What I find rather obvious is that any stream you read from
may be closed when you hit end-of-file, regardless of where
this happens. Users of a stream can test for open-ness with
`open-stream-p', which is quite remarkably different from
testing for end-of-file.
Ok, but, so what? The topic is closing _files_, not streams. Files
may be randomly accessible. Reaching the end-of-file during a read
is not a condition under which to automatically close the file.
> Even if you only believe that GC-based file closing is a
> safety-net -- there are still RISKS, there.
Risks are greatly magnified if you pretend you have more
promised to you than you do. A person who is told he has an
unreliable tool can still do good things with it if he treats
the tool with the care it requires.
Indeed, but there are two caveats that are relevant to the thread(s).
First, a GC-based system that does not reliably close files from GC is
significantly harder to program correctly than one that does.
Recently, someone posted some implementations of `with-foo' macros
from various CL implementations that illustrated the kinds of bugs
that can bite you. Since the topic includes RISKS, such bugs should
not be regarded as "unlikely events", but must be regarded as
"available exploits".
Second, as much as there is a coherent thread here, I thought it was
about what technologies to employ in a robust, general purpose
implementation of a lisp-family language. One _might_ decide to make
a trade-off sacrificing this kind of GC robustness for some other
virtue, but it would be a significant trade-off, and should be
evaluated as such. Any implementation that makes the trade-off
should, as you've suggested, carry prominent warning labels.
1. Does [conservative vs. precise GC] have any consequences in
practice or are these just theoretical issues?
They are not simply theoretical. Recently, for example, an experiment
was performed on GCC in which the precise GC was replaced with a
conservative one. Memory usage sharply increased - a consequence of
false roots. Another example: I once wrote a very simple regression
test for a weak-references implementation, but the test itself was (in
practice) unreliable because on some runs, logically dead objects,
weakly referred to, were kept alive by false conservative roots.
2. And, _if_ I have to worry, are there any identifiable -
maybe degenerated - usage patterns which will lead to
accumulated garbage or can this happen with arbitrary
By in large, there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid the
problems or the exploits they imply. Given a program which is leaking
or consuming excessive memory due to conservative GC, you can often
make small changes that reduce the problem -- but in general you can
do nothing at all to prevent the problem from occurring or being
One of the most widely used gcs - the Boehm gc - is
conservative. So it doesn't seem to be a problem in general.
C'mon. That a system is widely used does not mean that it is immune
from problems. Rather, it means that whatever obscure problems it has
are multiplied in significance.
> 1. Does this have any consequences in practice or are these
> just theoretical issues?
It has consequences in practice. It means that the GC
algorithm is incorrect, so that the application potentially
contains memory leaks.
You'd think that that fact, combined with the relative simplicity of
doing GC precisely in a language implementation, would turn people off
of conservative GC. But no, people rationalize their abandonment of
quality for whatever peculiar reasons they have.
Which is, I admit, a near restatement (intended to highlight) your
The reason Boehm is widely used is because it's one of the few
choices available to C programmers. It's not chosen because
it's conservative, but in spite of that limitation, which can
be rationalized away.
But Basile is right that:
Agreed, but Boehm's GC is still quite remarkable in my
For example, it is good as a debugging tool, and as a
duct-tape-solution that improves some buggy C programs.
So generalize the open-ness testing idea. Usually the client code knows the
closing condition:
For a serially processed file, it could be reaching its end.
For an internet socket, one of the endpoints break the connection, does
QUIT, etc.
When some client code encounters the condition, the
file/stream/socket/whatever can be closed. Other clients, since they are
continuously testing for open-ness, will back off on demand.
Testing for open-ness allows the "don't care" approach to clean up for a
larger set of problems and it is stunningly simple compared to writing a
special GC engine that can free expensive resources in a timely manner.
Sure, you can think of cases where the closing condition is not known, but it
is still a rather clever idea, a simple compromise approach that leaves you
better off than before.
Cheers, The Rhythm is around me,
The Rhythm has control.
Ray Blaak The Rhythm is inside me, The Rhythm has my soul.
I thought you said this was obvious, but it appears that you were
not entirely truthful.
If you want freedom from closing/freeing a /stream/, the obvious
solution is to close it when it has been exhausted. This is neatly
localizable and abstractable.
If you want to refer to /files/, the obvious solution is to intern
pathnames and use a mechanism that keeps a maximum number of files
open which is used to close the least recently referenced file if
you are maxed out, so you save on the open calls. If you close a
file, you can keep its file-position with this structure for use if
you need to open it again. In this scheme, you never really talk to
any streams -- they are hidden by the abstraction, and hence open
and close are localized operations.
Your argument was that certain algorithms were not implementable in
Common Lisp because the language did not require the closing of
operating-system files when the system garbage-collected streams.
This is in fact wrong. There are far more possibilities that you
have been willing to explore before you reached your conclusion.
Erik Naggum, Oslo, Norway
Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder.
Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.
Continued programming in C and C++ is an exercise of piling
rationalizations on top of rationalizations anyway, so this fits right
in. You'd expect a whole lot of things to turn people off C and C++,
but no, people rationalize their abandonment of quality for whatever
peculiar reasons they have. Which, I dmit, is a near restatement ...
If you want freedom from closing/freeing a /stream/, the
obvious solution is to close it when it has been exhausted.
This is neatly localizable and abstractable.
Consider the example I posted a while back: a computation that
involves a graph whose nodes may refer to streams which are network
connections. When part of the graph become inaccessible, _that_ is
when the stream needs to be closed. In that example, it is my
program, not the stream peer, who marks the end-of-stream. My program
has to make that decision based on the lifetimes of nodes in my graph.
The garbage collector is already there, computing those lifetimes for
me -- it is the right tool for the job.
If you want to refer to /files/, the obvious solution is to
intern pathnames and use a mechanism that keeps a maximum
number of files open which is used to close the least recently
referenced file if you are maxed out, so you save on the open
That's a wrong solution because closing and opening a file may return
you different file from the one you started with. The solution you've
proposed changes the semantics of the program.
Programs which can assume that the filename->file mapping remains
constant throughout their run can use your trick, but others may not.
Some programs can not assume that the filename->file mapping remains
constant but use this trick anyway. Some bogosities displayed by NFS
are the result of that, for example.
Your argument was that certain algorithms were not
implementable in Common Lisp because the language did not
require the closing of operating-system files when the system
garbage-collected streams. This is in fact wrong. There are
far more possibilities that you have been willing to explore
before you reached your conclusion.
That is not quite my argument, though I'd guess you can find places
where I've stated it misleadingly.
