I'd like to introduce you Ruby the object-oriented scripting language
from Japan, which:
* is object-oriented from scratch.
* is totally free, open-source language.
* has exception handling.
* has iterators and closures.
* can load libraries dynamically.
* is highly portable. Runs on many UNIXen, Win32, Mac, BeOS, etc.
* has user-level builtin thread feature available on all platforms.
* is less cryptic than perl. YMMV. :-)
* runs faster than python.
* has genuine conservative GC.
* can mix C-defined method and Ruby-defined method in a class.
* is easier to write extension libraries.
* needs no ref-count maintenance in extension libraries.
Here's testimony from Germany:
From: Clemens Hintze <c.hi...@gmx.net>
> Like any programmer I know many programming languages. It has took me
> three weeks to decide to learn Perl, one week for the decision to learn
> Python and ONE day to decide to learn Ruby!!!
Please check out http://www.netlab.co.jp/ruby/ for detail, try it, and
join us for happy programming.