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Functional programming is not always what it seems

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James Harris

Nov 15, 2022, 7:13:46 AM11/15/22
Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
start a new thread.

My suggestion is that the functional style of programming can be useful
if it is applied in a limited way within an imperative language but it
does not necessarily offer the purity that its proponents suggest.

Over-recommendation of the functional paradigm tends to annoy me because
AISI there are different levels of functional purity.

0. The really pure would accomplish absolutely nothing because it could
not update files and could not write output.

1. Allow slight impurities and you could generate output, which might be
handy. Then there are successive levels of increasing impurity:

2. Allow external storage (i.e. state) to be updated.

3. Allow functions to update internal state as long as that cannot
possibly (i.e. the compiler can check) ever affect what they return.

4. Allow functions to update internal state if you are fairly sure (i.e.
the compiler cannot be sure) it will never affect what they return.

5. Allow functions to modify external state as long as they are are
guaranteed always to return consistently, although something else may
respond differently due to the change in external state.

6. Allow function to modify external state if you are fairly sure that
will never affect what they return, etc.

And suchlike.

A good example of case 4 that someone may wrongly think is a case 3 is a
supposedly pure function to which someone adds an internal count of the
number of times it has been called. It may work billions of times
successfully but then throw an overflow exception as its counter is updated.

So functional programming is not a panacea. At the end of the day,
computers have to update state. That's how they work and that's why
programs are run.

IMO the ideal position is a balance in a program between functions which
are genuinely pure (and thus easier to reason about) and functions which
are not. But the paradigm of a language in which that balance can take
place has to be imperative. Imperative languages are the best! :-)

Rant over!

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 15, 2022, 8:02:53 AM11/15/22
On 2022-11-15 13:13, James Harris wrote:
> Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
> programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
> start a new thread.
> My suggestion is that the functional style of programming can be useful
> if it is applied in a limited way within an imperative language but it
> does not necessarily offer the purity that its proponents suggest.
> Over-recommendation of the functional paradigm tends to annoy me because
> AISI there are different levels of functional purity.
> 0. The really pure would accomplish absolutely nothing because it could
> not update files and could not write output.
> 1. Allow slight impurities and you could generate output, which might be
> handy. Then there are successive levels of increasing impurity:
> 2. Allow external storage (i.e. state) to be updated.
> 3. Allow functions to update internal state as long as that cannot
> possibly (i.e. the compiler can check) ever affect what they return.
> 4. Allow functions to update internal state if you are fairly sure (i.e.
> the compiler cannot be sure) it will never affect what they return.
> 5. Allow functions to modify external state as long as they are are
> guaranteed always to return consistently, although something else may
> respond differently due to the change in external state.
> 6. Allow function to modify external state if you are fairly sure that
> will never affect what they return, etc.
> And suchlike.

It is more complex than you describe. Purity is a halting problem. So
there are cases that cannot be proved. E.g.

if HALT (p) then
External := 0;
end if;

A pragmatic solution is a provable contract that is stronger than the
actual behavior. E.g. even if an impure code is not reachable the
function considered impure.

Then you have a problem with the prover's strength. If different
implementations of the compiler have different provers then the same
program might turn legal or illegal depending on the strength. Thus you
have to put the strength in the language definition, which is not simple.

Then there is conditional purity as you describe in in #4 but also the
effects on the arguments, the effects caused by the subprograms and
closures passed as arguments, the effects of recursive calls etc. You
have to sort that out. A conditionally [im]pure function might be OK in
some contexts and not in others.

> A good example of case 4 that someone may wrongly think is a case 3 is a
> supposedly pure function to which someone adds an internal count of the
> number of times it has been called. It may work billions of times
> successfully but then throw an overflow exception as its counter is
> updated.
> So functional programming is not a panacea. At the end of the day,
> computers have to update state. That's how they work and that's why
> programs are run.

Side effects are avoided because of the functional programming paradigm.
The paradigm itself is not about states. It is about lambdas and recursion.

> IMO the ideal position is a balance in a program between functions which
> are genuinely pure (and thus easier to reason about) and functions which
> are not. But the paradigm of a language in which that balance can take
> place has to be imperative. Imperative languages are the best! :-)

Yes, imperative paradigm is in general simpler that a declarative one.
Functional paradigm falls under declarative.

Dmitry A. Kazakov


Nov 15, 2022, 10:48:04 AM11/15/22
I lay into functional languages a bit in my recent post (some 20 minutes

I really don't care for them, but will not argue for people to stop
using them; they can do what they like.

Personally I'd find them totally unsuitable for the software I write.
How do you change even one pixel in a image buffer, which supposedly is
immutable. You are supposed to generate a new image with that one
difference. But it's all a pretence really since doing it by the book
would be hopelessly inefficient.

I open to some functional features within small areas, like inside an
arithmetical expression. Then most languages are functional to some degree!

But not when they take over the whole language and do away with
everything that makes coding convenient and intuitive.

David Brown

Nov 15, 2022, 12:15:28 PM11/15/22
On 15/11/2022 13:13, James Harris wrote:
> Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
> programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
> start a new thread.

I am sorry you have misunderstood so much of what I have written.

I have espoused taking advantage of certain techniques and features that
are common in functional programming languages. I have not suggested
you develop a functional programming language. That would have been an
absurd suggestion for someone who has no experience in such languages
from before, and is not interested in making one.

Different types of language are useful for different purposes. But it
would be foolish and a waste of time to start making a new language
knowing only one or a few similar languages, and making yet another in
the same genre. Learn from other kinds of language - take inspiration
and ideas. Ask what makes other languages /better/ in certain ways, and
whether that can make /your/ language better - or if such features would
cost too much.

You should be familiarising yourself with a range of different existing
languages. Learn what is new and interesting about them, or what makes
them special. What features do users like in practice, and what do they
dislike? What can fit with the goals of your own language (which I
admit I really do not understand as yet)? Look at things that are
common in other newer languages, and ask /why/ these features are
common. Are these things that you should have in your own language?
You don't know if you are not aware of them, or have not considered them
properly, or have rejected them out of hand as unfamiliar, too
difficult, or contrary to decisions you made before you heard of them.

> My suggestion is that the functional style of programming can be useful
> if it is applied in a limited way within an imperative language but it
> does not necessarily offer the purity that its proponents suggest.

My suggestion is that you don't know nearly enough about functional
programming to give a sound judgement on the matter. If you think that
is unfair, tell us what experience you have with writing code in
functional programming languages (or at least in using functional
programming features in languages that support the paradigm). Opinions
are all well and good (and I fully respect your right to make a language
that fits with your own opinions and preferences!) but /qualified/
opinions are a lot more useful.

> Over-recommendation of the functional paradigm tends to annoy me because
> AISI there are different levels of functional purity.

There are indeed - as I have said repeatedly. And nobody has suggested
you should be considering pure functional programming.

> 0. The really pure would accomplish absolutely nothing because it could
> not update files and could not write output.
> 1. Allow slight impurities and you could generate output, which might be
> handy. Then there are successive levels of increasing impurity:
> 2. Allow external storage (i.e. state) to be updated.
> 3. Allow functions to update internal state as long as that cannot
> possibly (i.e. the compiler can check) ever affect what they return.
> 4. Allow functions to update internal state if you are fairly sure (i.e.
> the compiler cannot be sure) it will never affect what they return.
> 5. Allow functions to modify external state as long as they are are
> guaranteed always to return consistently, although something else may
> respond differently due to the change in external state.
> 6. Allow function to modify external state if you are fairly sure that
> will never affect what they return, etc.
> And suchlike.

Your categories don't match anything I have ever seen. No one
classifies anything with "fairly sure" as a criterion.

"Pure" functional programming languages such as Haskell and Mercury
allow IO, external storage, networking, etc. (As I mentioned, Facebook
uses Haskell for content analysis on posts - that's pretty IO intensive.
There is a perfectly good working X Window manager written in Haskell.)

But the way they do so, using "linear types" or "monads" is undoubtedly
very unfamiliar to people coming from the world of imperative
programming. In its absolute purest form, a "print" procedure would
take the world before the output as an input, and return the world after
the output - nothing is changed. (Real, practical pure functional
programming languages handle things a little differently.)

"Impure" functional programming languages such as OCaml, Erlang/Elixir
and Lisp are predominantly functional, but also support imperative
styles for occasions when that is a better choice - perhaps for
lower-level work, interfacing with other languages, or just where it is

Then there are imperative (or other paradigm) languages that support
functional programming techniques to a greater or lesser extent,
including Python, C++, and Javascript.

And there are imperative languages with no functional support at all
(function pointers don't count). And of course there are vast numbers
of other programming paradigms, not just imperative and functional.

Most of my own coding on small microcontrollers is purely imperative,
with a bit of functional style in my C++. In PC programming, I again
use primarily imperative but much more functional code (such as in
Python). That's what best suits the tasks I do these days - mix and
match, take the best of all that is available. It's a long time since I
did much pure functional programming, but I have done so sometimes. And
I have also used functional programming when I have done programmable
hardware design - it is /so/ much better suited to that than the
traditional Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages.

> A good example of case 4 that someone may wrongly think is a case 3 is a
> supposedly pure function to which someone adds an internal count of the
> number of times it has been called. It may work billions of times
> successfully but then throw an overflow exception as its counter is
> updated.

That would not be a pure function. Compilers can check if functions are
pure or not.

> So functional programming is not a panacea.

Of course not. Different types of languages are good for different

> At the end of the day,
> computers have to update state. That's how they work and that's why
> programs are run.

No, that's just how /you/ are used to thinking about them.

How they operate internally need bear no resemblance to how they appear
or the logical program they execute.

The solid majority of programmers - you included - are used to
micro-managing your code to a large degree. It is not actually
necessary to tell computers what to do all the time - tools can handle
that, and leave your time and energy to concentrate on the interesting

People figured out long ago that for most programming, you don't need to
manage memory resources manually. You can use garbage collection, or
RAII rather than using malloc/free and keeping track of everything.
They figured out that you don't need to track overflows and multiple
parts of large numbers - you can make languages with unlimited range
integers. Programming is about abstraction and layers.

Now, sometimes you /do/ want to go to these low layers and deal with the
bits and bytes. But often you don't, and you can work at a higher level.

Note that higher level does not necessarily mean slower. While C, Rust
and C++ are typically considered the fastest languages, OCaml is
regularly very close in benchmarks. And working at a higher level gives
compilers more information, letting them do more optimisation. Instead
of messing about with pointers and increment operators, code written in
clearer array syntax with loops gives the compiler more chance to use
SIMD vectorisation. When the compiler knows functions are pure, it can
re-arrange and optimise better. When it knows there are no pointers, it
can analyse data flow and access patterns better. When it knows there
are no side-effects, it can split code up into multiple threads. These
are all real speed benefits from real programming languages and tools.

And while you are messing about with pointers and trying to make sure
you don't leak memory in your implementation of a linked list, a Haskell
programmer could make a Fibonacci heap priority queue in fewer lines -
and know that it is correct.

Different languages have their pros and cons, as do different
programming paradigms. But it is foolish to dismiss things as bad
simply because you are unfamiliar with them or don't understand them.
It's fine to say you don't have the time or interest to learn about them
- but not to condemn them without apparently understanding the first
thing about them.

Do you actually know the "first" thing about functional programming
languages? The clue is in the name - "functions". Given what you have
written above, I believe you are completely unaware of the fact that the
defining feature of a functional programming language is that functions
are first-class objects - they can be manipulated, combined, modified
and passed around just like objects. It is not the feature that has
been most relevant to discussions so far, but maybe that will come too!

> IMO the ideal position is a balance in a program between functions which
> are genuinely pure (and thus easier to reason about) and functions which
> are not. But the paradigm of a language in which that balance can take
> place has to be imperative. Imperative languages are the best! :-)
> Rant over!

You didn't really believe that, did you? :-)


Nov 15, 2022, 1:18:36 PM11/15/22
On 15/11/2022 12:13, James Harris wrote:
> Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
> programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
> start a new thread.

This Reddit thread summarises some new languages:

Look especially at the post by 'gasche' (or sort by Best, it might be at
the top).

Those languages are not so much functional; that can be assumed for most
of these. Look instead at their features, if you can even understand
what they mean.

There are some really advanced languages being produced now; there's no
shortage of them! I guess some are research projects so they need to be
seen to be doing something different.

This is the sort of thing that made me decide to stick with my own
stuff. Of priority there is a language I can understand, and that is
simple and conservative enough that it would look like pseudocode to
anyone else, and could be easily ported.

And, of course, that can used to write actual, practical programs (40
years experience of that shows they can be).

Where my languages are weak is in being so insular; working with other
software is always a big obstacle (I can forget about running on Android
for example, as you need to get through about 27 layers of software and
bureaucracy first, plus I think you need to write in Java anyway).

Here, functional features would be no help at all.

James Harris

Nov 15, 2022, 4:32:42 PM11/15/22
On 15/11/2022 18:18, Bart wrote:
> On 15/11/2022 12:13, James Harris wrote:


> Where my languages are weak is in being so insular; working with other
> software is always a big obstacle (I can forget about running on Android
> for example, as you need to get through about 27 layers of software and
> bureaucracy first, plus I think you need to write in Java anyway).

If you are concerned that your languages are too insular why not compile
for JVM or for Web Assembly?

James Harris


Nov 15, 2022, 6:21:06 PM11/15/22
I'd find JVM very restrictive (how would I map inline assembler for
example into JVM?). And WASM I found was poorly documented at the level
I wanted to use it (I'm not into web stuff anyway.)

But what usually happens here, is whatever I need to download for JVM
etc dwarfs my own product in size and complexity. Also I don't know how
either of those would help me in using GTK for example, where the
obstacle would be in writing bindings for its 10,000 functions within my

What I can do right now is target C code when I need to. Because I know
that there, a complete C backend can be provided in the form of Tiny C,
totalling 0.22MB.

This helps me get a foothold on Linux, but it still doesn't help with
the binding problem.

Tim Rentsch

Nov 15, 2022, 7:06:12 PM11/15/22
James Harris <> writes:

> My suggestion is that the functional style of programming can be
> useful if it is applied in a limited way within an imperative language
> but it does not necessarily offer the purity that its proponents
> suggest.

I think you're making the mistake of thinking that programming
that is free of side effects is synonymous with functional
programming. It isn't. There is some correlation but neither
property necessarily implies the other.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 16, 2022, 4:15:11 AM11/16/22
On 2022-11-16 09:44, Stefan Ram wrote:

> This is like a official who issues notes that say that
> certain trees have to be cut down. The official can always
> say, "I never cut down any tree. I only write notes.
> If someone else then interprets these as requests for
> action, what do I have to do with it?"

That is the idea of declarative vs. imperative approach. You say "let
there be light" and somebody else (guess who?) begins pushing photons...

P.S. The whole idea of computing is the side effects of. Though it is
possible to express computing in mathematical terms, the actual work
still need to be done nevertheless.

James Harris

Nov 16, 2022, 5:59:16 AM11/16/22
Well, AISI the essential characteristic of functional programming is to
produce results without side effects (aka without changing state?).

How that tends to be used, though, typically involves recursion and
first-class functions used in higher-order ways.

Do you see it differently?

James Harris

James Harris

Nov 16, 2022, 6:59:35 AM11/16/22
On 15/11/2022 23:21, Bart wrote:
> On 15/11/2022 21:32, James Harris wrote:
>> On 15/11/2022 18:18, Bart wrote:
>> ...
>>> Where my languages are weak is in being so insular; working with
>>> other software is always a big obstacle (I can forget about running
>>> on Android for example, as you need to get through about 27 layers of
>>> software and bureaucracy first, plus I think you need to write in
>>> Java anyway).
>> If you are concerned that your languages are too insular why not
>> compile for JVM or for Web Assembly?
> I'd find JVM very restrictive (how would I map inline assembler for
> example into JVM?). And WASM I found was poorly documented at the level
> I wanted to use it (I'm not into web stuff anyway.)

Don't use or allow inline asm! It ties object code to a certain

> But what usually happens here, is whatever I need to download for JVM
> etc dwarfs my own product in size and complexity.

Why do you need such a download? Just produce bytecodes and add a header.

I'm kidding a little. I am sure there's a lot involved in working out
what bytecodes to use and how to make the correct file format; but I
would guess one could do enough with one's own software to avoid
downloading large Java/JVM build tools.

James Harris


Nov 16, 2022, 7:10:07 AM11/16/22
On 15/11/2022 17:15, David Brown wrote:
> On 15/11/2022 13:13, James Harris wrote:
>> Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
>> programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
>> start a new thread.

> Do you actually know the "first" thing about functional programming
> languages?  The clue is in the name - "functions".  Given what you have
> written above, I believe you are completely unaware of the fact that the
> defining feature of a functional programming language is that functions
> are first-class objects - they can be manipulated, combined, modified
> and passed around just like objects.

This is what I don't get at all. You earlier had a go at spending too
much effort at manually managing memory or messing with pointers.

But here you extol the virtues of messing about with functions. It's
just micromanaging in a different way.

Functions should be solid blocks of code, known at compile time, that
you can rely on: I should be able to see what they do without having to
run the program.

Like you prefer a clear separation between expressions and statements, I
like a clear separation between code and data.

Anyway I would have said the defining feature was to represent any bit
of code as a formula: some single expression, instead of a sequence of

With some kinds of coding, you can do that. With most, you can't; it's a
poor fit.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 16, 2022, 7:18:43 AM11/16/22
On 2022-11-16 13:10, Bart wrote:

> But here you extol the virtues of messing about with functions. It's
> just micromanaging in a different way.
> Functions should be solid blocks of code, known at compile time, that
> you can rely on: I should be able to see what they do without having to
> run the program.

Hey, the very first time I agree with you! We must drink some milkshake
for that!

BTW, it is a bit weaker than you say. I would still allow function body
composition out of well-defined parts, e.g. overriding upon inheritance
and some, very limited, parametrization as in generics. But that is the
limit to me.


Nov 16, 2022, 5:40:57 PM11/16/22
On 16/11/2022 11:59, James Harris wrote:
> On 15/11/2022 23:21, Bart wrote:
>> On 15/11/2022 21:32, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 15/11/2022 18:18, Bart wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> Where my languages are weak is in being so insular; working with
>>>> other software is always a big obstacle (I can forget about running
>>>> on Android for example, as you need to get through about 27 layers
>>>> of software and bureaucracy first, plus I think you need to write in
>>>> Java anyway).
>>> If you are concerned that your languages are too insular why not
>>> compile for JVM or for Web Assembly?
>> I'd find JVM very restrictive (how would I map inline assembler for
>> example into JVM?). And WASM I found was poorly documented at the
>> level I wanted to use it (I'm not into web stuff anyway.)
> Don't use or allow inline asm! It ties object code to a certain
> architecture.

Compiler backends, Interpreters with accelerators or JIT, and of course
assemblers, are necessarily tied to an architecture!

Anyway, in the past I might have spent a decade on a specific
architecture. When I switched to a new one, it was usually time to
upgrade my apps anyway.

So I don't think it's a big deal. But I also tend to keep assembler code
sections optional: it won't work when using a C target for example.

>> But what usually happens here, is whatever I need to download for JVM
>> etc dwarfs my own product in size and complexity.
> Why do you need such a download? Just produce bytecodes and add a header.
> I'm kidding a little. I am sure there's a lot involved in working out
> what bytecodes to use and how to make the correct file format; but I
> would guess one could do enough with one's own software to avoid
> downloading large Java/JVM build tools.

Have you ever tried WASM?

I tried something on a small scale once, and got something simple
working, but there just wasn't enough information to proceed. The chance
of getting it usefully working back end seemed small.

It's just easier to do you own thing (just like I've always done) than
trying to do battle with these systems.

(I anyway support a C target, and somebody could generate WASM that way.
But how it would cope with the libraries I might call via the C, I've no

James Harris

Nov 17, 2022, 2:38:08 AM11/17/22
On 16/11/2022 22:39, Bart wrote:
> On 16/11/2022 11:59, James Harris wrote:
>> On 15/11/2022 23:21, Bart wrote:
>>> On 15/11/2022 21:32, James Harris wrote:
>>>> On 15/11/2022 18:18, Bart wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>> Where my languages are weak is in being so insular; working with
>>>>> other software is always a big obstacle (I can forget about running
>>>>> on Android for example, as you need to get through about 27 layers
>>>>> of software and bureaucracy first, plus I think you need to write
>>>>> in Java anyway).
>>>> If you are concerned that your languages are too insular why not
>>>> compile for JVM or for Web Assembly?
>>> I'd find JVM very restrictive (how would I map inline assembler for
>>> example into JVM?). And WASM I found was poorly documented at the
>>> level I wanted to use it (I'm not into web stuff anyway.)
>> Don't use or allow inline asm! It ties object code to a certain
>> architecture.
> Compiler backends, Interpreters with accelerators or JIT, and of course
> assemblers, are necessarily tied to an architecture!

Things like compiler backends might /produce/ asm. They shouldn't need
to /execute/ any inline asm to do so!

Just my gripe. I hate inline asm: it corrupts HLL code, making something
which has the appearance of portability into something non-portable.
Where asm is needed I put it in separate modules - separate asm modules.
The idea is that one set of asm modules will be used on x86-32, another
on Arm64, etc.

> Anyway, in the past I might have spent a decade on a specific
> architecture. When I switched to a new one, it was usually time to
> upgrade my apps anyway.
> So I don't think it's a big deal. But I also tend to keep assembler code
> sections optional: it won't work when using a C target for example.

I'd keep asm /libraries/ separate, not just sections or even files but
entire libraries.

>>> But what usually happens here, is whatever I need to download for JVM
>>> etc dwarfs my own product in size and complexity.
>> Why do you need such a download? Just produce bytecodes and add a header.
>> I'm kidding a little. I am sure there's a lot involved in working out
>> what bytecodes to use and how to make the correct file format; but I
>> would guess one could do enough with one's own software to avoid
>> downloading large Java/JVM build tools.
> Have you ever tried WASM?

No, not yet.

> I tried something on a small scale once, and got something simple
> working, but there just wasn't enough information to proceed. The chance
> of getting it usefully working back end seemed small.
> It's just easier to do you own thing (just like I've always done) than
> trying to do battle with these systems.

I agree. Learning systems that other people have produced can be
surprisingly time consuming. And, frankly, a lot of stuff that others
produce tends to be too limiting, to be overly heavyweight and to get
even more bulky over time.

I often find it best to work with my own simpler data structures and
formats for most processing and only to convert to other standards as a
final step.

> (I anyway support a C target, and somebody could generate WASM that way.
> But how it would cope with the libraries I might call via the C, I've no
> idea.)

Nor have I. But a web browser can be a 'universal client'. Users don't
have to download anything specific to use one's software.

James Harris

David Brown

Nov 18, 2022, 7:36:02 AM11/18/22
On 16/11/2022 13:10, Bart wrote:
> On 15/11/2022 17:15, David Brown wrote:
>> On 15/11/2022 13:13, James Harris wrote:
>>> Some comments in this group have recently been espousing functional
>>> programming. I was going to comment in replies but it seems better to
>>> start a new thread.
>> Do you actually know the "first" thing about functional programming
>> languages?  The clue is in the name - "functions".  Given what you
>> have written above, I believe you are completely unaware of the fact
>> that the defining feature of a functional programming language is that
>> functions are first-class objects - they can be manipulated, combined,
>> modified and passed around just like objects.
> This is what I don't get at all. You earlier had a go at spending too
> much effort at manually managing memory or messing with pointers.
> But here you extol the virtues of messing about with functions. It's
> just micromanaging in a different way.

There is always going to be effort somewhere in the programming! And
there is no doubt that different languages, and some paradigms, are more
or less suited to different tasks.

Pointers may be more suited to manipulating a single pixel in an image
buffer than, say, using a list and working through it with a recursive
function (I am /not/ saying that is how you would handle the task in a
functional programming language!). But pointers are also more suited to
making mistakes and changing the wrong data, overrunning your buffers,
or generally being unsure of what your data is because things can change
all the time.

Take one step away, and use an array for the image buffer with all
access via the array (no pointers), and you have made a big step towards
eliminating most of the pointer-related problems. You can have bounds
checking on the array access (and the compiler can optimise away most
checks for efficiency) - no more overruns, no more random writes to the
stack or other data through erroneous pointers. If your code looks like
it changes the image buffer, then the image buffer is all it ever
changes - or it throws an "out of bounds" error. Still, your data can
change - "x" may be one thing at one place in the function, and
something different at another place. However, you can at least find
the place it changes.

Two steps away and the data never changes - you can rely on things,
reason about them, prove them in a completely different way. That is
the benefit of functional programming.

There's a lot to be said for picking the middle ground choice here. But
again, there are good reasons for different choices.

> Functions should be solid blocks of code, known at compile time, that
> you can rely on: I should be able to see what they do without having to
> run the program.

That's your biases shining through loud and clear.

In a great many programming languages, and a great many implementations
of other languages, they are not nearly as "solid" and simplistic as you
describe. Even C has never had a precise one-to-one relationship
between functions in source code and functions in object code - and it
certainly does not now with modern tools.

If you want to know what a function does before running it, look at its
definition - along with the definition of any other functions it calls,
what data it has, what constants it uses, and so on. That applies to
all languages.

> Like you prefer a clear separation between expressions and statements, I
> like a clear separation between code and data.

I don't think such a clear distinction between code and data is either
possible or useful. If you have a table of pointers to initialisation
functions to run - is that code or data? It looks like data, but acts
like a function that calls a bunch of other functions.

> Anyway I would have said the defining feature was to represent any bit
> of code as a formula: some single expression, instead of a sequence of
> steps.
> With some kinds of coding, you can do that. With most, you can't; it's a
> poor fit.

In C programs, you can - it's all in the single expression "main(...)".

A key difference between functional languages and imperative languages
is that imperative languages are a list of commands - you are asking the
computer to do things. With functional programming languages, you are
asking the computer to give you things - you are not as concerned about
the implementation methods, only the results. It is looking at the task
from a different perspective.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 18, 2022, 8:14:44 AM11/18/22
On 2022-11-18 13:36, David Brown wrote:

> If you want to know what a function does before running it, look at its
> definition - along with the definition of any other functions it calls,
> what data it has, what constants it uses, and so on.  That applies to
> all languages.

That is exactly the problem. In mathematics and in declarative
approaches that follow closely, definition is the function itself. E.g.
all sorts of recursive definitions. Analysis of function behavior is in
the core of mathematics. Basically it presents something, you do not
know what, though its definition is before your eyes! Your objective is
to figure it out, to study it. This is because mathematical functions
exist on their own.

This is not how engineering and programming as engineering activity
work. There you create something in order to achieve something.

Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
difficult when functions become first class objects.

Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an operation
on some types and nothing else.

P.S. Nothing above would worry Bart, but it worries me, which is why I
agree with him.


Nov 18, 2022, 9:34:27 AM11/18/22
On 18/11/2022 12:36, David Brown wrote:
> On 16/11/2022 13:10, Bart wrote:

>> Functions should be solid blocks of code, known at compile time, that
>> you can rely on: I should be able to see what they do without having
>> to run the program.
> That's your biases shining through loud and clear.

Take any large code base. If you were to analyse the functions, how
proportion do you think would exactly fit my description?

