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Business Opportunities for SF Bay Lispers?

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Ray Dillinger

Mar 8, 2004, 4:30:53 PM3/8/04

I believe Lisp is a better programming language than those now commonly
in use. Its use should be an excellent competitive advantage. I observe
that many managers of existing companies don't want to hire people to
program in Lisp.

This contradiction appears to be a business opportunity waiting to happen;
if we are right that Lisp is a competitive advantage, then we should start
a business to use it, take the edge it offers, and outcompete companies
that will not use it.

What application should we work on? I figure, another way to ask that is,
what code do we own that has potential commercial value? Let's put our
heads together and see what we can do.

My main interest being natural language, most of my code that has potential
commercial value deals with language. Here's what I've got:

1) _VERY_ general parsing code, implementing a chomsky
type 1 parser. Note that my parser cannot save you
from the inefficiencies of pathological languages
that take exponential time/space to parse, but given a
correct grammar and a body of good representative training
data, it can heuristically "learn" rules of applicability to
save you from pathological underspecified grammars. It has
various extensions to facilitate the writing of "good" or
fast grammars even on complex languages, and will save
success/deadend/discard information during parses to
allow later parses to take advantage of those extensions.
This is an experimental facility, obviously targeted at
natural language; I'm not familiar with any other parser
that does this.

While currently targeted at text, it works on structured
lisp data as its intermediate form, and could take structured
lisp data as its input directly. In theory, it is possible to
implement a full compiler as nothing more than a grammar for
this parser.

2) Markov tree implementation and markov-tree based classifier;
This is a good cheap, efficient implementation for an
auto-learning classifier, currently geared toward recognizing
text. Note that both its accuracy and the amount of training
data required are exponential in terms of depth. With depth
set to 2, it is 99%+ accurate at recognizing spam, sorting
emails into correct inboxes by subject, or classifying documents
longer than a paragraph or so as to topic. With depth set to 3,
it can reliably (95%+) distinguish much more subtle tasks, such
as identifying different authors of the same period and general
style, on texts of a page or more, or identify input questions
reliably enough for an automated question answering system.
With depth set to 4, it becomes impractical to use unless truly
vast amounts of training data (and vast amounts of CPU time for
training it) are available.

The classifier operates on lisp data: while it currently
is geared to strings, it is capable of handling structured
data, and could be used to classify, eg, code according to
its subject matter or the coding style of its author.

3) Miscellaneous well-developed libraries, written in scheme and
my own bizarre dialect (see 4) but easily portable to other

3a) binary trees.
3b) balanced realtime binary trees
3c) Markov trees (in terms of binary trees)
3d) Markov trees (in terms of realtime hash tables)
3e) realtime hash tables (realtime constraints guaranteed
by code that distributes any needed table copying over
multiple calls)

4) About 3/4 of a lisp compiler... it works, translating a lisp
dialect which is neither scheme nor common lisp into C, but it
does it damned slowly, and is file based, not interactive.
It has only two really interesting features: its character library
(a character is a valid unicode combining sequence, not a
codepoint) and its macrology, which allows "macros" which are
both mutable at runtime (though this is inefficient as it triggers
JIT recompilation of routines that use them) and applicable as
though they were functions. It has a single top-level namespace,
hierarchical sub-namespaces attached to variables/symbols in that
namespace, guaranteed space-safe tail recursion, and (new addition
this week) scheme's call/cc.

What have other people got? What can we stir together in a pot and make
into a business?


Robert Bruce Carleton

Mar 8, 2004, 9:51:37 PM3/8/04
Hash: SHA1

One obvious application is spam filtering. I remember Paul Graham having
some filter examples in lisp. There's certainly demand for a solution.

Ray Dillinger wrote:

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)


Ng Pheng Siong

Mar 9, 2004, 10:16:09 AM3/9/04
According to Ray Dillinger <>:

> What application should we work on?

Check out James Robertson's blog; he's the product manager for Cincom
Smalltalk. Periodically he mentions applications deployed by his customers.

The key word is "vertical." Here's a recent example:

American Nuclear Insurers has been developing a document management
system using VisualAge Smalltalk. ANI's digital archive is designed to
support both availability of business critical documents in the event
of lost or damaged paper documents and broader access to all documents
by off site staff. ANI reviewed commercially available document
management systems, but they were prohibitively expensive and required
a significant amount of effort to prepare and index documents upon

Ng Pheng Siong <> -+- Firewall Change Management & Version Control -+- Open Source Python Crypto & SSL


Mar 10, 2004, 5:28:16 AM3/10/04
A great idea, Ray!

I don't have massive, polished Lisp libraries under my belt (the Young
Lisper that I am), but I've done a fair amount of Scheme'ing in my
research in computational biology.

In any case, count me in. :-) I'm always looking for new opportunities
& fun jobs.


Ray Dillinger <> writes:



Mar 10, 2004, 11:05:15 AM3/10/04
Ray Dillinger wrote:
> I believe Lisp is a better programming language than those now commonly
> in use. Its use should be an excellent competitive advantage. I observe
> that many managers of existing companies don't want to hire people to
> program in Lisp.
> This contradiction appears to be a business opportunity waiting to happen;
> if we are right that Lisp is a competitive advantage, then we should start
> a business to use it, take the edge it offers, and outcompete companies
> that will not use it.
> What application should we work on? I figure, another way to ask that is,
> what code do we own that has potential commercial value? Let's put our
> heads together and see what we can do.
> My main interest being natural language, most of my code that has potential
> commercial value deals with language. Here's what I've got:

[...list of useful code snipped...]

> What have other people got? What can we stir together in a pot and make
> into a business?

My previous post on this subject seems to have fallen in the well.
Hence, I repeat:

- A Mac OS X IDE for Lisp

- A WYSIWIG prose-oriented text editor with Emacs-like API

- a few compilers and interpreters for various versions of a lisp-like
language, some with built-in pattern-matching and Waters-style series;
various syntaxes, some using Zebu-generated parsers

- large subsets of two multiplayer networked games, both in development

- a bitmap class for use with Corman Lisp on Windows

- various utilities and libraries developed in support of other people's
projects (McCLIM, SK8, a never-released lisp operating system developed
at Apple, etc.)