"not implementable" is too strong a claim. "not cleanly" or "not
easilly" or "not straightforwardly implementable" is closer.
Also, the requirement is weaker than "must close operating-system
files when the system garbage-collects streams" -- strong-guarantee
finalizers or weak references also give me enough mechanism to close
streams when needed.
There is a kind of reductio against my argument if you think I meant
to say "strictly not impelementable". One could write a graph tracer
in lisp itself and, at the application level, garbage collect for
streams. So if you think I said "strictly not impelementable", that
reductio should give you a clue that you've misread me ;-)
Tom, which war are you fighting? I am trying to show you that the
way you see things has contributed to, if not produced, conclusions
that you stick by as if they were The Exclusive Truth, which they
are not, and that if you opened up a little bit, you would find that
you can look at the same evidence in different ways and arrive at
very different conclusions. If you have a problem, we will help you
find a solution.
But there is, I suspect, a desire on your part to prove your initial
hunch, and to do this you construct ever more problems when your
"challenges" have been solved, but to anyone who listens to such
"argumentation", the conclusion is fairly inevitable: You construct
more "problems" in order to support a foregone conclusion.
But here's how to implement garbage collection of file descriptors:
Scan the heap for streams and look into them for file descriptors.
When you have collected all the file descriptors this way, and maybe
accounted for system streams, loop over the file descriptor space
and close all that are not supposed to be open. It would not hurt
if you did this after a garbage collection, of course, but it can be
done at any time with no ill effects (other than a slew of system
calls that result in harmless error returns).
Please note that I said "garbage collection of file descriptors" and
not "garbage collection of streams". This difference is important
only because you have to be slightly more careful about caches and
buffers. In a programming style that depended on this scheme, you
would naturally want to force writing buffers to disk before you
dropped the stream. This means that "but it would not work, because
I want garbage collection to flush the stream buffers" is not a very
smart counter-argument. You would make it only to strongly affirm
my conjecture that you are making up problems as you go in order to
defend your desire for a change in design.
| That's a wrong solution because closing and opening a file may
| return you different file from the one you started with. The
| solution you've proposed changes the semantics of the program.
Tom, listen. You do this trick when it /preserves/ the semantics of
the program. You really do understand this and only pretend to be
stupid, don't you? If the file referenced by a filename changes
from open to open, you are not really working with /files/, which
you said you were, so this is specious at best. It really looks as
if you are making up problems, now.
| There is a kind of reductio against my argument if you think I meant
| to say "strictly not impelementable". One could write a graph
| tracer in lisp itself and, at the application level, garbage collect
| for streams. So if you think I said "strictly not impelementable",
| that reductio should give you a clue that you've misread me ;-)
All very good, but do you pick up clues that you have misread
others? The above, for instance, is just plain silly. We all know
that with sufficient work, everything is strictly implementable in
any language. So I do not think you meant to say anything. Unlike
you, I do not entertain specious arguments for their own sake, so it
is quite foreign to me that you you have to defend yourself against
something you think I think you meant to say. Really. So, please,
clean up this mess and try to write better if you have such fears.
I believe, but not very strongly, that the reason for your failure
to be happy with the language as it is, is that you brought with you
a model of perfect language design before you came to Common Lisp
and now you think Common Lisp ought to conform to it. I think the
reason that I tend to learn quickly and "side" with authorities, is
that most of the time, I attach no personal identity to the models I
bring with me when I am relatively ignorant. When I occasionally do
(and the first example that comes to mind is Perl), I also fail at
learning it. Back in 1993/4, I worked with C++, and the whole
experience was exceedingly painful because the desire to redesign
and fix the language was so strong that I had to fight it all the
time to get any work done. Every now and then, I see people who
come to various newsgroups with a "question" that is really a scream
of despair that reality is not what they wanted it to be. I used to
have a .signature line that I took from SF Gate columnist Mark
Morford (which he may well have taken from somewhere else and that
joke was lost on me), which pissed off a lot more people than I sort
of intend my .signature to do, reading "if this is not what you
expected, please alter your expectations", but I think it is
actually a really good epitaph to life in general.
The question is not whether Common Lisp (qua language) guarantees
garbage collection to close streams cleanly, the questions are what
you would do differently if it did and whether you can do the same
things even if it does not. I realize that this is more problem-
solution-oriented than many people appear to appreciate, but some
times, the only available solution is not as stunningly beautiful as
you had dreamt of, because it has to make space for something more.
So, since Common Lisp does not guarantee orderly closure of streams
when the stream object is garbage collected, /but/ implementations
tend to offer finalization because it is sometimes exceedingly nice
to have a safety net, /and/ the mechanism is non-portable, so you
need to build some sort of abstraction on top of it, anyway, you
might as well implement something even cleaner on top of it all.
When you do this, there is very little danger that you will need to
worry about how the system cleans up after you, because you will do
it yourself. I have suggested two ways to do this that work very
well for their inherently limited set of circumstances, and you
should be able to think of some more of your own if you can only
come to peace with the fact that you have to do /something/ on your
own to get the behavior you desire.
A MEWS is good, and yours has provided me with amusement and other
benefits, but yours is also more than a little bit flakey.
> They are not simply theoretical. Recently, for example, an experiment
> was performed on GCC in which the precise GC was replaced with a
> conservative one. Memory usage sharply increased - a consequence of
> false roots.
That wasn't what I deduced from the thread in the gcc mailing list.
My impression was that the experiment used the collector in fully
conservative mode. I would guess that any retention problem is due to
scanning the heap conservatively, especially since I think gcc plays
some games in places to compress the data in the heap a little.
Given that gcc already has layout information, this doesn't strike me
as the right approach there, if you were doing more than an
Root misidentifications generally cause bounded damage. See my 2002
POPL paper.
In other words, you had already made up your mind to want the
language to guarantee closing of streams upon garbage collection
long before you came here and nothing anyone more knowledgeable
than you can say will change your mind. Thanks for confirming it.
My MEWS is indeed flakey. It should have triggered on you long
ago. I made a grave mistake trying to respond helpfully to you. I
apologize and regret the waste of time.
> * (Tom Lord)
> | A MEWS is good, and yours has provided me with amusement and other
> | benefits, but yours is also more than a little bit flakey.
> In other words, you had already made up your mind to want the
> language to guarantee closing of streams upon garbage collection
> long before you came here and nothing anyone more knowledgeable
> than you can say will change your mind. Thanks for confirming it.
> My MEWS is indeed flakey. It should have triggered on you long
> ago. I made a grave mistake trying to respond helpfully to you. I
> apologize and regret the waste of time.
