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Andrew Cooke

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00


I realise threads are outside the ANSI spec, but I am curious if there
are any generally accepted conventions on Lisp threading> In

- If I understood an earlier topic correctly, assigning a value to a
dynamic scoped variable using let copies the original value to a safe
place for the scope of the let before replacing it. In a multi-threaded
environment this implies that the value will change for all threads - is
that correct?

- Is the model for thread support C/Java-like (mutexes etc) or
CSP/Occam/Jsp-like? (I suspect the former, but wouldn't be very
surprised, given the elegance of the latter (imho), if multi-threaded
lisps actually had separate dynamic scope variables with all
communication between threads limited to "meeting" threads).


Sent via
Before you buy.

Erik Naggum

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
* Andrew Cooke <>

| - If I understood an earlier topic correctly, assigning a value to a
| dynamic scoped variable using let copies the original value to a safe
| place for the scope of the let before replacing it. In a multi-threaded
| environment this implies that the value will change for all threads - is
| that correct?

let doesn't assign values, it creates a new binding. how it is actually
implemented underneath has _some_ implications for the rest of the
system, but no matter how it is implemented, you should not assume that
the implementation violates the semantics. this implies that the new
binding is local to the process (thread), since the other processes
(threads) are not in the dynamic scope of the new binding.


Tim Bradshaw

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
* Andrew Cooke wrote:

> - If I understood an earlier topic correctly, assigning a value to a
> dynamic scoped variable using let copies the original value to a safe
> place for the scope of the let before replacing it. In a multi-threaded
> environment this implies that the value will change for all threads - is
> that correct?

No. Although it's formally undefined of course, an implementation
which works like this would typically arrange life so that the symbol
value got replaced on a thread switch, thus ensuring that bindings
work per thread. Of course this approach has problems on a
multiprocessor system where there are no thread switches, and a
system like that would do something else.


Joe Marshall

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
Andrew Cooke <> writes:

> Hi,
> I realise threads are outside the ANSI spec, but I am curious if there
> are any generally accepted conventions on Lisp threading> In
> particular:

> - If I understood an earlier topic correctly, assigning a value to a
> dynamic scoped variable using let copies the original value to a safe
> place for the scope of the let before replacing it. In a multi-threaded
> environment this implies that the value will change for all threads - is
> that correct?

In all multi-threaded lisps I have worked with, each thread has its
own set of dynamic bindings. Thus dynamically binding a value in
thread A has no discernable effect on thread B. I remember at least
one system that had a function SYMEVAL-IN-PROCESS or somesuch name
that given a symbol and a thread would return the `current value' of
the symbol in that thread.

If you were to SETQ a dynamically bound variable in a thread, the side
effect would only be seen in that thread. However, if the symbol were
NOT dynamically bound (global), *all* the threads would see the change.

> - Is the model for thread support C/Java-like (mutexes etc) or
> CSP/Occam/Jsp-like?

I don't know what CSP/Occam/Jsp-like is. Most multithreaded Lisps I
have used borrowed heavily from the Lisp machine thread model. The
primary method of synchronization was WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS which would
defer interrupt processing during the dynamic execution of a form.

The other primitive synchronization mechanisms were arbitrary chunks
of Lisp code that were evaluated by the scheduler when it was deciding
when a process should run. This method was used to implement locking

In some respects, the multi-threading code was crude, but in a Lisp
system, it is far less likely that different threads will interfere
with each other. No thread can corrupt memory (unless it goes out of
its way to use `subprimitives') so the integrity of the heap is never
in question. Since there is a GC, consing unshared structure is a
reasonable way to ensure that no other thread can modify your data
from underneath you. The code that ran the different threads was
often in different packages, so it would not have access to the same
symbols that other threads use. So it is far easier to make a
working multi-tasking system in Lisp than in many languages.

Sam Steingold

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
>>>> In message <8buulu$jp$>
>>>> On the subject of "Threads"
>>>> Sent on Thu, 30 Mar 2000 07:11:03 GMT

>>>> Honorable Andrew Cooke <> writes:
>> I realise threads are outside the ANSI spec, but I am curious if
>> there are any generally accepted conventions on Lisp threading?

lispm-type threads appear to be the common ground.

you might want to look at clocc/src/port/proc.lsp (see and for thread unification.

Sam Steingold (
Micros**t is not the answer. Micros**t is a question, and the answer is Linux,
( the choice of the GNU ( generation.
It's not just a language, it's an adventure. Common Lisp.

Andrew Cooke

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
In article <>,

Joe Marshall <> wrote:
> I don't know what CSP/Occam/Jsp-like is. Most multithreaded Lisps I
> have used borrowed heavily from the Lisp machine thread model. The
> primary method of synchronization was WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS which would
> defer interrupt processing during the dynamic execution of a form.

Thanks for all the useful replies.

For the record, CSP/Occam/JSP type multi-threading is based on Hoare's
book (Communicating Sequential Processes) where threads "meet" to
exchanging data. I'm not an expert - I'm used to Java threads (mutexes,
semaphors) - but what I've read strikes me as very elegant. For more
info check out (all this is in
the light of imperative programming - as at least one reply (this one?)
pointed out, many of the problems with threads are much less significant
in a more functional environment).

Thanks again,

Tim Bradshaw

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
* Joe Marshall wrote:

> I don't know what CSP/Occam/Jsp-like is. Most multithreaded Lisps I
> have used borrowed heavily from the Lisp machine thread model. The
> primary method of synchronization was WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS which would
> defer interrupt processing during the dynamic execution of a form.