Ray Dillinger

Mar 11, 2004, 12:53:39 AM3/11/04
Robert Bruce Carleton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> One obvious application is spam filtering. I remember Paul Graham having
> some filter examples in lisp. There's certainly demand for a solution.

Yeah, I was thinking of a spamfilter when I wrote the Markov Tree
code - but there are free spamfilters now that use the same technology.
Honestly, Graham's 'plan for spam,' and other free implementations based
on the same basic idea or variations on it, have pretty much stomped
that market.

The only thing left to do with spamfilters that might still be profitable
is fix them so idiots can and will use them. That means a one-click,
zero-decision install and default configuration that will do what people
who haven't thought much about it think they want. And it means working,
reliably, even if the user is using Outlook or some other rude mail
client that ignores SMTP standards.

Aside from straightup filtering, there are companies that have been trying -
and failing - to make a profit by putting some kind of trust certificate
in email for years. This market looks like scorched earth to me; there
are lots of suppliers, and they're free and getting easier to use. No
sustainable profit will be made with a commercial offering.


Ray Dillinger

Mar 11, 2004, 1:14:12 AM3/11/04
Ng Pheng Siong wrote:
> According to Ray Dillinger <>:
> > What application should we work on?
> Check out James Robertson's blog; he's the product manager for Cincom
> Smalltalk. Periodically he mentions applications deployed by his customers.
> The key word is "vertical." Here's a recent example:
> American Nuclear Insurers has been developing a document management
> system using VisualAge Smalltalk. ANI's digital archive is designed to
> support both availability of business critical documents in the event
> of lost or damaged paper documents and broader access to all documents
> by off site staff. ANI reviewed commercially available document
> management systems, but they were prohibitively expensive and required
> a significant amount of effort to prepare and index documents upon
> submission.

Yes. A proper vertical. A proper vertical is a group of fairly
specialized people who have a severe need not served by free or cheap
software and money to spend on a solution. Nuclear Insurers are an
excellent example; they need things from a document management system
that nobody else needs, and they are willing to pay because they are
on the hook for literally billions of dollars if the system fails them.

Hmmm. Other verticals: Building and construction trades, Intelligent
building control systems (reclaiming heat/light/water), large-scale
architecture, Medical billing, Investment analysis and news tracking,
Legal records and searches? There are of course huge vertical markets
for information-warfare and covert-surveillence stuff, but I'd rather
not be in that business.

Hmmm. High-reliability software might be a good under-served niche
applicable to many mission-critical verticals. The "standard industry
practice" has been to write shrink-wrap licenses that disclaim all
responsibility for software malfunction or crashes. If we can provide
a number of small applications that are guaranteed, and financially
insure our clients against loss from crashes or unhandled exceptions,
we might be able to provide real business value. Of course we couldn't
insure anybody running windows, but that's a small barrier when you
have people who seriously need reliable systems. Lisp is a much better
language than C/etc for writing stuff and guaranteeing it against
buffer overruns, numeric overflows, etc. With a bit of macrology, you
can be absolutely sure that every exception is handled.

Food for thought.


Ray Dillinger

Mar 11, 2004, 1:28:04 AM3/11/04
mikel wrote:
> Ray Dillinger wrote:
> >
> > I believe Lisp is a better programming language than those now commonly
> > in use. Its use should be an excellent competitive advantage. I observe
> > that many managers of existing companies don't want to hire people to
> > program in Lisp.
> >
> > This contradiction appears to be a business opportunity waiting to happen;
> > if we are right that Lisp is a competitive advantage, then we should start
> > a business to use it, take the edge it offers, and outcompete companies
> > that will not use it.
> >
> > What application should we work on? I figure, another way to ask that is,
> > what code do we own that has potential commercial value? Let's put our
> > heads together and see what we can do.
> >
> > My main interest being natural language, most of my code that has potential
> > commercial value deals with language. Here's what I've got:
> [...list of useful code snipped...]
> > What have other people got? What can we stir together in a pot and make
> > into a business?
> - A Mac OS X IDE for Lisp
> - A WYSIWIG prose-oriented text editor with Emacs-like API
> - a few compilers and interpreters for various versions of a lisp-like
> language, some with built-in pattern-matching and Waters-style series;

> - large subsets of two multiplayer networked games, both in development

> - a bitmap class for use with Corman Lisp on Windows
> - various utilities and libraries developed in support of other people's
> projects (McCLIM, SK8, a never-released lisp operating system developed
> at Apple, etc.)

Okay... useful stuff for developers, it sounds like. That's good, but
only if we can use it to develop a product. Development tools themselves
are not a product you can make money in anymore, I don't think; GNU
floods the market from one end with good free stuff, partly because code
artists have produced it "because it wasn't there" and partly in order
to fight the monopolist. Microsoft floods the market from the other end
with "loss leader" dev tools intended to lock people into their operating
systems. Neither of them cares about making any money off their dev
tools, and we'd have to step into the middle of the fight and compete
with them both while having to care. That's a losing game.

Speaking of games, Hmmm. The massively-multiplayer online game industry
is possible - but there are a whole lot of heavy hitters there already.
Still, the heavy hitters are all there to make a profit, which means it's
an infinitely better market than development tools. Can such a game be
launched any more with less than a million dollars to prime the hype


Paul Wallich

Mar 11, 2004, 10:39:44 AM3/11/04
Ray Dillinger wrote:

> Hmmm. Other verticals: Building and construction trades, Intelligent
> building control systems (reclaiming heat/light/water), large-scale
> architecture, Medical billing, Investment analysis and news tracking,
> Legal records and searches? There are of course huge vertical markets
> for information-warfare and covert-surveillence stuff, but I'd rather
> not be in that business.
> Hmmm. High-reliability software might be a good under-served niche
> applicable to many mission-critical verticals. The "standard industry
> practice" has been to write shrink-wrap licenses that disclaim all
> responsibility for software malfunction or crashes. If we can provide
> a number of small applications that are guaranteed, and financially
> insure our clients against loss from crashes or unhandled exceptions,
> we might be able to provide real business value. Of course we couldn't
> insure anybody running windows, but that's a small barrier when you
> have people who seriously need reliable systems. Lisp is a much better
> language than C/etc for writing stuff and guaranteeing it against
> buffer overruns, numeric overflows, etc. With a bit of macrology, you
> can be absolutely sure that every exception is handled.

