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[comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!

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Greg Bacon

Jan 20, 2015, 10:17:24 AM1/20/15
Archive-Name: perl-faq/moderated/welcome
Comp-lang-perl-moderated-archive-name: welcome
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Version: $Id: FAQ,v 1.55 2008/03/03 15:47:27 gbacon Exp $
Maintainer: Greg Bacon <>
Copyright-Notice: see Section 14

[ A recent copy of this document can be obtained via anonymous FTP as If you do not have
access to anonymous FTP, you can get a copy by sending email to with the command
"send faqs/perl-faq/moderated/welcome" in the message. ]


Subject: 0. What is this document?

This document contains information for everyone interested in posting to
or simply reading the comp.lang.perl.moderated Usenet newsgroup.

This document DOES NOT answer any questions you might have about Perl.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Perl language itself,
please see


In the interest of brevity, `clpmod' will be used throughout the rest of
this document to refer to the comp.lang.perl.moderated Usenet newsgroup.
Similarly, `clpmisc' will be used throughout the rest of this document
to refer to the comp.lang.perl.misc Usenet newsgroup.


Welcome to clpmod!

1. Do we really need a moderated Perl newsgroup?
2. What topics are appropriate for clpmod?
3. Are there any resources I should consult before posting?
4. How do I post to clpmod?
5. What about crossposting to other moderated groups?
6. Will I receive a rejection notice if my submission is rejected?
7. Why do I have to register to post?
8. Won't registering make me an easy target for spammers?
9. How can I register a munged address?
10. Isn't header munging prohibited by the RFCs?
11. If I've already registered, can I post from another address?
12. Is there a mailing list mirror of clpmod?
13. Who are the moderators?
14. About this posting


Subject: Welcome to clpmod!

The following is a list of questions that you may have or that may arise
as you participate in clpmod. We the clpmod moderators hope to make this
document as useful as possible for everyone. Please assist us in
achieving this goal by mailing the maintainer of this FAQ if there are
subjects you feel should be covered but aren't or if coverage of some
subjects is not adequate.


Subject: 1. Do we really need a moderated Perl newsgroup?

This is the rationale Mark-Jason Dominus provided for the creation of

The comp.lang.perl.misc group presently has very high
traffic: typically about 250 articles per day. Much of this
traffic is given over to people asking off-topic questions,
and questions answered in the FAQ.

In these circumstances, a number of regular posters to the
group have stopped reading comp.lang.perl.misc, while new
readers can find it difficult to find relevant posts. The
result is reduced usefulness of the existing
comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup.

This comp.lang.perl.moderated group is proposed as high
signal-to-noise group where readers will not be subjected to
the types of articles described above. The intention is to
provide a useful resource for inexperienced Perl programmers
and to attract and retain experienced programmers who can
make a substantial contribution to the group.

comp.lang.perl.misc would still be left in place for more
general discussion, and for those topics that no one seems
to agree on a place for.

However, if you're asking this question or don't buy the above rationale,
there is no reason for you not to continue using clpmisc. The existence
of clpmod has no bearing on clpmisc.


Subject: 2. What topics are appropriate for clpmod?

This is outlined in the group's charter, which you can read at


If you're unsure about a submission's appropriateness, you can either
post it and wait for a moderator's decision or you can contact the
moderation panel's policy discussion mailing list at



Subject: 3. Are there any resources I should consult before posting?

Yes. Thanks to the hard work of many, a myriad of excellent information
about Perl is available free of charge!

Consider this list compiled by Nathan Torkington <>:

1. comp.lang.perl.moderated is for questions on the Perl language. If
you're interested in reading the group's charter, please go to


Don't forget that there is also an unmoderated group for discussion
of the Perl language, comp.lang.perl.misc, for topics that do not
fall within the bounds of clpmod's charter.

Try comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi for questions on the CGI part
of CGI scripts. The two leading blocks of reusable code for CGI
purposes are, at



and, at


You might also want to check out libwww-perl at



2. Are you using the following?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use diagnostics;
use strict;

"-w" turns on all sorts of warnings about probable errors (see the
perldiag manpage), "use diagnostics" causes the "-w" warnings to be
explained in greater detail (with the explanations from the perldiag
manpage), and "use strict" generates compile and run-time errors for
certain unsafe variable, reference and subroutine constructs (see the
strict manpage)

3. Have you read the Perl FAQ? Many questions on sockets programming,
an important and common problem with Solaris, text manipulation and
the jargon of perl are answered in the FAQ. As well as being posted
regularly to comp.lang.perl.misc, the FAQ is on the web at:


4. Have you read the man pages? Here are some subjects and the man
pages to look in:

Objects perltoot, perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
Data Structures perlreftut, perlref, perllol, perldsc
Modules perlmod, perlsub, perlmodlib
Regexps perlre, perlfunc, perlop
(not a man-page but still useful)
Moving to perl5 perltrap, perl
Linking w/C perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed

The man page for "perltoc" provides a crude table of contents for the
perl man page set.