Which is a hideously bad way of doing it unfortunately. Assuming it's
taken to mean `no context switches during this bit of code' then on a
multiprocessor this is an appallingly bad method of synchronisation as
this translates as `stop all other processors during this form'. It's
unfortunate that a lot of lisp multithreaded code does seem to do
synchronisation like this.


Joe Marshall

Mar 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/30/00
Tim Bradshaw <> writes:

At Lucid, we had `without-interruptions', which basically meant that
asynchronous signal processing would be deferred in the stack group
that was using it. Thread switches would still happen, synchronous
interrupts (usually caused by errors) would still work, but things
like control-c would be deferred until interruptions were enabled.

I've never liked the `stack-group' model of multitasking anyway. I
don't know how many customers got screwed by writing code like this:

#'(lambda ()

Which would run in arbitrary stack-groups and make the scheduler
drop dead.


Tim Bradshaw

Mar 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/31/00
* Joe Marshall wrote:

> At Lucid, we had `without-interruptions', which basically meant that
> asynchronous signal processing would be deferred in the stack group
> that was using it. Thread switches would still happen, synchronous
> interrupts (usually caused by errors) would still work, but things
> like control-c would be deferred until interruptions were enabled.

Related to this, I suspect that what most uses of what CLIM calls
WITHOUT-SCHEDULING really want to do is say `only one thread can be in
this section of code at once', not `no other code can run'. The right
way to do this is to have a lock which you grab before getting into
that code. This is conventionally kind of clunky because you might
not have to invent a lock object purely to protect the code section.

Java gets around this by being able to say `synchronised' around a
method -- by adding the feature especially to the language.

But in Lisp, if you have locks, you can *write* a SYNCHRONISED macro
with no explicit lock object -- you can create a suitable lock object
(you have to worry about MAKE-LOAD-FORM &c, but that's not a big pain)
in the macro expansion which gets wired into the code. So you can
just say (synchronised (do-this) (do-that)).

I always thought that this ability to implement what other languages
have to provide as primitives was enormously cool.



Apr 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/4/00
Since we're on the topic of threads, I've had a few questions myself.

recently I called up Xanalys, Harlequin's successor. I had just been
reading the docs on ACL5, and it said that threads in ACL5 are still
implemented as stack groups in the UNIX implementations, but ACL5 for Win32
platforms use OS threads.

LispWorks doesn't use OS threads on any of their implementations, based on
the answers I got.

My questions really go out to the people that have actually written and/or
worked on Lisp systems from the ground up. What are the benefits and
drawbacks of OS threads vs. stack groups?

I remember reading about the threads implementation in Linux, and how it was
very efficient, and how threads and processes are both scheduled by the same
scheduler, and the whole thing was extremely efficient (for reasons that I
didn't dive too deeply into).

My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to
re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better
advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.


Andrew Cooke <> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I realise threads are outside the ANSI spec, but I am curious if there

> are any generally accepted conventions on Lisp threading> In
> particular:
> - If I understood an earlier topic correctly, assigning a value to a
> dynamic scoped variable using let copies the original value to a safe
> place for the scope of the let before replacing it. In a multi-threaded
> environment this implies that the value will change for all threads - is
> that correct?

> - Is the model for thread support C/Java-like (mutexes etc) or

> CSP/Occam/Jsp-like? (I suspect the former, but wouldn't be very
> surprised, given the elegance of the latter (imho), if multi-threaded
> lisps actually had separate dynamic scope variables with all
> communication between threads limited to "meeting" threads).
> Thanks,

Christopher C Stacy

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
>>>>> On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 20:16:03 -0700, dave ("dave") writes:
dave> My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to
dave> re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better
dave> advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.

I don't think it's that simple. The OS threads scheduler might not have
everything that you need to easily support the kind of scheduling control
that you want from Lisp. It seems very likely that OS threads could play
a useful role for some purposes in the Lisp runtimes, and it also seems
like a good idea to be able to access that capability at least as an FFI,
but it's not automatically clear that "OS threads are better than Lisp threads"
or anything like that. It would be nice if Lisp could take advantage of
the multiprocessor support, though.

Robert Monfera

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00

dave wrote:

> LispWorks doesn't use OS threads on any of their implementations, based on
> the answers I got.



Tim Bradshaw

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* dave wrote:

> My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to

> re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better

> advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.

I think the significant potential win for OS threads is that you can
potentially run on multiple processors, which means you can take
advantage of multiprocessor machines easily. However that's far from
trivial to do even if you do use OS threads because of
memory-management issues.

I suspect (as a non-implementor) that the downside of OS threads is
that implementations of supposedly `standard' posix threads differ
significantly from vendor to vendor & release to release, making it a
nightmare for the implementor.

It looks to me like all the lisp threading APIs are similar enough
that it's impossible to write code that will port reasonably easily
from one to the other though.


William Deakin

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Tim Bradshaw wrote:

> I suspect (as a non-implementor) that the downside of OS threads is
> that implementations of supposedly `standard' posix threads differ
> significantly from vendor to vendor & release to release, making it a
> nightmare for the implementor.

Having tried to compile some threaded LDAP code I can vouch for this.

One of the big standardistion problems with threading is that how do you
actually implement a threading system. As I understand it, under UNIX there
are basically two solutions: some form of shared process resources (using
IPC communications/semphores/memory handling) or to wire something-extra
into the kernel to handle this. I think these method produce what are then
called `light' and `heavy' threads. As examples of this (again this is as
far as I understand) Solaris 2.6 provides kernel (`heavy') support while the
gnu-libthread module part of the gnu c-libraries (used by Linux) is an
example of `light' thead support.