That is, there are functions F, G, H plainly defined in the source code,
and there calls F(), G(), H() are multiple call sites.

In mine the figure would be near to 100%. While some calls would be done
indirectly via function references, those references would still point
to one of those F, G, H function.

My recollection of other codebases is that it would still be the vast
majority, except where the language has classes, and now of course
everything must be inside a class, and function calls becomes methods calls.

It's a bit murkier, but still, a call A.F() still ends up calling a
fixed, solid function typeof(A).F.

It the emphasis of the 1% of cases I don't like, and those languages
that strive to get you to increase that to near 100%.

Tim Rentsch

Nov 20, 2022, 8:34:06 AM11/20/22
"Dmitry A. Kazakov" <> writes:

> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
> difficult when functions become first class objects.

That's nonsense. Programs written in functional languages
do it all the time.

Tim Rentsch

Nov 20, 2022, 8:36:32 AM11/20/22
James Harris <> writes:

> On 16/11/2022 00:06, Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> James Harris <> writes:
>>> My suggestion is that the functional style of programming can be
>>> useful if it is applied in a limited way within an imperative language
>>> but it does not necessarily offer the purity that its proponents
>>> suggest.
>> I think you're making the mistake of thinking that programming
>> that is free of side effects is synonymous with functional
>> programming. It isn't. There is some correlation but neither
>> property necessarily implies the other.
> Well, AISI the essential characteristic of functional programming is
> to produce results without side effects (aka without changing state?).

Let me suggest that you focus less on how you see things and
focus more on how the functional programming community sees

David Brown

Nov 21, 2022, 10:23:34 AM11/21/22
On 18/11/2022 14:14, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-18 13:36, David Brown wrote:
>> If you want to know what a function does before running it, look at
>> its definition - along with the definition of any other functions it
>> calls, what data it has, what constants it uses, and so on.  That
>> applies to all languages.
> That is exactly the problem. In mathematics and in declarative
> approaches that follow closely, definition is the function itself. E.g.
> all sorts of recursive definitions. Analysis of function behavior is in
> the core of mathematics. Basically it presents something, you do not
> know what, though its definition is before your eyes! Your objective is
> to figure it out, to study it. This is because mathematical functions
> exist on their own.

"Functions" in functional programming and in mathematics are not the
same thing.

In mathematics, the functions "sin(x)" and "cos(x + π/2)" are exactly
the same thing. They are indistinguishable. Any definition that gives
the same mapping from the source domain to the destination domain is the
same function.

In functional programming languages - real, practical functional
programming languages, that is not the case. You might argue that in a
hypothetical sense two functional programming language functions that
give the same results are the same function - but you can argue exactly
the same about any kind of programming language. In reality, functional
programming language functions are much like functions in imperative
languages - compilers can manipulate them to make variants that give the
same results more efficiently (this is "optimisation"), but otherwise
they do what the function definition says.

A difference, perhaps, is that imperative functions go from the bottom
up (or start to finish) while functional programming language functions
are often more top-down (describe the end result that you want, and then
the partial results to get there).

> This is not how engineering and programming as engineering activity
> work. There you create something in order to achieve something.

Sorry, but you are completely wrong in your distinction.

Programming with FP languages is as much "engineering" as programming
with imperative languages or any other paradigm. When telephone
switching systems are programmed in the functional programming language
Erlang (which was developed with that application in mind), do you think
it is not "achieving something"? When people make programmable logic
designs using FP languages such as Lava (build on Haskell), Confluence
(from OCaml), or SpinalHDL (from Scala), it is as clear and solid
engineering as you can get. And of course, "normal" functional
programming is programming just like any other programming.

> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
> difficult when functions become first class objects.

Again, that is an imaginary distinction.

Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
implementation follows that specification or not. The only difference
is that with functional programming, it is often easier to see that the
function implements the specification - but regardless of the paradigm,
this depends on the complexity of the function.

> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an operation
> on some types and nothing else.

I can't understand what you mean. Functional programming language
functions are not operations on types. Conversely, all functions in all
languages operate on some types and nothing else.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 21, 2022, 11:08:22 AM11/21/22
Yes. In short. Functional paradigm does not stand for its promises. That
is an open secret... (:-))

> A difference, perhaps, is that imperative functions go from the bottom
> up (or start to finish) while functional programming language functions
> are often more top-down (describe the end result that you want, and then
> the partial results to get there).

Well, not really. Whether the ultimate program is




makes little difference. Levels of indirection not necessary translate
into higher abstraction and conversely. Imperative approach has one
level less.

>> This is not how engineering and programming as engineering activity
>> work. There you create something in order to achieve something.
> Sorry, but you are completely wrong in your distinction.
> Programming with FP languages is as much "engineering" as programming
> with imperative languages or any other paradigm.  When telephone
> switching systems are programmed in the functional programming language
> Erlang (which was developed with that application in mind), do you think
> it is not "achieving something"?  When people make programmable logic
> designs using FP languages such as Lava (build on Haskell), Confluence
> (from OCaml), or SpinalHDL (from Scala), it is as clear and solid
> engineering as you can get.  And of course, "normal" functional
> programming is programming just like any other programming.

You confuse application with intent. Yes, you can achieve something by
programming in awful languages in awful manner. I do not mean here FPL
specifically. Just for the sake of argument. You will wonder to know
what software was written in VisualBasic...

>> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
>> difficult when functions become first class objects.
> Again, that is an imaginary distinction.

In is not imaginary. If you cannot use functions as a vehicle do define
interface you need to come up with something else or drop the idea

> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
> difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
> implementation follows that specification or not.

Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language. In
imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of
subprograms. In OOPL it is types (classes) defined in terms of methods
(members are built-in getter/setter methods). In FPL, typically, there
is none, unless you introduce some meta functions, whatever. E.g.
generics/templates exist for infinity and still have no reasonable
specifications, and thus, are fundamentally non-testable. I do not care
even a little bit about FP, but, my guess is that it must have similar

>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an operation
>> on some types and nothing else.
> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
> functions are not operations on types.


> Conversely, all functions in all
> languages operate on some types and nothing else.

No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes some
arguments in unrelated types.

David Brown

Nov 21, 2022, 2:56:53 PM11/21/22
Functional programming languages are programming languages where
functions are first-class objects. I don't know what you are thinking
about, but it is /not/ functional programming languages.

>> A difference, perhaps, is that imperative functions go from the bottom
>> up (or start to finish) while functional programming language
>> functions are often more top-down (describe the end result that you
>> want, and then the partial results to get there).
> Well, not really. Whether the ultimate program is
>    do_it;

That would be imperative coding.

> or
>    let_it_be_done;

That would be declarative. (Note that functional programming is not the
only kind of declarative programming.)

> makes little difference. Levels of indirection not necessary translate
> into higher abstraction and conversely. Imperative approach has one
> level less.

I think perhaps, like many programmers, you have worked all your life
with imperative programming and can't imagine or understand other
paradigms. You consider imperative as "the best" or "the most natural",
simply because it is the most familiar to you.

>>> This is not how engineering and programming as engineering activity
>>> work. There you create something in order to achieve something.
>> Sorry, but you are completely wrong in your distinction.
>> Programming with FP languages is as much "engineering" as programming
>> with imperative languages or any other paradigm.  When telephone
>> switching systems are programmed in the functional programming
>> language Erlang (which was developed with that application in mind),
>> do you think it is not "achieving something"?  When people make
>> programmable logic designs using FP languages such as Lava (build on
>> Haskell), Confluence (from OCaml), or SpinalHDL (from Scala), it is as
>> clear and solid engineering as you can get.  And of course, "normal"
>> functional programming is programming just like any other programming.
> You confuse application with intent. Yes, you can achieve something by
> programming in awful languages in awful manner. I do not mean here FPL
> specifically. Just for the sake of argument. You will wonder to know
> what software was written in VisualBasic...

Oh, so you think functional programming languages are designed and
intended to be useless, and it is only by accident or stubbornness that
anyone can actually make use of them? That is an "interesting" argument.

>>> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
>>> difficult when functions become first class objects.
>> Again, that is an imaginary distinction.
> In is not imaginary. If you cannot use functions as a vehicle do define
> interface you need to come up with something else or drop the idea
> altogether.

Again, I can't figure out what you are talking about.

>> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
>> difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
>> implementation follows that specification or not.
> Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language. In
> imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of
> subprograms.

No, that is not what "specification" means. A declaration is just the
name, parameters, types, etc., of a function. A specification says what
the function /does/. In most programming, specifications are not
written in the language itself though some allow a limited form of
formal specification (such as pre-conditions and post-conditions).

> In OOPL it is types (classes) defined in terms of methods
> (members are built-in getter/setter methods). In FPL, typically, there
> is none, unless you introduce some meta functions, whatever. E.g.
> generics/templates exist for infinity and still have no reasonable
> specifications, and thus, are fundamentally non-testable. I do not care
> even a little bit about FP, but, my guess is that it must have similar
> issues.

So you think that in C, this is a "specification" :

int times_two(int);

while the Haskell equivalent :

times :: Int -> Int

is somehow completely different?

>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
>> functions are not operations on types.
> Yep.

Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages don't
have types or act on types? Maybe you are thinking of Forth, rather
than functional programming languages? Certainly you seem to have got a
very strange idea of functional programming.

Functional programming languages have supported generic programming and
type inference for a lot longer than most imperative languages, but
those are both standard for any serious modern imperative language (in
C++ you have templates and "auto", in other languages you have similar

>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types and
>> nothing else.
> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes some
> arguments in unrelated types.

Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented programming,
such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the original intention of
OOP which is now commonly called "actors" paradigm) are syntactic sugar
for a function with the class instance as the first parameter.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 21, 2022, 4:25:24 PM11/21/22
On 2022-11-21 20:56, David Brown wrote:
> On 21/11/2022 17:08, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:

> I think perhaps, like many programmers, you have worked all your life
> with imperative programming and can't imagine or understand other
> paradigms.  You consider imperative as "the best" or "the most natural",
> simply because it is the most familiar to you.

Actually I worked a lot with declarative languages in AI (Prologue,
expert systems etc) and pattern matching (e.g. SNOBOL). My deep distrust
to declarative approach come from that time greatly supported by
relational paradigm.

> Oh, so you think functional programming languages are designed and
> intended to be useless, and it is only by accident or stubbornness that
> anyone can actually make use of them?  That is an "interesting" argument.

Absolutely. Most languages fall into this category. It is not a unique
feature of FPLs...

>>>> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
>>>> difficult when functions become first class objects.
>>> Again, that is an imaginary distinction.
>> In is not imaginary. If you cannot use functions as a vehicle do
>> define interface you need to come up with something else or drop the
>> idea altogether.
> Again, I can't figure out what you are talking about.

About specifications stating some part of behavior, but not implementing
the behavior.

>>> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
>>> difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
>>> implementation follows that specification or not.
>> Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language. In
>> imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of subprograms.
> No, that is not what "specification" means.  A declaration is just the
> name, parameters, types, etc., of a function.  A specification says what
> the function /does/.

That is same. When you specify type, to say what the object "does" by
being of that type.

> In most programming, specifications are not
> written in the language itself though some allow a limited form of
> formal specification (such as pre-conditions and post-conditions).

You have them in the languages or you have not. Clearly specifications
form a meta language on top of the object core language.

>> In OOPL it is types (classes) defined in terms of methods (members are
>> built-in getter/setter methods). In FPL, typically, there is none,
>> unless you introduce some meta functions, whatever. E.g.
>> generics/templates exist for infinity and still have no reasonable
>> specifications, and thus, are fundamentally non-testable. I do not
>> care even a little bit about FP, but, my guess is that it must have
>> similar issues.
> So you think that in C, this is a "specification" :
>     int times_two(int);
> while the Haskell equivalent :
>     times :: Int -> Int
> is somehow completely different?

No. But also there is nothing specifically "functional" in these
primitive specifications. They are not even first class. You didn't wrote:

int (int) times_two; // Some functional C (no pun intended (:-))

The point is that if you take some really fancy functional stuff, it
would be difficult or, maybe, useless to formally describe in some meta
language of specifications.

>>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
>>> functions are not operations on types.
>> Yep.
> Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages don't
> have types or act on types?

It was you who said "Functional programming language functions are not
operations on types." I only agreed with you. Again, it might be
possible to build a complete type algebra on top of "functional" quirks.
But there are enough unresolved problems already without bringing
first-class functions in. So, why bother? Passing a subprogram as
parameter (downward closure) covers all my needs. Objects parametrized
by functions? That looks too much. Yes, I hate templates and generics,
before you ask... (:-))

> Functional programming languages have supported generic programming and
> type inference for a lot longer than most imperative languages, but
> those are both standard for any serious modern imperative language (in
> C++ you have templates and "auto", in other languages you have similar
> features).

Type inference is a separate, and very controversial issue.

>>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types and
>>> nothing else.
>> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes
>> some arguments in unrelated types.
> Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented programming,
> such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the original intention of
> OOP which is now commonly called "actors" paradigm) are syntactic sugar
> for a function with the class instance as the first parameter.

Not really, because methods dispatch. A method acts on the class and its
implementation consists of separate bodies, which is the core of OO
decomposition as opposed to other paradigms.

David Brown

Nov 22, 2022, 9:11:04 AM11/22/22
On 21/11/2022 22:25, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-21 20:56, David Brown wrote:
>> On 21/11/2022 17:08, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> I think perhaps, like many programmers, you have worked all your life
>> with imperative programming and can't imagine or understand other
>> paradigms.  You consider imperative as "the best" or "the most
>> natural", simply because it is the most familiar to you.
> Actually I worked a lot with declarative languages in AI (Prologue,
> expert systems etc) and pattern matching (e.g. SNOBOL). My deep distrust
> to declarative approach come from that time greatly supported by
> relational paradigm.

Assuming you mean Prolog (there may be a language called Prologue that I
don't know about), it is declarative (rather than imperative) but it is
not a functional programming language. And SNOBOL is considered
imperative, not declarative, but is really in a class of its own.
Familiarity with these gives you a broader background than many
programmers, but no insight or experience with functional programming.

>> Oh, so you think functional programming languages are designed and
>> intended to be useless, and it is only by accident or stubbornness
>> that anyone can actually make use of them?  That is an "interesting"
>> argument.
> Absolutely. Most languages fall into this category. It is not a unique
> feature of FPLs...

That is quite a cynical viewpoint!

>>>>> Pragmatically, separation of specification and implementation is
>>>>> difficult when functions become first class objects.
>>>> Again, that is an imaginary distinction.
>>> In is not imaginary. If you cannot use functions as a vehicle do
>>> define interface you need to come up with something else or drop the
>>> idea altogether.
>> Again, I can't figure out what you are talking about.
> About specifications stating some part of behavior, but not implementing
> the behavior.
>>>> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
>>>> difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
>>>> implementation follows that specification or not.
>>> Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language.
>>> In imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of
>>> subprograms.
>> No, that is not what "specification" means.  A declaration is just the
>> name, parameters, types, etc., of a function.  A specification says
>> what the function /does/.
> That is same. When you specify type, to say what the object "does" by
> being of that type.

No, they are not the same at all. A declaration is needed to use the
function (or other object) in the language. A specification says what
the function does (or should do). There may be a bit of overlap (maybe
both say they take an integer input parameter), but that's usually all.

>> In most programming, specifications are not written in the language
>> itself though some allow a limited form of formal specification (such
>> as pre-conditions and post-conditions).
> You have them in the languages or you have not. Clearly specifications
> form a meta language on top of the object core language.

No, it is not "clearly" at all. If a programming language allows
specifications of some sort as part of the language, then it is part of
the language. If it does not, then it is not part of the language -
specifications then have to be written independently (such as in a
separate human-language document) and are not in a "meta language".

>>> In OOPL it is types (classes) defined in terms of methods (members
>>> are built-in getter/setter methods). In FPL, typically, there is
>>> none, unless you introduce some meta functions, whatever. E.g.
>>> generics/templates exist for infinity and still have no reasonable
>>> specifications, and thus, are fundamentally non-testable. I do not
>>> care even a little bit about FP, but, my guess is that it must have
>>> similar issues.
>> So you think that in C, this is a "specification" :
>>      int times_two(int);
>> while the Haskell equivalent :
>>      times :: Int -> Int
>> is somehow completely different?
> No. But also there is nothing specifically "functional" in these
> primitive specifications.

There was not intended to be anything "functional" about them. You said
that in imperative languages, a declaration is a specification, while in
functional programming languages you have no specifications. I showed
that you can have exactly the same kind of declarations in both
languages - the differences you are claiming are imaginary. (Such
declarations are not specifications in either language.)

Incidentally, you /do/ understand that "object oriented" is orthogonal
to imperative/declarative ? Many functional programming are object
oriented, just as many imperative languages are not.

> They are not even first class.

"Int" is a first class object type in Haskell and C. The "times"
function is a first class object type in Haskell, but not in C.

> You didn't wrote:
>    int (int) times_two;  // Some functional C (no pun intended (:-))

Indeed I didn't write that - it is not syntactically correct in either
sample language.

I could have written a declaration for a higher order function in Haskell:

do_twice :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)

That takes a function that is int-to-int, and returns a function that is

But then it would have been impossible to give the equivalent in C. The
nearest you could do would be :

typedef int (*int_to_int_fp)(int);
int_to_int_fp do_twice(int_to_int_fp);

It needs a typedef (there is, AFAIK, no way to return a function pointer
type without it), and it is in terms of function pointers, not functions.

And again - these are declarations, not specifications.

> The point is that if you take some really fancy functional stuff, it
> would be difficult or, maybe, useless to formally describe in some meta
> language of specifications.

A function that cannot sensibly be described is of little use to anyone.
That is completely independent of the programming language paradigm.
If no one can tell you want "foo" does, you can't use it. I cannot see
any way in which imperative languages differ from declarative languages
in that respect.

>>>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>>>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
>>>> functions are not operations on types.
>>> Yep.
>> Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages don't
>> have types or act on types?
> It was you who said "Functional programming language functions are not
> operations on types." I only agreed with you.

I think I see the source of confusion. When you wrote "each function is
an operation on some types", you mean functions that operate on
/instances/ of certain types. There is a vast difference between
operating on /instances/, and operating on /types/.

In functional programming languages (and languages that support
functional programming features, such as C++), functions can operate on
/instances/ (like "foo(100)") and on /functions/ (like "foo(bar)"), but
not on /types/ (like "foo(int)"). A function on types could be, say, a
"make_pair" function that took a type as its parameter and returned a
type that was a tuple of two of that type.

Some languages support this kind of thing, to some extent at least. In
a functional programming language you might have "constructor" functions
that create new values of a given type, and of course you could have a
higher-order function that takes constructor functions and returns
constructor functions. In C++, you can have a class template that takes
other types as parameters. In Python, you can operate on classes as
first-class objects. In C, you can do some type manipulation with macros.

I think what you meant to say was that in imperative languages, you
define functions to act on particular types (the types of the
parameters), while in functional programming you don't give the types of
the parameters so they operate on "anything".

This is, of course, wrong in both senses. More advanced imperative let
you define functions that operate on many types - they are known as
template functions in C++, generics in Ada, and similarly in other
languages. And in functional programming languages you can specify
types as precisely or generically as you want.

> Again, it might be
> possible to build a complete type algebra on top of "functional" quirks.
> But there are enough unresolved problems already without bringing
> first-class functions in. So, why bother? Passing a subprogram as
> parameter (downward closure) covers all my needs. Objects parametrized
> by functions? That looks too much. Yes, I hate templates and generics,
> before you ask... (:-))

You like a programming language where you can understand a near
one-to-one correspondence between the source language and the generated
assembly. Fair enough - that's a valid and reasonable preference.

I have nothing against preferences. I just don't understand how people
can dismiss other options as impractical, useless, unintuitive,
impossible to use, or whatever, simply because those other languages are
not a style that they are familiar with or not a style they like.

>> Functional programming languages have supported generic programming
>> and type inference for a lot longer than most imperative languages,
>> but those are both standard for any serious modern imperative language
>> (in C++ you have templates and "auto", in other languages you have
>> similar features).
> Type inference is a separate, and very controversial issue.

It is only as controversial as any other feature where you have a
trade-off between implicit and explicit information. It is not really
any more controversial than the implicit conversions found in many
languages and user types.

And it is not a separate issue - unless you are using a dynamic language
that supports objects of any type in any place (with run-time checking
when the objects are used), type inference is essential to how generic
programming works. A function (or class, or whatever) is defined with a
generic parameter, and when it is used in the code, type inference is
used to determine the real type in use and therefore the real function
to make and use. (Type inference can also be used without generics,
such as the "__auto_type" gcc extension to C, which may be part of
future C23.)

>>>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types and
>>>> nothing else.
>>> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes
>>> some arguments in unrelated types.
>> Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented
>> programming, such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the original
>> intention of OOP which is now commonly called "actors" paradigm) are
>> syntactic sugar for a function with the class instance as the first
>> parameter.
> Not really, because methods dispatch. A method acts on the class and its
> implementation consists of separate bodies, which is the core of OO
> decomposition as opposed to other paradigms.

Methods do not act on classes - they act on instances of a class (plus
any static members of the class). They can be very neat and convenient
syntactic sugar, but that's all they are. Some languages allow syntaxes
"" and "foo(x)" as alternatives that mean exactly the same thing.
The precise method of matching up the call syntax with the function
code to use varies - you have different kinds of name lookups, with some
done at compile-time, some at run-time, some via names and some via
structure information (that would include C++ virtual methods).

Tying function code to method names or free function names is just
naming syntax details, not an operation on the class or type itself.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 22, 2022, 10:24:46 AM11/22/22
On 2022-11-22 15:11, David Brown wrote:

> Familiarity with these gives you a broader background than many
> programmers, but no insight or experience with functional programming.

I don't pretend. I said I don't buy declarative approach and I don't buy
first-class functions, however you shape them.

>>> Oh, so you think functional programming languages are designed and
>>> intended to be useless, and it is only by accident or stubbornness
>>> that anyone can actually make use of them?  That is an "interesting"
>>> argument.
>> Absolutely. Most languages fall into this category. It is not a unique
>> feature of FPLs...
> That is quite a cynical viewpoint!

Grows from familiarity... (:-))

>>>>> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes no
>>>>> difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether the
>>>>> implementation follows that specification or not.
>>>> Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language.
>>>> In imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of
>>>> subprograms.
>>> No, that is not what "specification" means.  A declaration is just
>>> the name, parameters, types, etc., of a function.  A specification
>>> says what the function /does/.
>> That is same. When you specify type, to say what the object "does" by
>> being of that type.
> No, they are not the same at all.  A declaration is needed to use the
> function (or other object) in the language.

Almost no language declare naked names. Most combine that with
specification of what these names are supposed to mean = behave.

>>> In most programming, specifications are not written in the language
>>> itself though some allow a limited form of formal specification (such
>>> as pre-conditions and post-conditions).
>> You have them in the languages or you have not. Clearly specifications
>> form a meta language on top of the object core language.
> No, it is not "clearly" at all.  If a programming language allows
> specifications of some sort as part of the language, then it is part of
> the language.  If it does not, then it is not part of the language -
> specifications then have to be written independently (such as in a
> separate human-language document) and are not in a "meta language".

If it is not a part of the language, then there is nothing to talk about.

>>>> In OOPL it is types (classes) defined in terms of methods (members
>>>> are built-in getter/setter methods). In FPL, typically, there is
>>>> none, unless you introduce some meta functions, whatever. E.g.
>>>> generics/templates exist for infinity and still have no reasonable
>>>> specifications, and thus, are fundamentally non-testable. I do not
>>>> care even a little bit about FP, but, my guess is that it must have
>>>> similar issues.
>>> So you think that in C, this is a "specification" :
>>>      int times_two(int);
>>> while the Haskell equivalent :
>>>      times :: Int -> Int
>>> is somehow completely different?
>> No. But also there is nothing specifically "functional" in these
>> primitive specifications.
> There was not intended to be anything "functional" about them.  You said
> that in imperative languages, a declaration is a specification, while in
> functional programming languages you have no specifications.  I showed
> that you can have exactly the same kind of declarations in both
> languages - the differences you are claiming are imaginary.  (Such
> declarations are not specifications in either language.)

You showed a non-functional part. I said that marrying specifications
with "functional" would be IMO difficult. Too much power of function
construction to predict and constrain the behavior.

> Incidentally, you /do/ understand that "object oriented" is orthogonal
> to imperative/declarative ?  Many functional programming are object
> oriented, just as many imperative languages are not.
>> They are not even first class.
> "Int" is a first class object type in Haskell and C.  The "times"
> function is a first class object type in Haskell, but not in C.
>> You didn't wrote:
>>     int (int) times_two;  // Some functional C (no pun intended (:-))
> Indeed I didn't write that - it is not syntactically correct in either
> sample language.
> I could have written a declaration for a higher order function in Haskell:
>     do_twice :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
> That takes a function that is int-to-int, and returns a function that is
> int-to-int.

Not the same. int (int) times_two; is supposedly a variable which values
are int-valued functions taking one int argument. That would be the
least possible case of first-class functions.

> And again - these are declarations, not specifications.

They are rudimentary specifications. To elaborate them is difficult in C
and in an FPL.

>> The point is that if you take some really fancy functional stuff, it
>> would be difficult or, maybe, useless to formally describe in some
>> meta language of specifications.
> A function that cannot sensibly be described is of little use to anyone.
>  That is completely independent of the programming language paradigm.
> If no one can tell you want "foo" does, you can't use it.  I cannot see
> any way in which imperative languages differ from declarative languages
> in that respect.

That comment was on the first-class functions. If you have a
sufficiently complex algebra generating functions, especially during
run-time, it becomes difficult to describe the result in specifications.

Declarative approach is merely difficult to understand and thus to reuse
and maintain code.

>>>>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>>>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>>>>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
>>>>> functions are not operations on types.
>>>> Yep.
>>> Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages don't
>>> have types or act on types?
>> It was you who said "Functional programming language functions are not
>> operations on types." I only agreed with you.
> I think I see the source of confusion.  When you wrote "each function is
> an operation on some types", you mean functions that operate on
> /instances/ of certain types.  There is a vast difference between
> operating on /instances/, and operating on /types/.

I did not mean first-class type objects (types of types). They raise the
same objections as first-class procedural objects (types of
subprograms). It would be surely interesting as an academia research and
a nightmare in production code.

Acting on a type means being a function of the type domain. E.g. sine
acts on R. R is a type ("field" etc).

> I think what you meant to say was that in imperative languages, you
> define functions to act on particular types (the types of the
> parameters), while in functional programming you don't give the types of
> the parameters so they operate on "anything".

No, that would be untyped. Most FPLs are typed, I hope.

> This is, of course, wrong in both senses.  More advanced imperative let
> you define functions that operate on many types - they are known as
> template functions in C++, generics in Ada, and similarly in other
> languages.

That is acting on a class. Class is a set of types, e.g. built by
derivation closure in OO or ad-hoc as "any macro expansion the compiler
would swallow" in the case of templates... (:-))

> And in functional programming languages you can specify
> types as precisely or generically as you want.

