(a) variables and constants
(b) numeric data types
(c) character data types
(d) pointer variables
(e) array types
(f) record types
(g) user defined types
I would be grateful for any assisstance.
Thank You.
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I suggest the book "Anatomy of Lisp", as well as the proceedings of past
ACM "Lisp and Functional Computing" conferences.
Barry Margolin, bar...@genuity.net
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.
I suggest you get a copy of the ANSI Common Lisp
standards document. While thick, this document will,
for instance, define for you the differences in what
is required by the language and what is allowed to
vary in different actual implementations.
* Courageous <jkra...@san.rr.com>
| I suggest you get a copy of the ANSI Common Lisp
| standards document.
sigh. this is a genuinely bad idea for the answers to the questions
asked, which have to do with implementation of the language, not the
specification of the semantics of the language. anyone who has _read_
the standard knows that it doesn't answer any of the questions.
the answer is obviously to call up a Lisp vendor and ask a technical
person for some pointers. I don't think the question merits response
beyond that, mainly because I don't want people who have zero clue to
start doing research on anything. acquire clue, _then_ do research.
otherwise, you ask clueless questions, get clueless answers from people
who have even less clue than you do, and don't recognize the problems
inherent in trusting the Net.
That's the point: once you've read the standard, you'll realize
that for *Lisp*, there is no answer. Only a particular vendors
solution. But that isn't Lisp, now, is it?
> That's the point: once you've read the standard, you'll realize
> that for *Lisp*, there is no answer. Only a particular vendors
> solution. But that isn't Lisp, now, is it?
One would think there are more expedient ways of getting to that
conclusion than digesting a large ANSI specification (or even the
HyperSpec, which is cheaper and easier to get hold of).
Reading the cmucl user guide might go some way towards getting an
answer to the original question, I suppose.
59. In English every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in
our programming languages.
-- Alan Perlis, http://www.cs.yale.edu/~perlis-alan/quotes.html
a pretty good book about how lisp like languages are implemented is
"Lisp in Small Pieces" by C. Queinnec (sp?)
Hartmann Schaffer
Well, okay. The gut instinct nature of my response was that
anyone doing "research" on Lisp ought to know what Lisp *is*.
But the fellow didin't really say what he meant by "research,"
so it's hard to say.
I'm disappointed. I was waiting for a "Lisp is not like that, Erik".
I must assume from past experience that you won't ever understand that
giving somebody the standard is not an answer to implementation issues,
but will now proceed to call yourself "victim" and me "abuser" for
pointing this out to you, and _blame_ me for your lack of understanding.
instead of _actually_ going down that route, I'll just summarize it for
us all: Joe Kraska will never relinquish the genuinely bad idea of giving
someone the whole standard when they ask for _common_ implementations of
certain aspects of Common Lisp, but will forever think his was a highly
meritorious suggestion which was undeservedly bashed. it is still wrong.
now, refrain from following up, Joe Kraska. we know what you will say.