A),
change_arg(1, H, A),

The source code of these Dogelog Player testing utilities
is open sourced in a new folder dogelog_comply:

Prolog Text "charsio" - Compliance Dogelog Spieler

Mostowski Collapse schrieb:

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 11, 2022, 6:04:56 AM4/11/22
This is probably not the canary in the coal mine for the
suspected bugs. One can check by himself/herself, not
a single use of fy or yfx operator:

ALE – Attribute Logic Engine

Maybe I can dig out an TPTP example, currently working
with the normal test cases that circulate, that are more abstract.
The trouble maker is this here from Phil Zucker:

:- op( 500, fy, !). % universal quantifier: ![X]:
:- op( 500, fy, ?). % existential quantifier: ?[X]:
:- op( 500,xfy, :).

If you change the later into:

:- op( 500,yfx, :).

You get a difference in SWI-Prolog and SICStus Prolog:

/* SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.5.8) */
?- X = (![Y]:p(Y)), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = ![Y]:p(Y).

/* SICStus 4.7.1 (x86_64-win32-nt-4) */
?- X = (![Y]:p(Y)), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = ![Y]:p(Y) ?

Note the difference, SWI-Prolog gives :(!(...) whereas SICStus Prolog
gives !(:(...). So the same SICStus Prolog code that would use a !_
pattern somewhere in his Prolog clauses, doesn’t run in SWI-Prolog.

There are LeanTap variants that use such patterns

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 11, 2022, 6:17:26 AM4/11/22

Basically you get a **silent error**. Everything parses
fine, the Prolog text can be prepared for execution,
your code just stops working correctly, when

migrating from SICStus Prolog to SWI-Prolog.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 12, 2022, 10:24:01 PM4/12/22
Suddently, in a flash of light, thanks to Mr Peter Ludemann,
my guardian angle, the good shepherd, I saw that my whole
life was a lie. Why did I become so deeply absorbed with

the parsing problem? Ok, I will stop from now on. LoL

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 12, 2022, 10:27:21 PM4/12/22

Just joking, the business is basically finished, I have now:

Dogelog Player is now at 80% of Testing its Predicates

Dogelog Player is now at 80% of Testing its Predicates

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 12:30:18 AM4/13/22
Thats quite some news:

I see the problem corner cases as ones than can be easily avoided
through judicious operator definitions. Any DSL’s that use such cases
are asking for trouble IMO.

Do I understand you correctly. You say avoid certain operator combinations?
How would a normal end-user or DSL designer notice them?

Do they have some special characteristics? Or do you have an explicit list of
those operator combinations that should be avoided?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 12:32:28 AM4/13/22
Here is a funny example in the wild, the authors seems not to have known
the ridgeworks rules, since he used:

% Christophe Meudec
% Eclipse 6.0 program
:- op(30, fy, [not]). % must be fy for 'not not a' expressions
:- op(30, yfx, [**, abs]). % must be left to right for 'a ** b ** c' expressions

Which is an attempt to model ADA programming language. The poor guy will have
quite a surprise when mirgating from ECLiPSe to SWI-Prolog:

/* ECLiPSe Prolog */
[eclipse 2]: X = (not not not 2 ** 3 ** 4), write_canonical(X), nl.
not(not(not(**(**(2, 3), 4))))

X = not not not 2 ** 3 ** 4
Yes (0.00s cpu)

And then:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- op(30, fy, not), op(30, yfx, **).

?- X = (not not not 2 ** 3 ** 4), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = not not not 2**3**4.

If you evaluate the two expressions with bitwise arithmetic you get different results:

[eclipse 6]: X is \(\(\((2^3)^4))).
X = -4097

[eclipse 7]: X is (\(\(\(2)))^3)^4.
X = 531441

For ADA operators:

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 5:43:16 AM4/13/22
Woke up in the morning and my brain only produced new challenges.