However, please take this with a pinch of salt as there is a good chance
that I am talking through my trousers (again).

Best Regards,

:) will

Michael Hudson

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
William Deakin <> writes:

> One of the big standardistion problems with threading is that how do you
> actually implement a threading system. As I understand it, under UNIX there
> are basically two solutions: some form of shared process resources (using
> IPC communications/semphores/memory handling) or to wire something-extra
> into the kernel to handle this. I think these method produce what are then
> called `light' and `heavy' threads. As examples of this (again this is as
> far as I understand) Solaris 2.6 provides kernel (`heavy') support while the
> gnu-libthread module part of the gnu c-libraries (used by Linux) is an
> example of `light' thead support.

Linux certainly has kernel support for threading; threads are
lightweight processes. Whether various threading libraries use this,
is of course up to them, but I'm pretty sure pthreads does.

> However, please take this with a pinch of salt as there is a good chance
> that I am talking through my trousers (again).

Given how much thread programming I've done (none), the same should be
said for me.


well, take it from an old hand: the only reason it would be easier
to program in C is that you can't easily express complex problems
in C, so you don't. -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

William Deakin

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Michael Hudson wrote:

> Linux certainly has kernel support for threading; threads are
> lightweight processes. Whether various threading libraries use this,
> is of course up to them, but I'm pretty sure pthreads does.

Ok. I am happy to believe that I am wrong and that within the Linux kernel there
is code that is specifically there to deal with threads rather than using the gnu
C-threads library which I thought used IPC communications. When I get a chance
I'll dig through the kernel code and have a look ;)

However, I was aware that thread are lightweight processes cf `normal' UNIX
processes. What I was trying to say (and obviously failing ) is that there
different ways of implementing threads and that these implementations fall into
two broad categories , which I believe goes someway to explain some of problems
with using threads.

But then again this would not be the first mistake I've made,

Best Regards,

:) will

Marc Feeley

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
> > One of the big standardistion problems with threading is that how do you
> > actually implement a threading system. As I understand it, under UNIX there
> > are basically two solutions: some form of shared process resources (using
> > IPC communications/semphores/memory handling) or to wire something-extra
> > into the kernel to handle this. I think these method produce what are then
> > called `light' and `heavy' threads. As examples of this (again this is as
> > far as I understand) Solaris 2.6 provides kernel (`heavy') support while the
> > gnu-libthread module part of the gnu c-libraries (used by Linux) is an
> > example of `light' thead support.
> Linux certainly has kernel support for threading; threads are
> lightweight processes. Whether various threading libraries use this,
> is of course up to them, but I'm pretty sure pthreads does.

I don't think the term "lightweight" is appropriate for Linux threads
because they involve the OS kernel for scheduling, process creation
etc. I have run a simple benchmark (threaded fibonacci, code below)
to compare LinuxThreads, Java green threads (with the Kaffe JIT) and
the Scheme thread system I have designed for the Gambit-C Scheme
compiler. The difference is dramatic: the Scheme thread system runs
this benchmark 1000 times faster than LinuxThreads and 100 times
faster than the Kaffe JIT. Moreover LinuxThreads has a limit of about
1000 threads and a high per thread space overhead, which can be a
problem in some applications.

Marc Feeley

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void *tfib (void *n)
if ((int)n < 2)
return (void*)1;
pthread_t x;
void *y;
void *z;
if (pthread_create (&x, NULL, tfib, (void*)((int)n - 2)) != 0) exit (1);
y = tfib ((void*)((int)n - 1));
if (pthread_join (x, &z) != 0) exit (1);
return (void*)((int)y + (int)z);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n = atoi (argv[1]);
int repeat = atoi (argv[2]);
void *result;
pthread_t x;
if (pthread_create (&x, NULL, tfib, (void*)((int)n)) != 0) exit (1);
if (pthread_join (x, &result) != 0) exit (1);
} while (repeat > 0);
printf ("nb. threads = fib(%d) = %d\n", n, (int)result);
return 0;

Michael Hudson

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Marc Feeley <fee...@trex.IRO.UMontreal.CA> writes:

> I don't think the term "lightweight" is appropriate for Linux threads
> because they involve the OS kernel for scheduling, process creation
> etc.

Gah, bad wording; linux threads are lightweight compared to processes
- if your benchmark used fork it would presumably be even slower - but
heavywieght compared to most userland threads. Do Kaffe threads or
your scheme threads work on multi processor machines (ie. split across
processors, not work at all)? Your benchmark seemed to thrash thread
creation, which is not what kernel land threads were intended for, as
I understand it.

Is this off-topic enough yet?


it's not that perl programmers are idiots, it's that the language
rewards idiotic behavior in a way that no other language or tool
has ever done -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

William Deakin

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Marc Feeley wrote:

> I have run a simple benchmark (threaded fibonacci, code below)
> to compare LinuxThreads, Java green threads (with the Kaffe JIT) and
> the Scheme thread system I have designed for the Gambit-C Scheme
> compiler.

How do these benchmarks compare with a full-on heavy-weight process creation?

Thanks anyway,

:) will

Fernando D. Mato Mira

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Enough with "speed". Response time and jitter are the real issues.