In addition to high reliability, you might also want to go for vertical
markets where you can use Lisp's productivity advantages. Figure out how
big a problem you can solve or customize in 10/50/100/500/etc hours of
coding, and target small and medium-sized businesses that have
big-business organizational/logistical/management problems to deal with.
The crucial thing about those markets is that they're perfectly willing
to pay according to the added profit you make for them rather than what
it "cost" you to produce the software. And by starting at the low end,
you may be able to bypass some of the marketing/political issues that
will attend bigger buys.



Mar 11, 2004, 4:25:25 PM3/11/04
Well, here's a "vertical/horizontal" that I'm surprised hasn't been

Scheme/Lisp has fantastic (meta)linguistic capabilities. One thing
that I could imagine would be taking VHLLs which are common in
industry, and building compilers for them by first 'compiling' them to

When I see how addicted bioinformaticists are to Perl, for example, I
see a gold mine of opportunity. If you could offer them a compiler for
a VHLL language that they use, to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic
data that they spend *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident
that they'd use that compiler.

Just my $0.02,


P.S.- I think that a package for Scsh, which gives the user the
ability to not use parens (like the "Sugar" package), would be a great
replacement for Perl, IMNSHO ( I know, I know, in my dreams... ).

Ray Dillinger <> writes:

> Okay... useful stuff for developers, it sounds like. That's good, but
> only if we can use it to develop a product. Development tools themselves
> are not a product you can make money in anymore, I don't think; GNU
> floods the market from one end with good free stuff, partly because code
> artists have produced it "because it wasn't there" and partly in order
> to fight the monopolist. Microsoft floods the market from the other end
> with "loss leader" dev tools intended to lock people into their operating
> systems. Neither of them cares about making any money off their dev
> tools, and we'd have to step into the middle of the fight and compete
> with them both while having to care. That's a losing game.
> Speaking of games, Hmmm. The massively-multiplayer online game industry
> is possible - but there are a whole lot of heavy hitters there already.
> Still, the heavy hitters are all there to make a profit, which means it's
> an infinitely better market than development tools. Can such a game be
> launched any more with less than a million dollars to prime the hype
> engine?
> Bear


Alan Shutko

Mar 11, 2004, 4:54:06 PM3/11/04
tal...@noshpam.lbl.government writes:

> If you could offer them a compiler for a VHLL language that they
> use, to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic data that they spend
> *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident that they'd use
> that compiler.

A huge part of the problem is that few bioinformaticists are actually
good programmers. A compiler won't help speed up an algorithm that
uses 1GB to load a small 23MB sequence. They will patch five things
from CPAN haphazardly together and wonder why it's so slow and takes
too much memory. Why? Because each piece they took was designed to
do something else.... Even the big names aren't immune to this

Alan Shutko <> - I am the rocks.

Ray Dillinger

Mar 12, 2004, 12:49:01 AM3/12/04

You describe a common pattern of naive programming, which is called
exponential abstraction.

I have observed that pattern in software development in many languages.
It appears to be one of the downsides of excessive abstraction; people
develop all these abstract parts, which each encompass massive complexity,
and then want to put them together to form "higher level abstractions"
ad infinitum. The problem arises because the "abstract parts" each
contain their own unnecessary copies of infrastructure or functionality
that is very similar. Before too long, you wind up with some monstrosity
that contains seventy-nine differently-named functions in various modules
which do the same thing, and twelve different implementations of some
moderately complicated function that use twelve different infrastructures,
etc. Exponential abstraction can become particularly egregious in shops
which blindly worship Object-Oriented programming style and code reuse
without regard to appropriateness or efficiency.

Good programming consists in riding the line between abstraction and
integration. Get too integrated, and you slide into spaghetti code and
cryptychs and your code becomes opaque, brittle and hard to change.
Get too abstracted, and you'll have a program that wallows in lameness,
with much duplication, many functions so far removed from the business
at hand that you frankly have no idea why they're there, and quantities
of source code so vast that just figuring out which bit of code does
anything can be a major challenge.

Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
as to the problems that need solved there?


Alan Shutko

Mar 12, 2004, 12:10:16 PM3/12/04
Ray Dillinger <> writes:

> But I'm not familiar enough with the field to know what the code
> would need to do or what the scope of the programming projects would
> be. How may I become more enlightened as to the problems that need
> solved there?

Well, I married a biochemist. But there are often local groups
somewhat related. So I'd look for local meetings of
bioinformaticists or biochemists. Check to see if there are any
local mailing lists for that kind of thing. I know there are some
general ones around. Maybe lurk around the bioperl lists. Once you
start hearing enough people, you'll be able to pick out what kinds of
problems people are working on.

To really work on them, though, you'll need to partner with a
biologist of some sort. I think the best results come when there's
someone really good at biology combined with someone really good at
CS. Fortunately, there aren't that many pairings like that right
now, so you have an opportunity.

Alan Shutko <> - I am the rocks.

You stroke me, I stroke back!


Mar 12, 2004, 4:04:26 PM3/12/04
Ray Dillinger wrote:

It struck me today that there are some instructive things about my
present circumstances. I'm working at a startup that responded to the
bursting of the Internet bubble by completely reinventing itself as an
entirely new business in the course of about 6 months. I mean, it was a
startup to begin with, and then sort of rebooted itself and started up
all over again, successfully. (Yes, that means I'm not looking to leave;
on the other hand, I'm always interested in Lisp projects).

We have been very small and very high-involvement, like most startups;
we all get a lot of exposure to every aspect of how to make things work.
There's some useful information to be gleaned, I think, for anyone
dreaming of creating a Lisp-based startup.

First, some encouragement: there are plenty of opportunities for people
to start up by being able to quickly build technology that is responsive
to market needs. Lisp is an advantage here. There are also plenty of
markets in which the customers are not going to care whether the product
is written in Java or C or SNOBOL, as long as it works the way they want
it to. (Convincing investors that Lisp is a good idea is an entirely
different matter, of course).

The business we've built does in fact run into all sorts of problems
that could be solved more easily using a suitably-chosen and -used Lisp
development platform. (We don't use Lisp and never will; the reasons why
are not interesting ones for this discussion).