I am still trying to find a case in the wild in favor of SWI-Prolog. For
example if ADA would effectively parse:

abs x ** y

As this here:

**(abs(x), y)

Then the ISO core standard is somehow not “right”, or lets say more “arbitrary” than
I tought. Which could be an interesting turn of events.

The problem with my suggested fix, using “fx” instead “fy”, it does not work when you
you want to support multiple braketless occurences of an operator.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 5:44:20 AM4/13/22

Take the pPEG parsers rule:


Change it into this:

op_associativityEq(fy,yfx,left) :- current_prolog_flag(iso, false).
op_associativityEq(fy,yfx,right) :- current_prolog_flag(iso, true).

What will the pPEG parser do now? Is there also a pPEG unparser?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 2:30:53 PM4/13/22
Ok it wurks. I changed accordingly, and I now get:

?- string_termList("fy 1 yfx 2.", [T]), write_canonical(T), nl.
T = fy 1 yfx 2.

?- set_prolog_flag(iso, true).

?- string_termList("fy 1 yfx 2.", [T]), write_canonical(T), nl.
T = fy 1 yfx 2.

Eh voila SWI-Prolog has become member of the ISO core standard club.
Maybe it can even apply for V.I.P. membership, because its so important?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 2:32:51 PM4/13/22

Interestingly the standard unparser of SWI-Prolog doesn’t give a damn.
But this is another defect which I have posted about already in some thread.

aLSO who_ever wrote this code of pPEG deserves to burn in hell,
for mixing underscore and camelcase. Took me quite a while to run the query.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 13, 2022, 3:05:44 PM4/13/22
Maybe they should organize the ISO core standard club like here:

Platin Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

Then you can buy different grades of VIPness with Mamon.
Sad Story: Any poor John Doe Prolog system will be non-VIP.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 14, 2022, 10:58:50 AM4/14/22
Transfering pPEG results back to C code is not self
evident. The pPEG parser could be a blessing, but it
could be also a further curse.

We don’t know what the pPEG parser does. For example
I don’t find the op_associativityEq/3 table in pl-read.c.
Where it you get it from? Also very simple examples

don’t work in the pPEG parser:

?- string_termList("(- -1).", [T]), write_canonical(T), nl.
T = (-)-1.

?- X = (- -1), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = - -1.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 14, 2022, 2:18:54 PM4/14/22
I will not touch pPEG anymore, even not with tweezers,
until it comes with a test suite, in the same folder like where the
source code is housed. At least this is what Ulrich Neumerkel did

for ISO core standard prolog, and which serves as a point of orientation.
Now we have for SWI-Prolog dialect nor the pPEG dialect any point of
orientation. Its just arbitary code uploaded to the internet. Although I think

SWI-Prolog might be in a better situation. Not sure, it has plunit and maybe
it has somewhere read test cases? But it has only with_output_to/2, and
no with_input_from/2. How is parsing tested? I never did dig up some

SWI-Prolog read test cases, maybe there are some? Thats of course my fault.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 14, 2022, 6:35:26 PM4/14/22
What I could exclude as a source of error, is ordering of
the operator table itself. At least for SWI-Prolog C code it does not
have an impact, which sequence of operator definitions I use:

This sequence of op/3 calls:

?- op(9, fy, fy), op(9, yfx, yfx).

?- X = (fy 1 yfx 2), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = fy 1 yfx 2.

And this sequence of op/3 calls, give the same:

?- op(9, yfx, yfx), op(9, fy, fy).

?- X = (fy 1 yfx 2), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = fy 1 yfx 2.

This does not exclude the possibility, that reordering the
operator table, inside SWI-Prolog C code, wouldn’t give
another result. It only shows that op/3 cannot confuse the parser.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 14, 2022, 6:38:58 PM4/14/22
Here is an example where operator table ordering, respective
reduction rules ordering, influence the reduction result.
Reduction rules ordered like this:

[fy,X] ~> [fy(X)].
[X,yfx,Y] ~> [yfx(X,Y)].

?- reduce([fy,1,yfx,2],X), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = [fy 1 yfx 2].