Fernando D. Mato Mira
Real-Time SW Eng & Networking
Advanced Systems Engineering Division
Jaquet-Droz 1 email: matomira AT acm DOT org
CH-2007 Neuchatel tel: +41 (32) 720-5157
Switzerland FAX: +41 (32) 720-5720

David Hanley

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00

dave wrote:

> My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to
> re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better
> advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.

And perhaps more critically: the ability to make use of more than one
CPU if present.


Marc Feeley

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
> Marc Feeley <fee...@trex.IRO.UMontreal.CA> writes:
> > I don't think the term "lightweight" is appropriate for Linux threads
> > because they involve the OS kernel for scheduling, process creation
> > etc.
> Gah, bad wording; linux threads are lightweight compared to processes
> - if your benchmark used fork it would presumably be even slower - but
> heavywieght compared to most userland threads.

Actually it is the other way around! The same benchmark using fork
is 10 times faster than the one using LinuxThreads. Here are the
timings on a 600MHz Athlon with Linux RH 6.1:

% time ./pthread-demo 14 10
nb. threads = fib(14) = 610
0.30user 32.87system 0:33.17elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (109major+6114minor)pagefaults 0swaps
% time ./fork-demo 14 10
fib(14) mod 256 = 98
0.35user 2.97system 0:03.32elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (18389major+48818minor)pagefaults 0swaps

The code is below if anybody would like to duplicate the experiment.


/* fork-demo.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int tfib (int n)
if (n < 2)
return 1;
pid_t x;
int y;
int z;
x = fork ();
if (x < 0) exit (1);
if (x == 0) exit (tfib (n - 2));
y = tfib (n - 1);
if (waitpid (x, &z, 0) < 0) exit (1);
return y + WEXITSTATUS(z);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n = atoi (argv[1]);
int repeat = atoi (argv[2]);

int result;
pid_t x;
x = fork ();
if (x < 0) exit (1);
if (x == 0) exit (tfib (n));
if (waitpid (x, &result, 0) < 0) exit (1);
} while (repeat > 0);
printf ("fib(%d) mod 256 = %d\n", n, WEXITSTATUS(result));
return 0;

/* pthread-demo.c */

Tim Bradshaw

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* Marc Feeley wrote:

> Actually it is the other way around! The same benchmark using fork
> is 10 times faster than the one using LinuxThreads. Here are the
> timings on a 600MHz Athlon with Linux RH 6.1:

For Solaris the results are pretty much backwards from this -- 2.2
secs for the thread one, 16 for the fork one (on a 333MHz machine,
with gcc).

I'm not sure what if anything this says, except that solaris has fast
thread creation perhaps. I'd kind of expect their thread impl to be
pretty good because their market is big multiprocessor machines.


Joe Marshall

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
"dave" <> writes:

> My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to
> re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better
> advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.

In *theory*, most of the threads aren't doing much but waiting around
for something interesting to happen. The OS is the ultimate oracle
for interesting events, so in *theory*, the OS can schedule things
*very* efficiently. But....

In *practice*, the sort of events a thread might find `interesting'
might not be easily described to the OS. For instance, you might want
a thread to wait until a particular lisp symbol has a value of NIL.
In a case like this (unless something *extraordinarily* clever is
going on), you have little recourse but to ask the scheduler to check
the value of the symbol periodically. It would be difficult to
persuade unix to do this, but rather trivial if you wrote your own

In *practice*, the OS scheduler could be very poorly implemented.

So you have to find a balance between the expressive power you need to
describe your thread synchronization and the actual efficiency of the
OS scheduler.

Erik Naggum

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* Tim Bradshaw <>

| I'm not sure what if anything this says, except that solaris has fast
| thread creation perhaps. I'd kind of expect their thread impl to be
| pretty good because their market is big multiprocessor machines.

I'd also expect Sun to want a "favorable demo" effect that shows this.
Linux has made fork exceptionally fast (my experience is that PIDs are
used up about three times faster under Linux than under SunOS 4.1.3_U1,
with equivalent work being performed on the systems), and has implemented
the performance sensitive parts of vfork in fork. ironically, it now
appears that threads have to do _more_ work than processes because they
_share_ the memory and a bunch of other stuff that fork splits off into
objects with distinct identity.


Erik Naggum

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* David Hanley <>

| And perhaps more critically: the ability to make use of more than one
| CPU if present.

yet this may be what slows down the threads and speeds up the processes.

I think a valuable benchmarking approach would be test the same kind of
communication between the various kinds of processes, like sockets and
some simple protocol.


David Bakhash

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Joe Marshall <> writes:

> In *practice*, the sort of events a thread might find `interesting'
> might not be easily described to the OS. For instance, you might want
> a thread to wait until a particular lisp symbol has a value of NIL.
> In a case like this (unless something *extraordinarily* clever is
> going on), you have little recourse but to ask the scheduler to check
> the value of the symbol periodically. It would be difficult to
> persuade unix to do this, but rather trivial if you wrote your own
> scheduler.

But the main Lisp process can still send an asynch event to wake up
the thread that was sleeping.

Of course, some would instinctively say that this adds another level
of indirection, but I don't think that the argument above is valid.

If you have a Lisp-based threading system (i.e. non-OS threads), and
you wanted a thread to wake up when a symbol got bound, for example,
then what's the difference between the Lisp process (which is
scheduled identically to threads in Linux, for example) sees the
boundp and wakes up the "thread" (as a stack group) vs. sending some
kind of interrupt or event to another process-like thread to wake it

If you think about all this all over again, you'll probably see that
the better thing all around is to use OS threads, when possible.