I don't see why an FPL could not include some "non-functional" core.
Like C++ contains non-OO stuff borrowed from C. But talking about
advantages and disadvantages of a given paradigm we must discuss the new
stuff. Old stuff usually indicates incompleteness of the paradigm. E.g.
C++, Java, Ada are nowhere close to be 100% OO. On the contrary, they
are non-OO most of the time.

> You like a programming language where you can understand a near
> one-to-one correspondence between the source language and the generated
> assembly.  Fair enough - that's a valid and reasonable preference.

Much weaker that that. I want to be able to recognize complexity and
algorithm and have limited effects on the computational environment.
Basically, small things must look small and big things big. If there is
a loop or recursion I'd like to be aware of these. I also like to have
"uninteresting" details hidden. But I want sufficient stuff like memory
management, blocking etc exposed.

> I have nothing against preferences.  I just don't understand how people
> can dismiss other options as impractical, useless, unintuitive,
> impossible to use, or whatever, simply because those other languages are
> not a style that they are familiar with or not a style they like.

You get me wrong. It is not about style, though that is often more
important than anything else. My concern is with the paradigm as a whole.
>>> Functional programming languages have supported generic programming
>>> and type inference for a lot longer than most imperative languages,
>>> but those are both standard for any serious modern imperative
>>> language (in C++ you have templates and "auto", in other languages
>>> you have similar features).
>> Type inference is a separate, and very controversial issue.
> It is only as controversial as any other feature where you have a
> trade-off between implicit and explicit information.  It is not really
> any more controversial than the implicit conversions found in many
> languages and user types.

Yes, and there should be none in a well-typed program.

> And it is not a separate issue - unless you are using a dynamic language
> that supports objects of any type in any place (with run-time checking
> when the objects are used), type inference is essential to how generic
> programming works.

No, you can have static polymorphism without inference. You possibly
mean some evil automatic instantiations of generics instead, like in
C++. I don't want automatic instantiation either.

>>>>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types
>>>>> and nothing else.
>>>> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes
>>>> some arguments in unrelated types.
>>> Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented
>>> programming, such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the
>>> original intention of OOP which is now commonly called "actors"
>>> paradigm) are syntactic sugar for a function with the class instance
>>> as the first parameter.
>> Not really, because methods dispatch. A method acts on the class and
>> its implementation consists of separate bodies, which is the core of
>> OO decomposition as opposed to other paradigms.
> Methods do not act on classes - they act on instances of a class (plus
> any static members of the class).

Rather on the closure of the class. Class is a set of types. Method acts
on all values from all instances of the set.

> Tying function code to method names or free function names is just
> naming syntax details, not an operation on the class or type itself.

No, free function does not dispatch if class is involved. It has the
same body is valid for values of all instances. A method selects a body
according to the actual instance. The selected body could be composed
out of several bodies like C++'s constructors and destructions, which
are no methods, but one could imagine a language with that sort of
composition of methods.

Andy Walker

Nov 22, 2022, 3:01:18 PM11/22/22
On 22/11/2022 15:24, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-22 15:11, David Brown wrote:
>> [...] It is not really any more controversial than the implicit
>> conversions found in many languages and user types.
> Yes, and there should be none in a well-typed program.

Virtually every computer language since time began has glossed
over the distinction between constants and variables in simple arithmetic
expressions [and in contexts such as parameters to functions]. You can
use an implicit dereference or you can make things harder for programmers;
I know which I prefer.

Personally, in the interests of making programming easier, I'm in
favour of more, not fewer, implicit conversions. If these are well-chosen,
you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions. I see little
point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
"sqrt(2.0)" [or "sqrt((real) i))"] instead; can't write "print (x)" but
must write "(void) print (x)" [as "print" happens to return the number of
characters printed, which you happen not to care about on this occasion];
or, for consistency, can't write "j := i" but must write "j := (deref) i"
instead. It's not as though in any of these constructs there is reason
ever to expect the implicit coercions not to apply, so that some errors
are missed. But some people seem to prefer hair shirts.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 22, 2022, 3:26:27 PM11/22/22
On 2022-11-22 21:01, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 22/11/2022 15:24, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-11-22 15:11, David Brown wrote:
>>> [...] It is not really any more controversial than the implicit
>>> conversions found in many languages and user types.
>> Yes, and there should be none in a well-typed program.
>     Virtually every computer language since time began has glossed
> over the distinction between constants and variables in simple arithmetic
> expressions [and in contexts such as parameters to functions].  You can
> use an implicit dereference or you can make things harder for programmers;
> I know which I prefer.
>     Personally, in the interests of making programming easier, I'm in
> favour of more, not fewer, implicit conversions.

If you want no conversions you must state that the value is of a subtype.

> If these are well-chosen,

By the programmer, see above.

> you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions.  I see little
> point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
> "sqrt(2.0)"

They could, should 2 be a subtype of Float (or whatever). There is no
reason why this must be determined by the language. Technically, it
would introduce a lot of ambiguities and thus make programming more
difficult because the programmer must then use qualified expressions to

> or, for consistency, can't write "j := i" but must write "j := (deref) i"
> instead.

Surely a pointer type can be a subtype of the target type. It is so in
Ada for array index, record member, function call. Not for assignment,
though. But again, that must be up to the programmer. The type system
must provide ad-hoc subtypes.

David Brown

Nov 23, 2022, 5:32:33 AM11/23/22
On 22/11/2022 16:24, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-22 15:11, David Brown wrote:
>> Familiarity with these gives you a broader background than many
>> programmers, but no insight or experience with functional programming.
> I don't pretend. I said I don't buy declarative approach and I don't buy
> first-class functions, however you shape them.

OK, I suppose - but I hope you'll forgive me if I don't believe you have
demonstrated enough experience or knowledge for your thoughts on
functional programming languages to carry any weight beyond personal
dislike. (I won't argue with personal tastes, as long as it is clear
that it is /your/ preferences for the programming /you/ do.)

>>>> Oh, so you think functional programming languages are designed and
>>>> intended to be useless, and it is only by accident or stubbornness
>>>> that anyone can actually make use of them?  That is an "interesting"
>>>> argument.
>>> Absolutely. Most languages fall into this category. It is not a
>>> unique feature of FPLs...
>> That is quite a cynical viewpoint!
> Grows from familiarity... (:-))
>>>>>> Whether the language supports first-class functions or not makes
>>>>>> no difference as to how well specified functions are, or whether
>>>>>> the implementation follows that specification or not.
>>>>> Specification is a declarative layer on top of the object language.
>>>>> In imperative procedural languages that layer is declaration of
>>>>> subprograms.
>>>> No, that is not what "specification" means.  A declaration is just
>>>> the name, parameters, types, etc., of a function.  A specification
>>>> says what the function /does/.
>>> That is same. When you specify type, to say what the object "does" by
>>> being of that type.
>> No, they are not the same at all.  A declaration is needed to use the
>> function (or other object) in the language.
> Almost no language declare naked names. Most combine that with
> specification of what these names are supposed to mean = behave.

Again - you are mixing up specifications and declarations.

"int foo(int x)" is a /declaration/. It is all you need in C to be able
to use the function to compile code, and similar declarations are all
you need in most other languages. It is /not/ a /specification/. It
says /nothing/ about what the function means, does, or how it behaves.

If I ask you "write a function called "check" that takes a double and
returns a boolean", what would you do? You can't write that function -
you have no idea what it is going to do. I, on the other hand, can put
"bool check(double);" in my code and compile my program. How the whole
thing behaves is another matter, because you have no specification for
the function - merely its declaration.

/Please/ tell me you understand the difference! We are not going to get
far if you don't see that.
I haven't given any specifications - nor have you. We have not
discussed any particular concrete functions that could be specified.

If you like, we could write this in Haskell :

do_twice :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
do_twice f x = f (f x)

The first line is the declaration, which is often not necessary as the
compiler will figure it out for itself. Programmers might want more
control - for example, if you only want the function to handle int to
int functions, you could write :

do_twice :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
do_twice f x = f (f x)

As a specification, you could say "function "do_twice" should take a
function as an argument, and return a function that has the same effect
as applying the original function twice".

So, now you have an example of a higher level function and its
specification - /and/ an implementation, /and/ a declaration. Was that
so difficult?

>> Incidentally, you /do/ understand that "object oriented" is orthogonal
>> to imperative/declarative ?  Many functional programming are object
>> oriented, just as many imperative languages are not.
>>> They are not even first class.
>> "Int" is a first class object type in Haskell and C.  The "times"
>> function is a first class object type in Haskell, but not in C.
>>> You didn't wrote:
>>>     int (int) times_two;  // Some functional C (no pun intended (:-))
>> Indeed I didn't write that - it is not syntactically correct in either
>> sample language.
>> I could have written a declaration for a higher order function in
>> Haskell:
>>      do_twice :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
>> That takes a function that is int-to-int, and returns a function that
>> is int-to-int.
> Not the same. int (int) times_two; is supposedly a variable which values
> are int-valued functions taking one int argument. That would be the
> least possible case of first-class functions.

I am sorry, I really cannot understand what you are trying to say here.
You seem to be mixing up types, variables and functions here.

I could have written :

type IntFunc = Int -> Int
do_twice :: Func -> Func
do_twice f x = f (f x)

This would have been the same thing as the previous Int only "do_twice".

>> And again - these are declarations, not specifications.
> They are rudimentary specifications. To elaborate them is difficult in C
> and in an FPL.

No, declarations are not specifications at all. They give you the name
and the types involved - they don't say what the function should do.
The nearest you have to a specification is a good choice of name.

Arguably, functional programming is often just a formalised and precise
language for writing your specifications. Functional programming is
primarily concerned with what a function should /do/, and much less
concerned about /how/ it should do it. The Haskell implementation of
"do_twice" above is as clear a specification as the English language
specification I gave.

For real functional code, you will often define functions in a way that
gives the general direction for how it will work. For example, a simple
quicksort Haskell function could be :

qs [] = []
qs (x : xs) = (qs left) ++ [x] ++ (qs right)
left = filter (< x) xs
right = filter (>= x) xs

That could be considered a technical specification of a quicksort
algorithm. A more advanced Haskell implementation would use in-place
sorting for efficiency.

>>> The point is that if you take some really fancy functional stuff, it
>>> would be difficult or, maybe, useless to formally describe in some
>>> meta language of specifications.
>> A function that cannot sensibly be described is of little use to
>> anyone.   That is completely independent of the programming language
>> paradigm. If no one can tell you want "foo" does, you can't use it.  I
>> cannot see any way in which imperative languages differ from
>> declarative languages in that respect.
> That comment was on the first-class functions. If you have a
> sufficiently complex algebra generating functions, especially during
> run-time, it becomes difficult to describe the result in specifications.

Is your dislike of functional programming really just that it is
possible to write higher order functions that you can't understand or
describe? People can write crap in any language. Just have a look at
<> and you can see examples of indescribable
code in every language you can imagine.

> Declarative approach is merely difficult to understand and thus to reuse
> and maintain code.

It is okay to say "/I/ don't understand language X, so I don't use it".
It is not okay to make general claims about what other people
understand. You can be sure that people who program in functional
programming languages /do/ understand what they are doing, and /can/
maintain and reuse their code.

Some languages have a reputation for being "write only", with Perl being
the prime contender. I've never heard that about any functional
programming language - and I challenge you to back up your claims with
references. Fail that, and you are just another whiner who mocks things
they don't understand rather accept they don't know everything.

>>>>>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>>>>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>>>>>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming language
>>>>>> functions are not operations on types.
>>>>> Yep.
>>>> Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages don't
>>>> have types or act on types?
>>> It was you who said "Functional programming language functions are
>>> not operations on types." I only agreed with you.
>> I think I see the source of confusion.  When you wrote "each function
>> is an operation on some types", you mean functions that operate on
>> /instances/ of certain types.  There is a vast difference between
>> operating on /instances/, and operating on /types/.
> I did not mean first-class type objects (types of types). They raise the
> same objections as first-class procedural objects (types of
> subprograms). It would be surely interesting as an academia research and
> a nightmare in production code.
> Acting on a type means being a function of the type domain. E.g. sine
> acts on R. R is a type ("field" etc).

So when you write "act on a type", you mean "act on an instance of a
type" - just like "sine" acts on real numbers, or members of R, and not
on the set R.

>> I think what you meant to say was that in imperative languages, you
>> define functions to act on particular types (the types of the
>> parameters), while in functional programming you don't give the types
>> of the parameters so they operate on "anything".
> No, that would be untyped. Most FPLs are typed, I hope.

No, it would be generic programming. Generic programming is not the
same as untyped programming - in generic programming your functions are
defined to work with many types but each /use/ of the function is on
values of specific types. A fair bit of functional programming is
generic, but some of it is type-specific - you can have both (just as
you can in many languages).

>> This is, of course, wrong in both senses.  More advanced imperative
>> let you define functions that operate on many types - they are known
>> as template functions in C++, generics in Ada, and similarly in other
>> languages.
> That is acting on a class. Class is a set of types, e.g. built by
> derivation closure in OO or ad-hoc as "any macro expansion the compiler
> would swallow" in the case of templates... (:-))

Again - no. While the definition of "class" (and even "type") varies
between languages, classes are not "sets of types". (And again, you are
mixing up "acting on something" with "acting on instances of
something".) What you are describing there is a type hierarchy in a
language with nominal subtyping - basically, the way class inheritance
works in C++ and Java. That is not the only way to do object-oriented
typing in a language.

>> And in functional programming languages you can specify types as
>> precisely or generically as you want.
> I don't see why an FPL could not include some "non-functional" core.
> Like C++ contains non-OO stuff borrowed from C. But talking about
> advantages and disadvantages of a given paradigm we must discuss the new
> stuff. Old stuff usually indicates incompleteness of the paradigm. E.g.
> C++, Java, Ada are nowhere close to be 100% OO. On the contrary, they
> are non-OO most of the time.

Smalltalk is one of the few languages that could be considered entirely

But yes, many successful programming are multi-paradigm, and support
different ways of coding. C++ and Python support many different ways,
including functional, object-oriented, generic and procedural coding.
OCaml is primarily a functional programming language but it also
supports imperative coding. (It is also object oriented, but as I've
said before that is orthogonal to functional/imperative choices.)

Supporting multiple types of coding makes a language more flexible. But
it also comes at a cost. C++'s support for function overloading and
functional coding means there is no longer the near one-to-one
relationship between source code and assembly code that is so useful in
C for low-level debugging. OCaml's support for modifiable variables
means you don't get the level of correctness provability or thread
safety found in purer functional programming languages.

>> You like a programming language where you can understand a near
>> one-to-one correspondence between the source language and the
>> generated assembly.  Fair enough - that's a valid and reasonable
>> preference.
> Much weaker that that. I want to be able to recognize complexity and
> algorithm and have limited effects on the computational environment.
> Basically, small things must look small and big things big. If there is
> a loop or recursion I'd like to be aware of these. I also like to have
> "uninteresting" details hidden. But I want sufficient stuff like memory
> management, blocking etc exposed.

You are still drawing an arbitrary line and saying "I like stuff on this
side, I don't want anything to do with stuff on the other side". Again,
there's nothing wrong with that - I think everyone does this.
(Personally, I work with a very wide range of programming. The line I
use for small embedded systems is in a very different place from the one
I use for PC programming.)

What is /not/ fine is to take your line and say "The stuff on this side
is good - it is good engineering and programming, letting people write
clear and maintainable code. The stuff on the other side is
incomprehensible, impractical nonsense that doesn't work."

(I've been through this with others - I really cannot understand how
some people get so narrow-minded and insular that they believe anything
different from their familiar little world is /wrong/.)

>> I have nothing against preferences.  I just don't understand how
>> people can dismiss other options as impractical, useless, unintuitive,
>> impossible to use, or whatever, simply because those other languages
>> are not a style that they are familiar with or not a style they like.
> You get me wrong. It is not about style, though that is often more
> important than anything else. My concern is with the paradigm as a whole.
>>>> Functional programming languages have supported generic programming
>>>> and type inference for a lot longer than most imperative languages,
>>>> but those are both standard for any serious modern imperative
>>>> language (in C++ you have templates and "auto", in other languages
>>>> you have similar features).
>>> Type inference is a separate, and very controversial issue.
>> It is only as controversial as any other feature where you have a
>> trade-off between implicit and explicit information.  It is not really
>> any more controversial than the implicit conversions found in many
>> languages and user types.
> Yes, and there should be none in a well-typed program.


>> And it is not a separate issue - unless you are using a dynamic
>> language that supports objects of any type in any place (with run-time
>> checking when the objects are used), type inference is essential to
>> how generic programming works.
> No, you can have static polymorphism without inference. You possibly
> mean some evil automatic instantiations of generics instead, like in
> C++. I don't want automatic instantiation either.

You cannot have generic programming without type inference - that's what
I said, and that's what I mean. What you /want/, or what you personally
choose to use, is irrelevant.

template <class T>
T add_one(T x) { return x + 1; }

int foo(int x) {
return add_one(x);

Type inference is how the compiler calls the right "add_one" instance
and how it determines what the type "T" actually is in the concrete
function call.

Type inference is not magic - compilers already have to figure out the
type of object instances in order to do type checking, implicit
conversions, and the like. gcc's "typeof" operator gives you it as a
simple extension to C (and which will perhaps become part of C23).

Using it too much in a language like C++ can make code harder to
understand - when you have "auto x = bar();", anyone reading the code
needs to make more of an effort to find the real type of "x". But if
the types involved are complicated, then it makes code much clearer,
more flexible and maintainable, and far more likely to be correct. It
is a sharp tool, and must be used responsibly.

>>>>>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types
>>>>>> and nothing else.
>>>>> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function" takes
>>>>> some arguments in unrelated types.
>>>> Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented
>>>> programming, such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the
>>>> original intention of OOP which is now commonly called "actors"
>>>> paradigm) are syntactic sugar for a function with the class instance
>>>> as the first parameter.
>>> Not really, because methods dispatch. A method acts on the class and
>>> its implementation consists of separate bodies, which is the core of
>>> OO decomposition as opposed to other paradigms.
>> Methods do not act on classes - they act on instances of a class (plus
>> any static members of the class).
> Rather on the closure of the class. Class is a set of types. Method acts
> on all values from all instances of the set.

I am assuming you are not using the word "closure" in the sense normally
used in programming. You mean a hierarchy of object types in a nominal
typing system with inheritance. Methods act on instances of a class,
and the same method may be able to act on instances of more than one
class in the hierarchy. Any given invocation is on a specific instance
of a specific class.

>> Tying function code to method names or free function names is just
>> naming syntax details, not an operation on the class or type itself.
> No, free function does not dispatch if class is involved. It has the
> same body is valid for values of all instances. A method selects a body
> according to the actual instance. The selected body could be composed
> out of several bodies like C++'s constructors and destructions, which
> are no methods, but one could imagine a language with that sort of
> composition of methods.

Suppose you have a class "A" with a non-virtual method "foo", and a
virtual method "bar". class "B" inherits from "A" and overrides both

A a;
B b;
A * ap;
B * bp;; // A_foo(&a); // B_foo(&b)

ap = &a;
ap->foo(); // A_foo(&a)

ap = &b;
ap->foo(); // A_foo(&b) - probably wrong

bp = &a; // Compile-time error

bp = &b;
bp->foo(); // B_foo(&b); // A_bar(&a); // B_bar(&b)

ap = &a;
ap->bar(); // A_bar(&a) - dynamic dispatch

ap = &b;
ap->bar(); // B_bar(&b) - dynamic dispatch

bp = &a; // Compile-time error

bp = &b;
bp->bar(); // B_bar(&b)

For the non-virtual methods, you could have written :

void foo(A* a) { A_foo(a); }
void foo(B* b) { B_foo(b); }

Now there is no difference between ";" and "foo(x);".

Method calls for non-virtual methods are just the same as free
functions, but with a convenient syntax.

The virtual methods are more interesting, since the dispatch is dynamic.
This is handled by giving each instance of the classes a hidden
pointer to a virtual method table. So now the free function "bar" is a
bit more complicated:

void bar(A* a) { a->__vt[index_of_bar](a); }

(Multiple inheritance makes this messier, but the principle is the same.)

David Brown

Nov 23, 2022, 5:44:28 AM11/23/22
There are always trade-offs.

int x;
unsigned int y;

What should be the result of "x + y" ? A signed int? An unsigned int?
Whichever choice you made, you could get an overflow depending on the
values of x and y, while the other choice would have been fine. Should
both types be bumped up to a bigger size of integer so the result is
always correct? Should it be an error and require an explicit
conversion to say what the programmer actually wants?

If you write "x / 2", should you have implicit conversion to floating
point to get a mathematically correct result?

Sometimes I want the integer square root if I use a square root function
on an integer - it is massively faster than floating point square root
on small systems.

Explicit conversions give the programmer more choices and more control,
and avoid many types of error. But they also need more code, can
distract from the "important bits" of the code, and can be too constraining.

A good compromise in some cases is to support function overloads. You
can define :

double sqrt(double);

and if integer square root is a useful feature for what you are doing,
you can also define :

int sqrt(int);


complex float sqrt(complex float);

or whatever interests you.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 23, 2022, 9:29:22 AM11/23/22
On 2022-11-23 11:32, David Brown wrote:
> On 22/11/2022 16:24, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-11-22 15:11, David Brown wrote:
>>> Familiarity with these gives you a broader background than many
>>> programmers, but no insight or experience with functional programming.
>> I don't pretend. I said I don't buy declarative approach and I don't
>> buy first-class functions, however you shape them.
> OK, I suppose - but I hope you'll forgive me if I don't believe you have
> demonstrated enough experience or knowledge for your thoughts on
> functional programming languages to carry any weight beyond personal
> dislike.  (I won't argue with personal tastes, as long as it is clear
> that it is /your/ preferences for the programming /you/ do.)

Just as with with astrology, it is my preference not to have much
experience with. Consider it a personal dislike.

[If you want argue objective properties of one or another approach, you
are welcome]

>> Almost no language declare naked names. Most combine that with
>> specification of what these names are supposed to mean = behave.
> Again - you are mixing up specifications and declarations.

Again, there is no difference. If no behavior is specified, no
declaration is even needed. Even forward declarations specify some
minimal behavior.

> "int foo(int x)" is a /declaration/.

and a specification. E.g. it does not return double.

> It is all you need in C to be able
> to use the function to compile code, and similar declarations are all
> you need in most other languages.  It is /not/ a /specification/.  It
> says /nothing/ about what the function means, does, or how it behaves.

It says which arguments and results it has and thus defines a call frame
as well as things necessary for linking.

No specification defines all behavior. That is the idea of having them.
They can constrain behavior allowing multiple implementations.
Specifications can be written in a more powerful declarative language
than the object language itself. E.g. some specification might be
non-implementable, far easier to write.

> /Please/ tell me you understand the difference!  We are not going to get
> far if you don't see that.

There is no qualitative difference. Most specifications stop at being
simply typed. The next step is specifications ensuring substitutability
of subtypes. The next step are contracts on the results and so on.

> As a specification, you could say "function "do_twice" should take a
> function as an argument, and return a function that has the same effect
> as applying the original function twice".
> So, now you have an example of a higher level function and its
> specification - /and/ an implementation, /and/ a declaration.  Was that
> so difficult?

Not a helpful contract as it says nothing about the result. E.g.
considering an implementation of sine function as an example.

> I am sorry, I really cannot understand what you are trying to say here.
> You seem to be mixing up types, variables and functions here.

I thought you wanted to demonstrate declaration of a variable with a
function-type. But you actually did a higher-level function.

> Arguably, functional programming is often just a formalised and precise
> language for writing your specifications.  Functional programming is
> primarily concerned with what a function should /do/, and much less
> concerned about /how/ it should do it.

Since there is nothing else what = how. The program is what you see.
What happens behind the scenes is the "hardware." You cannot have it
both ways, which is the major argument against declarative approach.

> For real functional code, you will often define functions in a way that
> gives the general direction for how it will work.  For example, a simple
> quicksort Haskell function could be :
>     qs [] = []
>     qs (x : xs) = (qs left) ++ [x] ++ (qs right)
>         where
>         left = filter (< x) xs
>         right = filter (>= x) xs
> That could be considered a technical specification of a quicksort
> algorithm.

No, it is a program. You can argue that some simple algorithms can be
expressed in a very naive form. Yes, that is true, but it worthless for
programming, just like the school square root formula is.

> A more advanced Haskell implementation would use in-place
> sorting for efficiency.

And that is a program too.

>>>> The point is that if you take some really fancy functional stuff, it
>>>> would be difficult or, maybe, useless to formally describe in some
>>>> meta language of specifications.
>>> A function that cannot sensibly be described is of little use to
>>> anyone.   That is completely independent of the programming language
>>> paradigm. If no one can tell you want "foo" does, you can't use it.
>>> I cannot see any way in which imperative languages differ from
>>> declarative languages in that respect.
>> That comment was on the first-class functions. If you have a
>> sufficiently complex algebra generating functions, especially during
>> run-time, it becomes difficult to describe the result in specifications.
> Is your dislike of functional programming really just that it is
> possible to write higher order functions that you can't understand or
> describe?

No, my dislike stems from extensive using patterns, which some consider
precursor of functional languages. These things become unmaintainable in
a blink of the eye.

> People can write crap in any language.  Just have a look at
> <> and you can see examples of indescribable
> code in every language you can imagine.

And there is no reason helping them.

>> Declarative approach is merely difficult to understand and thus to
>> reuse and maintain code.
> It is okay to say "/I/ don't understand language X, so I don't use it".
> It is not okay to make general claims about what other people
> understand.  You can be sure that people who program in functional
> programming languages /do/ understand what they are doing, and /can/
> maintain and reuse their code.

People are using and enjoy even stranger things.

> Some languages have a reputation for being "write only", with Perl being
> the prime contender.  I've never heard that about any functional
> programming language - and I challenge you to back up your claims with
> references.  Fail that, and you are just another whiner who mocks things
> they don't understand rather accept they don't know everything.

I doubt there is any serious research on the subject of programming
paradigms in context of software engineering. Personal anecdotes are
entertaining but of little interest.

>>>>>>>> Another issue is treatment of types when each function is an
>>>>>>>> operation on some types and nothing else.
>>>>>>> I can't understand what you mean.  Functional programming
>>>>>>> language functions are not operations on types.
>>>>>> Yep.
>>>>> Oh, so you think functions in functional programming languages
>>>>> don't have types or act on types?
>>>> It was you who said "Functional programming language functions are
>>>> not operations on types." I only agreed with you.
>>> I think I see the source of confusion.  When you wrote "each function
>>> is an operation on some types", you mean functions that operate on
>>> /instances/ of certain types.  There is a vast difference between
>>> operating on /instances/, and operating on /types/.
>> I did not mean first-class type objects (types of types). They raise
>> the same objections as first-class procedural objects (types of
>> subprograms). It would be surely interesting as an academia research
>> and a nightmare in production code.
>> Acting on a type means being a function of the type domain. E.g. sine
>> acts on R. R is a type ("field" etc).
> So when you write "act on a type", you mean "act on an instance of a
> type" - just like "sine" acts on real numbers, or members of R, and not
> on the set R.

Not sure.

instance of a type = value of the type
real numbers = members of real
set R is ambiguous.