I get to see a lot of business opportunities for companies that build
what are essentially black boxes that you stick on a network to do
something or other for businesses that are trying to move more of their
communications and data management onto solutions that use the Internet.
They have lots of problems that they would like to solve by sticking
reliable boxes between nodes in their infrastructure. If you can supply
such boxes, and they can pass the rather grueling tests that customers
subject them to, then you can get the customers' attention. Even better,
once you have their attention, if you can respond very quickly to
customer issues, if you can quickly adapt to changing requirements, then
you can win competitions for six and seven figure sales cotnracts (yes,
I've seen this happen repeatedly, and the responsiveness of the vendor
has repeatedly proven to be the deciding factor). Lisp wins here, too.
It's very easy for me to imagine quickly building competitive products
that are basically linux boxes configured to run SBCL or CMUCL
effectively, and also more or less configured to discourage anyone from
peeking inside them.

Second, the caveats: Being able to build something cool is not good
enough. Neither is fast performance. Both are important, but the human
committment and real ability to make actual individuals happy at firms
that are potential customers is more important than either. Doing what
you say you will do--promising delivery dates and consistently meeting
or beating them, for example--wins big. Convincing potential customers
that you will work ten times as hard as the nearest competitor to please
the customers wins sales. Version management, customer support, and
documentation quickly become vitally important.

Also it's not really very important to have a lot of code that works
when you start. After I went through the exercise of inventorying my
code, I remembered that when we rebooted our startup we had *no* code
for the new business; zero, zip, nada. What was important was that we
were able to organize ourselves to figure out something we could
probably sell better than anyone else, and make that quickly. Once that
worked, the next thing we needed to be able to do was listen to what
customers and potential customers were asking for and change what we
were doing right away to accomodate them, even if if meant gross
reorganization of our priorities.

All of these requirements *should* be things that are easier to do with
Lisp and a group of accomplished Lisp programmers, but that group has to
want to think that way.

Lupo LeBoucher

Mar 12, 2004, 9:02:01 PM3/12/04
In article <>,
Ray Dillinger <> wrote:

>Alan Shutko wrote:
>Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
>exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
>better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
>the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
>the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
>as to the problems that need solved there?
> Bear

Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.

I have a couple of scientist friends at a to-remain-nameless local
bioinformatics company. They end up using Matlab (*eeeeeeeeeeewww*), talking
to SQL, doing pattern matching and Bayesian network type stuff on big
data sets. If they have a need to go fast, if you can imagine this, they
send it to their in-house code monkeys who reimplement the work in VISUAL
FOOKIN BASIC. This is one of the top biosciences companies in the known
universe, mind you. Presumably, they choose their code-monkeys based on
ready availability rather than actual competence. You could probably
replace their whole department with two guys and a Lisp. You could also
probably build some really neat code for them which they would pay for, if
you sat down and talked to some of them.

Another ripe business opportunity, assuming you lack moral qualms about
this sort of thing, is government contracting. There are all kinds of
crypto AI thingees that are trivial to suck out of a book on Lisp. The one
that leaps to mind immediately is the development of software which keeps
track of error in finite element analysis codes. I now know how to do this
using Norvig's mini-macsyma. It would be even tastier if you could hand
them some kind of FEMLISP derivative which has all the bells and whistles
they want. There are all manner of other such things, presumably aimed at
SRI alum type small businesses. Government contracting is also probably a
great way to get vertical market stuff done (Ross Perot made some money
this way, as I recall). It is unfortunate that an awful lot of what
doesn't work in government computing requires "glue" code, which Lisp is
particularly bad at (compared to, say, Perl or Python).

There's about a zillion hard science things I can think of which are easy
in Lisp (and would be the utter tits if Lisp came with a halfway decent
graphing library, instead of piping results through Gnuplot/OpenDX/Matlab).
You can probably even make money doing some of these things. I plan on
doing so, as soon as some time clears up for it.

Beyond that, as I recall from an examination of the CLISP source tree, the
authors of CLISP are interested in financial analysis and derivatives type
trading. That's the biggest pipe of money in the world, and they use
fairly naieve methods.

At some point I will come eat food with the other Bay Area lispers, if you
promise not to make me foot the bill for my dislike of emacs and

-Lupo <>
"Java: the elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk"

Carl Shapiro

Mar 12, 2004, 11:29:30 PM3/12/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

It is unfortunate that an awful lot of what
> doesn't work in government computing requires "glue" code, which Lisp is
> particularly bad at (compared to, say, Perl or Python).

I would like to challenge you on this point. I have occasionally
found myself inspecting library code from scripting languages to
translate back into Lisp. As many people know, many scripting
language "modules" are assembled from two distinct halves: a foreign
library, usually of C code, and a veneer of native code, which
provides the external interface to the foreign library.

There is nothing particularly magical about this combination, and
people have been writing library interfaces for nearly two decades
this way with Lisp systems that support a foreign function interface.
Furthermore, it is just as easy (if not easier) to write foreign
function definitions in Lisp as it is, say, to decorate C code for use
with Perl. Lisp's declarative style and excellent support for
macrology truly makes this a snap. Perhaps the Perls and Pythons of
the world have better "interface generator" type tools, but as far as
I can tell, none of them predate the pervasive assumption that it is
easy to integrate Perl with C.

Thomas F. Burdick

Mar 13, 2004, 3:34:47 AM3/13/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> In article <>,
> Ray Dillinger <> wrote:
> >Alan Shutko wrote:
> >
> >Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
> >exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
> >better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
> >the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
> >the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
> >as to the problems that need solved there?

> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.

Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious

/|_ .-----------------------.
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Mar 13, 2004, 5:06:22 AM3/13/04

Indeed. Some Lisp/Scheme implementations give you extremely powerful
language features to integrate foreign code. Escpecially implementations
that compile to C, since here you can effectively use macros to generate
the (C) glue code. That's better than interface generators (which generate
a lot of garbage code anyway, IME).
And if you need interface-generators, then there is still SWIG, which
handles several Scheme implementations.


Chris Hall

Mar 13, 2004, 12:34:09 PM3/13/04
t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas F. Burdick) writes:

> (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
> > In article <>,
> > Ray Dillinger <> wrote:
> > >Alan Shutko wrote:
> > >
> > >Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
> > >exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
> > >better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
> > >the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
> > >the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
> > >as to the problems that need solved there?
> >
> > Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
> > could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.
> Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
> biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
> from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
> bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
> Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious
> progress.