The reason for this has a lot to do with the subtle differences
between OSs. The people who understand the OS very well probably are
the best ones to take advantage of low-level, subtle optimizations
that, at the Lisp level, are unreachable. Also, pushing off
responsibility (e.g. scheduling) is a good thing, especially if you
consider what KMP once said which is that it's not good to code [Lisp]
to use local Lisp-level optimizations; it's better to write nice,
elegant, simple code and use tools (I think he was referring to the
LOOP macro in some way) when just do it, and don't try too hard to
figure out if the system you're on does it well. For example, in this
case, if the Lisp guys relied on the OS guys to make (future)
improvements in multithreading, then I'd be happy to use a slightly
less efficient implementation now, knowing that it would get better
and better as the OS (in this case Linux) gets better (with respect to
threads). The bottom line is for the Lisp implementor NOT to try too
hard to figure out if the system he's on has multiple processors,
etc. If there's a mechanism to abstract that away, then they should
use it, unless the advantages to breaking into the guts reaps massive

> In *practice*, the OS scheduler could be very poorly implemented.
> So you have to find a balance between the expressive power you need to
> describe your thread synchronization and the actual efficiency of the
> OS scheduler.

again, even if this is so, the implementors should assume that the OS
guys knew what they were doing. Even if they didn't do the best job,
it's inevitably going to improve.


Tim Bradshaw

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* Erik Naggum wrote:

> I'd also expect Sun to want a "favorable demo" effect that shows this.
> Linux has made fork exceptionally fast (my experience is that PIDs are
> used up about three times faster under Linux than under SunOS 4.1.3_U1,
> with equivalent work being performed on the systems), and has implemented
> the performance sensitive parts of vfork in fork. ironically, it now
> appears that threads have to do _more_ work than processes because they
> _share_ the memory and a bunch of other stuff that fork splits off into
> objects with distinct identity.

I doubt performance of sunos 4.1.3 says anything about recent solaris
as that was before all the multiprocessor support in sunos 5 (I'm not
even sure how much code they share, probably very little). However
I'm not interested in performance comparisons between the systems (I'm
sure linux is quicker on any small machine, but almost anything is
fast enough now unless you have to run Word or something), I was kind
of trying to point out that the benchmark was spurious.


Sam Steingold

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
>>>> In message <>
>>>> On the subject of "Re: more questions about threads..."
>>>> Sent on 05 Apr 2000 11:10:52 +0100

>>>> Honorable Tim Bradshaw <> writes:
>> It looks to me like all the lisp threading APIs are similar enough
>> that it's impossible to write code that will port reasonably easily
>> from one to the other though.

you might want to try

Sam Steingold (
Micros**t is not the answer. Micros**t is a question, and the answer is Linux,
( the choice of the GNU ( generation.

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

Erik Naggum

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* Tim Bradshaw <>

| I doubt performance of sunos 4.1.3 says anything about recent solaris
| as that was before all the multiprocessor support in sunos 5 (I'm not
| even sure how much code they share, probably very little).

note that I was talking about the consumption of PIDs, not performance.
this has to do with the number of scripts and invoked interpreters and
such, which may or may not impact performance. what I was suggesting was
that Linux is very heavily script-and-interpreters-oriented, while BSD-
based Unices have traditionally been less so than AT&T-based Unices, for
whatever this is worth. in any case, I would expect Linux to be faster
at forking _because_ it is used so much more. Linux was heavily into
this mode of thinking long before it had SMP support.


Rolf Rander Naess

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
[ Marc Feeley, 05 Apr 2000 16:25 ]

> > Gah, bad wording; linux threads are lightweight compared to processes
> > - if your benchmark used fork it would presumably be even slower - but
> > heavywieght compared to most userland threads.
> Actually it is the other way around! The same benchmark using fork
> is 10 times faster than the one using LinuxThreads. Here are the
> timings on a 600MHz Athlon with Linux RH 6.1:

I believe I read a quote from the linux-kernel developers once stating
that there wouldn't be put much effort into making threads effective,
as they regarded heavy use of threads to be bad design in the first
place. (No, I don't have a reference)

Rolf Rander

(c) 2000 Rolf Rander Næss

My mailer limits .sigs to 4 lines. But ingeniously I bypassed this by

Jochen Schmidt

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
Your benchmark only compares thread-creation - what is with the speed
and quality of
the locking-mechanisms or the context-switch times???
Productionready Code doesn't simply create some threads from the
threading system - You should
use thread-pools so that the tread-creation-time would be obvious.
As I remember the actual implementation of fork in linux is only a
compatibility-wrapper around
LinuxTreads (particularily the "clone()" system-call)
Linuxthreads have to manage cloning of filedescriptors and much more
OS-level stuff than User-Space-Threads

Marc Feeley wrote:
> > Marc Feeley <fee...@trex.IRO.UMontreal.CA> writes:
> >
> > > I don't think the term "lightweight" is appropriate for Linux threads
> > > because they involve the OS kernel for scheduling, process creation
> > > etc.
> >

> > Gah, bad wording; linux threads are lightweight compared to processes
> > - if your benchmark used fork it would presumably be even slower - but
> > heavywieght compared to most userland threads.
> Actually it is the other way around! The same benchmark using fork
> is 10 times faster than the one using LinuxThreads. Here are the
> timings on a 600MHz Athlon with Linux RH 6.1:

Jochen Schmidt

Andrew Cooke

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
In article <>,

Rolf Rander Naess <> wrote:
> I believe I read a quote from the linux-kernel developers once stating
> that there wouldn't be put much effort into making threads effective,
> as they regarded heavy use of threads to be bad design in the first
> place. (No, I don't have a reference)

Wow. That's a pretty extreme position. Personally, I'd like an OS that
lets me decide what *I* want to do. I don't have multithreaded Lisp
experience, but work in Java, where threads are part of the standard
language, and they are invaluable in making responsive, robust systems
without complicated coupling between separate parts of the program. So
they often help *good design*.

