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Emulith, the ETH Lilith emulator

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Jos Dreesen

Dec 8, 2008, 12:35:07 AM12/8/08

Emulith, my ETH Lilith emulator, is ready for download at :

Emulith is a register-level emulation, in C, of the Lilith hardware.

You will need a reasonably fast PC running Linux and having at least 1280x1024 resultion.
First feedback I got shows that it also runs on OS-X.

Documentation, sourcecode and two diskimages are supplied, I will try to offer some more in the future.

Jos Dreesen

Chris Burrows

Dec 8, 2008, 9:38:10 PM12/8/08

"Jos Dreesen" <> wrote in message

Great! Well done - I'm most impressed!

As I don't have a native installation of Linux I ran it on Windows XP using
VMWare hosting a copy of openSUSE 10.3 which seems to work OK. I was able to
create a Hello.Mod program using 'edit' but it failed in Pass1 of the
compilation complaining that InOut sumbol files were not available
(directory shows InOut.SBL though). I'll give it a more thorough workout as
soon as I have a bit more time to spare,

Chris Burrows

Jos Dreesen

Dec 9, 2008, 1:23:12 AM12/9/08

> Great! Well done - I'm most impressed!
> As I don't have a native installation of Linux I ran it on Windows XP using
> VMWare hosting a copy of openSUSE 10.3 which seems to work OK. I was able to
> create a Hello.Mod program using 'edit' but it failed in Pass1 of the
> compilation complaining that InOut sumbol files were not available
> (directory shows InOut.SBL though). I'll give it a more thorough workout as

I will also look into this. The Kermit I used had a bug which means that I lost the last byte of each of the 6000 or files I transferred. This seems to be the problem here.
I am working on getting a sector dumper program to run, so I can reconstruct diskimages with less pain.
Emulit also runs under OS-X and CygWin/x if you prefer those routes.


Chris Burrows

Dec 11, 2008, 7:13:19 AM12/11/08
"Jos Dreesen" <> wrote in message

>> create a Hello.Mod program using 'edit' but it failed in Pass1 of the
>> compilation complaining that InOut sumbol files were not available

> I will also look into this. The Kermit I used had a bug which means that I
> lost the last byte of each of the 6000 or files I transferred. This seems
> to be the problem here.

I've now had a closer look. I've found that InOut.SYM isn't present on the
disk5 image. When I switched to disk8 it compiled and ran OK,

Chris Burrows
CFB Software

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