Could any of you kind souls tell this poor newbie what manner of
fragit a MEWS is?
Moron Early Warning System. It is intended to spare the newsgroup
of the otherwise inevitable inkshed.
> * (Tim Daly, Jr.)
> | Could any of you kind souls tell this poor newbie what manner of
> | fragit a MEWS is?
> Moron Early Warning System. It is intended to spare the newsgroup
> of the otherwise inevitable inkshed.
Ah. Right. Thanks. :)
That wasn't what I deduced from the thread in the gcc mailing
list. My impression was that the experiment used the
collector in fully conservative mode. I would guess that any
retention problem is due to scanning the heap conservatively,
especially since I think gcc plays some games in places to
compress the data in the heap a little.
I am corrected on a minor point, but not refuted :-) May I try to form
a balanced summary of our disagreement? I don't want to (and can't)
refute your general advocacy of conservative GC -- but I do think
there are important qualifications on that advocacy which you don't
usually make clear and notice that some "important" projects have made
design decisions that apparently ignore those qualifications. I wish
that in your advocacy, you yourself gave a more balanced picture of
the situation.
So, here:
To make sure I'm understand you: your guess about the GCC case is that
it is not false _roots_ that caused the leakage, but rather
mis-identified false pointers within the graph (in heap allocated
objects). The distinction, just to be clear, is that a "possible
root" is a location a conservative GC checks for an apparent pointer
even though nothing else (except perhaps a stack pointer) points to
the possible root; possible pointers within the graph (non-roots) are
areas of allocated memory, checked for apparent pointers only if the
allocated region is reached via the graph of possible pointers
starting at the roots.
And, you go on to say, the problem of false pointers within the graph
can be cured by providing the conservative collector with type
information for the objects in the heap. Elsewhere you've also
pointed out that with type information for the stack, registers, and
static memory -- a conservative GC _becomes_ a precise GC: so one
_perhaps_ practical way to address the problems is to advocate to
compiler writers that they make that type information available at
In short, you are describing heuristics that can reduce the amount of
leakage from a conservative collector in some situations -- important
heuristics for some applications, no doubt. And (elsewhere) you point
out a development project that can lead to precise (but
compiler-specific) GC that is native to an otherwise ordinary C
run-time system. (And, for completeness, you've also pointed out
changes compiler makers can make that don't extend the language but
that do probabilistically improve conservative GC performance, right?)
There are several problems in applying your arguments here.
First: while GCC may have some type information on hand, we have no
idea whether or not the original questioner (the one who asked "are
these concerns purely theoretical") has suitable type information, or
in what form. Therefore, the GCC case as you've interpreted it
illustrates that the concerns are practical, not theoretical: for
example, they suggest the practical concern that memory performance of
conservative GC varies greatly depending on how much type information
you can provide. If providing type information is a non-trivial task,
the cost of providing it has to be subtracted from the convenience of
just "plugging in" conservative GC -- if you're going to (have to) do
that extra work, perhaps going all the way to precise GC isn't really
significantly harder.
Second: there is at least one common and one not-unheard of example of
a non-root object for which type information can _not_ be provided
without help from the compiler. The common case is a heap-allocated
jump buffer (the kind filled by `longjmp'). The not-unheard of case
is a heap-allocated stack copy (an admittedly non-standard use of C
that has nevertheless been ported widely in SCM and systems derived
from SCM).
Third: Even though you are explicitly guessing, I think you clearly
overreach when you say "_any_ retention problem is due to scanning the
heap conservatively" (emphasis added). I think you have to say in
your (very plausible) guess, at best, "_most_ retention problems are
due to scanning the heap conservatively". When you say _any_, it
suggests that you think they will _all_ be fixed by not scanning
allocated objects conservatively.
Fourth: in other contexts (and I hope I'm not mis-paraphrasing you
here) you've made a "relative error rates" argument and a "small size
of error" argument. The "relative error rates" arguments says that
with a little tuning, perhaps with some type information --
conservative GC errors can be made of sufficiently low probability
that they may be disregarded. The "small size of error" argument says
that -- unless you are using data structures which are exotic, any
leakage from conservative GC will be of a negligible amount of memory.
The "relative error rates" argument simply doesn't jive with my
experience using a conservative GC in a mode in which the stack is
scanned conservatively, but all of the heap allocated objects are
scanned precisely. So, I don't believe it. I've measured
conservative GC leaks in that situation with very small numbers of
runs of short-running, tiny, non-memory-intensive programs. If I've
measured that, I can only conclude that if the system is deployed
widely and used heavily, the error rate will greatly exceed, for
example, hardware failure rates.
The "relative error rates" argument _also_ doesn't respond to the
issue of creating exploitable risks. That a "natural" occurrence of a
bug is rare says nothing about the probability of its exploitation by
attackers. Attackers are really quite sophisticated, these days and
they seem to do their work mostly be creating otherwise "improbable"
The "small size of error" argument rests on two false premises:
Taken as a statement about the total amount of memory wasted, the
"small size of error" argument relies on the premise that the total
amount of memory protected by any one pointer is always small. Even
qualifying that (as you have done) by advising programmers not to use,
or to change their implementation of "lazy lists" is not qualification
enough. The only way to evaluate this argument about quantity of
memory leaked is probabilistically: multiplying the probability that a
pointer protects a "lot" of memory by the probability that it will be
misprotected. On the one hand, this is another relative error rate
argument and thus does not answer questions about the risks of
exploitation. On the other hand, what little information we have or
are able to easily obtain about those two probabilities is very
uncertain. Measuring those probabilities for a handful of particular
programs is a dubious basis on which to form generalizations.
The "small size of error" argument speaks _only_ about the number of
objects leaked: it relies on the premise that only leaks of a large
number of objects are a problem. As you know, I like to point out
that leaking even a relatively small number of some objects can cause
serious problems, depending on the nature of those objects. Leaks of
just a few very large objects is a considerable memory leak. Leaks of
just a medium number of objects representing external resources can
cause a system to fail. On the latter point, we've had our discussion
elsewhere about whether or not all programs should explicitly close
files and so forth. A similar discussion took place here and I'll
point out that if you read it closely, you'll find three relevant
points: (1) that even many programmers who agree that all files should
be closed explicitly want the GC there as a "safety net"; (2) that it
is easy to make mistakes while trying to write code in the style you
advocate (as, for example, the buggy implementations of `with-foo'
that we saw); (3) that in some cases, the most convenient way to
express a program that must close files is to make the decision of
when to close those files based on the lifetimes of garbage collected
objects -- it the GC can not be relied upon to measure those lifetimes
accurately, the the decision of when to close those files can not be
made accurately.