Usually set R presumes real numbers rather than just a bunch of real
values. E.g. you assume some structure elements of the set has that
makes it real numbers. Basically that is the difference between a type
and a set of its values. Type includes operations acting on the type =
taking some values of the type as arguments and/or returning results of.

>>> I think what you meant to say was that in imperative languages, you
>>> define functions to act on particular types (the types of the
>>> parameters), while in functional programming you don't give the types
>>> of the parameters so they operate on "anything".
>> No, that would be untyped. Most FPLs are typed, I hope.
> No, it would be generic programming.  Generic programming is not the
> same as untyped programming - in generic programming your functions are
> defined to work with many types but each /use/ of the function is on
> values of specific types.

That is irrelevant. Typing applies to the operation itself (to the
"macro") not to the effect of ("macro expansion"). In the case of
generics, C++ templates are untyped as you can use anything for the
generic parameter, it is basically textual substitution. Ada generics
are mostly weakly typed. But that is how generics are and why there
should be none.

> A fair bit of functional programming is
> generic, but some of it is type-specific - you can have both (just as
> you can in many languages).

If you mean higher-level functions, if structured equivalence is used,
then they are likely weakly- to untyped.

>>> This is, of course, wrong in both senses.  More advanced imperative
>>> let you define functions that operate on many types - they are known
>>> as template functions in C++, generics in Ada, and similarly in other
>>> languages.
>> That is acting on a class. Class is a set of types, e.g. built by
>> derivation closure in OO or ad-hoc as "any macro expansion the
>> compiler would swallow" in the case of templates... (:-))
> Again - no.  While the definition of "class" (and even "type") varies
> between languages, classes are not "sets of types".  (And again, you are
> mixing up "acting on something" with "acting on instances of
> something".)  What you are describing there is a type hierarchy in a
> language with nominal subtyping - basically, the way class inheritance
> works in C++ and Java.  That is not the only way to do object-oriented
> typing in a language.

No, it is not limited to dynamic polymorphism Class can be ad-hoc. E.g.
types from generic instances form an ad-hoc generic class. Class can be
implicit, e.g. all integer types in C form a class. The difference is
what you can do with values from the class, e.g. define operations
*acting* on the class. You cannot do that with C's class of integers.
You can do that at compile time only with generics. You can do that
unlimited with OO classes since they have run-time values.

>>> And in functional programming languages you can specify types as
>>> precisely or generically as you want.
>> I don't see why an FPL could not include some "non-functional" core.
>> Like C++ contains non-OO stuff borrowed from C. But talking about
>> advantages and disadvantages of a given paradigm we must discuss the
>> new stuff. Old stuff usually indicates incompleteness of the paradigm.
>> E.g. C++, Java, Ada are nowhere close to be 100% OO. On the contrary,
>> they are non-OO most of the time.
> Smalltalk is one of the few languages that could be considered entirely
> object-oriented.

No, it is not. Entirely OO would have classes of all first-class types.
E.g. you could derive from Boolean and override "and". They you could
have a variable which specific type is determined at run-time to be
Boolean or the derived type.

> What is /not/ fine is to take your line and say "The stuff on this side
> is good - it is good engineering and programming, letting people write
> clear and maintainable code.  The stuff on the other side is
> incomprehensible, impractical nonsense that doesn't work."

Your argument that no objective criteria exist. I disagree.

> (I've been through this with others - I really cannot understand how
> some people get so narrow-minded and insular that they believe anything
> different from their familiar little world is /wrong/.)

Sometimes it is called experience. In other cases - prudence.

>>> And it is not a separate issue - unless you are using a dynamic
>>> language that supports objects of any type in any place (with
>>> run-time checking when the objects are used), type inference is
>>> essential to how generic programming works.
>> No, you can have static polymorphism without inference. You possibly
>> mean some evil automatic instantiations of generics instead, like in
>> C++. I don't want automatic instantiation either.
> You cannot have generic programming without type inference - that's what
> I said, and that's what I mean.  What you /want/, or what you personally
> choose to use, is irrelevant.
>     template <class T>
>     T add_one(T x) { return x + 1; }
>     int foo(int x) {
>         return add_one(x);
>     }
> Type inference is how the compiler calls the right "add_one" instance
> and how it determines what the type "T" actually is in the concrete
> function call.

Of course I can. Here is an example without any type inference:

-- Specification
type T is range <>;
function Add_One (X : T) return T;
-- Implementation
function Add_One (X : T) return T is
return X + 1;
end Add_One;
-- Instantiation, note instantiations are explicit in Ada
function Integer_Add_One is new Add_One (Integer);
-- Usage
function Foo (X : Integer) return Integer is
return Integer_Add_One (X);
end Foo;

> Using it too much in a language like C++ can make code harder to
> understand - when you have "auto x = bar();", anyone reading the code
> needs to make more of an effort to find the real type of "x".  But if
> the types involved are complicated, then it makes code much clearer,

Here is a contradiction. If you cannot figure out the type, how is it

> more flexible and maintainable, and far more likely to be correct.

No, you cannot make it incorrect by attributing a type. You can make it
illegal. So, it could be less fragile.

Yet there is always a danger that if you generalize things to much, then
a lot of unexpected stuff might become inferable where you do not expect
it al all. A manifested declaration is a check against a "klugscheisser"

> It is a sharp tool, and must be used responsibly.

I prefer a design where you would not need to infer the type, but also
not forced to specify obvious types. It is a very fine balance.

>>>>>>> Conversely, all functions in all languages operate on some types
>>>>>>> and nothing else.
>>>>>> No, in OOPL a method operates on the class. A "free function"
>>>>>> takes some arguments in unrelated types.
>>>>> Methods in OOPL (or most people think of as Object Oriented
>>>>> programming, such as C++, Java, Python, etc., rather than the
>>>>> original intention of OOP which is now commonly called "actors"
>>>>> paradigm) are syntactic sugar for a function with the class
>>>>> instance as the first parameter.
>>>> Not really, because methods dispatch. A method acts on the class and
>>>> its implementation consists of separate bodies, which is the core of
>>>> OO decomposition as opposed to other paradigms.
>>> Methods do not act on classes - they act on instances of a class
>>> (plus any static members of the class).
>> Rather on the closure of the class. Class is a set of types. Method
>> acts on all values from all instances of the set.
> I am assuming you are not using the word "closure" in the sense normally
> used in programming.

I use closure in mathematical sense. All values of all types from the
class. In the case of OO it is the values of the root type and values of
all types derived from it.

> You mean a hierarchy of object types in a nominal
> typing system with inheritance.  Methods act on instances of a class,

Rather type-specific implementations do, method is a combination of
these implementations, so the method acts on the whole class (closure)
using dispatch to the specific implementation. That's the idea of
dynamic polymorphism: having operations acting on multiple types. E.g. a
virtual function in C++ is a method. It can be called on the base type
(C++ names it "class") and any type derived from it.

> and the same method may be able to act on instances of more than one
> class in the hierarchy.

A type-specific implementation can be inherited by composing the
original implementation with some type/references conversions.

> Any given invocation is on a specific instance
> of a specific class.

When the language is properly typed that applies to all subprograms anyway.

> Now there is no difference between ";" and "foo(x);".
> Method calls for non-virtual methods are just the same as free
> functions, but with a convenient syntax.

Right. Non-virtual "methods" are not methods, they are just
free-functions. It is C++'s unfortunate choice to bind dispatch with the
first argument and dot-notation. There is no reason for that. It bars
C++ from multiple dispatch.

BTW, there existed some proposals to introduce multiple dispatch in C++.
However that would throw away much of cherished C++ idiosyncrasies:
hidden arguments, method declarations nested inside class declarations,
prefix notation.

> The virtual methods are more interesting, since the dispatch is dynamic.
>  This is handled by giving each instance of the classes a hidden
> pointer to a virtual method table.  So now the free function "bar" is a
> bit more complicated:
>     void bar(A* a) { a->__vt[index_of_bar](a); }

Embedding the type tag (e.g. vptr in C++) is not a requirement. You can
have classes with no embedded tags. If you wanted a fully OO language
were even int could have a class, such object must have no type tag in
their representation. That would be impossible for C++, which conflates
class-wide types and specific types, but possible in Ada which
distinguishes them.

> (Multiple inheritance makes this messier, but the principle is the same.)

Multiple dispatch is far more messier as the dispatching table becomes

Andy Walker

Nov 23, 2022, 2:11:25 PM11/23/22
On 22/11/2022 20:26, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
[I wrote:]
>>      Personally, in the interests of making programming easier, I'm in
>> favour of more, not fewer, implicit conversions.
> If you want no conversions you must state that the value is of a subtype.

Was some part of "more, not fewer" causing difficulties?

>> If these are well-chosen,
> By the programmer, see above.

The whole point of implicit conversions is that they take place
with no overt action needed by the programmer. Of course, that places a
responsibility on the language design to make such conversions safe, so
that you can't normally stumble into one that gives unexpected results.

>> you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions.  I see little
>> point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
>> "sqrt(2.0)"
> They could, should 2 be a subtype of Float (or whatever). There is no
> reason why this must be determined by the language. Technically, it
> would introduce a lot of ambiguities and thus make programming more
> difficult because the programmer must then use qualified expressions
> to disambiguate.

If, as is commonly the case, "sqrt" is a function taking a real
[or "float"] parameter and there is no competing "sqrt", then there is
no plausible ambiguity. Either "2" [or "i + 1" or whatever] can be
implicitly converted to type "real", in which case that is, beyond
reasonable doubt, what the programmer intended, or it cannot, in which
case it's a compile-time error. For the specific case of "int -> real",
there is no sensible competing meaning; for cases such as "bool -> int"
or "char -> int", or "pointer to pointer to int -> real", there could be,
and that is then up to the language designer. If conversions are not
implicit, then they /must/ be provided by the programmer, which is always
at least as difficult as /sometimes/ being needed [as it can do no harm
to supply a conversion which is also the default behaviour]. Somehow,
many languages manage to define implicit conversions without the raft
of difficulties you imply.

>> or, for consistency, can't write "j := i" but must write "j := (deref) i"
>> instead.
> Surely a pointer type can be a subtype of the target type. It is so
> in Ada for array index, record member, function call. Not for
> assignment, though. But again, that must be up to the programmer. The
> type system must provide ad-hoc subtypes.

If the assignment [in the context of "int i, j;" with the usual
meaning] "j := 2;" is legal and also "j := i;" is legal, then since "2"
and "i" are not interchangeable in general [you can't write "2 := j;",
for example], there must be an implicit conversion [eg, from "integer
variable" to "integer"] taking place. You can call it "ad hoc" if you
like, but it's much more convenient than having to make that conversion
explicit, which is what you seem to favour.

The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
enforce some strict purity regime. Sometimes, the easier way is also
the purer way; if not, then the easier way is better. Note that
"easier" includes issues such as bug detection, esp at compile time,
safety, regularity of design, and so on; I'm not advocating slapdash
programming or language design.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 23, 2022, 2:52:33 PM11/23/22
On 2022-11-23 20:11, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 22/11/2022 20:26, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:

>>> If these are well-chosen,
>> By the programmer, see above.
>     The whole point of implicit conversions is that they take place
> with no overt action needed by the programmer.

This is what I meant. You declare that A is a subtype B (inheriting in-
or out- or all operations) once. Then you enjoy the effect distributed
everywhere that declaration has effect.

> Of course, that places a
> responsibility on the language design to make such conversions safe, so
> that you can't normally stumble into one that gives unexpected results.

These conversions are fundamentally unsafe because different types are,
well, different. If they weren't then one type would suffice and there
would be no need in conversions.

>>> you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions.  I see
>>> little
>>> point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
>>> "sqrt(2.0)"
>> They could, should 2 be a subtype of Float (or whatever). There is no
>> reason why this must be determined by the language. Technically, it
>> would introduce a lot of ambiguities and thus make programming more
>> difficult because the programmer must then use qualified expressions
>> to disambiguate.
>     If, as is commonly the case, "sqrt" is a function taking a real
> [or "float"] parameter and there is no competing "sqrt", then there is
> no plausible ambiguity.

It could be integer-valued or complex-valued sqrt. Or a sqrt returning a
lesser precision type etc.

> Either "2" [or "i + 1" or whatever] can be
> implicitly converted to type "real", in which case that is, beyond
> reasonable doubt, what the programmer intended, or it cannot, in which
> case it's a compile-time error.

You are talking about type-error here or something else?

Anyway there could be many floating-point, fixed-point, complex types
around. Imagine it as a disjoint graph in a strongly typed language.
Conversions introduce paths then graph. Paths gets connected and
suddenly you have a dish full of spaghetti.

> Somehow,
> many languages manage to define implicit conversions without the raft
> of difficulties you imply.

With a rudimentary type system of C or PL/1 you possibly could do that
and enjoy the resulting mess. But in presence user-defined types, you
cannot do that. So, leave that to the programmer, who hopefully knows
what he does.

>>> or, for consistency, can't write "j := i" but must write "j :=
>>> (deref) i"
>>> instead.
>> Surely a pointer type can be a subtype of the target type. It is so
>> in Ada for array index, record member, function call. Not for
>> assignment, though. But again, that must be up to the programmer. The
>> type system must provide ad-hoc subtypes.
>     If the assignment [in the context of "int i, j;" with the usual
> meaning] "j := 2;" is legal and also "j := i;" is legal, then since "2"
> and "i" are not interchangeable in general [you can't write "2 := j;",
> for example], there must be an implicit conversion [eg, from "integer
> variable" to "integer"] taking place.

That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument of
:= is mutable.

>     The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
> enforce some strict purity regime.

Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.

Andy Walker

Nov 25, 2022, 6:28:23 AM11/25/22
On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
[implicit conversions:]
>>> By the programmer, see above.
>>      The whole point of implicit conversions is that they take place
>> with no overt action needed by the programmer.
> This is what I meant. You declare that A is a subtype B (inheriting
> in- or out- or all operations) once. Then you enjoy the effect
> distributed everywhere that declaration has effect.

If you have to declare that "int" is a subtype of "real", then it's
not "implicit"; overt action by the programmer is needed. Further, ...

>> Of course, that places a
>> responsibility on the language design to make such conversions safe, so
>> that you can't normally stumble into one that gives unexpected results.
> These conversions are fundamentally unsafe because different types
> are, well, different. If they weren't then one type would suffice and
> there would be no need in conversions.

..., allowing such /overt/ action means that the compiler has to
check whether the declaration is sensible [I surely can't declare that
"real" is a sub-type of "int"] and also has to check for ambiguities and
other safety issues. The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
instead. The types are different, but the conversion is safe.

Note 1: There is no implication that the conversion is /always/ applied
regardless of context; there is a pre-condition that the compiler knows
that "real" is required. Eg, "print (2)" should output "2", not "2.00".
Note 2: The conversion does not extend to other types, such as variables;
if a real variable is required, you can't supply an integer variable.

>>>> you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions.  I see little
>>>> point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
>>>> "sqrt(2.0)"
>>> They could, should 2 be a subtype of Float (or whatever). There is no
>>> reason why this must be determined by the language. Technically, it
>>> would introduce a lot of ambiguities and thus make programming more
>>> difficult because the programmer must then use qualified expressions
>>> to disambiguate.

The whole point of it being determined by the language is that the
language knows that there is no ambiguity in "int -> real" /in contexts
where "real" is expected/. In most languages, such contexts are well-
understood by the compiler and described by the language standard.

>>      If, as is commonly the case, "sqrt" is a function taking a real
>> [or "float"] parameter and there is no competing "sqrt", then there is
>> no plausible ambiguity.
> It could be integer-valued or complex-valued sqrt. Or a sqrt
> returning a lesser precision type etc.

It could indeed. But the compiler knows the signature of whichever
"sqrt" is in scope, and therefore still knows that a "real" [or "complex"
or "long long real" or ...] parameter is needed, and so can arrange to
convert the supplied "int" with no action by the programmer.

>> Either "2" [or "i + 1" or whatever] can be
>> implicitly converted to type "real", in which case that is, beyond
>> reasonable doubt, what the programmer intended, or it cannot, in which
>> case it's a compile-time error.
> You are talking about type-error here or something else?

I'm talking about a hypothetical language in which "int" is not
reliably a sub-type of "real", in which case "x := 2" is indeed a type
error. That particular case is, IRL, unlikely, but conversions such as
"char -> int", "X -> array of X with a single element", ... are more
problematic [possible implicitly in some languages, not in others].

> Anyway there could be many floating-point, fixed-point, complex types
> around. Imagine it as a disjoint graph in a strongly typed language.
> Conversions introduce paths then graph. Paths gets connected and
> suddenly you have a dish full of spaghetti.

That's why the language has to rule on which such paths are
possible, and in what circumstances. The objective should always be
to make life easier for the programmer, not to pile complexity on top
of complexity. You can't expect engineers, physicists, biologists,
... to understand arcane rules of programming that make sense only to
CS professionals and a sub-set of mathematicians.

[...]>>      If the assignment [in the context of "int i, j;" with the usual
>> meaning] "j := 2;" is legal and also "j := i;" is legal, then since "2"
>> and "i" are not interchangeable in general [you can't write "2 := j;",
>> for example], there must be an implicit conversion [eg, from "integer
>> variable" to "integer"] taking place.
> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
> of := is mutable.

Yes. That shows that "2" and "j" have different types. Which
shows, in turn, that in places where you can write "2" /or/ "j" with
the same meaning, an implicit conversion must have taken place. If
you look at the compiled code for "i := 2" and "i := j", you will find
that there is a difference.

>>      The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
>> enforce some strict purity regime.
> Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.

Yes. I would suggest that the evidence of code snippets posted
here in relation to Ada and C shows that neither is even close. Nor is,
for example, Pascal. Some dialects of Basic are much better, at least
within a limited class of problems. In the interests of /not/ starting
"holier than thou" language wars, I shall say no more.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 25, 2022, 10:46:05 AM11/25/22
On 2022-11-25 12:28, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> [implicit conversions:]
>>>> By the programmer, see above.
>>>      The whole point of implicit conversions is that they take place
>>> with no overt action needed by the programmer.
>> This is what I meant. You declare that A is a subtype B (inheriting
>> in- or out- or all operations) once. Then you enjoy the effect
>> distributed everywhere that declaration has effect.
>     If you have to declare that "int" is a subtype of "real", then it's
> not "implicit";  overt action by the programmer is needed.  Further, ...

Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and Y
real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the declarations.

The difference is that by default int and real are unrelated types. The
programmer could explicitly put them in some common class, e.g. a class
of additive types having + operation. That would make + an operation
from the class (int, real). The implementation of now valid cross operation:

+ : int : real -> real

could be created by composing real + with int-to-real conversion
(provided by the programmer). The full dispatching table could be

+ : int : int -> int
+ : int : real -> real
+ : real : int -> real

This is the mechanics the language can provide in order to move the
nasty stuff out of its core.

BTW, people like James would surely ask for

+ : real : real -> int

for the cases when the result is a whole integer. But we won't let them!

>>> Of course, that places a
>>> responsibility on the language design to make such conversions safe, so
>>> that you can't normally stumble into one that gives unexpected results.
>> These conversions are fundamentally unsafe because different types
>> are, well, different. If they weren't then one type would suffice and
>> there would be no need in conversions.
>     ..., allowing such /overt/ action means that the compiler has to
> check whether the declaration is sensible [I surely can't declare that
> "real" is a sub-type of "int"] and also has to check for ambiguities and
> other safety issues.  The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
> example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
> that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
> instead.  The types are different, but the conversion is safe.

The result would be a very rigid over-specified language. E.g. what if
the programmer wanted to implement a custom floating-point type? How the
compiler would know that this type must enjoy implicit conversions to int?

> Note 1:  There is no implication that the conversion is /always/ applied
>   regardless of context;  there is a pre-condition that the compiler knows
>   that "real" is required.  Eg, "print (2)" should output "2", not "2.00".

In C++ it is called dominance rules, a big can of nasty worms, BTW.

> Note 2:  The conversion does not extend to other types, such as variables;
>   if a real variable is required, you can't supply an integer variable.

You probably mean some type algebraic types built upon it, like a
pointer to real. It is not so obvious. You might want some operations of
such types to enjoy conversions as well. For example, array indexing,
record members etc:

Real_Array (I) := 2; -- No?
Real_Array (1..3) := (1, 2, 3); -- No?

etc. IMO, the cleanest way is to have this stuff properly typed (=no
conversions at all) and achieve desired effects through inter-type
relationships designed by the programmer.

>>>>> you can [and should] avoid almost all explicit conversions.  I see
>>>>> little
>>>>> point in telling people that they can't use "sqrt(2)" but must write
>>>>> "sqrt(2.0)"
>>>> They could, should 2 be a subtype of Float (or whatever). There is no
>>>> reason why this must be determined by the language. Technically, it
>>>> would introduce a lot of ambiguities and thus make programming more
>>>> difficult because the programmer must then use qualified expressions
>>>> to disambiguate.
>     The whole point of it being determined by the language is that the
> language knows that there is no ambiguity in "int -> real" /in contexts
> where "real" is expected/.  In most languages, such contexts are well-
> understood by the compiler and described by the language standard.

I doubt one could formulate such rules consistently without introducing
ambiguities. In Ada, which differently to bottom-up languages, indeed
considers the context when resolving types, still has cases when types
must be disambiguated using type qualifiers. And that already without
integer to real conversions!

>>>      If, as is commonly the case, "sqrt" is a function taking a real
>>> [or "float"] parameter and there is no competing "sqrt", then there is
>>> no plausible ambiguity.
>> It could be integer-valued or complex-valued sqrt. Or a sqrt
>> returning a lesser precision type etc.
>     It could indeed.  But the compiler knows the signature of whichever
> "sqrt" is in scope, and therefore still knows that a "real" [or "complex"
> or "long long real" or ...] parameter is needed, and so can arrange to
> convert the supplied "int" with no action by the programmer.

The typical case in Ada is that you have competing resolutions. E.g. you
have something like


There are lots of prints there, accepting all possible sqrts.

It requires a lot of fine tuning to make such things usable. You cannot
do that at the language level, IMO.

>>> Either "2" [or "i + 1" or whatever] can be
>>> implicitly converted to type "real", in which case that is, beyond
>>> reasonable doubt, what the programmer intended, or it cannot, in which
>>> case it's a compile-time error.
>> You are talking about type-error here or something else?
>     I'm talking about a hypothetical language in which "int" is not
> reliably a sub-type of "real", in which case "x := 2" is indeed a type
> error.  That particular case is, IRL, unlikely, but conversions such as
> "char -> int", "X -> array of X with a single element", ... are more
> problematic [possible implicitly in some languages, not in others].

Yes. Ada, for example, has a special rule for array aggregates that
requires keyed notation for single element arrays. The reason is to


When array aggregate, it must be keyed

(1 => 100)



is OK to be positional.

>> Anyway there could be many floating-point, fixed-point, complex types
>> around. Imagine it as a disjoint graph in a strongly typed language.
>> Conversions introduce paths then graph. Paths gets connected and
>> suddenly you have a dish full of spaghetti.
>     That's why the language has to rule on which such paths are
> possible, and in what circumstances.  The objective should always be
> to make life easier for the programmer, not to pile complexity on top
> of complexity.  You can't expect engineers, physicists, biologists,
> ... to understand arcane rules of programming that make sense only to
> CS professionals and a sub-set of mathematicians.

Usually a language has subsets of different complexity for different
audience. Designing a reusable module with types convertible to each
other is not for an engineer. He would be an end-user in this case.

> [...]>>      If the assignment [in the context of "int i, j;" with the
> usual
>>> meaning] "j := 2;" is legal and also "j := i;" is legal, then since "2"
>>> and "i" are not interchangeable in general [you can't write "2 := j;",
>>> for example], there must be an implicit conversion [eg, from "integer
>>> variable" to "integer"] taking place.
>> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
>> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
>> of := is mutable.
>     Yes.  That shows that "2" and "j" have different types.

Different, yet related.

> Which
> shows, in turn, that in places where you can write "2" /or/ "j" with
> the same meaning, an implicit conversion must have taken place.

Right because of the subtyping relation, though the conversion would
likely be void since both would have same representation.

> If
> you look at the compiled code for "i := 2" and "i := j", you will find
> that there is a difference.

Yes, one could play with different representations and constant
foldings. But that does not influence the semantics, which tells that
the set of values of both types is same. The set of operations differ
and the representations may differ too.

>>>      The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
>>> enforce some strict purity regime.
>> Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.
>     Yes.  I would suggest that the evidence of code snippets posted
> here in relation to Ada and C shows that neither is even close.  Nor is,
> for example, Pascal.  Some dialects of Basic are much better, at least
> within a limited class of problems.  In the interests of /not/ starting
> "holier than thou" language wars, I shall say no more.

My take on this is that it is not possible to do on the language level.
I think that the language must be much simpler than even Ada, which is
four or so times smaller than modern C++. Yet it must be powerful enough
to express the ideas like implicit conversions at the library level.

Andy Walker

Nov 27, 2022, 6:28:21 PM11/27/22
On 25/11/2022 15:46, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
[I wrote:]
>>      If you have to declare that "int" is a subtype of "real", then it's
>> not "implicit";  overt action by the programmer is needed.  Further, ...
> Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and
> Y real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the
> declarations.

In normal languages, the compiler has no reason to suppose that "X"
is an "int" unless there is an overt declaration to that effect. In normal
languages, there is a reason to suppose that the parameter to "sqrt" has
type "real". So it is not /un/reasonable for a parameter of type "int" to
be converted to "real" with no further action by the programmer. It is not
compulsory that a language provide such an implicit conversion; but it
makes life slightly easier for the programmer, and similarly for other such
conversions. It is a matter of where to draw the line. Meanwhile, I don't
personally know of any language in which the conversion from variable to
constant in expressions such as "i := j + 2" is not implicit; which is not
to claim that no such language exists [but it would be inconvenient for
many simple programming tasks].

> The difference is that by default int and real are unrelated types.

That may be the default in /some/ languages; others know, with no
further action by the programmer, that "int"s may be converted to "real"s
/when required/.

> The programmer could explicitly put them in some common class, e.g. a
> class of additive types having + operation. That would make + an
> operation from the class (int, real).

Yes, lots of things are possible. Would you really want to use a
language in which the programmer of [eg] "scientific" code with much use
of integer and floating-point arithmetic has to invoke many lines of such
placement before embarking on even the simplest of programs? We knew how
to avoid such make-work more than 60 years ago; we should move on rather
than back.

>> [...] The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
>> example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
>> that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
>> instead.  The types are different, but the conversion is safe.
> The result would be a very rigid over-specified language. E.g. what
> if the programmer wanted to implement a custom floating-point type?
> How the compiler would know that this type must enjoy implicit
> conversions to int?

You presumably mean /from/ "int"? The compiler doesn't know that,
and can't be expected to. If a conversion is not one of those specified
by the language, then it is not implicit. What facilities the language
supplied for extending the list of conversions is another matter.

>> Note 2:  The conversion does not extend to other types, such as variables;
>>    if a real variable is required, you can't supply an integer variable.
> You probably mean some type algebraic types built upon it, like a
> pointer to real.

No, I meant what I wrote. ...