Or the same reduction rules ordered like this, gives a different result:

[X,yfx,Y] ~> [yfx(X,Y)].
[fy,X] ~> [fy(X)].

?- reduce([fy,1,yfx,2],X), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = [fy 1 yfx 2].

The reducer code itself is here below, it has a cut (!), so its
sensitive to the reduction rule ordering:

:- op(1200,xfx,~>).

reduce(X, Y) :-
(A ~> B),
append(U, V, X),
append(A, H, V),
append(B, H, W),
append(U, W, Z), !, reduce(Z, Y).
reduce(X, X).

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 15, 2022, 6:38:29 AM4/15/22
Using a fuzzer, I find differences what SWI-Prolog native C code
considers an operator clash and what the pPEG SWIPL examples
considers an operator clash. It seems pPEG is more tolerant.

There are also some fundamental differences in what
Prolog terms the SWI-Prolog native C code builds, and what
the pPEG SWIPL example builds.

This is how I used the fuzzer:

?- between(1,100,_), random_expr(0, _, A), swi_parse(A, X),
ppeg_parse(A, Y), X \== Y, write('expr: '), write(A), write('\nswi: '),
write_canonical(X), write('\nppeg: '), write_canonical(Y), nl, nl, fail.

expr: 0 xfx fy 1 yfx 2 yfx 3
swi: syntax_error(operator_clash)
ppeg: xfx(0,yfx(yfx(fy(1),2),3))

expr: fy fx fx 0
swi: syntax_error(operator_clash)
ppeg: fy(fx(fx(0)))

expr: fy fx 0 yf yf yf
swi: yf(yf(yf(fy(fx(0)))))
ppeg: fy(yf(yf(yf(fx(0)))))

expr: fy 0 xf yfx 1 yfx 2 yf
swi: yf(yfx(yfx(fy(xf(0)),1),2))
ppeg: fy(yf(yfx(yfx(xf(0),1),2)))


Mostowski Collapse

Apr 15, 2022, 6:39:19 AM4/15/22
The fuzzer code is here:

:- op(9, xfx, xfx).
:- op(9, yfx, yfx).
:- op(9, xfy, xfy).
:- op(9, fx, fx).
:- op(9, fy, fy).
:- op(9, xf, xf).
:- op(9, yf, yf).

% random_expr(+Integer, -Integer, -Atom)
random_expr(N, M, A) :-
K is 10+N*5,
random(0, K, I),
random_action(I, N, M, A).

% random_expr(+Integer, +Integer, -Integer, -Atom)
random_action(0, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, H, B),
random_expr(H, M, C),
atom_concat(B, ' xfx ', D),
atom_concat(D, C, A).
random_action(1, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, H, B),
random_expr(H, M, C),
atom_concat(B, ' yfx ', D),
atom_concat(D, C, A).
random_action(2, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, H, B),
random_expr(H, M, C),
atom_concat(B, ' xfy ', D),
atom_concat(D, C, A).
random_action(3, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, M, B),
atom_concat('fx ', B, A).
random_action(4, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, M, B),
atom_concat('fy ', B, A).
random_action(5, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, M, B),
atom_concat(B, ' xf', A).
random_action(6, N, M, A) :- !,
random_expr(N, M, B),
atom_concat(B, ' yf', A).
random_action(_, N, M, A) :-
number_codes(N, L),
atom_codes(A, L),
M is N+1.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 16, 2022, 8:43:21 PM4/16/22
Everybody knows that Prolog doesn't parse
(a = b = c), this is what operator icon xfx is made
for. But what is the operator icon fx made for?

Oh my god, SICStus Prolog tolerates this?

/* SICStus Prolog 4.7.1 */
?- X = (:- :- x0).
X = ((:-):-x0) ?

