On 2022-03-03 19:26, Guido wrote:
> On Friday, 12 November 2021 at 18:43:12 UTC+1, Jos Dreesen wrote:
>> Subject already tells it all : I managed to extract the sourcecode for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler from the harddisk of the Lilith on display in the Museum of Kommunikation in Berne / Switzerland.
> [...]
> 2) Your Emulith binary no longer seems to work with recent MacOS versions (X11/FLTK issues). I managed to get it up and running again though by recompiling with a few tweaks and changes. If anyone else is interested in this, please let me know.
Thank you, Guido, I would be most interested. Could you place your
changes in a public repository?
(Emulith never ran on my old PPC Mac because of the NUXI problem.)
> Best,
> Guido