> It is not so obvious. You might want some operations
> of such types to enjoy conversions as well. For example, array
> indexing, record members etc:
>    Real_Array (I) := 2;  -- No?
>    Real_Array (1..3) := (1, 2, 3);  -- No?

... Both of those are, for example, legal [mutatis mutandis] in
Algol 68; the compiler knows that on the RHS a real constant, resp an
array of real constants, is needed and is able to do the conversion.
But if a pointer to real is required, then you cannot [in A68] supply
a pointer to int instead. There is no default path from "pointer to
int" to "pointer to real"; there /is/ one from "pointer to int" to
"real". What other languages do is up to them.

> etc. IMO, the cleanest way is to have this stuff properly typed (=no
> conversions at all) and achieve desired effects through inter-type
> relationships designed by the programmer.

That may [perhaps] be clean. It is not, IMO, something which
should burden the average engineer, physicist, ... who merely wants to
write simple programs,

>>      The whole point of it being determined by the language is that the
>> language knows that there is no ambiguity in "int -> real" /in contexts
>> where "real" is expected/.  In most languages, such contexts are well-
>> understood by the compiler and described by the language standard.
> I doubt one could formulate such rules consistently without
> introducing ambiguities.

Feel free to point out the ambiguities in the Algol 68 Revised
Report Section 6, where it is all explained in seven pages, inc comments
and examples. You may not [and many do not] agree with those rules, but
they are [IMO] consistent and unambiguous.

> The typical case in Ada is that you have competing resolutions. E.g.
> you have something like
>     print(sqrt(2))
> There are lots of prints there, accepting all possible sqrts.> It requires a lot of fine tuning to make such things usable. You
> cannot do that at the language level, IMO.

Perhaps you should again look at A68; RR 10.5.1d, which
refers back to 10.3.31a which is where all the hard work is done.
It is only a couple of pages, despite all the "lots of prints".

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 28, 2022, 5:10:33 AM11/28/22
On 2022-11-28 00:28, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 25/11/2022 15:46, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> [I wrote:]
>>>      If you have to declare that "int" is a subtype of "real", then it's
>>> not "implicit";  overt action by the programmer is needed.  Further, ...
>> Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and
>> Y real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the
>> declarations.
>     In normal languages, the compiler has no reason to suppose that "X"
> is an "int" unless there is an overt declaration to that effect.

Is X declared int or not?

>> The difference is that by default int and real are unrelated types.
>     That may be the default in /some/ languages;  others know, with no
> further action by the programmer, that "int"s may be converted to "real"s
> /when required/.

You ignore the question who requires conversion and who defines the
conversion semantics including rounding, truncation, overflows,
operation result like in the case of exponentiation etc. The language

>> The programmer could explicitly put them in some common class, e.g. a
>> class of additive types having + operation. That would make + an
>> operation from the class (int, real).
>     Yes, lots of things are possible.  Would you really want to use a
> language in which the programmer of [eg] "scientific" code with much use
> of integer and floating-point arithmetic has to invoke many lines of such
> placement before embarking on even the simplest of programs?

It is all about accuracy and precision of data involved, e.g. measured
in a complex process of AD conversion and back to DA.

> We knew how
> to avoid such make-work more than 60 years ago;  we should move on rather
> than back.

The nature and tasks of engineering involving computers has changed
significantly since mainframes and punched tapes.

> The compiler doesn't know that,
> and can't be expected to.  If a conversion is not one of those specified
> by the language, then it is not implicit.

Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?

>> etc. IMO, the cleanest way is to have this stuff properly typed (=no
>> conversions at all) and achieve desired effects through inter-type
>> relationships designed by the programmer.
>     That may [perhaps] be clean.  It is not, IMO, something which
> should burden the average engineer, physicist, ... who merely wants to
> write simple programs,

Built-in numeric types are insufficient for typical engineering tasks
like automation and control.

>> The typical case in Ada is that you have competing resolutions. E.g.
>> you have something like      print(sqrt(2))
>> There are lots of prints there, accepting all possible sqrts.> It
>> requires a lot of fine tuning to make such things usable. You
>> cannot do that at the language level, IMO.
>     Perhaps you should again look at A68;  RR 10.5.1d, which
> refers back to 10.3.31a which is where all the hard work is done.
> It is only a couple of pages, despite all the "lots of prints".

Then you should be able to explain how is it resolved between printing

1. complex sqrt of 2
2. single precision IEEE sqrt of 2
3. double precision IEEE sqrt of 2
4. long double sqrt of 2
5. fixed-point (how many?) sqrt of 2

Andy Walker

Nov 28, 2022, 1:04:43 PM11/28/22
On 28/11/2022 10:10, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and
>>> Y real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the
>>> declarations.
>>      In normal languages, the compiler has no reason to suppose that "X"
>> is an "int" unless there is an overt declaration to that effect.
> Is X declared int or not?

Of course it is. Were you thinking of the implicit declarations
in some languages, depending on [eg] the first letter of an identifier?
But that has nothing to do with implicit conversions [eg] from "int" to
"real" or from "int variable" to "int [constant]"?

>>> The difference is that by default int and real are unrelated types.
>>      That may be the default in /some/ languages;  others know, with no
>> further action by the programmer, that "int"s may be converted to "real"s
>> /when required/.
> You ignore the question who requires conversion and who defines the
> conversion semantics including rounding, truncation, overflows,
> operation result like in the case of exponentiation etc. The language
> designer?

Yes; wasn't that implied by "some languages"? These are design
decisions. But it would be surprising if "int -> real" conversion was
difficult in these ways. Going the other way may raise problems.

>> If a conversion is not one of those specified
>> by the language, then it is not implicit.
> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?

You would have to ask the language designer.

>>> It requires a lot of fine tuning to make such things usable. You
>>> cannot do that at the language level, IMO.
>>      Perhaps you should again look at A68;  RR 10.5.1d, which
>> refers back to 10.3.31a which is where all the hard work is done.
>> It is only a couple of pages, despite all the "lots of prints".
> Then you should be able to explain how is it resolved between printing
> 1. complex sqrt of 2
> 2. single precision IEEE sqrt of 2
> 3. double precision IEEE sqrt of 2
> 4. long double sqrt of 2
> 5. fixed-point (how many?) sqrt of 2

The RR predates IEEE-754 by more than a decade, so there are no
guarantees there about IEEE conformance [but A68G is set up to find out
whether your computer supports IEEE, so I would expect it to work]. Lo,
here is your task implemented in A68G, straight out of the box:

$ cat Dmitry.a68g
print (("complex: ", csqrt(2), newline,
"complex: [with im part] ", csqrt(2 I 3), newline,
"single: ", sqrt(2), newline,
"double: ", long sqrt(2), newline,
"long double: ", long long sqrt(2), newline,
"fixed: [eg] ", fixed (sqrt(2), 10, 6), newline))
$ a68g Dmitry.a68g
complex: +1.41421356237310e +0+0.00000000000000e +0
complex: [with im part] +1.67414922803554e +0+8.95977476129838e -1
single: +1.41421356237310e +0
double: +1.4142135623730950488016887242096981e +0
long double: +1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667974e +0
fixed: [eg] +1.414214

No explicit conversions of "2" to "real" or complex/long versions in
sight. The compiler knows that [eg] "long sqrt" requires a "long real"
parameter, and automatically converts "2" accordingly. Now can we see
your Ada equivalent for a direct comparison of ease of use? In what
way is the A68G version unusable or in need of fine tuning or not done
at the language level? [If you're not happy with the default output,
A68 also provides formatted transput (comparable with C's) and direct
ways to convert numbers to strings.]

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 28, 2022, 2:59:08 PM11/28/22
On 2022-11-28 19:04, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 28/11/2022 10:10, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and
>>>> Y real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the
>>>> declarations.
>>>      In normal languages, the compiler has no reason to suppose that "X"
>>> is an "int" unless there is an overt declaration to that effect.
>> Is X declared int or not?
>     Of course it is.  Were you thinking of the implicit declarations
> in some languages, depending on [eg] the first letter of an identifier?
> But that has nothing to do with implicit conversions [eg] from "int" to
> "real" or from "int variable" to "int [constant]"?

Now you see that subtyping relation need not to be declared for each
expression, not even for each object declaration, but just once!

>     Yes;  wasn't that implied by "some languages"?  These are design
> decisions.  But it would be surprising if "int -> real" conversion was
> difficult in these ways.  Going the other way may raise problems.

No, it is quite logical considering multitude of integer and real types
with different properties.

> [...]
>>> If a conversion is not one of those specified
>>> by the language, then it is not implicit.
>> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?
>     You would have to ask the language designer.

I thought you were going to give an advise for the language designer on
the subject. Like "Sure! Piece of cake! Go ahead!"
Ah, see? Because of the conversions you cannot have just sqrt. In Ada
with has no implicit conversions sqrt is called sqrt for whatever
argument as it should be!

Andy Walker

Nov 30, 2022, 3:17:11 PM11/30/22
On 28/11/2022 19:59, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>>> Same is when the programmer's actions are needed to declare X int and
>>>>> Y real. Implicit here is the conversion in X + Y, not the
>>>>> declarations.
>>>>      In normal languages, the compiler has no reason to suppose that "X"
>>>> is an "int" unless there is an overt declaration to that effect.
>>> Is X declared int or not?
>>      Of course it is.  Were you thinking of the implicit declarations
>> in some languages, depending on [eg] the first letter of an identifier?
>> But that has nothing to do with implicit conversions [eg] from "int" to
>> "real" or from "int variable" to "int [constant]"?
> Now you see that subtyping relation need not to be declared for each
> expression, not even for each object declaration, but just once!

Not for the first time, I cannot make any sense of what you say.
Implicit relationships don't need to be declared /at all/; not once, not
every time, not at all, else they aren't implicit. Different languages
have different rules about what is implicit.

>>      Yes;  wasn't that implied by "some languages"?  These are design
>> decisions.  But it would be surprising if "int -> real" conversion was
>> difficult in these ways.  Going the other way may raise problems.
> No, it is quite logical considering multitude of integer and real
> types with different properties.

So are you claiming that conversions of "real" to "int" doesn't
raise problems? Or what? Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
and real types" is also something that varies between languages. Some
languages [most of the early ones!] managed for a long time with only
"int" and "real"; BCPL barely has types at all.

>>> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?
>>      You would have to ask the language designer.
> I thought you were going to give an advise for the language designer
> on the subject. Like "Sure! Piece of cake! Go ahead!"

Why would I be giving such advice to the language designer? It
depends on the hardware and on the purpose of the language. What, in
any case do you mean by "safe"? "Safe" as in "2" -> "2.00000" rather
than "2.01234", or as in "the contexts where this conversion happens
have been carefully designed"?
But you may note that (a) "2" is converted to all those different
types safely and reliably, (b) "print" works safely and reliably with all
those different types and (c) no explicit conversions are needed, despite
all those different results. The RR does not include a jumbo "sqrt" that
takes "any" parameter(s); if you want one, you get to roll your own, and
the code in the RR for "print" will show you how. Again, other languages
have made different choices about what is in the language and library.

Meanwhile, I note that you have snipped/ducked the challenge in my
PP, to show us the equivalent in Ada [or other language of your choice, if
you prefer]. Is it six lines? Others can feel free to join in!

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Nov 30, 2022, 3:53:34 PM11/30/22
On 2022-11-30 21:17, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 28/11/2022 19:59, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:

>     Not for the first time, I cannot make any sense of what you say.
> Implicit relationships don't need to be declared /at all/;  not once, not
> every time, not at all, else they aren't implicit.  Different languages
> have different rules about what is implicit.

You claimed that subtyping relationship is equivalent to explicit
conversions. I said that you are wrong. Subtyping relationship must be
declared just once, while explicit type conversions must be applied each
time for each instance of the type.

>>>      Yes;  wasn't that implied by "some languages"?  These are design
>>> decisions.  But it would be surprising if "int -> real" conversion was
>>> difficult in these ways.  Going the other way may raise problems.
>> No, it is quite logical considering multitude of integer and real
>> types with different properties.
>     So are you claiming that conversions of "real" to "int" doesn't
> raise problems?

Maybe not. E.g. a fixed-point real type with delta 13 (difference
between two adjacent values) and range of few thousand values can be
converted to int.

> Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
> and real types" is also something that varies between languages.

No. It is a proposition:

IF there are multiple numeric types
THEN implicit conversions do not fly

You asked why, I explained.

>>>> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?
>>>      You would have to ask the language designer.
>> I thought you were going to give an advise for the language designer
>> on the subject. Like "Sure! Piece of cake! Go ahead!"
>     Why would I be giving such advice to the language designer?

You already did. You basically said: reduce the numeric types to a bare
minimum and then implicit conversions could possibly be defined. I never
argued it otherwise. Yes, a language with a primitive type system can
have them. PL/1 had, C had.
At the price of Hungarian notation? Thanks, but no.

>     Meanwhile, I note that you have snipped/ducked the challenge in my
> PP, to show us the equivalent in Ada [or other language of your choice, if
> you prefer].  Is it six lines?  Others can feel free to join in!

It was MY example of ambiguous expressions impossible to resolve in
presence of conversions (or, equivalently a subtyping relation). You
resorted to mangling names. This is trivial to do in any language, in
Ada, in C etc.

Andy Walker

Dec 2, 2022, 8:36:18 AM12/2/22
On 30/11/2022 20:53, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
[I wrote:]
>>      Not for the first time, I cannot make any sense of what you say.
>> Implicit relationships don't need to be declared /at all/;  not once, not
>> every time, not at all, else they aren't implicit.  Different languages
>> have different rules about what is implicit.
> You claimed that subtyping relationship is equivalent to explicit
> conversions.

I have checked back through my contributions to this thread and
can find nothing even remotely similar to such a claim.

>> Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
>> and real types" is also something that varies between languages.
> No.

You surely mean "yes". Most early languages had only one integer
type and one real type; that is not a "multitude". Some had two lengths
of one or both; that is still not a multitude. Other, mostly more recent,
languages do have many numeric types; that may or may not cause problems
of conversion.

> It is a proposition>   IF there are multiple numeric types
>   THEN implicit conversions do not fly
> You asked why, I explained.

Another sub-thread where you seem to have gone off at a tangent
from whatever you think I may have been asking. But as a proposition,
that is clearly false [unless you are claiming that /only/ implicit
conversions are to be allowed], as demonstrated in this thread with
specific examples.

>>>>> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?
>>>>      You would have to ask the language designer.
>>> I thought you were going to give an advise for the language designer
>>> on the subject. Like "Sure! Piece of cake! Go ahead!"
>>      Why would I be giving such advice to the language designer?
> You already did. You basically said: reduce the numeric types to a
> bare minimum and then implicit conversions could possibly be defined.
> I never argued it otherwise. Yes, a language with a primitive type
> system can have them. PL/1 had, C had.

I said, basically or otherwise, no such thing.

[Left in this article for convenient reference:]
>>>> Lo, here is your task implemented in A68G, straight out of the box:
>>>>    $ cat Dmitry.a68g
>>>>    print (("complex: ", csqrt(2), newline,
>>>>            "complex: [with im part] ", csqrt(2 I 3), newline,
>>>>            "single: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>>>            "double: ", long sqrt(2), newline,
>>>>            "long double: ", long long sqrt(2), newline,
>>>>            "fixed: [eg] ", fixed (sqrt(2), 10, 6), newline))
>>>>    $ a68g Dmitry.a68g
>>>>    complex: +1.41421356237310e  +0+0.00000000000000e  +0
>>>>    complex: [with im part] +1.67414922803554e  +0+8.95977476129838e  -1
>>>>    single: +1.41421356237310e  +0
>>>>    double: +1.4142135623730950488016887242096981e  +0
>>>>    long double: +1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667974e  +0
>>>>    fixed: [eg]  +1.414214
>>>>    $
>>      But you may note that (a) "2" is converted to all those different
>> types safely and reliably,
> At the price of Hungarian notation? Thanks, but no.

You snipped (b) and (c); what you seem to want -- it's always hard
to be sure -- is perfectly possible in A68G, but the language as supplied
contains only the one "sqrt" function.

>>      Meanwhile, I note that you have snipped/ducked the challenge in my
>> PP, to show us the equivalent in Ada [or other language of your choice, if
>> you prefer].  Is it six lines?  Others can feel free to join in!

Challenge ducked again.

> It was MY example of ambiguous expressions impossible to resolve in
> presence of conversions (or, equivalently a subtyping relation). You
> resorted to mangling names. This is trivial to do in any language, in
> Ada, in C etc.

Then you will have no difficulty in meeting your own challenge in
Ada or C. Your choice. But I'm guessing it will be harder to code and to
explain than the A68G given above.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 2, 2022, 6:07:36 PM12/2/22
On 2022-12-02 14:36, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 30/11/2022 20:53, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> [I wrote:]
>>>      Not for the first time, I cannot make any sense of what you say.
>>> Implicit relationships don't need to be declared /at all/;  not once,
>>> not
>>> every time, not at all, else they aren't implicit.  Different languages
>>> have different rules about what is implicit.
>> You claimed that subtyping relationship is equivalent to explicit
>> conversions.
>     I have checked back through my contributions to this thread and
> can find nothing even remotely similar to such a claim.

Sorry, but I then don't understand your point. Conversions are implicit
in both cases = arguments in expression appear as is. What's the
objection again?

>>> Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
>>> and real types" is also something that varies between languages.
>> No.
>     You surely mean "yes".  Most early languages had only one integer
> type and one real type;  that is not a "multitude".

This subthread was started by James about designing a *new* language. If
you said that James should have looked no further than Excel, which had
no integer type, then I would not care to respond. Your answer suggested
than implicit conversion could somehow exist in a moderately *modern*
and reasonably typed language.

>> It is a proposition>    IF there are multiple numeric types
>>    THEN implicit conversions do not fly
>> You asked why, I explained.
>     Another sub-thread where you seem to have gone off at a tangent
> from whatever you think I may have been asking.  But as a proposition,
> that is clearly false [unless you are claiming that /only/ implicit
> conversions are to be allowed], as demonstrated in this thread with
> specific examples.

I have no idea what you mean.
Why then each line has sqrt spelt differently? To qualify it shall be this:

print (("complex: ", sqrt(2), newline,
"complex: [with im part] ", sqrt(2), newline,
"single: ", sqrt(2), newline,
"double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
"long double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
"fixed: [eg] ", sqrt(2), newline))

That is *not* possible in any language.

>>>      Meanwhile, I note that you have snipped/ducked the challenge in my
>>> PP, to show us the equivalent in Ada [or other language of your
>>> choice, if
>>> you prefer].  Is it six lines?  Others can feel free to join in!
>     Challenge ducked again.
>> It was MY example of ambiguous expressions impossible to resolve in
>> presence of conversions (or, equivalently a subtyping relation). You
>> resorted to mangling names. This is trivial to do in any language, in
>> Ada, in C etc.
>     Then you will have no difficulty in meeting your own challenge in
> Ada or C.  Your choice.  But I'm guessing it will be harder to code and to
> explain than the A68G given above.

My example is impossible to implement due to ambiguities. The wrong
answer you gave is trivial to have in any language. E.g. in Ada

function sqrt (X : Integer) return Float is
return Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.sqrt (Float (X));
end sqrt;

Put_Line (sqrt(2)'Image);

Done. If I wanted Long_Float as well, I would do

function sqrt (X : Integer) return Long_Float is
Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions.sqrt (Long_Float (X));
end sqrt;

Then without learning Hungarian I could write each sqrt as sqrt.

Put_Line (Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);
Put_Line (Long_Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);

P.S. Ada does not support ad-hoc subtyping, which would remove necessity
of writing a wrapper/delegator for each function the programmer wanted
to export to another type. C++ has such support in very a limited form. See:

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 6:21:41 AM12/4/22
Speaking of errors being missed I find it's easy to miss some comments
in such a monolithic blob of text! Do you find that paragraph easier to
read than something which includes more whitespace?

Contrary to your viewpoint I'd prefer 2.0 ** 0.5 or to require i to be
converted to float as needed. In fact, if "real" is a generic name for
multiple types, as a programmer I'd want to be able to specify what I
want done, e.g.

real_32(i) ** 0.5

I agree with your print example.

For your latter assignment example I'd prefer

j = i*

where the trailing * indicates deref. That's not too much of a hair
shirt, is it...?

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 7:47:15 AM12/4/22
On 25/11/2022 11:28, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> [implicit conversions:]


> The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
> example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
> that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
> instead.  The types are different, but the conversion is safe.

"safe"? There's an assumption, perhaps from the C world, that
int-to-float conversions are lossless but it's not true.

Conversions from int to float may be lossless for small values (which
can lead a programmer into a false sense of security) but lossy for
large ones.

The solution? Don't support implicit conversions which are potentially

James Harris

Andy Walker

Dec 4, 2022, 10:20:39 AM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 12:47, James Harris wrote:
[I wrote:]
>> The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
>> example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
>> that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
>> instead.  The types are different, but the conversion is safe.
> "safe"? There's an assumption, perhaps from the C world, that
> int-to-float conversions are lossless but it's not true.

Lossless and safe are different concepts, and the difference was
well understood decades before C, eg using computers where both "int" and
"real" were 48 bits and "real" types had to include an exponent in that.
Sadly, numerical analysis is somewhat of a lost art these days.

> Conversions from int to float may be lossless for small values (which
> can lead a programmer into a false sense of security) but lossy for
> large ones.

I wouldn't want to do anything serious on a computer for which
[eg] "maxint" was too large to be converted to "real". Whether the
conversion is lossless is quite another matter.

> The solution? Don't support implicit conversions which are
> potentially lossy.

How, in your mind, does "f(i)" [with an implicit conversion of
the parameter to type "real"] differ from "f((real) i)" [where the
parameter is explicitly cast]? The result is the same in both cases.
I deduce that the problems, if any, are nothing to so with conversion
being implicit, and everything to do with whatever guarantees and
facilities /your/ language and hardware provide. If you want the
conversion of "int" to "real" and back to "int" to be guaranteed to be
lossless as well as safe, then write that into your language standard.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Andy Walker

Dec 4, 2022, 11:00:49 AM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 11:21, James Harris wrote:
> Speaking of errors being missed I find it's easy to miss some
> comments in such a monolithic blob of text! Do you find that
> paragraph easier to read than something which includes more
> whitespace?

It was only eleven lines! Easier to read than your paragraph,
which consisted on one line of ~200 characters, which therefore has to
be [re-]wrapped before reading and replying!

> Contrary to your viewpoint I'd prefer 2.0 ** 0.5 or to require i to
> be converted to float as needed. In fact, if "real" is a generic name
> for multiple types, as a programmer I'd want to be able to specify
> what I want done, e.g.
>   real_32(i) ** 0.5

As a programmer, I'd prefer "sqrt" to "** 0.5" every time --
clearer [IMO], and very possibly more efficient [eg, you can use
Newton-Raphson effectively for square roots, whereas the more general
case typically needs different treatments for very large or very small
exponents]. As a practical programmer, I hate the idea of having to
specify "real_32"; I'm sure there are CS reasons why it's sometimes
useful, but my experience of astrophysicists and other scientists is
that they just expect defaults to work properly.

> For your latter assignment example I'd prefer
>   j = i*
> where the trailing * indicates deref. That's not too much of a hair
> shirt, is it...?

Good luck trying to get that past the average programmer!
Perhaps worth noting that the particular choice of "*" as the "deref"
symbol rather overloads it as you want it also for the multiplication
sign, and in [your preference for] the power symbol, and perhaps in
things like "j *= 2" and "/* comment */".

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 11:37:17 AM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 15:20, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 12:47, James Harris wrote:
> [I wrote:]
>>> The point of implicit "int -> real" conversion, for
>>> example, is that the /language/ already knows about it, and knows, eg,
>>> that in contexts requiring a "real", an "int" may safely be supplied
>>> instead.  The types are different, but the conversion is safe.
>> "safe"? There's an assumption, perhaps from the C world, that
>> int-to-float conversions are lossless but it's not true.
>     Lossless and safe are different concepts, and the difference was
> well understood decades before C, eg using computers where both "int" and
> "real" were 48 bits and "real" types had to include an exponent in that.
> Sadly, numerical analysis is somewhat of a lost art these days.

What do you think of as unsafe and do you have an example of lossy but

>> Conversions from int to float may be lossless for small values (which
>> can lead a programmer into a false sense of security) but lossy for
>> large ones.
>     I wouldn't want to do anything serious on a computer for which
> [eg] "maxint" was too large to be converted to "real".  Whether the
> conversion is lossless is quite another matter.

It would be a very strange computer in which maxint could not be
converted to real as long as you don't mind loss of precision.

>> The solution? Don't support implicit conversions which are
>> potentially lossy.
>     How, in your mind, does "f(i)" [with an implicit conversion of
> the parameter to type "real"] differ from "f((real) i)" [where the
> parameter is explicitly cast]?  The result is the same in both cases.

I've done very little on floats so far but I can say I don't intend to
support implicit conversions to float. Nor would I have just one float
type. The conversion you mention would have to be more explicit such as
either of

f(<float 32>(i))
f(<float 64>(i))

> I deduce that the problems, if any, are nothing to so with conversion
> being implicit, and everything to do with whatever guarantees and
> facilities /your/ language and hardware provide.  If you want the
> conversion of "int" to "real" and back to "int" to be guaranteed to be
> lossless as well as safe, then write that into your language standard.

Yes, it comes from a desire to avoid vagueness and to enforce rigour and

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 11:59:46 AM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 16:00, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 11:21, James Harris wrote:
>> Speaking of errors being missed I find it's easy to miss some
>> comments in such a monolithic blob of text! Do you find that
>> paragraph easier to read than something which includes more
>> whitespace?
>     It was only eleven lines!  Easier to read than your paragraph,
> which consisted on one line of ~200 characters, which therefore has to
> be [re-]wrapped before reading and replying!

Do you have to rewrap my posts before replying? The two newsreaders I
use both compose paragraphs without line breaks and that is
significantly more logical but it must be a pain if your newsreader
doesn't do the same.

As for readability, paragraphs are fine if they are purely prose. Your
post mixed prose and code examples in a single paragraph 'blob' which
still makes my eyes water when I try to read it!

>> Contrary to your viewpoint I'd prefer 2.0 ** 0.5 or to require i to
>> be converted to float as needed. In fact, if "real" is a generic name
>> for multiple types, as a programmer I'd want to be able to specify
>> what I want done, e.g.
>>    real_32(i) ** 0.5
>     As a programmer, I'd prefer "sqrt" to "** 0.5" every time --
> clearer [IMO], and very possibly more efficient [eg, you can use
> Newton-Raphson effectively for square roots, whereas the more general
> case typically needs different treatments for very large or very small
> exponents].

I was thinking that x ** 0.5 (with 0.5 being a literal) could be
/implemented/ as sqrt(x) but it sounds as though there are traps
awaiting for large and small exponents. I hate the numerical analysis
stuff because I don't know enough of it and I never use floating point
so I never have to deal with it.

What I don't like about having a sqrt function is that while it is the
most common root it's not the only one. It's hard to justify that a
language should include a specific function for square root but not cube
root and not fourth root, etc.