SWI-Prolog and Scryer Prolog are more thight:

/* Scryer Prolog */
?- X = (:- :- x0).
caught: error(syntax_error(incomplete_reduction),read_term/3:1)

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- X = (:- :- x0).
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator priority clash

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 16, 2022, 8:50:39 PM4/16/22
Now I posted already a tight Prolog reader on SWI-Prolog
discourse. Here is it in all its glory. It doesn't handle negative
numbers, but its cute to play around with operator parsing,

like for example:

/* SICStus 4.7.1 */
?- consult('reader.p').

?- reader(T,1200,[:-,x0],[]).
T = (:-x0) ?

?- reader(T,1200,[:-,:-,x0],[]).

The code is only one page:

reader(X, L) -->
reader_primary(Z, L, K), reader_secondary(Z, X, L, K).

reader_primary(H, L, R) --> [A], {current_op(R, M, A), is_prefix(M, E)}, !,
{L < R -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash),_)); true},
{T is R-E}, reader(Z, T), {H =.. [A,Z]}.
reader_primary(X, _, 0) --> [X].

reader_secondary(H, X, L, C) --> [A],
{current_op(R, M, A), is_infix(M, D, E), L >= R}, !,
{R-D < C -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash),_)); true},
{T is R-E}, reader(Z, T),
{J =.. [A,H,Z]},
reader_secondary(J, X, L, R).
reader_secondary(H, X, L, C) --> [A],
{current_op(R, M, A), is_postfix(M, D), L >= R}, !,
{R-D < C -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash),_)); true},
{J =.. [A,H]},
reader_secondary(J, X, L, R).
reader_secondary(H, H, _, _) --> [].

is_infix(xfx, 1, 1).
is_infix(yfx, 0, 1).
is_infix(xfy, 1, 0).

is_prefix(fx, 1).
is_prefix(fy, 0).

is_postfix(xf, 1).
is_postfix(yf, 0).

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 18, 2022, 5:27:20 PM4/18/22
Holy Cow, ECLiPSe Prolog is somewhere between SWI-Prolog
and SICStus Prolog, concerning tolerating extra syntax.

SICStus Prolog, quite tolerant:

?- X = (- :- x0).
X = ((-):-x0) ?
?- X = (:- :- x0).
X = ((:-):-x0) ?

ECLIPSe Prolog, half way tolerant:

[eclipse 36]: X = (- :- x0).
X = ((-) :- x0)
[eclipse 37]: X = (:- :- x0).
syntax error: postfix/infix operator expected

SWI-Prolog, intolerant, good!!!

?- X = (- :- x0).

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 18, 2022, 5:33:20 PM4/18/22

My reader prototype sides with SWI-Prolog. Also
Dogelog Player and formerly Jekejeke Prolog side
with SWI-Prolog. Dogelog Player can be tried online:

?- X = (- :- x0).
error(syntax_error(operator_clash), [user:0])
error(syntax_error(cannot_start_term), [user:1])
?- X = (:- :- x0).
error(syntax_error(operator_clash), [user:1])
error(syntax_error(cannot_start_term), [user:2])

Unfortunately resyncing after an error is not yet
implemented, so there are two errors. But we got
already line numbers for Dogelog Player,

this is quite a gas!!!

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 29, 2022, 6:42:21 AM4/29/22
More proof that Logtalk is utter nonsense. What
does the Logtalk test suite even test concerning
the various "adapters" it has, like Trealla?

This is a nice gem:

$ ./tpl -v
Trealla Prolog (c) Infradig 2020-2022, v1.27.12-31-g3575df
$ ./tpl
?- X = (:- (:- x0)).
Error: operator clash, line 1

There is something wrong with Ulrich Neumerkels
compliance test suite, and maybe some QuickCheck
resp. Fuzzer approach is needed,

to chop of all heads of the hydra.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 29, 2022, 6:45:50 AM4/29/22
I am little bit behind schedule of a Fuzzer that also
does parenthesis. So this was my sixth sense. Was also
working on another front, resyncing after errors.