I think this is good advice in general for any sort of 'fast mover'
specialized software company.

For me, coding has always proved to be one of the *shorter* parts of
development effort no matter what language is being used - determining
what needs doing, how to best fit the 'computerized' part into the
client's/employer's overall pre-existing, probably seriously kludgy
business workflow, integrating with any existing computerized
systems, arranging for backups, etc. seem to take far more time and
are at least as critical to a successful implementation and happy

And let's not forget those meetings to set up meetings!

Mostly though it seems to be prying something resembling real
requirements out of the client's gestalt (for lack of a better term),
since they rarely know what we hacker types can truly offer, or if
they do know they may have difficulty expressing it in terms *we* can
grok, and as we stumble along together and they start 'getting it'
ooops! the requirements somehow change. Or we start 'getting it' and
ooops! start over coding again from scratch.

My 'point': the one type of XP-style pair programming I never hear
about, but that has worked very well for me a few times: me and a
domain expert in front of a tube getting some work done - one time we
started out planning and ended up re-working the customer-written
requirements doc, another time it was getting a set of particularly
complicated and inter-related business algorithms to play well
together via compile-link-run-print cycles.

I know I enjoyed working that way - having the expert next to me - and
I think the domain experts were rather taken with the results as well:
they seemed to derive real satisfaction from seeing their input
'realized', that they could affect the design like that. They also
seemed to be quite amazed at how malleable software can be.

The challenges in doing this sort of development are to plan the
sessions to keep the experts directly involved so that they aren't
wasting their time, and persuading management to dedicate highly
skilled employees for extended periods of time. A 50% time commitment
on the part of the domain expert for a week or two, to be used as
needed, was where we generally seemed to settle, which was great since
one always has other code, paperwork, preparing for the next session,
etc., and the domain experts don't miss a whole lot of their normal
work day. The actual time in front of the tube together was maybe 1/4
of the allocation - the rest was discussion and/or research - but the
process was invaluable.

To develop a real-world bioinformatics app in anything approaching a
rapid or responsive way with any real chance of success would seem to
require at least some of this sort of 'pair programming'. Best of

I just *love* putting computers to work for people. Sigh. :-D

+ CJHall

Democracy: The worship of jackals by jackasses.
-- H.L. Mencken

Paolo Amoroso

Mar 13, 2004, 10:31:52 AM3/13/04
[following up to comp.lang.lisp only] (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.


> replace their whole department with two guys and a Lisp. You could also
> probably build some really neat code for them which they would pay for, if
> you sat down and talked to some of them.

Most probably you are already aware of this:

Why Lisp?

David Fisher

Mar 14, 2004, 7:26:14 PM3/14/04
tal...@noshpam.lbl.government wrote in message news:<>...

> Well, here's a "vertical/horizontal" that I'm surprised hasn't been
> exploited:
> Scheme/Lisp has fantastic (meta)linguistic capabilities. One thing
> that I could imagine would be taking VHLLs which are common in
> industry, and building compilers for them by first 'compiling' them to
> Lisp/Scheme.
> When I see how addicted bioinformaticists are to Perl, for example, I
> see a gold mine of opportunity. If you could offer them a compiler for
> a VHLL language that they use,

What bioinformatics are you talking about, specifically? Most
bioinformatics seems to be either some trivial stuff: accessing online
databases, parsing of their internal formats, saving data to disk,
serving data to client apps, for which Perl is a semi-reasonable
solution; or it's high-performance stuff like sequence analysis. Some
do abuse Perl and use it for the performance-demanding tasks, but it's
only because they truly believe Perl is as good as it gets, or they
are just lazy or too busy to learn another language. So yes, if you
can compile *Perl* to something that would run very fast, there is a
gold mine there, and that's probably an understatement. But if you
want to sell *new* VHLL to bioinformaticians, I'd be a bit sceptical.

> to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic
> data that they spend *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident
> that they'd use that compiler.
> Just my $0.02,
> ~Tomer
> P.S.- I think that a package for Scsh, which gives the user the
> ability to not use parens (like the "Sugar" package), would be a great
> replacement for Perl, IMNSHO ( I know, I know, in my dreams... ).

Open source on top of open source, and you want to charge money for
the result, essentially for the packaging, like Redhat now does. Did I
understand your idea correctly?


Mar 15, 2004, 12:42:38 AM3/15/04
David Fisher wrote:

> Open source on top of open source, and you want to charge money for
> the result, essentially for the packaging, like Redhat now does. Did I
> understand your idea correctly?

Packaging? What about training?


Lupo LeBoucher

Mar 15, 2004, 6:44:15 PM3/15/04
In article <xcvfzcd...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU>,

Thomas F. Burdick <t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
> (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
>> In article <>,
>> Ray Dillinger <> wrote:
>> >Alan Shutko wrote:
>> >
>> >Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
>> >exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
>> >better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
>> >the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
>> >the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
>> >as to the problems that need solved there?
>> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
>> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.
>Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
>biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
>from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
>bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
>Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious

The guys I know who do this sort of thing are all physicists, and they
seem to get a lot of research done without knowing much CS or biology.
They seem to bring a rather different and useful skillset to the plate
than biologists or CS types do. Perhaps because they're used to applying
mathematical ideas to, like, reality.

As for actually making money doing this sort of thing (which is the
subject of this discussion), there is certainly plenty of room for CS
people to do so without knowing a thing about biology, as I have already
pointed out.

'Sex is the mysticism of materialism.'-Malcolm Muggeridge <>

Lupo LeBoucher

Mar 15, 2004, 6:48:59 PM3/15/04
In article <>,

Carl Shapiro <> wrote:
> (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
> It is unfortunate that an awful lot of what
>> doesn't work in government computing requires "glue" code, which Lisp is
>> particularly bad at (compared to, say, Perl or Python).
>I would like to challenge you on this point. I have occasionally
>found myself inspecting library code from scripting languages to
>translate back into Lisp.

Well, that's sort of the point:

In Lisp-land you find yourself inspecting library code from scripting
languages to translate back into Lisp. In Python-land, you don't have to
do this.

"They are instructed in excellence in three things from age 5 to 20; to
ride, to draw the bow and to speak the truth." -Herodotus <>

Carl Shapiro

Mar 15, 2004, 11:43:16 PM3/15/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> Well, that's sort of the point:
> In Lisp-land you find yourself inspecting library code from scripting
> languages to translate back into Lisp. In Python-land, you don't have to
> do this.

