The trouble is that the commented code contains pathforall, so won't
work if the font is protected. Do any readers know a work-around?
1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap [] 0 setdash newpath
/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT 96 selectfont 50 500 moveto (F70) true
% [ {/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath cvx}
pathforall ] cvx newpath exec
24 -4 1.99
dup 2 sub exch
setlinewidth 1 setgray gsave stroke grestore
setlinewidth 0 setgray gsave stroke grestore
} for
% [ {/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath cvx}
pathforall ] cvx newpath exec
Of course, it could be replaced with the next paragraph, which would
help in some situations:
{[ {/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath cvx}
pathforall ] cvx newpath exec} stopped pop
/ClearToHere {[ {/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath
cvx} pathforall ] cvx newpath exec} stopped pop {/ClearToHere eq
{exit} if} loop
Interesting bug. The clip seems to be ignored (by Windows Distiller
9.0) but it is honored by Ghostscript.
There a couple ways to work aound this without using pathforall.
Changing the line 'clip' to 'clip newpath clippath' will fix the
clipping problem but then you may find the interior paths inside the
glyph outline are not the same (though you may like the patterns).
The other way, more brute force, is to call 'newpath' after 'clip' and
then repeat the charpath:
/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT 96 selectfont 50 500 moveto (F70) true
clip newpath
/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT 96 selectfont 50 500 moveto (F70) true
If you want less code, you can do this:
{/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT 96 selectfont 50 500 moveto (F70) true
charpath}dup exec
clip newpath exec
> Changing the line 'clip' to 'clip newpath clippath' will fix the
> clipping problem but then you may find the interior paths inside the
> glyph outline are not the same (though you may like the patterns).
Odder still. And yuck!
> dup exec clip newpath exec
Nice solution -- thank you.