The hyperbole of the Subject: line and similar text notwithstanding,
nobody has ever argued that conservative GC should never be used. But
I've at least pointed out that it is a problematic choice for use in
systems that must be secure against exploits are that are intended as
"general purpose" programming systems that strive to place the least
arbitrary restrictions on how they may be programmed. Those
observations combined with your own, that to use conservative GC well
in some systems you must nevertheless write enough code to make it as
close to a precise GC as possible, raise a very practical question: is
the convenience of conservative GC compared to precise _really_ a
worthwhile trade-off? For systems intended to be secure, I think it's
pretty clear that the answer is no. For other systems, I think it's
worth a bit of investment in design and tool-building: to construct a
portable precise-GC for use with C that is unambiguously as easy (or
easier) to use than conservative GC.
The particular flakiness observed here is that you've made
non-responsive technical arguments, then behaved as if they were
responsive. The first such in talking to me was plausibly just
confusion, but the latest are just jaw-droppingly dumb.
My MEWS is indeed flakey. It should have triggered on you long
ago. I made a grave mistake trying to respond helpfully to you.
I apologize and regret the waste of time.
So, are you in fact, at least in part, a modern Jive filter?
It seems like a reasonable hypothesis. Your flamage is more than a
little bit repetitive -- even if you were going to express the same
idea twice, you'd think that, in the interest of being understood, you
might try exploring different expressions of it. But instead, in
vocabulary, sentence structure, and content -- you're very narrow.
At first I was thrown off because some of your psychologizing of
_some_ posters seemed to me to hit the mark. But then you used the
same characterization on others to whom it clearly did not apply,
suggesting that you're applying it blindly.
And the lisp community presumably does have lots of natural language
tools floating around....
So, yeah, I'm starting to think "modern Jive filter", seeded with
content suggestions for particular replies. And if someone feeds you
a non-responsive argument, you disappoint us by making big logical
If the hypothesis is true, it interests me as political statement.
Often on technical lists, people abandon reasonable discourse and make
replies that are logically very close to your flames -- but they do so
in more popular language, often only by implication. In _that_ light,
some of the "anti-Erik" chat on this list, particularly that that
focusses on your tone or language use rather than content, is a
fascinating side effect.
But the political implications of your Jive filter (whether literal or
not) are undermined when you say something dumb on the technical
I take it that your ranting and raving about me is the antithesis of
"jaw-droppingly dumb", then. Good luck with your life, Tom.
it still remains a storm-in-a-teacup academic argument; i have yet to see
you point to any production system with (say) well-analyzed security issues
due to boehm collector. when will you nail this down, publish your paper
and finish with this discussion? :-]
you take a banana, you get a lunar landscape. -- j. van wijk
> I am corrected on a minor point, but not refuted :-) May I try to form
> a balanced summary of our disagreement? I don't want to (and can't)
> refute your general advocacy of conservative GC -- but I do think
> there are important qualifications on that advocacy which you don't
> usually make clear and notice that some "important" projects have made
> design decisions that apparently ignore those qualifications. I wish
> that in your advocacy, you yourself gave a more balanced picture of
> the situation.
[Long discussion not reproduced here.]
I was just trying to correct a minor point, but occasionally
important, point, without restarting this discussion. Since I failed
I largely agree with your discussion, except that I don't see how
security issues enter here. I think we agree that if we, for example,
run untrusted code inside a conservatively collected JVM, we run the
risk that malicious code will cause excessive retention, and thus
cause the JVM to run out of memory. But how is that different from
malicious code that just allocates a lot?
The "view" I'm trying to advocate is that:
1) Conservative collectors often, but not always, work well. Whether
or not they work well varies considerably with the collector
implementation, as well as with the particular application.
2) When applications don't work well with conservative GC, as for the
gcc example, in my experience the problem is usually traceable to one
or at most a handful of "false pointer" sources (or a handful of very
large object allocations). A small amount of type information
typically goes a long way.
C workarounds for such problems are typically not hard. I'm not
sufficiently familiar with various Lisp/Scheme implementations to
understand their need/utility there.
3) All other things being equal, clearly type accurate GC is better
than conservative collection. All other things are sometimes, but
rarely equal. There are significant differences in whether or not you
can handle legacy C code, the complexity of foreign function
interfaces, and in the difficulty of getting the compiler-collector
interface debugged. In real life, there are thus trade-offs,
depending on whether these other things matter.
4) There are many degrees of "conservativism" in garbage collection.
(E.g. conservatively scan everything -> conservatively scan only top
stack frame.) They have significantly different tradeoffs, and are
appropriate under different circumstances.
5) There are a small number of things we can actually prove about
conservative GC. A pure call-by-value functional program can't
require unbounded space solely as the result of a conservative
stack/register scan (as opposed to heap scan). I suspect neither can
gcc. (That doesn't preclude bounded leaks.)
6) We agree that it is occasionally useful to let the collector manage
external resources such as file descriptors. By using a conservative
GC, you may lose any guarantees about how many file descriptors can be
simultaneously open, and thus you may run out of descriptors earlier
than you expected. But for nearly all programming languages, you
don't have those guarantees anyway, for several reasons. Object
reachability is usually not precisely defined. And often the
finalization facility isn't quite up to this task. (See my 2003 POPL
paper or
In my experience, this still seems to work fine inpractice, however,
conservative GC or not.
I was just trying to correct a minor point, but occasionally
important, point, without restarting this discussion. Since I
failed ...
I'll now try to remove the bee in my bonnet about that -- but so that
you know why it's been there:
In a sense, it's a discussion you and I have had over many months. It
started when I was advocating for some work to build an original free
software run-time system for high-level languages as a practical
alternative to dragging the free software world into a swamp of .NET
reimplementation. One of the goals I proposed was to use the new
run-time system to make some of our existing sytems more robust by
using precise rather than conservative GC. You and I got into this
discussion about robustness, and my perception is that the
implications of our discussion were widely misinterpreted: your "The
sky isn't falling on systems that use conservative GC" was taken as
"There is no robustness risk with conservative GC, no reason to try
doing any better."
I largely agree with your discussion, except that I don't see how
security issues enter here.
Ok, I'll try to fix that.
I think we agree that if we, for example, run untrusted code
inside a conservatively collected JVM, we run the risk that
malicious code will cause excessive retention, and thus cause the
JVM to run out of memory. But how is that different from
malicious code that just allocates a lot?