Having to inspect library code in language A to import into language B
does not make language A a better language for writing library code.
It merely means that language A happens to have one more library of
useful code for a given problem domain. Or, to borrow your words, it
does not follow that language B becomes "particularly bad at" writing
"glue" code.


Mar 16, 2004, 4:23:13 AM3/16/04
Alan Shutko <> writes:

> tal...@noshpam.lbl.government writes:
>> If you could offer them a compiler for a VHLL language that they
>> use, to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic data that they spend
>> *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident that they'd use
>> that compiler.
> A huge part of the problem is that few bioinformaticists are actually
> good programmers. A compiler won't help speed up an algorithm that

This is somewhat true. In the lab that I work in, there are all types:
* CS types learning biology
* bio types learning CS
* wizards who can hold their own in both fields.

The one thing that they share is Perl as a crutch. This is due to
cultural and historical reasons...

> uses 1GB to load a small 23MB sequence. They will patch five things
> from CPAN haphazardly together and wonder why it's so slow and takes
> too much memory. Why? Because each piece they took was designed to
> do something else.... Even the big names aren't immune to this
> problem.

Very true.


> --
> Alan Shutko <> - I am the rocks.



Mar 16, 2004, 4:31:59 AM3/16/04
Ray Dillinger <> writes:

> Alan Shutko wrote:
>> tal...@noshpam.lbl.government writes:
>> > If you could offer them a compiler for a VHLL language that they
>> > use, to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic data that they spend
>> > *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident that they'd use
>> > that compiler.
>> A huge part of the problem is that few bioinformaticists are actually
>> good programmers. A compiler won't help speed up an algorithm that
>> uses 1GB to load a small 23MB sequence. They will patch five things
>> from CPAN haphazardly together and wonder why it's so slow and takes
>> too much memory. Why? Because each piece they took was designed to
>> do something else.... Even the big names aren't immune to this
>> problem.
> You describe a common pattern of naive programming, which is called
> exponential abstraction.


> Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
> exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
> better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
> the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
> the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
> as to the problems that need solved there?

Here's the skinny:

Bioinformaticists work in a heterogeneous software environment, but a
lot of the computational work gets done in:

* Matlab
* Perl
* GNU R (statistical calculation interpreter)

So, if you're using Perl, then the first place you should look is:


This is a site which sponsors "bio" + (fill in the blank) + ".org"
development efforts:


A lot of the work is in data curation and integration, so that
meaningful calculations can be done of the system behavior.

I work with a group that's developing DARPA BioSPICE, and their work
is geared towards that very thing. Yes, it is
modeled after the celebrated SPICE analysis package. The key insight
here for the non-bio minded, is that the cell is nothing more than a
noisy, stochastic, analog, nonlinear system. :-)

Whew! I have lots more to say, but that's it for now.


> Bear



Mar 16, 2004, 4:32:54 AM3/16/04
Ray Dillinger <> writes:

> Alan Shutko wrote:
>> tal...@noshpam.lbl.government writes:
>> > If you could offer them a compiler for a VHLL language that they
>> > use, to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic data that they spend
>> > *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident that they'd use
>> > that compiler.
>> A huge part of the problem is that few bioinformaticists are actually
>> good programmers. A compiler won't help speed up an algorithm that
>> uses 1GB to load a small 23MB sequence. They will patch five things
>> from CPAN haphazardly together and wonder why it's so slow and takes
>> too much memory. Why? Because each piece they took was designed to
>> do something else.... Even the big names aren't immune to this
>> problem.
> You describe a common pattern of naive programming, which is called
> exponential abstraction.


> Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
> exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
> better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
> the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
> the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
> as to the problems that need solved there?

Here's the skinny:


Mar 16, 2004, 4:43:37 AM3/16/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:


> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.

If you have something in mind, please; give, give!

As for good glue code, Scheme/Lisp can do the job.

> I have a couple of scientist friends at a to-remain-nameless local
> bioinformatics company. They end up using Matlab (*eeeeeeeeeeewww*), talking
> to SQL, doing pattern matching and Bayesian network type stuff on big
> data sets. If they have a need to go fast, if you can imagine this, they
> send it to their in-house code monkeys who reimplement the work in VISUAL
> FOOKIN BASIC. This is one of the top biosciences companies in the known
> universe, mind you. Presumably, they choose their code-monkeys based on
> ready availability rather than actual competence. You could probably
> replace their whole department with two guys and a Lisp. You could also
> probably build some really neat code for them which they would pay for, if
> you sat down and talked to some of them.

I see two ideas here, neither which is fully developed:
* use Lisp to do things in Bioinformatics which are otherwise
* speed up existing development tools.

Could you elaborate?

> them some kind of FEMLISP derivative which has all the bells and whistles

At first, I thought you were referring to some sort of gender-specific
implementation. :-}

> Beyond that, as I recall from an examination of the CLISP source tree, the
> authors of CLISP are interested in financial analysis and derivatives type
> trading. That's the biggest pipe of money in the world, and they use
> fairly naieve methods.

There's a guy at my lab who started out in theoretical physics in
Russia, moved to NY, started in Burger King while learning English,
worked for years as a Technical Analyst for some high finance firm,
and now is "retired" as a post-doc. :-) So I know that the good
technical analysis group of a financial research department actually
use some very sophisticated methods.

> At some point I will come eat food with the other Bay Area lispers, if you
> promise not to make me foot the bill for my dislike of emacs and
> defsystem.

What's the saying? 'Hit the philistines three times on the head with
the Elisp Manual.' ;-)


> -Lupo <>
> "Java: the elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk"



Mar 16, 2004, 4:43:47 AM3/16/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:


> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one

> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.

If you have something in mind, please; give, give!

As for good glue code, Scheme/Lisp can do the job.


> I have a couple of scientist friends at a to-remain-nameless local
> bioinformatics company. They end up using Matlab (*eeeeeeeeeeewww*), talking
> to SQL, doing pattern matching and Bayesian network type stuff on big
> data sets. If they have a need to go fast, if you can imagine this, they
> send it to their in-house code monkeys who reimplement the work in VISUAL
> FOOKIN BASIC. This is one of the top biosciences companies in the known
> universe, mind you. Presumably, they choose their code-monkeys based on
> ready availability rather than actual competence. You could probably
> replace their whole department with two guys and a Lisp. You could also
> probably build some really neat code for them which they would pay for, if
> you sat down and talked to some of them.

