On 07/01/2021 00:56, Paul Richards wrote:
> On 6/01/2021 7:37 pm, Martin Brown wrote:
>> On 05/01/2021 23:53, Paul Richards wrote:
>>> I'm new to Modula-2 and am trying to use the FST Modula-2 environment.
>>> I have the compiler etc in C:\M2 with sub-folders \bin, \lib, \doc
>>> and with the M2 and sub-folders on my PATH. I have set M2LIB =
>>> c:\m2\lib.
>>> I tried to compile one of the sample programs in the \doc directory
>>> i.e. sieve.mod expectng it to be found using PATH but I get a 'File
>>> not found' error and get dumped into an empty Editor screen.
>>> Can anyone provide some assistance here please? Also what is the
>>> 'work module' in the compiler environment?
>> At a guess there are some other environment path variables need setting.
>> Will it compile if you explicitly give the full filename or put the
>> sourcecode in the root directory?
>> You might find the XDS compiler easier to get started with although it
>> too is a little picky about where you put things for it to work.
> Martin
> Thanks for the reply. Had a look at the AUTOEXEC.BAT and there are
> indeed extra environment variables some pointing to directories which
> don't exist in my installation. I guess my installation is incorrect.
Try creating the missing directories and put some sourcecode in them.
> I also have TopSpeed Modula-2 on my PC. I have also set up a batch file
> with paths to all the directories in my installation. Every time I try
> and compile a simple program I get a 'File not found' message, the file
> in question being TSMOD.DLL, which I know is in my c:\ts\sys directory.
I have had just about every M2 compiler going at one time or another. I
presume you have the TS MSDOS version (rather than OS/2). There should
be a readme file somewhere telling you what env variables need to be
set. I no longer have a working TS DOS setup so I can't test it here.
Might be TS_LIB or TS_SYS env variables need setting too. It is nearly
two decades since I last used that compiler in anger. I continue to use
the older original JPI M2 for longer because it was cute and small but
sort of abandonned that too when Win7 came along and didn't like its
16bit code and peeky pokey way IO to long since deceased graphics card.
> As far as XDS is concerned I had that on my laptop many moons ago but no
> longer. It seems it isn't possible to acquire binaries of the system any
> longer.
That is a shame. It was a good compiler in its day and had some cute
innovations like compiling an attempt to use an uninitialised variable
to a hard trap by default and various other tricks. It was one of the
first commercial compilers to use dataflow analysis to spot logic errors
in code at compile time. They even had a TS compatibility pack which
sort of worked up to a point- though it was like threading the eye of a
needle for any project of a significant size. Of the available compilers
I think XDS was one of the nicest and in latter days it was free too.
You could try looking for it on the Wayback machine you might get lucky.
Martin Brown