Malicious code run as untrusted code _does_ have unique problems when
combined with conservative GC. For example, although I can
resource-bound untrusted code -- e.g., to limit the allocations that
it can make itself -- I can't prevent it from creating false roots
which may protect objects not allocated by the untrusted code.
The risks are larger than just untrusted code, and larger than
just running out of memory or other resources. I'll explain:
It's not just untrusted code that is the problem -- it's also
untrusted data. With suitably crafted malicious _data_, you get some
control over what's on the stack, both in variables and in spilled
registers. Thus, malicious data can also create false roots.
False roots enable direct exploits that manage to cause big leaks but
they also enable indirect exploits. An attacker can combine
unintended retention of some objects with other exploits, for example,
tricking the GC into keeping around an object that ultimately keeps a
file open, then using another exploit to run code that accesses that
file. You can find some shockingly (to me, at least) sophisticated
examples of attacks that combine several minor bugs to add up to one
big exploit in, for example, 2600. From what I could tell reading the
articles there, attackers solve problems by saying "Ok, I need to do
X, which can be broken down into problems A, B, and C" and then they
go shopping for bugs that enable A, B, and C. Sometimes people
respond to my concerns by saying "Well, I'll worry about it when you
show me an actual exploit on a deployed system," but I don't think
that attitude is justified given the sophsitication of attackers these
The ultimate consideration is that with precise GC, any possible
exploits are bugs in my program text and I can fix those. With
conservative GC, I introduce exploits that aren't there in the program
text: there's nothing I can do to eliminate that _class_ of bugs other
than switching to precise GC.
The "view" I'm trying to advocate is that:
1) Conservative collectors often, but not always, work well.
Whether or not they work well varies considerably with the
collector implementation, as well as with the particular
I agree, adding the observation that they can _never_ work perfectly.
Precise GC also varies in quality and accuracy with implementation,
but at least its faults can be seen as bugs in the implementation text
and the text changed to fix those bugs.
2) When applications don't work well with conservative GC, as for the
gcc example, in my experience the problem is usually traceable to one
or at most a handful of "false pointer" sources (or a handful of very
large object allocations). A small amount of type information
typically goes a long way.
C workarounds for such problems are typically not hard. I'm not
sufficiently familiar with various Lisp/Scheme implementations to
understand their need/utility there.
I think this expands on "varies considerably with collector
3) All other things being equal, clearly type accurate GC is
better than conservative collection. All other things are
sometimes, but rarely equal. There are significant differences
in whether or not you can handle legacy C code, the complexity
of foreign function interfaces, and in the difficulty of
getting the compiler-collector interface debugged. In real
life, there are thus trade-offs, depending on whether these
other things matter.
Of course there are trade-offs and sometimes there are good reasons
for choosing conservative GC. I think its unlikely one _really_ wants
to choose conservative GC for something like a fresh Java
implementation or .NET competitor targetted at enterprise systems,
where you both (a) want be able to get as close to perfectly robust as
you can afford and (b) never want to be caught in a situation where
there is a permanent source of exploits that can not be plugged (even
if any particular exploit that takes place can be worked around after
the fact). Not all programming problems have solutions that satisfy
(a) and (b), but GC does and those solutions are in the precise GC
That said, some of your trade-off concerns, such as complexity of
ffi's or whether or not a special compiler/collector interface is
needed are exaggerated: those concerns can be addressed by building
tools (e.g., imagine a GC-lint program checker for C programs or a
code generator that produces code for GC bookkeeping).
4) There are many degrees of "conservativism" in garbage collection.
(E.g. conservatively scan everything -> conservatively scan
only top stack frame.) They have significantly different
tradeoffs, and are appropriate under different circumstances.
5) There are a small number of things we can actually prove about
conservative GC. A pure call-by-value functional program can't
require unbounded space solely as the result of a conservative
stack/register scan (as opposed to heap scan). I suspect
neither can gcc. (That doesn't preclude bounded leaks.)
Assuming that the program is not being lazilly evaluated, that sounds
plausible, and kind of interesting, but not of much practical
importance to the questions at hand.
6) We agree that it is occasionally useful to let the collector
manage external resources such as file descriptors. By using a
conservative GC, you may lose any guarantees about how many
file descriptors can be simultaneously open, and thus you may
run out of descriptors earlier than you expected.
Agreed, with the addition that running out of descriptors is not the
_only_ danger: simply retaining a particular descriptor can open the
door to exploits.
But for nearly all programming languages, you don't have those
guarantees anyway, for several reasons. Object reachability is
usually not precisely defined. And often the finalization
facility isn't quite up to this task.
Agreed. This is an area where language designers and implementors
need to do a much better job, and where a much better job for our
purposes here can certainly be done. There's a hard problem of
defining reachability so as to minimize lifetimes to the greatest
extent practical -- but that hard problem isn't the one we're talking
about here: we only need to provide a useful upper-bound on lifetimes.
In my experience, this still seems to work fine inpractice,
however, conservative GC or not.
I can't reliably regression test the weak-references implementation in
my Scheme interpreter that uses a partially-conservative GC, because
it uses a partially-conservative GC. That discovery was the
particular incident that first soured me on conservative GC.
Thanks for an interesting chat. It has helped me become better at
articulating the risks, and it has cleared up my model of your "view"
(which, it turns out, is closer to a shared view than I suspected).
> ... I was advocating for some work to build an original free
> software run-time system for high-level languages as a practical
> alternative to dragging the free software world into a swamp of .NET
> reimplementation.
I believe this is a very worthy goal. I am actually in active need of
such a system (for reasons that I won't go into here). I've found that
Hans's GC, Bruno's CLN system, and C++ get me a very long way towards
where I want to be. If I wanted to use a precise GC instead of Hans's
system, what would you recommend? (Note: I need a thread-safe GC.)
> In article <>, (Tom
> Lord) wrote:
> > ... I was advocating for some work to build an original free
> > software run-time system for high-level languages as a practical
> > alternative to dragging the free software world into a swamp of .NET
> > reimplementation.
> I believe this is a very worthy goal. I am actually in active need of
> such a system (for reasons that I won't go into here).
Isn't that one of the goals of the Parrot project? AFAIK it's being
developed as the default backend of Perl 6, but with
cross-language-ability in mind, and some Ruby and Python people used
to be quite excited about it. Would be a CL-to-Parrot-compiler be a
good idea?
At least, remembering the april fools joke that gave the name to
Parrot, one might ask Paul Graham to change "it" in Arc to
"*dollar-underscore*" for better readability ;-)
Can this reliably work on Unix?
Unix lets one unlink open files - the actual unlink is deferred
until all of the corresponding closes occur.