I found a solution today: Have a grammer that covers non-errorneous
sentences and errorneous sentences. How to do this simply?
Its more difficult to resync the tokenization, then to resync the

parsing. For parsing I found this useful, since Prolog has the
concept of terminating period. Take the very simplified
prototype posted elsewhere:

reader_secondary(H, X, L, C) --> [A],
{current_op(R, M, A), is_infix(M, D, E), L >= R}, !,
{R-D < C -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash),_)); true},
{T is R-E}, reader(Z, T),
{J =.. [A,H,Z]},
reader_secondary(J, X, L, R).

It throws an exception inside an auxiliary action {}/1 of DCG. But
you can define throw//1, i.e. make throw itself a DCG non-terminal:

throw(T) --> read_sync, {throw(T)}.

And then replace the infix parsing, its only an example, works also
for all other parser errors:

reader_secondary(H, X, L, C) --> [A],
{current_op(R, M, A), is_infix(M, D, E), L >= R}, !,
({R-D < C} -> throw(error(syntax_error(operator_clash),_)); {true}),
{T is R-E}, reader(Z, T),
{J =.. [A,H,Z]},
reader_secondary(J, X, L, R).

The parser is now calling throw//1 instead of throw/1. And throw//1
can do some syncing.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 29, 2022, 6:47:03 AM4/29/22
I implemented this already for the full fledged parser. But the simplified
version doesn’t have it yet, because the simplified version didn’t parse a
list of period terminated terms anyway yet. If I have time I will do the

simplified version as well. Currently I get nice syncing, like for example:

?- X = (:- :- x0).
error(syntax_error(operator_clash), [user:1])
?- X = (:- x0.
error(syntax_error(parenthesis_balance), [user:2])
?- X = :- x0).
error(syntax_error(operator_clash), [user:3])
?- X = (:- x0).
X = (:- x0).

It can parse all 4 queries, and doesn’t get out of sync. read_sync//0 is
currently implemented by skipping tokens until the terminating period
is reached or end of file. A more mature implementation of throw//1

can do much more, like fetching line number before it does read_sync//0.

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 30, 2022, 8:29:58 AM4/30/22
This is an interesting pPEG example bug. Actually I wanted to hunt
parenthesis parsing bugs, so I was up to generating some test cases that
contain parenthesis. But this test case doesn’t contain any parenthesis,

but it seems a binary infix operator is parsed as an unary functor?

?- string_termList(":- x0 =:= :- x1 - x2 .", [Y]), write_canonical(Y), nl.
Y = (:- (=:=(x0):-x1-x2)).

I am still using pPEG from 14.04.2022. How do I do a package update?

Mostowski Collapse

Apr 30, 2022, 8:30:41 AM4/30/22
Concerning parenthesis I only found this bug, but its not
really parenthesis related. So unlike Trealla it could be
that parenthesis are not a problem. This here gives the same

associativity hickup with and without parenthesis:

?- string_termList("- ( x0 * x1 ) ** x2 =:= x3 .", [Y]),
write_canonical(Y), nl.
Y = - ((x0*x1)**x2=:=x3).

?- string_termList("- x4 ** x2 =:= x3 .", [Y]), write_canonical(Y), nl.
Y = - (x4**x2=:=x3).

?- Y = (- x4 ** x2 =:= x3), write_canonical(Y), nl.
Y = (-x4**x2=:=x3).

Mostowski Collapse schrieb:

Mostowski Collapse

May 2, 2022, 10:48:56 AM5/2/22
I didn’t start a new testing campaign with pPEG yet, where I get
a new type of error, which I do not yet know how to silence.
But meanwhile I have a funny test case where

SWI-Prolog and SICStus disagree:

/* SWI-Prolog */
?- X = (- - - * - - - x0), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = - - (-)* - - -x0.

/* SICStus Prolog */
?- X = (- - - * - - - x0), write_canonical(X), nl.
X = - - - (*)- - -x0 ?