> As a practical programmer, I hate the idea of having to
> specify "real_32";  I'm sure there are CS reasons why it's sometimes
> useful, but my experience of astrophysicists and other scientists is
> that they just expect defaults to work properly.

That's helpful to hear. I allow for and anticipate that users would
write their own type names as in

typedef real = float 64

Then they could declare

x: real
y: real

elsewhere in the code. Presumably the scientists you mention would be
able to do that.

> [...]
>> For your latter assignment example I'd prefer
>>    j = i*
>> where the trailing * indicates deref. That's not too much of a hair
>> shirt, is it...?
>     Good luck trying to get that past the average programmer!
> Perhaps worth noting that the particular choice of "*" as the "deref"
> symbol rather overloads it as you want it also for the multiplication
> sign, and in [your preference for] the power symbol, and perhaps in
> things like "j *= 2" and "/* comment */".

The trailing * makes more sense when you see it in the context of the
language as a whole. It's akin to C's prefix * ... except that it's in
the right place!

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 12:18:50 PM12/4/22
On 25/11/2022 11:28, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> [implicit conversions:]


>> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
>> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
>> of := is mutable.
>     Yes.  That shows that "2" and "j" have different types.

Does it? They may have different protections (one is intrinsically
read-only but being wrongly used in a context in which something
writeable is required) but when did protections become part of the type?

I am not saying that protection cannot be part of the type but I don't
see the necessity to conflate the two concepts.

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 12:26:55 PM12/4/22
On 25/11/2022 15:46, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-25 12:28, Andy Walker wrote:
>> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:

>> [implicit conversions:]

On the contrary, assuming I understand your notation I would have only

+ : int : int -> int
+ : uint : uint -> uint
+ : float : float -> float

IOW different types would need one operand to be converted.


>>>>      The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
>>>> enforce some strict purity regime.
>>> Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.
>>      Yes.  I would suggest that the evidence of code snippets posted
>> here in relation to Ada and C shows that neither is even close.  Nor is,
>> for example, Pascal.  Some dialects of Basic are much better, at least
>> within a limited class of problems.  In the interests of /not/ starting
>> "holier than thou" language wars, I shall say no more.
> My take on this is that it is not possible to do on the language level.
> I think that the language must be much simpler than even Ada, which is
> four or so times smaller than modern C++. Yet it must be powerful enough
> to express the ideas like implicit conversions at the library level.

Which implicit conversions would you want and why could they not be

James Harris


Dec 4, 2022, 12:54:46 PM12/4/22
My Casio calculator has square root on its own button. Cube root is on a
shifted button, and an Nth root is on another shifted button.

If it's given special treatment on a calculator, when why not in a language?

The same calculator has a dedicated button for 'squared', and another
for x^n. My languages also dedicated operators for square root, square,
and exponentiation.

Also, sqrt is often a built-in processor instruction (as are min and max
on x64), so another reason a language should treat them specially.


Dec 4, 2022, 1:05:16 PM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 16:00, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 11:21, James Harris wrote:
>> Speaking of errors being missed I find it's easy to miss some
>> comments in such a monolithic blob of text! Do you find that
>> paragraph easier to read than something which includes more
>> whitespace?
>     It was only eleven lines!  Easier to read than your paragraph,
> which consisted on one line of ~200 characters, which therefore has to
> be [re-]wrapped before reading and replying!
>> Contrary to your viewpoint I'd prefer 2.0 ** 0.5 or to require i to
>> be converted to float as needed. In fact, if "real" is a generic name
>> for multiple types, as a programmer I'd want to be able to specify
>> what I want done, e.g.
>>    real_32(i) ** 0.5
>     As a programmer, I'd prefer "sqrt" to "** 0.5" every time --
> clearer [IMO], and very possibly more efficient [eg, you can use
> Newton-Raphson effectively for square roots, whereas the more general
> case typically needs different treatments for very large or very small
> exponents].  As a practical programmer, I hate the idea of having to
> specify "real_32";  I'm sure there are CS reasons why it's sometimes
> useful,

If you are using libraries such as OpenGL and Raylib, then 32-bit floats
are used extensively. Your language needs to be capable of denoting
suitable types.

The approach I use is to provide:

real32 or r32 or f32 (I like to give a choice!)
real64 or r64 or f64

Use 'real' when you just want to default floating point type (which used
to be 32 bits at one time, now is 64 bits); use specific widths when an
API demands it, or the choice of width is significant and needs to be

> but my experience of astrophysicists and other scientists is
> that they just expect defaults to work properly.

Didn't Fortran have types like REAL*4 and REAL*8, as well as REAL and

(I used to have the *N syntax too, then I decided I didn't need a
special syntax as the possibilities for N were very limited.)

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 4, 2022, 2:40:41 PM12/4/22
The example was about introducing *user-defined* ad-hoc subtyping.

>>>>>      The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
>>>>> enforce some strict purity regime.
>>>> Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.
>>>      Yes.  I would suggest that the evidence of code snippets posted
>>> here in relation to Ada and C shows that neither is even close.  Nor is,
>>> for example, Pascal.  Some dialects of Basic are much better, at least
>>> within a limited class of problems.  In the interests of /not/ starting
>>> "holier than thou" language wars, I shall say no more.
>> My take on this is that it is not possible to do on the language
>> level. I think that the language must be much simpler than even Ada,
>> which is four or so times smaller than modern C++. Yet it must be
>> powerful enough to express the ideas like implicit conversions at the
>> library level.
> Which implicit conversions would you want and why could they not be
> explicit?

A language without certain conversions would be intolerable. Start with
access mode subtypes. Clearly 'in out T' is convertible to 'in T'. So
are derived types inheriting operations etc.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 4, 2022, 2:45:09 PM12/4/22
On 2022-12-04 19:05, Bart wrote:

> Didn't Fortran have types like REAL*4 and REAL*8, as well as REAL and

I used to pass REAL*4 to INTEGER*4 subroutines in order to use faster
integer arithmetic e.g. for some tests. What a joy! (:-))

FORTRAN-IV was an ideal implicit conversion language. Any type was
convertible to any at zero cost! It simply didn't check anything...

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 3:02:32 PM12/4/22
I never know what people mean by subtyping. To some it seems to be a
smaller range of another type as in 'tiny' below.

small is range 0..999
tiny is small range 0..99

To others an OO 'subtype' is a class which inherits from a superclass.

In either case the subtype inherits operations from its parent.

Maybe those examples are wrong. Maybe there are other kinds of
'subtype'. I don't know. What do you mean by subtyping in the current
context, Dmitry?

>>>>>>      The whole point of HLLs is to make programming easier, not to
>>>>>> enforce some strict purity regime.
>>>>> Sure. The disagreement is about achieving that ease.
>>>>      Yes.  I would suggest that the evidence of code snippets posted
>>>> here in relation to Ada and C shows that neither is even close.  Nor
>>>> is,
>>>> for example, Pascal.  Some dialects of Basic are much better, at least
>>>> within a limited class of problems.  In the interests of /not/ starting
>>>> "holier than thou" language wars, I shall say no more.
>>> My take on this is that it is not possible to do on the language
>>> level. I think that the language must be much simpler than even Ada,
>>> which is four or so times smaller than modern C++. Yet it must be
>>> powerful enough to express the ideas like implicit conversions at the
>>> library level.
>> Which implicit conversions would you want and why could they not be
>> explicit?
> A language without certain conversions would be intolerable. Start with
> access mode subtypes. Clearly 'in out T' is convertible to 'in T'. So
> are derived types inheriting operations etc.

Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types) what
other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as intolerable?

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 3:14:47 PM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 17:54, Bart wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 16:59, James Harris wrote:


>> I was thinking that x ** 0.5 (with 0.5 being a literal) could be
>> /implemented/ as sqrt(x) but it sounds as though there are traps
>> awaiting for large and small exponents. I hate the numerical analysis
>> stuff because I don't know enough of it and I never use floating point
>> so I never have to deal with it.
>> What I don't like about having a sqrt function is that while it is the
>> most common root it's not the only one. It's hard to justify that a
>> language should include a specific function for square root but not
>> cube root and not fourth root, etc.
> My Casio calculator has square root on its own button. Cube root is on a
> shifted button, and an Nth root is on another shifted button.
> If it's given special treatment on a calculator, when why not in a
> language?

Because languages are not designed by Casio...?

Calculators may also have keys for percent, factorial, and 000. Does
that mean a language should do the same?

> The same calculator has a dedicated button for 'squared', and another
> for x^n. My languages also dedicated operators for square root, square,
> and exponentiation.

You have


as well as

x ** 2


> Also, sqrt is often a built-in processor instruction (as are min and max
> on x64), so another reason a language should treat them specially.

As I say, x ** 0.5 could be implemented by a sqrt instruction (numerical
analyses permitting).

I could see it either way. I am not really averse to having a few sqrt
functions (one for each float type) but I am interested to hear that
people think they /should/ be included.

Someone (David, I think) even suggested an integer square root. That
would open up a can of worms called 'rounding'!

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 3:26:08 PM12/4/22
On 28/11/2022 10:10, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-11-28 00:28, Andy Walker wrote:


>> The compiler doesn't know that,
>> and can't be expected to.  If a conversion is not one of those specified
>> by the language, then it is not implicit.
> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?

By my definition of 'safe', no. Numbers above 16.7 million (2^24) or
thereabouts will lose precision. I presume that was the point you were

Understandably, I often see programmers overlook that converting a
32-bit int to a 32-bit float will lose information. Perhaps it's because
(1) C silently converts int to float and (2) small numbers are
unchanged, leading people into a false sense of security.

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 4, 2022, 4:24:37 PM12/4/22
On 2022-12-04 21:26, James Harris wrote:
> On 28/11/2022 10:10, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-11-28 00:28, Andy Walker wrote:
> ...
>>> The compiler doesn't know that,
>>> and can't be expected to.  If a conversion is not one of those specified
>>> by the language, then it is not implicit.
>> Is integer to single precision IEEE float conversion safe?
> By my definition of 'safe', no. Numbers above 16.7 million (2^24) or
> thereabouts will lose precision. I presume that was the point you were
> making.

Technical terms are:

- Accuracy
- Precision

> Understandably, I often see programmers overlook that converting a
> 32-bit int to a 32-bit float will lose information.

It will lose precision. Accuracy depends on how you interpret the
mantissa. If you do it as an interval, with the bounds defined by the
mantissa and exponent, e.g. M**EXP +/- EPS, then it is accurate when
original integer is inside that interval.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 4, 2022, 4:40:45 PM12/4/22
These are new types. The correct syntax is

subtype Small is Integer range 0..999;

Now Small is subtype of Integer.

> To others an OO 'subtype' is a class which inherits from a superclass.

Both are same. E.g. Small inherits + from Integer:

X : Small;
Y : Integer;
Y := Y + X; -- See any conversion here? That is what subtype does.

> In either case the subtype inherits operations from its parent.


Subtype (in Liskov definition) means that you can substitute X of S, a
subtype of T in an operation Foo of T.

Since you can do that, you do not need any explicit conversions. Elementary.

> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types) what
> other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as intolerable?

Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:

type = values + operations

Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is another

Other implicit conversion you mentioned yourself. All inherited methods
in OO. If S inherits Foo from T you need not to explicitly convert to T
when calling Foo on an S.

Yet another example is transparent pointers. E.g.

type Ptr is access String; -- Pointer to String
Ptr (1..2) := "ab";

That is OK, Ptr is a subtype of String in array indexing operations.
Implicit type conversion here is pointer dereferencing.

C++ conversion operators were already mentioned. They introduce an
ad-hoc subtype.

C++ references T& are subtypes of T etc.

James Harris

Dec 4, 2022, 5:21:10 PM12/4/22
OK. What is an operation which is out of range as in

u : integer;
v : small := 999;

u := v + 1;
v := v + 1;

defined to leave in u and v?

And does

subtype tiny is small range 0..9;

declare a further subtype compatible with integer and small?

>> To others an OO 'subtype' is a class which inherits from a superclass.
> Both are same. E.g. Small inherits + from Integer:
>    X : Small;
>    Y : Integer;
> begin
>    Y := Y + X; -- See any conversion here? That is what subtype does.

Yes, although a subtype isn't required for that. As you know, C effects
various promotions (some unwisely but they are effected nonetheless) and
I define the narrower operand to be widened to match the other.

Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada allows
multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each other even
if one is not derived from the other; that's different from inherited
compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.

>> In either case the subtype inherits operations from its parent.
> Yes.
> Subtype (in Liskov definition) means that you can substitute X of S, a
> subtype of T in an operation Foo of T.
> Since you can do that, you do not need any explicit conversions.
> Elementary.

Good point, Sherlock. ;-)

>> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types) what
>> other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as intolerable?
> Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:
>    type = values + operations
> Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is another
> type.

I won't go there. You and I have debated the meaning of 'type' before
and we are not in total agreement.

> Other implicit conversion you mentioned yourself. All inherited methods
> in OO. If S inherits Foo from T you need not to explicitly convert to T
> when calling Foo on an S.
> Yet another example is transparent pointers. E.g.
>    type Ptr is access String; -- Pointer to String
> begin
>    Ptr (1..2) := "ab";
> That is OK, Ptr is a subtype of String in array indexing operations.
> Implicit type conversion here is pointer dereferencing.

FWIW I would explicitly dereference such a pointer with


I have thought about declaring a reference which is automatically
dereferenced a certain number of times so that it can be treated as an
object but haven't bottomed out the concomitant issues yet such as when
the programmer wants to mention the reference without all that automatic
dereferencing how does he specify to?


James Harris


Dec 4, 2022, 6:29:26 PM12/4/22
On 04/12/2022 20:14, James Harris wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 17:54, Bart wrote:
>> On 04/12/2022 16:59, James Harris wrote:
> ...
>>> I was thinking that x ** 0.5 (with 0.5 being a literal) could be
>>> /implemented/ as sqrt(x) but it sounds as though there are traps
>>> awaiting for large and small exponents. I hate the numerical analysis
>>> stuff because I don't know enough of it and I never use floating
>>> point so I never have to deal with it.
>>> What I don't like about having a sqrt function is that while it is
>>> the most common root it's not the only one. It's hard to justify that
>>> a language should include a specific function for square root but not
>>> cube root and not fourth root, etc.
>> My Casio calculator has square root on its own button. Cube root is on
>> a shifted button, and an Nth root is on another shifted button.
>> If it's given special treatment on a calculator, when why not in a
>> language?
> Because languages are not designed by Casio...?
> Calculators may also have keys for percent, factorial, and 000. Does
> that mean a language should do the same?

Casio designs for ergonomics. They consider square-root important enough
to be given its own button. Factorial on mine is a shifted button.

000 is more for data-entry, so would be editor-related not language.
Percent, I've never used.

>> The same calculator has a dedicated button for 'squared', and another
>> for x^n. My languages also dedicated operators for square root,
>> square, and exponentiation.
> You have
>   square(x)
> as well as
>   x ** 2
> ?

Yes. I've always had it, while ** only came along later. It's also an
easy optimisation for a primitive compiler.

Besides, some implementations of ** (or pow() in C) are designed for and
will use floating point.

Even with integer **, you have to cross your fingers a little and hope
that a compiler (even yours) will optimise X**2 into a simple multiply.
With sqr(X) you can be 100% confident.

>> Also, sqrt is often a built-in processor instruction (as are min and
>> max on x64), so another reason a language should treat them specially.
> As I say, x ** 0.5 could be implemented by a sqrt instruction (numerical
> analyses permitting).
> I could see it either way. I am not really averse to having a few sqrt
> functions (one for each float type) but I am interested to hear that
> people think they /should/ be included.

My sqrt operator can be overloaded. However, my compiler's type analyser
will force operands of maths to f64, including sqrt. I've just changed
that (it took a minute), and now, sqrt(x) is implemented as either
`sqrtss` or `sqrtsd` simd instructions depending on the type of x.

(When x has integer type, it converts to f64, with a result of f64.)

That was worth doing since 32-bit sqrt is nearly 30% faster than 64-bit

And I can do it with a single 'sqrt' operator.

In my scripting language, I haven't implemented for sqrt for bignum
types. There, one difficulty is deciding how accurate the result should
be, as with no limits, it can keep going forever.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 5, 2022, 2:50:27 AM12/5/22
"+" is inherited from Integer. Thus

v + 1 = Integer'(v) + Integer'(1) = Integer'(1000)

> And does
>   subtype tiny is small range 0..9;
> declare a further subtype compatible with integer and small?


>>> To others an OO 'subtype' is a class which inherits from a superclass.
>> Both are same. E.g. Small inherits + from Integer:
>>     X : Small;
>>     Y : Integer;
>> begin
>>     Y := Y + X; -- See any conversion here? That is what subtype does.
> Yes, although a subtype isn't required for that. As you know, C effects
> various promotions (some unwisely but they are effected nonetheless) and
> I define the narrower operand to be widened to match the other.

C promotions are subtypes.

> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada allows
> multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each other even
> if one is not derived from the other; that's different from inherited
> compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.

Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype introduces
both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small exports its
operations to Integer. E.g.

procedure Foo (X : Small);


Y : Integer;

Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer

This is why all Ada subtypes form an equivalence class.

If I designed a new language I would have ad-hoc sub- and super-type
separated and not require same representation. More like C++ conversion

>>> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types) what
>>> other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as intolerable?
>> Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:
>>     type = values + operations
>> Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is
>> another type.
> I won't go there. You and I have debated the meaning of 'type' before
> and we are not in total agreement.

When you invent something better than the standard definition values +
operations, let me know... (:-))

>> Other implicit conversion you mentioned yourself. All inherited
>> methods in OO. If S inherits Foo from T you need not to explicitly
>> convert to T when calling Foo on an S.
>> Yet another example is transparent pointers. E.g.
>>     type Ptr is access String; -- Pointer to String
>> begin
>>     Ptr (1..2) := "ab";
>> That is OK, Ptr is a subtype of String in array indexing operations.
>> Implicit type conversion here is pointer dereferencing.
> FWIW I would explicitly dereference such a pointer with
>   Ptr*
> I have thought about declaring a reference which is automatically
> dereferenced a certain number of times so that it can be treated as an
> object but haven't bottomed out the concomitant issues yet such as when
> the programmer wants to mention the reference without all that automatic
> dereferencing how does he specify to?

1. Such cases do not exist. The only one is deep vs. shallow copy in
assignment. In Ada assignment is not inherited. So P1 := P2 is shallow.
P1.all := P2.all is deep.

2. You can always qualify the type and/or operation. E.g. in Ada it is
denoted as T'(E). T is the type, E is expression/object.

Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language, you do
not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a subtype.

Andy Walker

Dec 5, 2022, 9:46:03 AM12/5/22
On 04/12/2022 16:37, James Harris wrote:
> What do you think of as unsafe and do you have an example of lossy
> but 'safe'?

"Unsafe", to me, means that the behaviour is or could be undefined
or could cause an [unexpected/untrapped] exception; there is lots of that
around, esp if you forget the elementary checks [such as pointers being
non-null, arithmetic not overflowing, indexes being within bounds, ...].
Converting "int -> real" is safe [esp if, as with Algol, the Standard
defines it so -- RR] but may be lossy [as discussed earlier].

>>      How, in your mind, does "f(i)" [with an implicit conversion of
>> the parameter to type "real"] differ from "f((real) i)" [where the
>> parameter is explicitly cast]?  The result is the same in both cases.
> I've done very little on floats so far but I can say I don't intend
> to support implicit conversions to float. Nor would I have just one
> float type. The conversion you mention would have to be more explicit
> such as either of
>   f(<float 32>(i))
>   f(<float 64>(i))

If the implicit conversion is possible, then one of your two
explicit conversions is wrong. I don't intend to write an essay here,
but this is an area where Algol works very hard to make function calls
such as "f(i)" work smoothly while also permitting operands the usual
freedoms so that you can add all numeric types with the operator "+".

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Andy Walker

Dec 5, 2022, 10:05:34 AM12/5/22
On 04/12/2022 17:18, James Harris wrote:
> On 25/11/2022 11:28, Andy Walker wrote:
>> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
>>> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
>>> of := is mutable.
>>      Yes.  That shows that "2" and "j" have different types.
> Does it? They may have different protections (one is intrinsically
> read-only but being wrongly used in a context in which something
> writeable is required) but when did protections become part of the
> type?

Not to do with "protection". Unless your [or your language's]
model of the computer is seriously weird, "j" is some allocated storage
in the computer which contains an integer [which in the present case is
2]. Storage is not the same sort of object as the thing it contains.
Read-only storage is still not the same as its contents. Covering up
that distinction, as with C's talk of "lvalues" and "rvalues" is not,
IMO, helpful. Two objects of the same type ought to be syntactically
and semantically interchangeable [modulo some quibbles not relevant

> I am not saying that protection cannot be part of the type but I
> don't see the necessity to conflate the two concepts.

Lots of things can be part of the type! A significant part of
the C standard is taken up by a discussion of the various adjectives
than can adorn types. But storage is still not the same type as what
is stored there.


Dec 5, 2022, 10:33:59 AM12/5/22
On 05/12/2022 15:05, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 17:18, James Harris wrote:
>> On 25/11/2022 11:28, Andy Walker wrote:
>>> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
>>>> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
>>>> of := is mutable.
>>>      Yes.  That shows that "2" and "j" have different types.
>> Does it? They may have different protections (one is intrinsically
>> read-only but being wrongly used in a context in which something
>> writeable is required) but when did protections become part of the
>> type?
>     Not to do with "protection".  Unless your [or your language's]
> model of the computer is seriously weird, "j" is some allocated storage
> in the computer which contains an integer [which in the present case is
> 2].  Storage is not the same sort of object as the thing it contains.
> Read-only storage is still not the same as its contents.  Covering up
> that distinction, as with C's talk of "lvalues" and "rvalues" is not,
> IMO, helpful.  Two objects of the same type ought to be syntactically
> and semantically interchangeable [modulo some quibbles not relevant
> here].

Do i and j in this bit of A68 have the same type:

INT i=2;
INT j:=3;

print((i,j, newline));


print((i,j, newline))

They both have values that display as 2 and 3, both integers. But the
assignment doesn't work. This does however:


This depends you mean by the type. Sometimes only the target type (INT)
is of interest, then the resulting values will have the same type.

But also important is how you get there from the denotation. Algol68
likes to make that distinction, other languages gloss over it unless
some extra levels of indirection are added (explicit pointers), which is
how mine works:

const int a = 2
int b := 3
ref int c := &b

println (1).typestr # i64
println a.typestr # i64
println b.typestr # i64
println c.typestr # ref i64

The discrepancy is because of the automatic dereference of a variable's
name that is common to HLLs.

Andy Walker

Dec 5, 2022, 12:22:44 PM12/5/22
On 05/12/2022 15:33, Bart wrote:
> Do i and j in this bit of A68 have the same type:
>   INT i=2;
>   INT j:=3;

No. We've been through this several times before! That code
defines the identifier "i" to be a[n alternative] way of describing the
integer 2 [more useful in cases such as "REAL pi = 4*arctan(1);"], and
"j" to be a way of describing newly-allocated storage initialised to
contain the integer 3. So "i" has type "INT" and "j" has type "REF INT"
[ie, storage suitable to hold an "INT"].

*** It is universally acknowledged that this is confusing. ***
It was driven by the necessity to conform with other "scientific"
languages of the period. A completely new invention, without the
historical baggage, would/should look quite different, though since
I share that baggage [as do C, Pascal, Ada, ...], I have no concrete
proposals for what "different" should actually be.

James Harris

Dec 5, 2022, 5:41:09 PM12/5/22
On 04/12/2022 23:29, Bart wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 20:14, James Harris wrote:
>> On 04/12/2022 17:54, Bart wrote:


>>> The same calculator has a dedicated button for 'squared', and another
>>> for x^n. My languages also dedicated operators for square root,
>>> square, and exponentiation.
>> You have
>>    square(x)
>> as well as
>>    x ** 2
>> ?
> Yes. I've always had it, while ** only came along later. It's also an
> easy optimisation for a primitive compiler.
> Besides, some implementations of ** (or pow() in C) are designed for and
> will use floating point.
> Even with integer **, you have to cross your fingers a little and hope
> that a compiler (even yours) will optimise X**2 into a simple multiply.
> With sqr(X) you can be 100% confident.

Why could a compiler not be guaranteed to convert x ** 2 into x * x?
Isn't it a traditional strength reduction which would evaluate to
exactly the same answer?

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 5, 2022, 6:04:13 PM12/5/22
On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-04 23:21, James Harris wrote:
>> On 04/12/2022 21:40, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> On 2022-12-04 21:02, James Harris wrote:


>>>> I never know what people mean by subtyping. To some it seems to be a
>>>> smaller range of another type as in 'tiny' below.
>>>>    small is range 0..999
>>>>    tiny is small range 0..99
>>> These are new types. The correct syntax is
>>>     subtype Small is Integer range 0..999;
>>> Now Small is subtype of Integer.
>> OK. What is an operation which is out of range as in
>>    u : integer;
>>    v : small := 999;
>>    u := v + 1;
>>    v := v + 1;
>> defined to leave in u and v?
> "+" is inherited from Integer. Thus
>    v + 1 = Integer'(v) + Integer'(1) = Integer'(1000)

That seems odd when v's limit is 999.

>> And does
>>    subtype tiny is small range 0..9;
>> declare a further subtype compatible with integer and small?
> Yes.


>>>> To others an OO 'subtype' is a class which inherits from a superclass.
>>> Both are same. E.g. Small inherits + from Integer:
>>>     X : Small;
>>>     Y : Integer;
>>> begin
>>>     Y := Y + X; -- See any conversion here? That is what subtype does.
>> Yes, although a subtype isn't required for that. As you know, C
>> effects various promotions (some unwisely but they are effected
>> nonetheless) and I define the narrower operand to be widened to match
>> the other.
> C promotions are subtypes.

Even C's promotions of int to float?

>> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada allows
>> multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each other even
>> if one is not derived from the other; that's different from inherited
>> compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.
> Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype introduces
> both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small exports its
> operations to Integer. E.g.
>    procedure Foo (X : Small);
> Now
>    Y : Integer;
>    Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer

So Small is both a subtype and a supertype of Integer? That seems a bit mad.

> This is why all Ada subtypes form an equivalence class.
> If I designed a new language I would have ad-hoc sub- and super-type
> separated and not require same representation. More like C++ conversion
> operators.

Not being familiar with C++ I'm not sure what that last paragraph means.
ATM I feel there is a 'landing zone' for type compatibility but I cannot
yet make it out.

>>>> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types) what
>>>> other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as intolerable?
>>> Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:
>>>     type = values + operations
>>> Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is
>>> another type.
>> I won't go there. You and I have debated the meaning of 'type' before
>> and we are not in total agreement.
> When you invent something better than the standard definition values +
> operations, let me know... (:-))

Didn't you used to say values only? At least you've now added operations
so you are getting there. ;-)

>>> Other implicit conversion you mentioned yourself. All inherited
>>> methods in OO. If S inherits Foo from T you need not to explicitly
>>> convert to T when calling Foo on an S.
>>> Yet another example is transparent pointers. E.g.
>>>     type Ptr is access String; -- Pointer to String
>>> begin
>>>     Ptr (1..2) := "ab";
>>> That is OK, Ptr is a subtype of String in array indexing operations.
>>> Implicit type conversion here is pointer dereferencing.
>> FWIW I would explicitly dereference such a pointer with
>>    Ptr*
>> I have thought about declaring a reference which is automatically
>> dereferenced a certain number of times so that it can be treated as an
>> object but haven't bottomed out the concomitant issues yet such as
>> when the programmer wants to mention the reference without all that
>> automatic dereferencing how does he specify to?
> 1. Such cases do not exist. The only one is deep vs. shallow copy in
> assignment. In Ada assignment is not inherited. So P1 := P2 is shallow.
> P1.all := P2.all is deep.