Even if a CL implementation keeps track of the unlinks that it performs,
it can't keep track of them all, and even if it could, it can't do anything
other than keep the file open, so what does it do if the program wants 1055[1]
open files that have been deleted?
[1] I think that 1024 is a relatively common limit on the number of open
files per forked-thingie.
If you delete an open file, what exactly do you want to rely on?
Why would you want to enroll such an open file in this mechanism?
Or are you afraid of what might happen if you delete a file under a
program that relies on it? If so, what makes you think that this
clever way of dealing with files will make a substantial difference?
In other words, what exactly did you think I proposed?
That the data in the deleted file is still accessible to programs
holding a descriptor for that file. That the file name may be
re-mapped to a new inode, even while the previous inode is still in
Why would you want to enroll such an open file in this
Because these semantics are part of how good unix programs achieve
ACID semantics. It may be the case that sometime in the future,
we'll be able to wrap unix filesystem calls in begin-/end-transaction
wrappers -- but for a few decades now, people have made good use
the very easily implemented semantics under discussion to achieve ACID
properties without full-fledged transactions.
Or are you afraid of what might happen if you delete a file under a
program that relies on it? If so, what makes you think that this
clever way of dealing with files will make a substantial
No, we unix hackers aren't afraid of what might happen on our
platforms: we count on it and appreciate the reasons why it is so.
In other words, what exactly did you think I proposed?
Argument for argument's sake? If the earlier questions were honest,
I've provided the answers to them.
* Andy Freeman
| Can this reliably work on Unix?
* Erik Naggum
| If you delete an open file, what exactly do you want to rely on?
* Tom Lord
| That the data in the deleted file is still accessible to programs
| holding a descriptor for that file. That the file name may be
| re-mapped to a new inode, even while the previous inode is still in
| use.
Are you speaking for Andy Freeman? Did you understand the /context/
of the question he asked? Or are you just jumping into a discussion
to which you have not been paying much attention so you can say
something stupid and pretend it is somebody else's fault?
* Erik Naggum
| Why would you want to enroll such an open file in this
| mechanism?
Recall that the mechanism discussed here is one of keeping track of
a number of /files/ by name, which can be opened and closed at will.
If the files cannot be opened and closed at will in this fashion,
then use your goddamn brain and do not use this technique! How hard
can it be to grasp that just because a technique has limitations
does not mean it is not useful where those limitations do not apply?
What kind of a programmer are you if you are unable to grasp this?
* Tom Lord
| Because these semantics are part of how good unix programs achieve
| ACID semantics.
Let me get this straight. You want automatic flushing of buffers
and closing of files upon garbage collection of streams so you can
implement certain algorithms which you claim are not easy in Common
Lisp as is (except that it is, you just use finalization). When a
simple scheme is proposed that would free you of all concerns for
when files are opened and closed (which seemed to be the point of
your desires until you came up with more problems after the old ones
were solved) for some particular uses (I proposed only two such
schemes depending on usage factors, obviously not the exclusive list
of methods, but the /obvious/ choices for how to implement what you
claimed was /obvious/ yet did not understand), your counter-argument
is that it should not be used because you want /ACID semantics/ of
these garbage collected and automatically opened and closed streams?
Are you /insane/? Or are you just making up problems as you go so
that nobody can ever satisfy your increasingly irrational demands?
| It may be the case that sometime in the future, we'll be able to
| wrap unix filesystem calls in begin-/end-transaction wrappers -- but
| for a few decades now, people have made good use the very easily
| implemented semantics under discussion to achieve ACID properties
| without full-fledged transactions.
Are you at all aware of what thread this is in? Does the word
"context" not have any meaning to you at all? Is thinking so hard
for you that you have to concentrate real hard and work long hours
not to make bumbling mistakes? Is that why your miserable excuse
for a brain overloaded when you were given standard sociological
arguments about models and you called them "jaw-droppingly dumb"?
I take some solace in the fact that the arguments were given by a
professor of sociology at the U of Oslo who has published dozens of
papers and books. When you, an obviously harebrained fool, pays no
attention and provides evidence that you are so mind-numbingly
retarded that you should be protected from yourself, that is one of
the things he has discussed over the years -- how people who are
poor on mental models seek out and need information that conforms to
their models lest they become very nervous and agitated and feel an
urge to escape rather than to think.
| Argument for argument's sake?
Yes, that does indeed seem to be your modus operandi.
| If the earlier questions were honest,
| I've provided the answers to them.
Except for the fact that they were asked of Andy Freeman, not of
you. Except that you do not appear to be particularly honest to
begin with. Except that you answered questions completely out of
context. Andy Freeman had already swayed from the context, but you
showed me what kind of idiot you are when you decided to respond.
You probably think that just because your feeble brainpower cannot
deal with something, it must be dumb. Astonishingly stupid people
tend to behave that way.
It must be fun to be you. I sometimes wish I had accepted the drugs
I have been offered at various parties of the years so I could have
been able to /relate/ to people like you and how your brains work.
> It may be the case that sometime in the future, we'll be able to
> wrap unix filesystem calls in begin-/end-transaction wrappers....
It certainly was the case in the past for several non-unix file system
If it's the only mechanism for files, I don't have much choice.
> Or are you afraid of what might happen if you delete a file under a
> program that relies on it? If so, what makes you think that this
> clever way of dealing with files will make a substantial difference?
It affects observable behavior.
> In other words, what exactly did you think I proposed?
It looked like a proposal for a scheme that provided the illusion of a
"large" number of open files on a system that didn't actually provide
Ah, I see you invented the "only mechanism" part on your own and
attributed it to me. How manifestly indecent of you to do so.
Please back up and reattach your argumentation to what I wrote -- it
is currently flee-floating without connection to what I wrote, yet
you comment on it as if I had said something I had not. Then make
your own contribution explicit and see what difference it makes.
* Erik Naggum
| In other words, what exactly did you think I proposed?
* Andy Freeman
| It looked like a proposal for a scheme that provided the illusion
| of a "large" number of open files on a system that didn't actually
| provide same.
Could you do me the favor of /reading/ what I wrote and /please/ try
to avoid introducing noise of your own into it if you are going to
comment on it? Intellectual honesty demands that you try to keep at
least somewhat clear of polluting the information you comment on.
Not that intellectual honesty is in high esteem in this newsgroup,
but I still get fairly annoyed when people make up things and then
pretend I said them.
That data operations using valid handles are unaffected by unlink.
I think of create&unlink as operations that maintain "root" pointers
to data. Open turns said root pointers into handles that can be used
to manipulate said data; close frees said handles.