5. Have you tried archives of Usenet? Google Groups, available on
the web at <URL:>, offers an archive of
postings to Usenet that reaches further back than Larry Wall's
initial public release of Perl in December 1987.

Be sure to include "Perl" in your search.

6. Are you checking the return values from the functions built in to
perl? Most of the file and system functions set $! and have return
values that you can test thus:

open(PASSWD, "</etc/passwd") or
die "error opening /etc/passwd: $!\n";

$! will contain an error message that will give you more information
on where your program is going wrong. The perlfunc man page will
give you more information on the return values from functions.

7. Have you looked at <URL:>? This is a great
online reference, with documentation, pointers to modules in the
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), articles on the inner
workings of many bits of Perl, and more.

7.5. Have you checked to see if a Perl module satisfies your needs?
Many reusable modules are available for immediate download and use.
See <URL:> for details.

8. The latest version of the "Camel Book" ("Programming Perl"),
updated for version 5.6, is available from your bookstore or from

Another excellent dead tree resource is the first and only periodical
devoted to Perl, The Perl Journal. In fact, several moderators have
even contributed to TPJ. Find it on the web at


Check out (free!) example code from past issues at


9. To find the source code for the latest releases of all supported
branches of Perl, visit


(Look in <URL:> for a list of FTP-based

10. Remember, USENET newsgroups are based on the idea of mutual aid.
USENET only works if we put as much into it as we get out of it.
Good luck with your Perl work.


Subject: 4. How do I post to clpmod?

Posting to moderated newsgroups should be no different than posting to
unmoderated newsgroups. In case the configuration at your site is
broken, you may email your submission directly to


If you're not sure whether the moderation panel has received your post,
feel free to contact the moderation panel's administrative address:


New posters will automatically receive a list of Perl resources and a
registration form to fill out and return. All submissions from a new
or unregistered poster will be held in escrow until their registration
form has been returned and accepted, after which all articles will be
distributed to members of the moderation team for consideration.


Subject: 5. What about crossposting to other moderated groups?

Crossposting to multiple moderated newsgroups is a headache for everyone
involved. From posters' perspective, posting to multiple moderated
newsgroups requires at least one more fascist to declare a fiat and,
hence, delays the injection of their posts into Usenet. From moderators'
perspective, it's an administrative hassle because the moderators of all
moderated groups in the Newsgroups: header must approve each article,
so moderators must shuffle paperwork among themselves for a while before
the article will appear in the newsgroups. (This is why most moderated
groups automatically reject articles crossposted to multiple moderated

Before crossposting to clpmod and another moderated newsgroup, please
consider whether it's worth all the headaches and delays. The moderator
of comp.lang.perl.announce, for instance, has indicated that he'll rarely
approve an article crossposted to clpmod and comp.lang.perl.announce.
If you feel that your article absolutely must appear in multiple
moderated groups, please trim the Followup-To: header so that followups
will appear in at most one moderated group.


Subject: 6. Will I receive a rejection notice if my submission is rejected?

Absolutely. Always. Without fail. Yes. In case this isn't clear:


If your post hasn't shown up in the newsgroup and you haven't received
a rejection notice within a day or two of posting, it is almost certain
that the moderation panel has not received your submission. If you
would like to verify that your post is, in fact, in the hands of the
moderation panel, contact the panel administrator at



Subject: 7. Why do I have to register to post?

Since the recent Internet explosion, the typical Usenet poster has
changed somewhat. For example, many sites used to require people to
read the periodic posts in news.announce.newusers before they could post
to Usenet at all. These days, it seems like no one even knows what the
purpose of news.announce.newusers is. People didn't always think of
Usenet as their free helpdesk to which they should send their urgent
questions. This isn't the fault of the new users, but their sheer
volume makes it very difficult to educate them.