I see two ideas here, neither which is fully developed:

* use Lisp to do things in Bioinformatics which are otherwise
* speed up existing development tools.

Could you elaborate?

> them some kind of FEMLISP derivative which has all the bells and whistles

At first, I thought you were referring to some sort of gender-specific
implementation. :-}

> Beyond that, as I recall from an examination of the CLISP source tree, the

> authors of CLISP are interested in financial analysis and derivatives type
> trading. That's the biggest pipe of money in the world, and they use
> fairly naieve methods.

There's a guy at my lab who started out in theoretical physics in

Russia, moved to NY, started in Burger King while learning English,
worked for years as a Technical Analyst for some high finance firm,
and now is "retired" as a post-doc. :-) So I know that the good
technical analysis group of a financial research department actually

use some very sophisticated methods.

> At some point I will come eat food with the other Bay Area lispers, if you
> promise not to make me foot the bill for my dislike of emacs and
> defsystem.

What's the saying? 'Hit the philistines three times on the head with
the Elisp Manual.' ;-)



> -Lupo <>
> "Java: the elegant simplicity of C++ and the blazing speed of Smalltalk"



Mar 16, 2004, 4:53:06 AM3/16/04
t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas F. Burdick) writes:

> (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
>> In article <>,
>> Ray Dillinger <> wrote:
>> >Alan Shutko wrote:
>> >
>> >Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
>> >exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
>> >better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
>> >the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
>> >the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
>> >as to the problems that need solved there?
>> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
>> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.
> Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
> biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
> from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
> bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
> Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious
> progress.

Well, I wouldn't be so quick on that. I think that there are still
many untapped methods/theories/algorithms/approaches in biology and
computer science which can be matched with problems in either field to
yield progress. But you're right: the obvious ones have already been
explored, and further development along these tracks require someone
with a solid grounding in both fields.

As I alluded to in another post, the key here is integration:

* integrate the data (bioDBMS' are a huge area of research)
* integrate the tools (allow all those theoretical tools to interoperate)
* agree on representation standards ( XML friendly )

There are already some platforms which are allowing this in a nascent

BioCYC (implemented in LISP!)


The Systems Biology Workbench:

I'm not done yet, but that's it for now!


> --
> /|_ .----------------------.
> ,' .\ / | No to Imperative war |
> ,--' _,' | Wage cons war! |
> / / `----------------------'

> ( -. |
> | ) |
> (`-. '--.)
> `. )----'




Mar 16, 2004, 4:53:48 AM3/16/04
t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas F. Burdick) writes:

> (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
>> In article <>,
>> Ray Dillinger <> wrote:
>> >Alan Shutko wrote:
>> >
>> >Anyway; -- if most Bioinformatics code is currently suffering from
>> >exponential abstraction, then there's an opportunity to provide much
>> >better code than they're using now. But I'm not familiar enough with
>> >the field to know what the code would need to do or what the scope of
>> >the programming projects would be. How may I become more enlightened
>> >as to the problems that need solved there?
>> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
>> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.
> Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
> biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
> from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
> bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
> Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious
> progress.

Well, I wouldn't be so quick on that. I think that there are still

many untapped methods/theories/algorithms/approaches in biology and
computer science which can be matched with problems in either field to
yield progress. But you're right: the obvious ones have already been
explored, and further development along these tracks require someone
with a solid grounding in both fields.

As I alluded to in another post, the key here is integration:

* integrate the data (bioDBMS's' are a huge area of research)

* integrate the tools (allow all those theoretical tools to interoperate)
* agree on representation standards ( XML friendly )

There are already some platforms which are allowing this in a nascent

BioCYC (implemented in LISP!)


The Systems Biology Workbench:

I'm not done yet, but that's it for now!


> --
> /|_ .----------------------.
> ,' .\ / | No to Imperative war |
> ,--' _,' | Wage cons war! |
> / / `----------------------'

> ( -. |
> | ) |
> (`-. '--.)
> `. )----'




Mar 16, 2004, 4:56:39 AM3/16/04
Chris Hall <> writes:

> To develop a real-world bioinformatics app in anything approaching a
> rapid or responsive way with any real chance of success would seem to
> require at least some of this sort of 'pair programming'. Best of
> luck!

I agree with you 100% on this. And this is how expert systems
programming should be done. Wait, am I suggesting something? :-)


> I just *love* putting computers to work for people. Sigh. :-D
> + CJHall
> --
> Democracy: The worship of jackals by jackasses.
> -- H.L. Mencken



Mar 16, 2004, 4:58:08 AM3/16/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> As for actually making money doing this sort of thing (which is the
> subject of this discussion), there is certainly plenty of room for CS
> people to do so without knowing a thing about biology, as I have already
> pointed out.

I agree with you in principle, but I'm still missing the
details. Could you elaborate?


> -Lupo
> 'Sex is the mysticism of materialism.'-Malcolm Muggeridge <>



Mar 16, 2004, 4:58:13 AM3/16/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> As for actually making money doing this sort of thing (which is the
> subject of this discussion), there is certainly plenty of room for CS
> people to do so without knowing a thing about biology, as I have already
> pointed out.

I agree with you in principle, but I'm still missing the
details. Could you elaborate?



> -Lupo
> 'Sex is the mysticism of materialism.'-Malcolm Muggeridge <>



Mar 16, 2004, 5:07:10 AM3/16/04
to (David Fisher) writes:

> tal...@noshpam.lbl.government wrote in message news:<>...
>> Well, here's a "vertical/horizontal" that I'm surprised hasn't been
>> exploited:
>> Scheme/Lisp has fantastic (meta)linguistic capabilities. One thing
>> that I could imagine would be taking VHLLs which are common in
>> industry, and building compilers for them by first 'compiling' them to
>> Lisp/Scheme.
>> When I see how addicted bioinformaticists are to Perl, for example, I
>> see a gold mine of opportunity. If you could offer them a compiler for
>> a VHLL language that they use,
> What bioinformatics are you talking about, specifically? Most
> bioinformatics seems to be either some trivial stuff: accessing online
> databases, parsing of their internal formats, saving data to disk,
> serving data to client apps, for which Perl is a semi-reasonable

Well, you can say this statement about *anything*; bioinformatics,
finance, accounting, etc. The key is understanding the domain, and the
paradigms there that people work around. For bioinformaticists, the Central
Dogma of Molecular Biology is:

DNA -> RNA -> protein

All else is details. :-)

Make that easy, and you're moving in the right direction.