They certainly have a cost - they were a major source of errors until we
became experienced with suitable patterns - but so do many other useful,
powerful ideas in computing. (I'd say they need an extra level of
abstraction, but I don't know what it is yet).

Maybe it was in a particular context, or a long time ago....


Joe Marshall

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00

I wasn't arguing that lisp-level threads were unconditionally superior
to OS threads, just that there are cases where OS threads may not have
the necessary functionality or performance, or cases where Lisp
threads have poor performance. You have to evaluate the benefits of
each on a case by case basis. In a perfect world, OS threads would
win hands down, but the world is far from perfect.

David Bakhash <> writes:

> Joe Marshall <> writes:
> > In *practice*, the sort of events a thread might find `interesting'
> > might not be easily described to the OS. For instance, you might want
> > a thread to wait until a particular lisp symbol has a value of NIL.
> > In a case like this (unless something *extraordinarily* clever is
> > going on), you have little recourse but to ask the scheduler to check
> > the value of the symbol periodically. It would be difficult to
> > persuade unix to do this, but rather trivial if you wrote your own
> > scheduler.
> But the main Lisp process can still send an asynch event to wake up
> the thread that was sleeping.

Let's make a more concrete example. Suppose we have a lisp process
servicing http requests. While it is serving such a request, it binds
a special variable *HTTP-REQUEST-BEING-SERVICED* to T.

Now suppose we have another process that cannot begin some sort of
action if an http-request is being serviced. The code for this
process might have a fragment like this in it:

(progn (process-wait "waiting for http to be done"
#'(lambda () (not *http-request-being-serviced*)))

(yes, there is a race condition here. Ignore it.)

PROCESS-WAIT, or something like it, is typically found in lisp
multi-threading packages. It tells the scheduler to put this process
to sleep until the function returns T. The scheduler is supposed to
evaluate the function from time to time.

Finally, suppose yet another process is listening to the serial port.
It is using some sort of magic involving the OS.

This third process is using an OS thread in the most effective
manner. Provided the OS is clever, it doesn't need to consider
scheduling the thread or look at the thread resources *at all* until a
serial line interrupt occurs.

The second process, however, doesn't have it so lucky. Someone,
either the process itself or a scheduling process, has to periodically
peek at the value of *http-request-being-serviced*. This process has
to be in lisp because we can't indicate to the OS that we're waiting
on a symbol binding. This also cannot be the process servicing the
http port because it is busy with other things. (Let's not violate
abstraction by rewriting the http service routine to handle
synchronization of multiple unrelated threads.)

So we have a lisp process polling the value of
*http-request-being-serviced*. The OS doesn't know under what
conditions this might happen, as far as it is concerned, this is a
running thread and must be considered when processes are scheduled.

> If you have a Lisp-based threading system (i.e. non-OS threads), and
> you wanted a thread to wake up when a symbol got bound, for example,
> then what's the difference between the Lisp process (which is
> scheduled identically to threads in Linux, for example) sees the
> boundp and wakes up the "thread" (as a stack group) vs. sending some
> kind of interrupt or event to another process-like thread to wake it
> up.

I don't know how threads are scheduled in Linux. If they are
scheduled with a simple `round robin' type of scheduler that simply
polls pending OS-level events, then it really wouldn't make much

On the other hand, suppose each thread on the OS is awaiting some form
of I/O. The OS can simply turn off the scheduler until an interrupt
comes in. Or suppose that all threads but one is awaiting I/O. The
OS can transfer all CPU time to that thread.

> If you think about all this all over again, you'll probably see that
> the better thing all around is to use OS threads, when possible.

Not necessarily.

> The reason for this has a lot to do with the subtle differences
> between OSs.

An ideal reason to use lisp-level threads: it is more likely to
present a uniform interface.

> The people who understand the OS very well probably are
> the best ones to take advantage of low-level, subtle optimizations
> that, at the Lisp level, are unreachable.

An ideal reason to use OS threads.

> Also, pushing off
> responsibility (e.g. scheduling) is a good thing, especially if you
> consider what KMP once said which is that it's not good to code [Lisp]
> to use local Lisp-level optimizations;

Again, a tradeoff. If you want portable, high-level code, of course
not. If portability is not an issue and performance (and correctness)
is, then why not.

> it's better to write nice,
> elegant, simple code and use tools (I think he was referring to the
> LOOP macro in some way) when just do it, and don't try too hard to
> figure out if the system you're on does it well.

Yes. You shouldn't re-invent the wheel.

But suppose the system you're on doesn't do it well enough? Or does
it wrong?

> For example, in this
> case, if the Lisp guys relied on the OS guys to make (future)
> improvements in multithreading, then I'd be happy to use a slightly
> less efficient implementation now, knowing that it would get better
> and better as the OS (in this case Linux) gets better (with respect to
> threads). The bottom line is for the Lisp implementor NOT to try too
> hard to figure out if the system he's on has multiple processors,
> etc. If there's a mechanism to abstract that away, then they should
> use it, unless the advantages to breaking into the guts reaps massive
> rewards.

