I can't find a "Select All" method or anything similar.
Thanks in advance...
with Table1 do
while not(EOF) do Delete;
Sergi Torres Molins
E-mail: sert...@inf.upv.es
phone: + 34 6 185 73 39
Alumno de la Facultad de Informatica
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Valencia - Spain
ave...@ix.netcom.com escribió en artículo <326BBF...@ix.netcom.com>...
Use the "EmptyTable" method. A quick look in index of the 'Database
Application Developer's Guide' would have told you this ...
Aage J.
This article was posted to Usenet via the Posting Service at Deja News:
http://www.dejanews.com/ [Search, Post, and Read Usenet News!]
use the method EmptyTable of the ttable component.
regards, tom
Try a method in the table component called "EmptyTable" or with a
Query Component
"Delete * from TABLENAME"
and then ExecSql. (PS Don't Open the Query as that will not work)
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ave...@ix.netcom.com wrote in article <326BBF...@ix.netcom.com>...
for i := 1 to thetable.recordcount do
Andrew Jacobs
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