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XDS linker error/options on Windows?

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Brian Knoblauch

Dec 8, 2020, 4:54:23 PM12/8/20
I've been trying to get the latest XDS binary working. Compiler seems fine as I get my OBJ files, but I'm missing something with the linker as it won't give me an EXE.

I'm getting a "No program entry point" error, which one would think would be an easy fix. However, I'm not sure how to properly set the program entry point. I've played around with the /ENTRY and /SYS options thinking perhaps one of those might get me there, but no luck so far.

Anyone know the secret code to pass to xlink for it to set a legit entrypoint for an EXE?


Martin Brown

Dec 9, 2020, 4:24:48 AM12/9/20
I don't recall any particular problems like that with XDS.
What version and what platform are you trying to run it on?

My copy identifies itself as Version 2.50
Environment 2.51 build 103
(c) 1999-2003 Excelsior

It is s few years old now. Likely that there is a newer version.

Have you tried compiling the samples included with the compiler?

I was mostly using it to port old Topspeed code onto Win7.

Martin Brown

Brian Knoblauch

Dec 9, 2020, 7:44:50 PM12/9/20
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 4:24:48 AM UTC-5, Martin Brown wrote:
> I don't recall any particular problems like that with XDS.
> What version and what platform are you trying to run it on?
> My copy identifies itself as Version 2.50
> Environment 2.51 build 103
> (c) 1999-2003 Excelsior

Version 2.51 build 09.06.2019

I got an answer to my query on stackexchange that works. Apparently running xlink manually is the wrong way to do it. Instead use the =make =a options of xc and let it handle getting the linker everything it needs. I was trying to dodge building a project file for some real simple things I wanted to try and turned towards my DOS C/Asm experience of separate steps never considering the compiler could just do that for me without a project file.

Thanks for the reply!
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