Again, in *theory* this is correct. Reality often rears its ugly
head, though.

> > In *practice*, the OS scheduler could be very poorly implemented.
> >
> > So you have to find a balance between the expressive power you need to
> > describe your thread synchronization and the actual efficiency of the
> > OS scheduler.
> again, even if this is so, the implementors should assume that the OS
> guys knew what they were doing.

Even if the OS is Unix or NT? I don't think so.

> Even if they didn't do the best job,
> it's inevitably going to improve.

You have got to be kidding! Unix is about 25 years old and it *still*
doesn't handle pcluser'ing correctly. It still runs fsck at
boot time. NFS still has no cache coherency.

Or look at Windows 2000. Is 30 million lines of code an improvement?


Erik Naggum

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
* Andrew Cooke <>

| I don't have multithreaded Lisp experience, but work in Java, where
| threads are part of the standard language, and they are invaluable in
| making responsive, robust systems without complicated coupling between
| separate parts of the program. So they often help *good design*.

you don't need OS support to make this work the way you want. the desire
for OS support can often lead you to dismiss what you can actually do as
"undesirable". many would-be CL users have run into this "mindset trap"
where they refuse to use Common Lisp because they have this fixation that
some feature or another must be "standard" before they can use it.

investigate your Common Lisp environment. programming only in Common
Lisp as per the standard _only_ is like programming in any other language
as per the standard _only_ (with the exception that you can actually get
quite a lot of interesting work done in standard CL) -- ignoring the
programming environment (such as Allegro CL for CL, and Unix for C) is
just plain stupid.


David Hanley

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00

Joe Marshall wrote:

> "dave" <> writes:
> >
> > My guess is that OS threads would be better, in that you don't have to
> > re-invent an efficient scheduler, and also that you can take better
> > advantage of nuggets in the kernel of whatever OS you're operating on.
> >
> In *theory*, most of the threads aren't doing much but waiting around
> for something interesting to happen.

Not for every app. I have an app which runs on a multiple CPU
machine, and needs to generate a number of images ( time intensive ).
I shoot off a number of threads to work on the image ( one each )
and this makes the whole thing happen a *lot* faster.

> The OS is the ultimate oracle
> for interesting events, so in *theory*, the OS can schedule things
> *very* efficiently. But....

> In *practice*, the sort of events a thread might find `interesting'
> might not be easily described to the OS. For instance, you might want
> a thread to wait until a particular lisp symbol has a value of NIL.
> In a case like this (unless something *extraordinarily* clever is
> going on), you have little recourse but to ask the scheduler to check
> the value of the symbol periodically. It would be difficult to
> persuade unix to do this, but rather trivial if you wrote your own
> scheduler.

What your scheduler is going to do, then is
(while *waiting-flag*
(sleep 5))

Which you can do in lisp, and still use the system threads.

> In *practice*, the OS scheduler could be very poorly implemented.

That's true, it could. If so, it's likely you're going to have *other*
performance issues, and still not use more than one CPU if present.


David Hanley

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00

Erik Naggum wrote:

> * David Hanley <>
> | And perhaps more critically: the ability to make use of more than one
> | CPU if present.
> yet this may be what slows down the threads and speeds up the processes.

This is true, particularly if you're doing a lot of memory allocation. It
depends a *lot* on the task at hand. However, I don't think it justifies
using some homebrewed version of threads instead of OS threads, though.

Here: Java used/uses homebrewed "green" threads. We dont't
want to be like java, do we? :)


Joe Marshall

Apr 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/5/00
David Hanley <> writes:

> Joe Marshall wrote:
> >
> > In *theory*, most of the threads aren't doing much but waiting around
> > for something interesting to happen.
> Not for every app. I have an app which runs on a multiple CPU
> machine, and needs to generate a number of images ( time intensive ).
> I shoot off a number of threads to work on the image ( one each )
> and this makes the whole thing happen a *lot* faster.

A real good argument for OS threads.

> > The OS is the ultimate oracle
> > for interesting events, so in *theory*, the OS can schedule things
> > *very* efficiently. But....
> >
> > In *practice*, the sort of events a thread might find `interesting'
> > might not be easily described to the OS. For instance, you might want
> > a thread to wait until a particular lisp symbol has a value of NIL.
> > In a case like this (unless something *extraordinarily* clever is
> > going on), you have little recourse but to ask the scheduler to check
> > the value of the symbol periodically. It would be difficult to
> > persuade unix to do this, but rather trivial if you wrote your own
> > scheduler.
> What your scheduler is going to do, then is
> (while *waiting-flag*
> (sleep 5))
> Which you can do in lisp, and still use the system threads.

Yes, but you don't get all the benefits of OS threads. You'd have a
thread that unconditionally wakes up every five seconds (and gets
swapped in). If you were waiting on something the OS is familiar with
(like an i/o event) the OS wouldn't even bother with your thread until
it was actually runnable.

> > In *practice*, the OS scheduler could be very poorly implemented.
> That's true, it could. If so, it's likely you're going to have *other*

> performance issues, and still not use more than one CPU if present.

I was thinking of bugs and race conditions more than performance.
Certainly if you want to use multiple cpu's, you are almost required
to use OS threads (unless there is some funky mechanism that lets you
gain control of the other cpus directly).