Shallow is fine. Deep is troublesome. Data structures have nodes at
different depths.

> 2. You can always qualify the type and/or operation. E.g. in Ada it is
> denoted as T'(E). T is the type, E is expression/object.

Then one gets into the Algol68 approach of "resolve until you get a type
match". If a programmer has three levels of declared-automatic reference
before getting to the target, i.e.

p -> 1 -> 2 -> target

then (to repeat, for declared-automatic dereference) a use of p would
normally access the target. But the programmer might want to access p or
1 or 2 in different circumstances.

No worries if you don't know what I mean. It's just something I've got
to resolve.

> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language, you do
> not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a subtype.

Everything's subtyping these days! :-o

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 5, 2022, 6:19:45 PM12/5/22
On 05/12/2022 14:45, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 16:37, James Harris wrote:
>> What do you think of as unsafe and do you have an example of lossy
>> but 'safe'?
>     "Unsafe", to me, means that the behaviour is or could be undefined
> or could cause an [unexpected/untrapped] exception;  there is lots of that
> around, esp if you forget the elementary checks [such as pointers being
> non-null, arithmetic not overflowing, indexes being within bounds, ...].
> Converting "int -> real" is safe [esp if, as with Algol, the Standard
> defines it so -- RR] but may be lossy [as discussed earlier].


>>>      How, in your mind, does "f(i)" [with an implicit conversion of
>>> the parameter to type "real"] differ from "f((real) i)" [where the
>>> parameter is explicitly cast]?  The result is the same in both cases.
>> I've done very little on floats so far but I can say I don't intend
>> to support implicit conversions to float. Nor would I have just one
>> float type. The conversion you mention would have to be more explicit
>> such as either of
>>    f(<float 32>(i))
>>    f(<float 64>(i))
>     If the implicit conversion is possible, then one of your two
> explicit conversions is wrong.  I don't intend to write an essay here,
> but this is an area where Algol works very hard to make function calls
> such as "f(i)" work smoothly while also permitting operands the usual
> freedoms so that you can add all numeric types with the operator "+".

The implicit conversion would not be possible. Programmers would have to
specify the conversion because they would be changing the type. I see
that you prefer a different approach and that's fine but I prefer such
changes to be manifest in the syntax, especially if they can be lossy.

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 5, 2022, 6:28:59 PM12/5/22
On 05/12/2022 15:05, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 04/12/2022 17:18, James Harris wrote:
>> On 25/11/2022 11:28, Andy Walker wrote:
>>> On 23/11/2022 19:52, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:

>>>> That does not compute. 2 := j; is illegal merely because 2 (after
>>>> overloading resolution to int) is a constant and the first argument
>>>> of := is mutable.
>>>      Yes.  That shows that "2" and "j" have different types.
>> Does it? They may have different protections (one is intrinsically
>> read-only but being wrongly used in a context in which something
>> writeable is required) but when did protections become part of the
>> type?
>     Not to do with "protection".  Unless your [or your language's]
> model of the computer is seriously weird, "j" is some allocated storage
> in the computer which contains an integer [which in the present case is
> 2].  Storage is not the same sort of object as the thing it contains.
> Read-only storage is still not the same as its contents.  Covering up
> that distinction, as with C's talk of "lvalues" and "rvalues" is not,
> IMO, helpful.  Two objects of the same type ought to be syntactically
> and semantically interchangeable [modulo some quibbles not relevant
> here].

Both j and 2 can be modelled as 'storage' and assigned a location. In
fact, that gives a consistent picture of operands. While some literals
(esp small integers) can be placed in the program code, in the general
case (let's call them large literals) they won't fit and would need to
be placed in storage. So why not initially place them all there?

Even if the compiler initially assigns locations for all literals the
optimiser can ensure that small integers are moved out of storage and
into the program text so nothing is lost. But the models for j and 2 as
seen in the program text can be the same.

James Harris


Dec 5, 2022, 7:25:30 PM12/5/22
Laziness? I doubt my compilers bother with that particular reduction,
and testing them now, they don't.

Why should I when I already have sqr? (I might want to look at x**0 and
x**1, but any use of ** is uncommon.)

Neither does CPython 3.10. C of course doesn't even have integer power
ops, however pow(a,2) gets optimised with gcc-O1 or above. With
integers, that still involves converting to and from floats.

You can of course have a language where you are expected to do x**2 and
x**0.5 instead of sqr(x) and sqrt(x).

You can also have one where you do exp(log(x)*2) and exp(log(x)*0.5)
instead of x**2 and x**0.5.

It's about convenience and also making your intentions absolutely clear.

If cube roots were that common, would you write that as x**0.33333333333
or x**(1.0/3.0)? There you would welcome cuberoot(x)!

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 6, 2022, 3:10:00 AM12/6/22
On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-04 23:21, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 04/12/2022 21:40, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> On 2022-12-04 21:02, James Harris wrote:
> ...
>>>>> I never know what people mean by subtyping. To some it seems to be
>>>>> a smaller range of another type as in 'tiny' below.
>>>>>    small is range 0..999
>>>>>    tiny is small range 0..99
>>>> These are new types. The correct syntax is
>>>>     subtype Small is Integer range 0..999;
>>>> Now Small is subtype of Integer.
>>> OK. What is an operation which is out of range as in
>>>    u : integer;
>>>    v : small := 999;
>>>    u := v + 1;
>>>    v := v + 1;
>>> defined to leave in u and v?
>> "+" is inherited from Integer. Thus
>>     v + 1 = Integer'(v) + Integer'(1) = Integer'(1000)
> That seems odd when v's limit is 999.

That is v's limit, not the limit of v + 1 which is Integer. BTW,

v := v + 1;

Gives Constraint_Error, but not because of +, because of :=.

[ The technical term for the subject is covariance vs. contravariance.
If + were covariant in its result, then inherited by Small it returned
Small and so v + 1 would raise exception. But + is contravariant and the
result remains Integer. Merits of covariance vs contravariance is a
story for another day. Ada's choice for numbers is motivated by the
design principle, that when the result of an expression is
mathematically correct, then it is not a error. ]

>> C promotions are subtypes.
> Even C's promotions of int to float?

Sure. If you implicitly convert int to float in some operation f then
int is a subtype of float in f.

>>> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada
>>> allows multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each
>>> other even if one is not derived from the other; that's different
>>> from inherited compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.
>> Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype introduces
>> both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small exports its
>> operations to Integer. E.g.
>>     procedure Foo (X : Small);
>> Now
>>     Y : Integer;
>>     Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer
> So Small is both a subtype and a supertype of Integer? That seems a bit
> mad.

Why, if that is desired effect? You want Foo (Y) illegal?

>> If I designed a new language I would have ad-hoc sub- and super-type
>> separated and not require same representation. More like C++
>> conversion operators.
> Not being familiar with C++ I'm not sure what that last paragraph means.
> ATM I feel there is a 'landing zone' for type compatibility but I cannot
> yet make it out.

In C++ you can

class T
operator int ();


T X;
int Y := Y + X; -- Implicit conversion

Effectively class T is a subtype of int.

>>>>> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types)
>>>>> what other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as
>>>>> intolerable?
>>>> Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:
>>>>     type = values + operations
>>>> Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is
>>>> another type.
>>> I won't go there. You and I have debated the meaning of 'type' before
>>> and we are not in total agreement.
>> When you invent something better than the standard definition values +
>> operations, let me know... (:-))
> Didn't you used to say values only?

Me? Never.

> At least you've now added operations
> so you are getting there. ;-)

Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?

>>>> Other implicit conversion you mentioned yourself. All inherited
>>>> methods in OO. If S inherits Foo from T you need not to explicitly
>>>> convert to T when calling Foo on an S.
>>>> Yet another example is transparent pointers. E.g.
>>>>     type Ptr is access String; -- Pointer to String
>>>> begin
>>>>     Ptr (1..2) := "ab";
>>>> That is OK, Ptr is a subtype of String in array indexing operations.
>>>> Implicit type conversion here is pointer dereferencing.
>>> FWIW I would explicitly dereference such a pointer with
>>>    Ptr*
>>> I have thought about declaring a reference which is automatically
>>> dereferenced a certain number of times so that it can be treated as
>>> an object but haven't bottomed out the concomitant issues yet such as
>>> when the programmer wants to mention the reference without all that
>>> automatic dereferencing how does he specify to?
>> 1. Such cases do not exist. The only one is deep vs. shallow copy in
>> assignment. In Ada assignment is not inherited. So P1 := P2 is
>> shallow. P1.all := P2.all is deep.
> Shallow is fine. Deep is troublesome. Data structures have nodes at
> different depths.

Nope. It seems that you still do not accept types as a fundamental
concept. When you assign type it is an operation as any else. How it
copies or not is of no interest to you. You just call it. Done.

When pointer to T is a subtype of T in assignment then you have to
decide which implementation you take (overriding vs. inheriting).

>> 2. You can always qualify the type and/or operation. E.g. in Ada it is
>> denoted as T'(E). T is the type, E is expression/object.
> Then one gets into the Algol68 approach of "resolve until you get a type
> match". If a programmer has three levels of declared-automatic reference
> before getting to the target, i.e.
>   p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
> then (to repeat, for declared-automatic dereference) a use of p would
> normally access the target. But the programmer might want to access p or
> 1 or 2 in different circumstances.

I still see no problem. Whatever object you want, it is has a type and
that type has a name. Use the name in the qualifier.

>> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
>> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language, you
>> do not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a subtype.
> Everything's subtyping these days! :-o

Implicit conversions are.

Andy Walker

Dec 6, 2022, 11:30:11 AM12/6/22
On 05/12/2022 23:28, James Harris wrote:
[I wrote:]
>> [...] Two objects of the same type ought to be syntactically
>> and semantically interchangeable [modulo some quibbles not relevant
>> here].
> Both j and 2 can be modelled as 'storage' and assigned a location. In
> fact, that gives a consistent picture of operands. While some
> literals (esp small integers) can be placed in the program code, in
> the general case (let's call them large literals) they won't fit and
> would need to be placed in storage. So why not initially place them
> all there?

/Implementation/ details don't affect types! Yes, you can if you
like implement "2" as

int secret := 2;

but that gives "secret" and "j" the same type, not "j" and "2". The fact
will remain that there are many contexts in which you can use "j" but not
"2" [and you can't, as a programmer, use "secret", because it's secret].

> Even if the compiler initially assigns locations for all literals the
> optimiser can ensure that small integers are moved out of storage and
> into the program text so nothing is lost. But the models for j and 2
> as seen in the program text can be the same.

What the compiler and optimiser do is up to them. But if the
/program text/ fails to distinguish an integer from storage containing
an integer, it's going to make programming "interesting". As in those
languages where "2" is just an identifier, and you /can/ assign "2 := 3"
so that "2 * 2 == 9" [unless "9" has also been re-defined!]. I hope
you're not going down that route.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

Andy Walker

Dec 6, 2022, 4:09:49 PM12/6/22
On 02/12/2022 23:07, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> You claimed that subtyping relationship is equivalent to explicit
>>> conversions.
>>      I have checked back through my contributions to this thread and
>> can find nothing even remotely similar to such a claim.
> Sorry, but I then don't understand your point. Conversions are
> implicit in both cases = arguments in expression appear as is. What's
> the objection again?

I object to you saying that I claimed X when there is nothing even
remotely resembling X in the thread. Nor can I parse your second sentence
above into anything sensible; what are the "both cases"?

>>>> Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
>>>> and real types" is also something that varies between languages.
>>> No.
>>      You surely mean "yes".

[IOW, you can surely not be denying that some languages have many
and some have rather few integer/real types?]

>> Most early languages had only one integer
>> type and one real type;  that is not a "multitude".
> This subthread was started by James about designing a *new* language.
> If you said that James should have looked no further than Excel,
> which had no integer type, then I would not care to respond. Your
> answer suggested than implicit conversion could somehow exist in a
> moderately *modern* and reasonably typed language.

Of course it can. You yourself [at the bottom of your article]
point us at the implicit conversions in the 2023 C++ standard; and any
language loosely related to C has them in its decays and promotions.

>>> It is a proposition
>>>    IF there are multiple numeric types
>>>    THEN implicit conversions do not fly
>>> You asked why, I explained.
>>      Another sub-thread where you seem to have gone off at a tangent
>> from whatever you think I may have been asking.  But as a proposition,
>> that is clearly false [unless you are claiming that /only/ implicit
>> conversions are to be allowed], as demonstrated in this thread with
>> specific examples.
> I have no idea what you mean.

You produced a proposition. C and C++, as well as more modern
languages related to them, show the proposition to be false.

>>      You snipped (b) and (c);  what you seem to want -- it's always hard
>> to be sure -- is perfectly possible in A68G, but the language as supplied
>> contains only the one "sqrt" function.
> Why then each line has sqrt spelt differently?

Because A68G, as supplied, contains only one "sqrt" function [it also
has "longsqrt", "csqrt", "shortshortsqrt", "longlonglonglonglongsqrt" and many
others, but they are different functions (different, though related, names,
different return types, different parameter types)].

> To qualify it shall be this:> print (("complex: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>         "complex: [with im part] ", sqrt(2), newline,
>         "single: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>         "double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>         "long double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>         "fixed: [eg] ", sqrt(2), newline))
> That is *not* possible in any language.

But that's not what you /said/ you wanted, and it's unreasonable. I
don't want to use a strongly-typed language where you can't deduce the type
of each construct. As usual, you create a puzzle by writing unfathomable
sentences and expecting others to interpret them.

> My example is impossible to implement due to ambiguities. The wrong
> answer you gave is trivial to have in any language. E.g. in Ada
>    function sqrt (X : Integer) return Float is
>    begin
>       return Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.sqrt (Float (X));
>    end sqrt;
>    Put_Line (sqrt(2)'Image);

If that's "trivial" compared with the A68G equivalent, I'd hate
to see some non-trivial code.

[... snip further code ...]
> Then without learning Hungarian I could write each sqrt as sqrt.
>    Put_Line (Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);
>    Put_Line (Long_Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);

Why do you regard "Long_Float'(sqrt(2))" as more readable than
"longsqrt(2)" [which works in A68G with no further "trivial" code to
write]? You've just mangled names in a different and less clear way.
Algol "coercions" [implicit casts] just work; they're safe, accord
with common sense, and avoid the programmer having to write explicit
coercions for no other reason than so that the compiler can check that
you got them all right.


Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 6, 2022, 5:06:58 PM12/6/22
On 2022-12-06 22:09, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 02/12/2022 23:07, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> You claimed that subtyping relationship is equivalent to explicit
>>>> conversions.
>>>      I have checked back through my contributions to this thread and
>>> can find nothing even remotely similar to such a claim.
>> Sorry, but I then don't understand your point. Conversions are
>> implicit in both cases = arguments in expression appear as is. What's
>> the objection again?
>     I object to you saying that I claimed X when there is nothing even
> remotely resembling X in the thread.  Nor can I parse your second sentence
> above into anything sensible;  what are the "both cases"?

Built-in conversions vs. user-defined subtypes.

>>>>> Whether a language has a "multitude of integer
>>>>> and real types" is also something that varies between languages.
>>>> No.
>>>      You surely mean "yes".
>     [IOW, you can surely not be denying that some languages have many
> and some have rather few integer/real types?]

There exist some languages of no interest in this particular discussion,
as far as I understood the James' question and from what he described
about his type system. He will not have single integer type.

>>>                 Most early languages had only one integer
>>> type and one real type;  that is not a "multitude".
>> This subthread was started by James about designing a *new* language.
>> If you said that James should have looked no further than Excel,
>> which had no integer type, then I would not care to respond. Your
>> answer suggested than implicit conversion could somehow exist in a
>> moderately *modern* and reasonably typed language.
>     Of course it can.  You yourself [at the bottom of your article]
> point us at the implicit conversions in the 2023 C++ standard;  and any
> language loosely related to C has them in its decays and promotions.

They are *user-defined*, which was the whole point about how implicit
conversions could be *reasonable* introduced if any.

>>>> It is a proposition
>>>>     IF there are multiple numeric types
>>>>    THEN implicit conversions do not fly
>>>> You asked why, I explained.
>>>      Another sub-thread where you seem to have gone off at a tangent
>>> from whatever you think I may have been asking.  But as a proposition,
>>> that is clearly false [unless you are claiming that /only/ implicit
>>> conversions are to be allowed], as demonstrated in this thread with
>>> specific examples.
>> I have no idea what you mean.
>     You produced a proposition.  C and C++, as well as more modern
> languages related to them, show the proposition to be false.

No, it is true for C and C++ where implicit conversions in the form of
type promotions are considered inherently unsafe and still do not remove

>>                             To qualify it shall be this:> print
>> (("complex: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>          "complex: [with im part] ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>          "single: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>          "double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>          "long double: ", sqrt(2), newline,
>>          "fixed: [eg] ", sqrt(2), newline))
>> That is *not* possible in any language.
>     But that's not what you /said/ you wanted, and it's unreasonable.

I said that implicit conversions lead to ambiguities. All that is
provided sqrt spells "sqrt", print spells "print", 2 spells "2" etc. If
in your language they are called differently for each possible type, or
maybe depend on the line number, then my deepest condolences, you left
the race before it even started...

>> Then without learning Hungarian I could write each sqrt as sqrt.
>>     Put_Line (Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);
>>     Put_Line (Long_Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);
>     Why do you regard "Long_Float'(sqrt(2))" as more readable than
> "longsqrt(2)"

My point was about inevitable ambiguities. Any properly designed
language provides tools to resolve such ambiguities without resorting to
silly naming games.

James Harris

Dec 7, 2022, 11:42:22 AM12/7/22
On 06/12/2022 00:25, Bart wrote:


> You can of course have a language where you are expected to do x**2 and
> x**0.5 instead of sqr(x) and sqrt(x).


> You can also have one where you do exp(log(x)*2) and exp(log(x)*0.5)
> instead of x**2 and x**0.5.
> It's about convenience and also making your intentions absolutely clear.

Yes. The only question is whether square root should be given special
treatment or not.

> If cube roots were that common, would you write that as x**0.33333333333
> or x**(1.0/3.0)? There you would welcome cuberoot(x)!

In language terms I think I'd go for x ** (1.0 / 3.0). If a programmer
wanted to put it in a function there would be nothing stopping him.

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 7, 2022, 11:53:42 AM12/7/22
I think the point Bart was making was that 1/3 had no exact
representation in binary floating-point numbers. If cube root used a
special algorithm, you would have a trouble to decide when to switch to it.

James Harris

Dec 7, 2022, 12:42:37 PM12/7/22
On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> On 2022-12-04 23:21, James Harris wrote:
>>>> On 04/12/2022 21:40, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>>> On 2022-12-04 21:02, James Harris wrote:

>>>>>> I never know what people mean by subtyping.


>>> C promotions are subtypes.
>> Even C's promotions of int to float?
> Sure. If you implicitly convert int to float in some operation f then
> int is a subtype of float in f.

int may have a defined conversion to float but that doesn't make it
below ('sub') the other even for a specific operation. Is this
OO-specific terminology and unrelated to other programming?

>>>> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada
>>>> allows multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each
>>>> other even if one is not derived from the other; that's different
>>>> from inherited compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.
>>> Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype introduces
>>> both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small exports its
>>> operations to Integer. E.g.
>>>     procedure Foo (X : Small);
>>> Now
>>>     Y : Integer;
>>>     Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer
>> So Small is both a subtype and a supertype of Integer? That seems a
>> bit mad.
> Why, if that is desired effect? You want Foo (Y) illegal?

Conversions are OK. Saying each is a subtype of the other seems to be
abusing the English language.


>>>>>> Putting aside access modes (which I see as orthogonal to types)
>>>>>> what other implicit conversions would you see the absence of as
>>>>>> intolerable?
>>>>> Nope, not putting them aside. Again, definition:
>>>>>     type = values + operations
>>>>> Does 'in T' has same operations of 'in out T'? No, ergo, this is
>>>>> another type.
>>>> I won't go there. You and I have debated the meaning of 'type'
>>>> before and we are not in total agreement.
>>> When you invent something better than the standard definition values
>>> + operations, let me know... (:-))
>> Didn't you used to say values only?
> Me? Never.

OK. That's surprising.


>>> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
>>> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language, you
>>> do not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a subtype.
>> Everything's subtyping these days! :-o
> Implicit conversions are.

Where was it decided that implicit conversions implied a subtype

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 7, 2022, 1:09:44 PM12/7/22
On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:


>> At least you've now added operations so you are getting there. ;-)
> Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?

No. Types are not the only control in a programming language. An
/object/ has a type. Just because in some contexts one is not allowed to
modify it (perhaps simply because of promising not to do so) changes
neither its type nor the operations that can be applied to it.

An apple is an edible fruit. Someone may promise not to eat it but it is
still an edible fruit.


>>> 2. You can always qualify the type and/or operation. E.g. in Ada it
>>> is denoted as T'(E). T is the type, E is expression/object.
>> Then one gets into the Algol68 approach of "resolve until you get a
>> type match". If a programmer has three levels of declared-automatic
>> reference before getting to the target, i.e.
>>    p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
>> then (to repeat, for declared-automatic dereference) a use of p would
>> normally access the target. But the programmer might want to access p
>> or 1 or 2 in different circumstances.
> I still see no problem. Whatever object you want, it is has a type and
> that type has a name. Use the name in the qualifier.

In C terms the above chain has four objects:


where the first three are pointers and ***p is the target. I could use
the same simple model but there are situations in which it may be
convenient for the programmer to declare a reference, p, which will be
treated as the target so that writing

p + 1

would mean

target + 1

Call it auto dereferencing. I showed three auto dereferences to make a
point though there would normally be only one.

What I was saying was that if I allow such declarations then the
question arises over what a programmer could write if instead of the
target he wanted to access one of the references in the chain. I guess
it may be something like

refchain(p, 0) ;p itself
refchain(p, 1) ;1 away from p
refchain(p, 2) ;2 away from p
refchain(p, -1) ;one before the target

The last two would both refer to object "2" in the chain

p -> 1 -> 2 -> target

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 7, 2022, 2:37:38 PM12/7/22
On 2022-12-07 18:42, James Harris wrote:
> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> On 2022-12-04 23:21, James Harris wrote:
>>>>> On 04/12/2022 21:40, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>>>> On 2022-12-04 21:02, James Harris wrote:
>>>>>>> I never know what people mean by subtyping.
> ...
>>>> C promotions are subtypes.
>>> Even C's promotions of int to float?
>> Sure. If you implicitly convert int to float in some operation f then
>> int is a subtype of float in f.
> int may have a defined conversion to float but that doesn't make it
> below ('sub') the other even for a specific operation.

Sub is not necessarily below. Compare: subset, subzero. Here it means
included, less.

> Is this
> OO-specific terminology and unrelated to other programming?

It is related to types.

>>>>> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada
>>>>> allows multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each
>>>>> other even if one is not derived from the other; that's different
>>>>> from inherited compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.
>>>> Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype
>>>> introduces both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small
>>>> exports its operations to Integer. E.g.
>>>>     procedure Foo (X : Small);
>>>> Now
>>>>     Y : Integer;
>>>>     Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer
>>> So Small is both a subtype and a supertype of Integer? That seems a
>>> bit mad.
>> Why, if that is desired effect? You want Foo (Y) illegal?
> Conversions are OK. Saying each is a subtype of the other seems to be
> abusing the English language.


Firstly neither sub- nor type are English words! (:-))

Secondly subtype means a part of a type. Which part? The inherited
operations, the substitutable values. OK?

>>>> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
>>>> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language, you
>>>> do not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a subtype.
>>> Everything's subtyping these days! :-o
>> Implicit conversions are.
> Where was it decided that implicit conversions implied a subtype
> relationship?

Because if sqrt(2) is OK, then 2 looks as if 2 (integer) were 2.0
(float). You can substitute integer for float in sqrt. This is the
Liskov's definition of subtyping (ignoring behavior).

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 7, 2022, 2:39:56 PM12/7/22
On 2022-12-07 19:09, James Harris wrote:
> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> ...
>>> At least you've now added operations so you are getting there. ;-)
>> Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?
> No. Types are not the only control in a programming language. An
> /object/ has a type.

If you want to use the term for something else you are free to do so.
But if you accept the standard definition you must also accept all
consequences of.

> Just because in some contexts one is not allowed to
> modify it (perhaps simply because of promising not to do so) changes
> neither its type nor the operations that can be applied to it.
> An apple is an edible fruit. Someone may promise not to eat it but it is
> still an edible fruit.

1. This is obviously wrong. For a cat apple is not edible.

2. This not in the least resembles the case. Which is about operations
(properties) added/removed. E.g. a car without wheels is still a car,
yet is one you might tread a bit differently from one with wheels.

>>>> 2. You can always qualify the type and/or operation. E.g. in Ada it
>>>> is denoted as T'(E). T is the type, E is expression/object.
>>> Then one gets into the Algol68 approach of "resolve until you get a
>>> type match". If a programmer has three levels of declared-automatic
>>> reference before getting to the target, i.e.
>>>    p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
>>> then (to repeat, for declared-automatic dereference) a use of p would
>>> normally access the target. But the programmer might want to access p
>>> or 1 or 2 in different circumstances.
>> I still see no problem. Whatever object you want, it is has a type and
>> that type has a name. Use the name in the qualifier.
> In C terms the above chain has four objects:
>   p
>   *p
>   **p
>   ***p

> where the first three are pointers and ***p is the target.

Good to them.

Do they have types? Name them! Let them be T, T1, T2, T3. Let X be declared

X : T3;

Let all types T, T1, T2, T3 have operation named Bar. You want to call
Bar of T1 on X? Just say so:

Bar (T1'(X))

IF T3 is a subtype of T1, X will be dereferenced to T2, then to T1
because that is the conversion attached to the subtyping relationship
and because subtyping is transitive: T3<:T2<:T1<:T.

IF is not, you get a type error.

What's the problem, again?

> I could use
> the same simple model but there are situations in which it may be
> convenient for the programmer to declare a reference, p, which will be
> treated as the target so that writing
>   p + 1
> would mean
>   target + 1
> Call it auto dereferencing.

No, call it subtyping! (:-))

> What I was saying was that if I allow such declarations then the
> question arises over what a programmer could write if instead of the
> target he wanted to access one of the references in the chain.

He would qualify the type. Each pointer type is a type. Each type has a
name. Each name can be used to disambiguate object's type. What's the

> I guess
> it may be something like
>   refchain(p, 0) ;p itself
>   refchain(p, 1) ;1 away from p
>   refchain(p, 2) ;2 away from p
>   refchain(p, -1) ;one before the target
> The last two would both refer to object "2" in the chain
>   p -> 1 -> 2 -> target

Looks disgusting, but that was the intent, right? (:-)) Anyway it is
beside the point. See above.