Mostowski Collapse

May 2, 2022, 10:49:52 AM5/2/22
The SWI-Prolog built-in with_output_to/2 does also not work.
Would need something like a with_error_to/2 ?
Does this exist? I only get:

?- with_output_to(atom(_), (write('I am chatty'), nl)).

?- with_output_to(atom(_), string_termList("- x4 ** x2 =:= .", [Y])).
% pPEG Error: Prolog.expr failed, expected Prolog.expr at line 1.16:
% 1 | - x4 ** x2 =:= .
% ^

Mostowski Collapse

May 17, 2022, 5:34:51 PM5/17/22
My parser research has arrived at this eclectic challenge.
Here is an example where I can coerce both SWI-Prolog and
pPEG SWIPL Example into masking the real error.

Here is what ECLiPSe Prolog does:

[eclipse 1]: X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .
syntax error: bracket necessary
| X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .
| ^ here

And here is SWI-Prolog and pPEG SWIPL Example:

?- X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .
ERROR: Syntax error: Unknown character escape in quoted atom or string: `\q'
ERROR: X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab
ERROR: ** here **
ERROR: \qc' .

?- string_termList("X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\\qc' .", [T]).
% pPEG Error: _esc failed, ...
% 1 | X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .
% ^

Mostowski Collapse

May 17, 2022, 5:37:12 PM5/17/22
It seems Scryer Prolog is not that advanced like ECLiPSe Prolog:

$ target/release/scryer-prolog
?- X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .

Initially my thought was my monadic parser from Dogelog player
will automatically be able to deal with this. But its non-trivial.
But my Dogelog player got a scanner/parser booster yesterday:

?- X = foo = bar = baz = 'ab\qc' .
error(syntax_error(operator_clash), [user:1])

Mostowski Collapse

May 18, 2022, 6:38:37 AM5/18/22
Now I have a new project going. I need a better microscope
to find differences in parsing of the different Prolog systems.
So that I might generate a phylogenic tree.

I see a trend against ECliPSe Prolog concering fuzz3, now also
results available for Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog. Unfortunately
no data yet available for Tau Prolog, still waiting

for charsio from Tau Prolog:

ECLiPSe Scryer Trealla
fuzz3 292 0 0
fuzz4 382 801 532

My suspicion, for fuzz4, Scryer Prolog behaves like GNU Prolog,
not shown here, but GNU Prolog has same figures. But this would
need a distance matrice, to get some support for this hypothesis,

that they are really the same.

Mostowski Collapse

May 21, 2022, 9:19:10 AM5/21/22
I made a kind of phylogenetic tree, the numbers in it indicate
how many test cases the various Prolog systems agree.
The results for fuzz4 are as follows:

?- pairing([eclipse4,gnu4,jekejeke4,swi4,scryer4,sicstus4,
ppeg4,trealla4], R), show(R, 0).
+--- 8713
+--- 9509
+--- trealla4
+--- 9997
+--- scryer4
+--- gnu4
+--- 9288
+--- 9586
+--- 9860
+--- eclipse4
+--- swi4
+--- jekejeke4
+--- 9642
+--- ppeg4
+--- sicstus4

SWI-Prolog is close to ECLiPSe Prolog in fuzz4 test cases. But pPEG
SWIPL Example is close to SICStus Prolog in fuzz4 test cases.

Mostowski Collapse

May 21, 2022, 9:21:49 AM5/21/22
And my suspicion got confirmed, Scryer and GNU
do the same in fuzz4 test cases, except for a

few amusing strange results:

$ target/release/scryer-prolog -v
$ target/release/scryer-prolog
?- X = (- ( ( ) =:= x0).
X = (- '('=:=x0).
?- X = (- ( ( ) , x0).
X = (- '(',x0).
?- X = ( ( ( ) :- x0).
X = ('(':-x0).


Mostowski Collapse schrieb:

Mostowski Collapse

May 21, 2022, 6:03:50 PM5/21/22
Ok, this was fun:

Phylogenetic Trees for Prolog Operator Parsers

Phylogenetic Trees for Prolog Operator Parsers
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