Jens Kilian

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
Rolf Rander Naess <> writes:
> I believe I read a quote from the linux-kernel developers once stating
> that there wouldn't be put much effort into making threads effective,
> as they regarded heavy use of threads to be bad design in the first
> place. (No, I don't have a reference)

References? (BeOS is a good counterexample to this opinion, BTW.)
-- phone:+49-7031-464-7698 (HP TELNET 778-7698) fax:+49-7031-464-7351
PGP: 06 04 1C 35 7B DC 1F 26 As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish,
0x555DA8B5 BB A2 F0 66 77 75 E1 08 so is contempt to the contemptible. [Blake]

William Deakin

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
Joe Marshall wrote:

> A real good argument for OS threads.

This depends what you mean by OS threads. A lightweight thread implementation
which is supplied withing the OS but keeps the threads within a single process
memory and resources will not be affected by whether you have 1 or 87 cpus.

Best Regards,

:) will

Marc Battyani

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
William Deakin <> wrote in message

> This depends what you mean by OS threads. A lightweight thread
> which is supplied withing the OS but keeps the threads within a single
> memory and resources will not be affected by whether you have 1 or 87

I don't think that OS threads are limited to run on one CPU.
At least it's not the case under NT. There are even functions to specify on
which processors can and should a thread run.

The SetThreadIdealProcessor function is used to specify a preferred
processor for a thread. The system schedules threads on their preferred
processors whenever possible.

The SetThreadAffinityMask function sets a processor affinity mask for a
specified thread.
A thread affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit represents the
processors that a thread is allowed to run on.

Marc Battyani

William Deakin

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
Marc Battyani wrote:

> I don't think that OS threads are limited to run on one CPU.

Which is not what I tried to say. What I was trying to say is that there are
implementations of OS threads (looking at UNIX which I know a little more about
than NT) in which you *are* limited to run on one CPU. This is because although
the thread is supplied by the OS (that is the operation comes bundled with the
kernel [1]) the thread operations are limited to run in user and not kernel
space. As user processes generally do not have access to the SMP/kernel
scheduler, the OS thread is limited to run on the CPU on which the user process
runs. Thread scheduling is then handled within the user process. This is a
pretty bad way of implementing threads but such implementations *do* exist.

This is contrast to system in which the thread system is implemented in such as
way to give access to kernel space at which point threads can be happily fired
off onto whatever CPU is free. Thread scheduling is then handled by the
kernel. However, this again this is somewhat problematic as these threads are
very similar to processes. (A way round this is to have some hybrid system that
has some happy mixture of the light-weight user-thread system and the
heavy-weight kernel-thread.)

Anyway, maybe its just *me* that is confused and but I am fairly sure that I am
not that unique. So my problem with this thread thread (sic) is the confusion
as to what threads are, the jargon used to describe them and how this maps to
the way in which they are implemented. For example: the differences OS threads,
green threads, kernel threads, light and heavy threads, nice threads &c ;)


:) will

[1] and the reason why I was asking for a definition of an OS thread. If an OS
thread is `a thread that has access to kernel space' then you have defined away
the problems.

William Deakin

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
Fernando D. Mato Mira wrote:

> Enough with "speed". Response time and jitter are the real issues.

That is very true. But this wouldn't be c.l.l. if we didn't have some
arbitary benchmarks to argue about,

;) will

Fernando D. Mato Mira

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
Joe Marshall wrote:

> The second process, however, doesn't have it so lucky. Someone,
> either the process itself or a scheduling process, has to periodically
> peek at the value of *http-request-being-serviced*. This process has
> to be in lisp because we can't indicate to the OS that we're waiting
> on a symbol binding. This also cannot be the process servicing the
> http port because it is busy with other things. (Let's not violate
> abstraction by rewriting the http service routine to handle
> synchronization of multiple unrelated threads.)
> So we have a lisp process polling the value of
> *http-request-being-serviced*. The OS doesn't know under what
> conditions this might happen, as far as it is concerned, this is a
> running thread and must be considered when processes are scheduled.

This means Lisp globals should be implemented using condition variables
(better yet, do not support their use for synchronization unless a
corresponding (nonignorable) declaration has been performed)

Jens Kilian

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00

Rolf Rander Naess <> writes:
> (No, I don't have a reference)

Jens Kilian <> writes:
> References?

Well, duh. Seems I have to increase my caffeine intake.

Erik Naggum

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00
* David Hanley <>

| Not for every app. I have an app which runs on a multiple CPU machine,
| and needs to generate a number of images ( time intensive ). I shoot off
| a number of threads to work on the image ( one each ) and this makes the
| whole thing happen a *lot* faster.

how do they communicate the results back to eachother or a master?


David Hanley

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00

William Deakin wrote:

> Joe Marshall wrote:
> > A real good argument for OS threads.

> This depends what you mean by OS threads. A lightweight thread implementation
> which is supplied withing the OS but keeps the threads within a single process
> memory and resources will not be affected by whether you have 1 or 87 cpus.

True, with a sufficently stupid implementation. I draw a parallel to
"lisp is slow" arguments, by pointing to croddy lisp implementations.


David Hanley

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00

Erik Naggum wrote:

They each get an object to modify, and call a synchronized reporting function
when they are complete, which calls another function when every thread has
reported in.

Unfortunately, processes wouldn't work well for this. The images have to come
back to one place, and it's prohibitively expensive to send an image via IPC
in java, and, of course, java has no shared memory. The threads do
not have to communicate with each other once they are started, though they
do have to make sure someone isn't already generating a resource they need
(conflict). If someone else is, they wait for it. It took awhile to get right,
it's worth it, and I learned quite a bit about threaded caching. :)


David Hanley

Apr 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/6/00