With that separation of powers, unlink shouldn't have any effect on
handle operations.
Yes, I know that the unix model isn't quite that straightforward....
If you want to rely on this, do you still want the stream to be
closed when it is garbage collected, or do you want some control
over when it ceases to exist?
I guess I am trying to figure out why you brought this up in the
context of garbage-collected streams with finalization semantics.
Also, despite what you believe, this is not the only mechanism.
The standard language semantics prevails. Someone wanted to be
relieved of closing streams "manually" and wanted them to be closed
when they became unreferenced. Again despite what you believe I
said, I have offered three different ways to address this problem.
(One of them automatic reaping of unreferenced file handles.) How
you could possibly have invented the premise that one of these
three would be the only one available is beyond me.
> Yes, I know that the unix model isn't quite that straightforward....
NFS. And so this comes back to where we started: the moment you start
playing clever games with files or streams and GC you suddenly
discover you're in a world where you have to do distributed GC across
possibly heterogeneous systems with differing underlying semantics.
Or alternatively, you don't discover this, but your programs just
randomly break every once in a while.
Except that I didn't attribute anything to anyone. I asked a question
to help me understand what Naggum wrote.
The thread has discussed both "only" and "special case" mechanisms and
the message in question doesn't specify its category. Thus, my question.
> Please back up and reattach your argumentation to what I wrote
No thanks. Been there, did that, got the t-shirt.
I'd like to learn about general mechanisms because I'd like to
avoid yet another context-specific mechanism. If that's not on
the table....
> * Andy Freeman
> | It looked like a proposal for a scheme that provided the illusion
> | of a "large" number of open files on a system that didn't actually
> | provide same.
> Could you do me the favor of /reading/ what I wrote
The mechanism in question kept track of files and closed&reopened them
behind the programmer's back in certain circumstances; the close&reopen
was not explicitly requested by the programmer. (The suggested mechanism
to choose files to close was LRU.) True, Naggum didn't say why the
mechanism was closing files - I assumed that a system limitation might
be relevant.
> It's not just untrusted code that is the problem -- it's also
> untrusted data. With suitably crafted malicious _data_, you get some
> control over what's on the stack, both in variables and in spilled
> registers. Thus, malicious data can also create false roots.
> False roots enable direct exploits that manage to cause big leaks but
> they also enable indirect exploits. An attacker can combine
> unintended retention of some objects with other exploits, for example,
> tricking the GC into keeping around an object that ultimately keeps a
> file open, then using another exploit to run code that accesses that
> file.
i'm sorry, i find this quite incoherent. can you specify a step-by-step
exploit on a server of your choice running with boehm GC, and explain how
and why you ended up with the GC and false roots as your *only* course of
action for the exploit? if you hacked into server's stack (say), why are
there easier exploits available to you? (etc) i'm not saying your point
is invalid, i'm just not seeing it clearly out of all this hand waving.
a serious example would help reinforce our security toolkits.
a nought, an ought, a knot, a not easily perceived distinction. -- t. duff
That's ok. I think your message leads someplace interesting.
I'm sorry, too: because this is a long reply. It's in two parts: one
is just trying to clear up what I think are the misunderstandings that
led you to judge my contribution "incoherent" -- that's boring, but
necessary. The second part is a lot more intersting, in my view: it's
an actual gosh-darn engineering question: how to spend money on
software development that involves a choice between conservative and
precise collectors. So, here we go:
* Fixing the Apparent Miscommunication
i'm sorry, i find this quite incoherent.
Initially, at least, that appears to be because you misread it.
You go on to say:
if you hacked into server's stack (say), why are[n't] there easier
exploits available to you? (etc)
The misunderstanding seems to be over my phrase "you get some control
over what's on the stack".
There are popularized exploits that involve, for lack of a better
term, "stack smashing". For example, a bug permits a buffer overrun
on a stack-based buffer. An attacker supplies data that causes the
overrun. That data both contains arbitrary code and replaces the
return address of the stack frame with a pointer to that arbitrary
code (or, maybe it just points the return address to existing code
that shouldn't run at that particular time but that, if run, will have
malicious effect). When you talk about "easier exploits" -- I think
that is the kind of thing you are talking about, no?
That is not the kind of "control over the stack" I'm talking about.
I'm talking about control over the stack which does _not_ require a
bug: control over the values in variables; control over the values
in registers when they are spilled. If the stack is scanned
conservatively, those values, suitably constructed (which can be
forced in some cases by choice of attacker-supplied-data) are false
roots and cause errant retention by the GC.
The fundamental problem here is that with conservative scanning, the
stack values take on a new meaning that has nothing to do with the
program text: the conservative GC sees them as potential roots. That
overloading gives attackers a new avenue by which they may program
your application (with malicious data) to behave in unintended ways.
can you specify a step-by-step exploit on a server of your choice
running with boehm GC, and explain how and why you ended up with
the GC and false roots as your *only* course of action for the
No. Nor would I specify one here, even if I could. Nor do I believe
that doing so is a necessary part of pointing out the security risks.
if you hacked into server's stack (say), why are there easier
exploits available to you? (etc) i'm not saying your point is
invalid, i'm just not seeing it clearly out of all this hand
waving. a serious example would help reinforce our security
An attacker against a system which uses conservative GC can sometimes
(and the program text doesn't make clear when) provide malicious data
that targets particular objects to be retained that, with precise GC
would not be retained, or that with conservative GC absent malicious
data would be unlikely to be retained. How to combine that capability
with other partial exploits, or how to use it directly as a complete
exploit, is left as an exercise to the attacker; I've mentioned some
of my ideas already (resource exhaustion; preserving sensative
resources to make them available to a code exploit).
* The Engineering Question
It all comes down to opportunities and how much they cost and
probabilities, all of which are impossible to measure precisely.
What is the probability of a conservative GC bug being used in an
exploit, or causing a costly failure due to a naturally occuring
bug? This is very hard to guess -- sadly, this thread probably
raises the probability of exploits; non-costly failures from
conservative GC (minor storage leaks) are very measurable -- so
we should not "guess low" on the probability of a costly failure.