Andy Walker

Dec 9, 2022, 4:48:20 PM12/9/22
On 06/12/2022 22:06, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> [...] Conversions are implicit in both cases = arguments in
>>> expression appear as is.
>> [...] Nor can I parse your second sentence above into anything
>> sensible; what are the "both cases"?
> Built-in conversions vs. user-defined subtypes.

A /user-defined/ subtype is not "implicit", any more than "x"
is implicit merely because the type of "x" is defined in its defining
instance and is not repeated every time "x" is used.

>>> [...] Your answer suggested than implicit conversion could
>>> somehow exist in a moderately *modern* and reasonably typed
>>> language.
>> Of course it can. You yourself [at the bottom of your article]
>> point us at the implicit conversions in the 2023 C++ standard; and
>> any language loosely related to C has them in its decays and
>> promotions.
> They are *user-defined*, which was the whole point about how
> implicit conversions could be *reasonable* introduced if any.

The integer promotions and conversions [eg N2478,,2] of
C and the lvalue conversion [] are not user-defined. If you want
to add user-defined conversions to a program, then indeed there are great
potential difficulties in setting out the formal rules that make that
possible and unambiguous, but that's quite another matter.

> I said that implicit conversions lead to ambiguities. All that is
> provided sqrt spells "sqrt", print spells "print", 2 spells "2" etc.

Nothing to do with "sqrt" except as an example. Algol went to
great lengths to avoid ambiguities in its implicit conversions. Feel
free to try to find one; but AFAIK none have been found in the best
part of half a century. Sadly, other languages have not been defined
as formally as Algol, with inevitable consequences.

> If in your language they are called differently for each possible
> type, or maybe depend on the line number, then my deepest
> condolences, you left the race before it even started...

In Algol and C [in particular; other languages are available]
an applied instance of an identifier always relates back to a defining
occurrence, where the type of the identifier is specified. You may
prefer languages where types are more vague. For procedures, the type
includes the types of the result and of any parameters. Different type,
different identifier. Anything else would be confusing. So I still
don't see why you are surprised by the fact that, in Algol, the square
root function that takes a real parameter and returns a real is called
"sqrt" while the square root function that takes and returns "long real"
is called "longsqrt", and I'll leave you to guess what the parameter and
return types of "shortshortsqrt" and "longlonglonglongsqrt" are. Even
less do I see why you are confused by those and apparently prefer to
write out a type specifier with each call. But if you want it in
Algol, you may have it. You like:

>>> Then without learning Hungarian I could write each sqrt as sqrt.
>>> Put_Line (Float'(sqrt(2))'Image); Put_Line
>>> (Long_Float'(sqrt(2))'Image);

So here, just for you, is some [uncommented, sorry!] Algol:

$ cat Dmitry2.a68g
OP UI = (U x) INT: ( x | (INT i): i | ROUND UR x ),
UR = (U x) REAL: ( x | (INT i): i, (REAL r): r | SHORTEN UL x ),
UL = (U x) LONG REAL: ( x | (LONG REAL l): l | UR x);
PROC mysqrt = (U x) U: ( x | (LONG REAL l): long sqrt (l) | sqrt (UR x) );

( PROC (U) U sqrt = mysqrt;
print (( UI sqrt (17), UR sqrt (17), newline, UL sqrt (LONG 17.0), newline)) )

[note the last line], with output:

$ a68g ---no-warnings Dmitry2.a68g
+4+4.12310562561766e +0
+4.1231056256176605498214098559740770e +0

>> Why do you regard "Long_Float'(sqrt(2))" as more readable than
>> "longsqrt(2)"
> My point was about inevitable ambiguities. Any properly designed
> language provides tools to resolve such ambiguities without resorting
> to silly naming games.

Algol has no such ambiguities, so they aren't "inevitable"; and
you have still not explained why "Long_Float'(sqrt(2))" is good but
"longsqrt(2)" is a "silly naming game". Algol provides long and short
versions of a wide variety of functions, operators and constants, making
the life of a programmer much simpler. In particular, much simpler than
the "Dmitry2" program above which is in essence the same as the Ada you
gave in your previous article.

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 12:00:42 PM12/11/22
On 07/12/2022 19:37, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-07 18:42, James Harris wrote:
>> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>>> On 2022-12-04 23:21, James Harris wrote:


>>>>>> Type /compatibility/ is an open issue for me. I gather that Ada
>>>>>> allows multiple subtypes of integer all to be compatible with each
>>>>>> other even if one is not derived from the other; that's different
>>>>>> from inherited compatibility as neither is a superclass of the other.
>>>>> Subtyping is a transitive relation. A<:B<:C. Ada's subtype
>>>>> introduces both Small<:Integer and Integer<:Small. Because Small
>>>>> exports its operations to Integer. E.g.
>>>>>     procedure Foo (X : Small);
>>>>> Now
>>>>>     Y : Integer;
>>>>>     Foo (Y); -- This is OK, Small is a supertype of Integer
>>>> So Small is both a subtype and a supertype of Integer? That seems a
>>>> bit mad.
>>> Why, if that is desired effect? You want Foo (Y) illegal?
>> Conversions are OK. Saying each is a subtype of the other seems to be
>> abusing the English language.
> Why?
> Firstly neither sub- nor type are English words! (:-))
> Secondly subtype means a part of a type. Which part? The inherited
> operations, the substitutable values. OK?

It's true that where there is an implicit conversion the two types would
likely share a subset of operations but the common subset would be a
subset of both, without the two types being sub-anything of each other.
If the two types are T and U they may share a set of values and
operations S. One could say that:

S is a subtype of T
S is a subtype of U

but that does not imply that T and U are subtypes of each other.

>>>>> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
>>>>> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language,
>>>>> you do not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a
>>>>> subtype.
>>>> Everything's subtyping these days! :-o
>>> Implicit conversions are.
>> Where was it decided that implicit conversions implied a subtype
>> relationship?
> Because if sqrt(2) is OK, then 2 looks as if 2 (integer) were 2.0
> (float). You can substitute integer for float in sqrt. This is the
> Liskov's definition of subtyping (ignoring behavior).

But where did you read that the specific term 'subtype' should
thereafter be applied to implicit conversions?

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 12:18:49 PM12/11/22
On 07/12/2022 19:39, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-07 19:09, James Harris wrote:
>> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> ...
>>>> At least you've now added operations so you are getting there. ;-)
>>> Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?
>> No. Types are not the only control in a programming language. An
>> /object/ has a type.
> If you want to use the term for something else you are free to do so.
> But if you accept the standard definition you must also accept all
> consequences of.

Potentially fair but where did you read a definition of 'type' which
backs up your point?

>> Just because in some contexts one is not allowed to modify it (perhaps
>> simply because of promising not to do so) changes neither its type nor
>> the operations that can be applied to it.
>> An apple is an edible fruit. Someone may promise not to eat it but it
>> is still an edible fruit.
> 1. This is obviously wrong. For a cat apple is not edible.

Same with gold apples but irrelevant. Whatever a cat apple is assume we
are talking about edible apples, as stated.

> 2. This not in the least resembles the case. Which is about operations
> (properties) added/removed. E.g. a car without wheels is still a car,
> yet is one you might tread a bit differently from one with wheels.

That analogy is inapt and irrelevant. And seemingly evasive....
I think I see what you mean. The types would be

ref ref ref T
ref ref T
ref T

so there would be no ambiguity as to what was being referred to,
although it would require a departure from normal bottom-up type
propagation. Such inconsistency is something that should be resisted.

>> I could use the same simple model but there are situations in which it
>> may be convenient for the programmer to declare a reference, p, which
>> will be treated as the target so that writing
>>    p + 1
>> would mean
>>    target + 1
>> Call it auto dereferencing.
> No, call it subtyping! (:-))
>> What I was saying was that if I allow such declarations then the
>> question arises over what a programmer could write if instead of the
>> target he wanted to access one of the references in the chain.
> He would qualify the type. Each pointer type is a type. Each type has a
> name. Each name can be used to disambiguate object's type. What's the
> problem?
>> I guess it may be something like
>>    refchain(p, 0) ;p itself
>>    refchain(p, 1) ;1 away from p
>>    refchain(p, 2) ;2 away from p
>>    refchain(p, -1) ;one before the target
>> The last two would both refer to object "2" in the chain
>>    p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
> Looks disgusting,


> but that was the intent, right? (:-)) Anyway it is
> beside the point. See above.

As mentioned, using types would work for a language such as Algol68
which already defines dereferencing until types match but not in a
language in which type changes are propagated bottom up.

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 11, 2022, 12:21:25 PM12/11/22
I am not sure what are you trying to say.

Subtyping is a relation denoted as S<:T. It is transitive, i.e.

S<:T and T<:U => S<:U.

From S<:T and S<:U follows nothing.

Ada's subtypes introduce both S:<T and T<:S. Which is why per
transitivity two Ada subtypes get connected:

S<:T and T<:S and U<:T and T<:U => S<:U and U<:S

[ "Sharing" is not a word. You must formalize it. E.g. Unsigned_32 and
and Unsigned_64 may mathematically share + and 1 that does not make them
formal subtypes until you declare them as such. Then you create a mapping:

1 of Unsigned_32 corresponds to 1 of Unsigned_64
2 of Unsigned_32 corresponds to 1 of Unsigned_64
+ of Unsigned_32 corresponds to 1 of Unsigned_64

Etc. Once you done all that you know at the language level what happens
with conversions and all, likely nasty, implications.

I presume we are talking about nominal type equivalence. ]

>>>>>> Anyway, it is not specific to pointers. Automatic dereferencing is
>>>>>> subtyping. So if you do not want to build in it in the language,
>>>>>> you do not need to if you allowed the programmer to declare it a
>>>>>> subtype.
>>>>> Everything's subtyping these days! :-o
>>>> Implicit conversions are.
>>> Where was it decided that implicit conversions implied a subtype
>>> relationship?
>> Because if sqrt(2) is OK, then 2 looks as if 2 (integer) were 2.0
>> (float). You can substitute integer for float in sqrt. This is the
>> Liskov's definition of subtyping (ignoring behavior).
> But where did you read that the specific term 'subtype' should
> thereafter be applied to implicit conversions?

Conversion is an implementation of substitution. How would you
substitute int for float without a conversion?

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 12:34:18 PM12/11/22
You'll be glad to know I won't support any of that nonsense (such as
allowing a redefinition of what 2 means) but what do you mean about the
program text? Say the text has

two: const = 2


I don't see any semantic difference between 2 and two. Nor does either
form imply either storage or the lack of storage.

That being the case, do you still see a semantic difference between 2
and two?

James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 11, 2022, 12:43:08 PM12/11/22
On 2022-12-11 18:18, James Harris wrote:
> On 07/12/2022 19:39, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-07 19:09, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>> At least you've now added operations so you are getting there. ;-)
>>>> Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?
>>> No. Types are not the only control in a programming language. An
>>> /object/ has a type.
>> If you want to use the term for something else you are free to do so.
>> But if you accept the standard definition you must also accept all
>> consequences of.
> Potentially fair but where did you read a definition of 'type' which
> backs up your point?

It is a commonly accepted definition AFAIK coming from mathematical type
theories of the beginning of the last century.

Wikipedia (ADT = abstract datatype):

"Formally, an ADT may be defined as a "class of objects whose logical
behavior is defined by a set of values and a set of operations"; this is
analogous to an algebraic structure in mathematics."

> I think I see what you mean. The types would be
>   ref ref ref T
>   ref ref T
>   ref T
>   T
> so there would be no ambiguity as to what was being referred to,
> although it would require a departure from normal bottom-up type
> propagation.

How is that related to the way you resolve the types? If your resolver
is incapable to resolve types, you have an ambiguity. An ambiguity can
*always* be resolved by qualifying types. Nothing more, nothing less.

> Such inconsistency is something that should be resisted.

What inconsistency?

>>> What I was saying was that if I allow such declarations then the
>>> question arises over what a programmer could write if instead of the
>>> target he wanted to access one of the references in the chain.
>> He would qualify the type. Each pointer type is a type. Each type has
>> a name. Each name can be used to disambiguate object's type. What's
>> the problem?
>>> I guess it may be something like
>>>    refchain(p, 0) ;p itself
>>>    refchain(p, 1) ;1 away from p
>>>    refchain(p, 2) ;2 away from p
>>>    refchain(p, -1) ;one before the target
>>> The last two would both refer to object "2" in the chain
>>>    p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
>> Looks disgusting,
> Why?

Judging by weird stomach movements just on look at it causes... (:-))

>> but that was the intent, right? (:-)) Anyway it is beside the point.
>> See above.
> As mentioned, using types would work for a language such as Algol68
> which already defines dereferencing until types match but not in a
> language in which type changes are propagated bottom up.

No, idea. My impression of Algol68 is of a language full of weird and
plainly wrong concepts.

If you want automatic derefencing there is a wide range of how to limit
it. E.g. you can introduce ref T<:T but not ref ref T<:ref T. Then it
will stop. It is all up to the programmer if you expose the ad-hoc
subtyping mechanism.

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 1:01:10 PM12/11/22
On 07/12/2022 16:53, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-07 17:42, James Harris wrote:
>> On 06/12/2022 00:25, Bart wrote:
>>> If cube roots were that common, would you write that as
>>> x**0.33333333333 or x**(1.0/3.0)? There you would welcome cuberoot(x)!
>> In language terms I think I'd go for x ** (1.0 / 3.0). If a programmer
>> wanted to put it in a function there would be nothing stopping him.
> I think the point Bart was making was that 1/3 had no exact
> representation in binary floating-point numbers. If cube root used a
> special algorithm, you would have a trouble to decide when to switch to it.

If you and Bart mean that a cuberoot function would have to decide on a
rounding direction for 1.0/3.0 then I agree; it's a good point. I
haven't worked through the many issues surrounding floats, yet, but they
would probably have similar to integers, i.e. delimited areas of code
could have a default rounding mode. One could write something along the
lines of

with float-rounding-mode = round-to-positive-infinity
return x ** (1.0 / 3.0)
with end

In such code the division would be rounded up to something like 0.3333334.

To incorporate that much control in a function would require many
functions such as


and other similar horrors. Those names are, in fact, misleading as they
seem to apply to the cube root rather than the division within it -
which makes the idea of a function even worse.

All the more reason to have a programmer write cube root calculations
explicitly rather than wrapping the subtleties in functions.

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 1:25:44 PM12/11/22
To be clear, that's not what I described.
Conversion is a conversion, not a substitution!

> How would you
> substitute int for float without a conversion?

I don't have implicit conversions of declared types. They must be
written explicitly. Undeclared types (big int, big uint, big float,
character, string, boolean etc) would have automatic conversions. Not
sure if that affects your assessment.

James Harris

James Harris

Dec 11, 2022, 1:45:59 PM12/11/22
On 11/12/2022 17:43, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
> On 2022-12-11 18:18, James Harris wrote:
>> On 07/12/2022 19:39, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>> On 2022-12-07 19:09, James Harris wrote:
>>>> On 06/12/2022 08:09, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>>> On 2022-12-06 00:04, James Harris wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/12/2022 07:50, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>>> At least you've now added operations so you are getting there. ;-)
>>>>> Good. Now you see why in T and in out T cannot be the same type?
>>>> No. Types are not the only control in a programming language. An
>>>> /object/ has a type.
>>> If you want to use the term for something else you are free to do so.
>>> But if you accept the standard definition you must also accept all
>>> consequences of.
>> Potentially fair but where did you read a definition of 'type' which
>> backs up your point?
> It is a commonly accepted definition AFAIK coming from mathematical type
> theories of the beginning of the last century.
> Wikipedia (ADT = abstract datatype):
> "Formally, an ADT may be defined as a "class of objects whose logical
> behavior is defined by a set of values and a set of operations"; this is
> analogous to an algebraic structure in mathematics."

That rather backs up my assertion that types are of /objects/ rather
than of /uses/. IOW a piece of code could treat an object as read-only
but that doesn't change the type of the object.

>> I think I see what you mean. The types would be
>>    ref ref ref T
>>    ref ref T
>>    ref T
>>    T
>> so there would be no ambiguity as to what was being referred to,
>> although it would require a departure from normal bottom-up type
>> propagation.
> How is that related to the way you resolve the types? If your resolver
> is incapable to resolve types, you have an ambiguity. An ambiguity can
> *always* be resolved by qualifying types. Nothing more, nothing less.

Bottom-up type resolution follows type-inference rules. The only
/automatic/ change I allow is widening. For example,

[int16] s
[int32] t
[float64] g

s = t ;prohibited because is narrowing
t = s ;permitted because is widening
return s + t ;permitted and results in wider type (int32)
g = s ;prohibited as different types (even though in range)

Similarly for references,

[int32] i, j
[ref int32] ri, rj
[ref ref int32] rri, rrj

ri = j ;prohibited due to type mismatch
ri = rj ;permitted as types match
ri = rrj ;prohibited due to type mismatch

>> Such inconsistency is something that should be resisted.
> What inconsistency?

See the example, above, on references. It would be inconsistent to
automatically dereference when the rest of the language requires
explicit type matching.

>>>> What I was saying was that if I allow such declarations then the
>>>> question arises over what a programmer could write if instead of the
>>>> target he wanted to access one of the references in the chain.
>>> He would qualify the type. Each pointer type is a type. Each type has
>>> a name. Each name can be used to disambiguate object's type. What's
>>> the problem?
>>>> I guess it may be something like
>>>>    refchain(p, 0) ;p itself
>>>>    refchain(p, 1) ;1 away from p
>>>>    refchain(p, 2) ;2 away from p
>>>>    refchain(p, -1) ;one before the target
>>>> The last two would both refer to object "2" in the chain
>>>>    p -> 1 -> 2 -> target
>>> Looks disgusting,
>> Why?
> Judging by weird stomach movements just on look at it causes... (:-))


James Harris

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 11, 2022, 2:08:09 PM12/11/22
It did not say it is. I said it an implementation of.

>> How would you substitute int for float without a conversion?
> I don't have implicit conversions of declared types. They must be
> written explicitly. Undeclared types (big int, big uint, big float,
> character, string, boolean etc) would have automatic conversions. Not
> sure if that affects your assessment.

Call implicit automatic, automatic implicit. It does not change the
semantics and the intent. The intent and the meaning is to substitute
one type for another transparently to the syntax.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 11, 2022, 2:21:49 PM12/11/22
No idea what this is supposed to mean. You asked where it comes from, I
gave you the quote.

Again, you do not accept common definition, give your own and explain
how stupid the rest of the world is by not using it.
So what? Again any particular weakness of your type system by no means
change the point. Which, let me repeat is, you can always resolve
ambiguities by qualifying types.

>>> Such inconsistency is something that should be resisted.
>> What inconsistency?
> See the example, above, on references. It would be inconsistent to
> automatically dereference when the rest of the language requires
> explicit type matching.

I do not see any inconsistency. See the definition of:


"In classical deductive logic, a consistent theory is one that does not
lead to a logical contradiction."

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 11, 2022, 2:32:27 PM12/11/22
On 2022-12-11 19:01, James Harris wrote:
> On 07/12/2022 16:53, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-07 17:42, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 06/12/2022 00:25, Bart wrote:
>>>> If cube roots were that common, would you write that as
>>>> x**0.33333333333 or x**(1.0/3.0)? There you would welcome cuberoot(x)!
>>> In language terms I think I'd go for x ** (1.0 / 3.0). If a
>>> programmer wanted to put it in a function there would be nothing
>>> stopping him.
>> I think the point Bart was making was that 1/3 had no exact
>> representation in binary floating-point numbers. If cube root used a
>> special algorithm, you would have a trouble to decide when to switch
>> to it.
> If you and Bart mean that a cuberoot function would have to decide on a
> rounding direction for 1.0/3.0 then I agree; it's a good point. I
> haven't worked through the many issues surrounding floats, yet, but they
> would probably have similar to integers, i.e. delimited areas of code
> could have a default rounding mode. One could write something along the
> lines of
>   with float-rounding-mode = round-to-positive-infinity
>     return x ** (1.0 / 3.0)
>   with end

You cannot do that with available hardware in a reasonable way. Hardware
rounding is set.

> In such code the division would be rounded up to something like 0.3333334.
> To incorporate that much control in a function would require many
> functions such as
>   cuberoot_round_up
>   cuberoot_round_down
>   cuberoot_round_towards_zero
> and other similar horrors.

It is no horrors, it is interval computations. Interval-valued function
F returns an interval containing the mathematically correct result.
Hardware implementations are interval-valued with the interval width of
two adjacent machine numbers. Then rounding chooses one of the bounds.

But that does not resolve the problem. You need some solid numeric
analysis of relation between err1 and err2 in

X ** (1/3 + err1)


X ** 1/3 + err2

Exponentiation of positive powers below 1 is a "good-behaving" function
and one could use one for another to a point, nevertheless.

Andy Walker

Dec 11, 2022, 7:20:57 PM12/11/22
On 11/12/2022 18:01, James Harris wrote:
> If [Bmitry] and Bart mean that a cuberoot function would have to
> decide on a rounding direction for 1.0/3.0 then I agree; it's a good
> point.
Cube roots are arguably used often enough to be worth implementing
separately from "** (1/3)" or near equivalent. Then the error from "1/3"
is irrelevant. But if this matters to you, you would need to use serious
numerical analysis and computation beyond the normal scope of this group,
such as interval arithmetic and Chebychev polynomials.

[A68G provides a stand-alone "cbrt" function (and, presumably to
annoy Dmitry, "long long long long cbrt", "short cbrt" and so on), which
I've used a few times. But that's an extension to true A68.]

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
Andy's music pages:
Composer of the day:

David Brown

Dec 12, 2022, 4:11:04 AM12/12/22
On 12/12/2022 01:20, Andy Walker wrote:
> On 11/12/2022 18:01, James Harris wrote:
>> If [Bmitry] and Bart mean that a cuberoot function would have to
>> decide on a rounding direction for 1.0/3.0 then I agree; it's a good
>> point.
>     Cube roots are arguably used often enough to be worth implementing
> separately from "** (1/3)" or near equivalent.

Really? In what context? Square roots occur all over the place, but I
can't think of a single realistic use of cube roots that are not general
nth roots (such as calculating geometric means). Maybe I just haven't
had enough coffee yet, and there are some "obvious" cases that I am
missing. Feel free to give some examples of where roots bigger than 2
are common-place in programming. (And please don't say "for solving
cubic equations" without also saying when you would want to solve cubic

>  Then the error from "1/3"
> is irrelevant.  But if this matters to you, you would need to use serious
> numerical analysis and computation beyond the normal scope of this group,
> such as interval arithmetic and Chebychev polynomials.

You would almost certainly not use Chebychev's or other polynomials for
calculating cube roots, unless you were making something like a
specialised pipelined implementation in an ASIC or FPGA. Newton-Raphson
iteration, or related algorithms, are simpler and converge quickly
without all the messiness of ranges.


Dec 12, 2022, 5:26:13 AM12/12/22
On 11/12/2022 18:01, James Harris wrote:
> On 07/12/2022 16:53, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote:
>> On 2022-12-07 17:42, James Harris wrote:
>>> On 06/12/2022 00:25, Bart wrote:
>>>> If cube roots were that common, would you write that as
>>>> x**0.33333333333 or x**(1.0/3.0)? There you would welcome cuberoot(x)!
>>> In language terms I think I'd go for x ** (1.0 / 3.0). If a
>>> programmer wanted to put it in a function there would be nothing
>>> stopping him.
>> I think the point Bart was making was that 1/3 had no exact
>> representation in binary floating-point numbers. If cube root used a
>> special algorithm, you would have a trouble to decide when to switch
>> to it.
> If you and Bart mean that a cuberoot function would have to decide on a
> rounding direction for 1.0/3.0 then I agree; it's a good point.

Actually, I was concerned with aesthetics.

The precision of 1.0/3 is something I hadn't considered, but DAK's point
is, if a compiler knew of a fast cube root algorithm and wanted to
special-case A**B when B was 1.0/3, then how close to 'one third' would
B have to be before it could assume that a cube-root was in fact what
was intended? Given that there is no precise representation of 'one
third' anyway.

Far easier to just a provide something like 'cuberoot()' then it will
know, and so will people reading the code.

> I
> haven't worked through the many issues surrounding floats, yet, but they
> would probably have similar to integers, i.e. delimited areas of code
> could have a default rounding mode. One could write something along the
> lines of
>   with float-rounding-mode = round-to-positive-infinity
>     return x ** (1.0 / 3.0)
>   with end
> In such code the division would be rounded up to something like 0.3333334.

> To incorporate that much control in a function would require many
> functions such as
>   cuberoot_round_up
>   cuberoot_round_down
>   cuberoot_round_towards_zero

Huh? Who cares about the rounding of cube root?! As I said it was merely
about detecting whether this was a cube root.

> and other similar horrors. Those names are, in fact, misleading as they
> seem to apply to the cube root rather than the division within it -
> which makes the idea of a function even worse.

Oh, you are talking abut that! Maybe you need a function like
isthisreallyathirdorjustsomethingclose() instead.

> All the more reason to have a programmer write cube root calculations
> explicitly rather than wrapping the subtleties in functions.

And as David said, cube roots aren't that common. It might have a button
for it on my Casio, that might be because it's oriented towards solving
school maths problems.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

Dec 12, 2022, 5:31:36 AM12/12/22
Yes, Chebyshev's approximation is not good for these. E.g. Luke it his
book gives for cube square a Padé approximation.

Then, when implementing a library function rather than doing some
specific computations, there is a problem with handing machine numbers
precision which iterative methods are better at.

David Brown

Dec 12, 2022, 10:18:26 AM12/12/22
On 12/12/2022 11:26, Bart wrote:

> And as David said, cube roots aren't that common. It might have a button
> for it on my Casio, that might be because it's oriented towards solving
> school maths problems.

I think rather than having a cube root function, perhaps an nth root
function would make some sense. Then you could write "root(x, 3)" -
that's about as neat and potentially as accurate as any other solution.

James Harris

Dec 12, 2022, 5:04:19 PM12/12/22
You referred to an ADT rather than a type. From the same source:

"A data type constrains the possible values that an expression, such as
a variable or a function, might take. This data type defines the
operations that can be done on the data, the meaning of the data, and
the way values of that type can be stored."

Note, the operations which "can be done on the data", not "can be done
by a certain function".

> Again, you do not accept common definition, give your own and explain
> how stupid the rest of the world is by not using it.

Ahem, I'm happy with the aforementioned definition. It's you who is
seeking an alteration.
There's no weakness in that type system. On the contrary, it requires
and would enforce precision and explicitness from the programmer.

>>>> Such inconsistency is something that should be resisted.
>>> What inconsistency?
>> See the example, above, on references. It would be inconsistent to
>> automatically dereference when the rest of the language requires
>> explicit type matching.
> I do not see any inconsistency. See the definition of:
> Wikipedia:
> "In classical deductive logic, a consistent theory is one that does not
> lead to a logical contradiction."

I mean 'inconsistency' such as requiring explicit conversions in one
place but not in another.

James Harris

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