The registration system has a few advantages. One of which is new
posters receive a nice list of Perl resources. This is good because it
increases their chances of finding an answer as well as increases the
quality of the answers they'll find. Some weeks on clpmisc feature a
set of posters of whom half have never posted to the group before. This
suggests that they probably haven't browsed through many Perl resources.
Holding posts in escrow also makes the lives of the volunteer moderation
panel a little easier.


Subject: 8. Won't registering make me an easy target for spammers?

Many potential readers raised this concern during the process of
creating clpmod. It is our desire to make clpmod as useful as possible
to as many people as possible, and the threat of spam outweighs the
potential usefulness for some people. We promised to support header
munging until a better solution to the spam problem comes along.

After posting to the group for the first time, the response you receive
will outline exactly how to go about arranging to munge your From:
header. To register a munged address before posting, bug a moderator.


Subject: 9. How can I register a munged address?

Before registering a munged address, please read the Address Munging
FAQ at <URL:>.

If you would like to munge your From: header (e.g.,,
send a message to with a line in the body
of your message that looks like this:


where the bits after the colon form the address that will appear in the
From: headers of your posts. NOTE: doing this will cause
`X-Unverified-Address: yes' to be included in the headers of each of
your posts from that address.


Subject: 10. Isn't header munging prohibited by the RFCs?

Though some readings of the RFCs (RFC stands for Request for Comment--
these documents serve as Internet Standards; see
<URL:> to search
for RFCs on a certain subject) prohibit spam blocking or header munging,
the desire to avoid spam is legitimate.

We realize that there are many positions on this sometimes controversial
topic. In fact, if you do not wish to see posts with a munged From:
header, feel free to killfile those posts. All posters who register
under a munged address will have the following header included in all
approved articles:

X-Unverified-Address: yes

Newsreaders with decent killfile functionality will allow people who
don't want to read articles with unrepliable addresses to avoid hair

Keep in mind, however, that an article that does not contain the
X-Unverified-Address: header is not necessarily automatically
repliable. People's addresses do change and configuration errors do
occur. If an article does not have the X-Unverified-Address: header,
that means we were able to send mail to it once--the address may no
longer be valid. An easy rule of thumb is the X-Unverified-Address:
header (or lack thereof) is merely an indication and not a definitive


Subject: 11. If I've already registered, can I post from another address?

If you want to post from an address that you haven't registered for
whatever reason, you can put the address you *have* registered in an
X-Real-Address header of your message, like:


If has been registered, a post with the above header
will be treated like it was from a registered address, except that it
will have `X-Unverified-Address: yes' added to the headers.


Subject: 12. Is there a mailing list mirror of clpmod?

It is possible to subscribe to comp.lang.perl.moderated as a mailing
list. This is provided as a general service for those people who cannot
receive the newsgroup for whatever reason or who just prefer to receive
messages via email.

To receive clpmod via email (or to change your mind later), send a
message to


with subscribe or unsubscribe in the *Subject*. Another way is to
use the form at the following URL:


The traffic on the mailing list will be the same as what is posted to the
newsgroup, and the submission address for the mailing list goes to the
submission address for the newsgroup. This mailing list is therefore in
essence moderated via the same mechanism and with the same policies as the

If there are any questions or problems, feel free to contact Russ Allbery.


Subject: 13. Who are the moderators?

The moderators are Mark Jason Dominus, Russ Allbery, Greg Bacon,
Hildo Biersma, and Tad McClellan.


Subject: 14. About this posting

(c) Copyright 1998-2001 by the clpmod moderators, all rights
reserved. Redistribution of this document is hereby freely granted so
long as the document is redistributed in its entirety (here
interpreted as all text which were not automated generated by software
as part of the distribution process); in particular, with attributions
and this copyright notice. We would appreciate hearing about any
interesting redistributions.

Comments about, suggestions about or corrections to this posting are
welcomed. If you would like to ask us to change this posting in some
way, the method we appreciate most is for you to actually make the
desired modifications to a copy of the posting, and then to send us the
modified posting, or a context diff between the posted version and your
modified version (if you do the latter, make sure to include in your
mail the "Version:" line from the posted version). Submitting changes
in this way makes dealing with them easier for us and helps to avoid
misunderstandings about what you are suggesting.

Many people have in the past provided feedback and corrections; we
thank them for their input. Remaining ambiguities, errors, and
difficult-to-read passages are not their fault. :)

-- The clpmod moderation panel

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