What is the cost of developing against a precise vs. conservative
GC? There's the initial cost (Boehm-family collectors are ready off
the shelf.) Then there's the continuting cost (compare how much
I'll spend tuning conservative GC to eliminate retention bugs
vs. how much I'll spend on precise GC to eliminate bookkeeping
bugs). I think that in the current historic state of affairs, it's
safe to say that the initial cost of precise GC is higher (though
not by a huge amount) -- but that the ongoing costs can be made
about equal (portable precise GC needs either code generators or
What's the lock-in cost of conservative GC? In other words, if we
decide today to go with conservative GC, how much do we have to pay
later if we need to switch to precise? We should note that code
written presuming a conservative GC, especially a
conservative-stack-scanning GC, is not easy to convert to precise GC
-- one has to add bookkeeping. We can't count on there being an
automatable conversion process -- we'd have to restrict the code
somewhat to guarantee that automatic conversion was possible (and
then write gclint even though we're using conservative GC). As
run-time systems grow, this conversion cost is going to just keep
getting higher. We might have a slight out, if we plan to one-day
modify our C compiler to spew type information, but if that day
comes, we'll both lose portability and raise the cost of modifying
or replacing our compiler. Finally, if we need to do this
conversion quickly, the costs must be suitably multiplied. I don't
think these lock-in costs are easy to estimate, other than that they
aren't trivial, and they will grow over time.
What's the pay-back of going to precise GC early? At least
incrementally better memory performance; the ability to reliably
regression test code that involves GC semantics (e.g., weak
reference implementations); freedom from worrying about conservative
GC lock-in costs, liability costs, and the probability of nastly
conservative GC bugs or exploits.
Putting that all together, the only lossage of investing in precise
GC is the initial cost, and there's plenty of experience in the
field that tells us that cost isn't very high: wanna upper-bound it
at 3 man-years (min of 1 calendar-year)?
It's a no-brainer. Walk away from conservative GC; invest a bit in
precise. If need be, we can put all this in the form of a kind of
Drake's equation for the bean counters.
Streams? My question was about how a described mechanism for
dealing with files interacts with the semantics for (local) Unix
One possible useful answer is "it breaks badly if you do <whatever>".
> I guess I am trying to figure out why you brought this up in the
> context of garbage-collected streams with finalization semantics.
I didn't. I noted Naggum's distinction between streams and files and
asked about files.
> Also, despite what you believe, this is not the only mechanism.
I don't "believe", I asked a simple question that could have been
answered with "no, this isn't a general mechanism", possibly with
an added "it's good when ..." or even "no general mechanism is
possible because ...".
I note again that general mechanisms had been discussed in the thread
and that the proposed mechanism was not labelled. Thus, a question.
-andy (Tom Lord) wrote in message news:<>...
> I think its unlikely one _really_ wants
> to choose conservative GC for something like a fresh Java
> implementation or .NET competitor targetted at enterprise systems,
> where you both (a) want be able to get as close to perfectly robust as
> you can afford and (b) never want to be caught in a situation where
> there is a permanent source of exploits that can not be plugged (even
> if any particular exploit that takes place can be worked around after
> the fact). Not all programming problems have solutions that satisfy
> (a) and (b), but GC does and those solutions are in the precise GC
> family.
> That said, some of your trade-off concerns, such as complexity of
> ffi's or whether or not a special compiler/collector interface is
> needed are exaggerated: those concerns can be addressed by building
> tools (e.g., imagine a GC-lint program checker for C programs or a
> code generator that produces code for GC bookkeeping).
I still disagree about security exploits (see below).
And it still seems to me that the tradeoffs are substantial enough
that I would consider them. If the foreign-function interface were
already specified and mandatory, were performant enough that I could
live with it everywhere, and I had enough resources to deal with the
extra implementation effort, I would go for the type-accurate
collector. In the case of the gcj effort for example, I suspect none
of those are really true. (The foreign-function interface (JNI) is
specified, but very complex and its performance often left something
to be desired. The main gcj developers decided early on not to make
it mandatory.) In the case of Mono, I know at least the last point
was an issue.
It also seems to me that providing the option of scanning some things,
e.g. C frames on the stack or C allocated objects, conservatively is
always good, since it gives you options you wouldn't otherwise have.
The real issues are whether
1) This costs you enough collector performance to negate the
flexibility advantages. (I think the answer here is mostly unclear
for applications for which generational collection works well, and
mostly "no" for others. Our collector seems very competitive for the
latter, but less so for the former. Mostly copying collectors
probably help there.)
2) Once you have the facility, do you want to use it in cases for
which you could generate precise layout information with more
implementation effort and/or other overhead?
> 6) We agree that it is occasionally useful to let the collector
> manage external resources such as file descriptors. By using a
> conservative GC, you may lose any guarantees about how many
> file descriptors can be simultaneously open, and thus you may
> run out of descriptors earlier than you expected.
> Agreed, with the addition that running out of descriptors is not the
> _only_ danger: simply retaining a particular descriptor can open the
> door to exploits.
I disagree. If you are using finalizers to close files, you shouldn't
be relying on the timing of the file close for security. Its possible
that a type accurate collector might foil an exploit based on having
the file open. But if that's the case, you just got lucky. You have
a bug in the client code.
There are usually other ways for malicious code to delay such a file
close. For example, it may fail to release a lock that's needed by a
finalizer preceding the file close in a finalization queue. Or it may
force the heap to grow, thus decreasing GC frequency. None of these
depend on conservative GC.
> But for nearly all programming languages, you don't have those
> guarantees anyway, for several reasons. Object reachability is
> usually not precisely defined. And often the finalization
> facility isn't quite up to this task.
> Agreed. This is an area where language designers and implementors
> need to do a much better job, and where a much better job for our
> purposes here can certainly be done. There's a hard problem of
> defining reachability so as to minimize lifetimes to the greatest
> extent practical -- but that hard problem isn't the one we're talking
> about here: we only need to provide a useful upper-bound on lifetimes.
I doubt you can practically get that in this case, especially if you
are relying on a general purpose finalization mechanism.
(I think the most serious problem with current specifications of
finalization is that they don't provide a reasonable LOWER bound on
finalization time. You need some guarantee that the file descriptor
is not still in a register and being accessed when the object holding
it becomes inaccessible and is finalized. My impression is that
current implementations and don't even give you that guarantee. It's
unclear the specifications do, either.)
> In my experience, this still seems to work fine inpractice,
> however, conservative GC or not.
> I can't reliably regression test the weak-references implementation in
> my Scheme interpreter that uses a partially-conservative GC, because
> it uses a partially-conservative GC. That discovery was the
> particular incident that first soured me on conservative GC.
Isn't that at least partially a bug in the regression test? If you
check that most weak references are cleared, the probability of a
spurious failure should rapidly go to zero with an increasing sample
size. That's how I tend to write such tests. Given the state of
"reachability" definitions, that's probably all you can really check
for anyway, at least without knowing a lot about your optimizer.