> solution; or it's high-performance stuff like sequence analysis. Some
> do abuse Perl and use it for the performance-demanding tasks, but it's
> only because they truly believe Perl is as good as it gets, or they
> are just lazy or too busy to learn another language. So yes, if you

Both of what you say are true. A combination of historical and
cultural forces. I'll elaborate if desired.

> can compile *Perl* to something that would run very fast, there is a
> gold mine there, and that's probably an understatement. But if you
> want to sell *new* VHLL to bioinformaticians, I'd be a bit sceptical.

I agree. That's my general feeling.

>> to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic
>> data that they spend *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident
>> that they'd use that compiler.
>> Just my $0.02,
>> ~Tomer
>> P.S.- I think that a package for Scsh, which gives the user the
>> ability to not use parens (like the "Sugar" package), would be a great
>> replacement for Perl, IMNSHO ( I know, I know, in my dreams... ).
> Open source on top of open source, and you want to charge money for
> the result, essentially for the packaging, like Redhat now does. Did I
> understand your idea correctly?

Well, I never claimed that this was my money-making scheme; I only
think that this compiler project would work if it were
proprietary ( and I'm surprised that no one has done it till now
). But I prefer to work in open-source...




Mar 16, 2004, 5:07:23 AM3/16/04
to (David Fisher) writes:

> tal...@noshpam.lbl.government wrote in message news:<>...
>> Well, here's a "vertical/horizontal" that I'm surprised hasn't been
>> exploited:
>> Scheme/Lisp has fantastic (meta)linguistic capabilities. One thing
>> that I could imagine would be taking VHLLs which are common in
>> industry, and building compilers for them by first 'compiling' them to
>> Lisp/Scheme.
>> When I see how addicted bioinformaticists are to Perl, for example, I
>> see a gold mine of opportunity. If you could offer them a compiler for
>> a VHLL language that they use,
> What bioinformatics are you talking about, specifically? Most
> bioinformatics seems to be either some trivial stuff: accessing online
> databases, parsing of their internal formats, saving data to disk,
> serving data to client apps, for which Perl is a semi-reasonable

Well, you can say this statement about *anything*; bioinformatics,

finance, accounting, etc. The key is understanding the domain, and the
paradigms there that people work around. For bioinformaticists, the Central
Dogma of Molecular Biology is:

DNA -> RNA -> protein

All else is details. :-)

Make that easy, and you're moving in the right direction.

> solution; or it's high-performance stuff like sequence analysis. Some

> do abuse Perl and use it for the performance-demanding tasks, but it's
> only because they truly believe Perl is as good as it gets, or they
> are just lazy or too busy to learn another language. So yes, if you

Both of what you say are true. A combination of historical and

cultural forces. I'll elaborate if desired.

> can compile *Perl* to something that would run very fast, there is a

> gold mine there, and that's probably an understatement. But if you
> want to sell *new* VHLL to bioinformaticians, I'd be a bit sceptical.

I agree. That's my general feeling.


>> to speed up the Gigabytes of genetic
>> data that they spend *weeks* chugging through with Perl, I'm confident
>> that they'd use that compiler.
>> Just my $0.02,
>> ~Tomer
>> P.S.- I think that a package for Scsh, which gives the user the
>> ability to not use parens (like the "Sugar" package), would be a great
>> replacement for Perl, IMNSHO ( I know, I know, in my dreams... ).
> Open source on top of open source, and you want to charge money for
> the result, essentially for the packaging, like Redhat now does. Did I
> understand your idea correctly?

Well, I never claimed that this was my money-making scheme; I only


Mar 16, 2004, 5:10:10 AM3/16/04
Feuer <> writes:

Lisp-Certified Bioinformaticist? :-)

Seriously, though. You need quite a rep (Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft,
Sun) to put out your own certification...


> David



Mar 16, 2004, 5:10:17 AM3/16/04
Feuer <> writes:

Lisp-Certified Bioinformaticist? :-)


Mar 17, 2004, 1:41:23 AM3/17/04
tal...@noshpam.lbl.government wrote:

Not talking about certifications. I'm talking about training people to
use Lisp and Lisp software to work more efficiently within their
particular field.


Thomas F. Burdick

Mar 17, 2004, 1:27:40 PM3/17/04
to (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:

> In article <xcvfzcd...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU>,
> Thomas F. Burdick <t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
> > (Lupo LeBoucher) writes:
> >
> >> Actually, given Lisp and some Norvig books (and some "glue" code), one
> >> could do truely astounding things in Bioinformatics.
> >
> >Ha ha ha! Oh, you weren't kidding? Uhm, try adding a bunch of
> >biological knowledge to that. The days of being able to get anything
> >from a naive/ignorant application of CS to biology are over. We need
> >bioinformaticians who are *both* biologists and computer scientists.
> >Either one alone won't cut it, at least if you're looking for serious
> >progress.
> The guys I know who do this sort of thing are all physicists, and they
> seem to get a lot of research done without knowing much CS or biology.
> They seem to bring a rather different and useful skillset to the plate
> than biologists or CS types do. Perhaps because they're used to applying
> mathematical ideas to, like, reality.

Wow, so are biologists. And this is irrelevant, weren't you just
talking about computer scientists with no science training a second ago?

> As for actually making money doing this sort of thing (which is the
> subject of this discussion), there is certainly plenty of room for CS
> people to do so without knowing a thing about biology, as I have already
> pointed out.

Wow, I see your expert debating techniques are back at work. This
pretty much amounts to a long-winded, "uh-huh, can too." You didn't
point anything out, you asserted it. "Pointing something out" implies
that you had anything to back you up.

Thomas F. Burdick

Mar 17, 2004, 1:40:38 PM3/17/04
tal...@noshpam.lbl.government writes:

I suspect that part of the reason that some CS folks think that they
don't need a good biological grounding is because they don't have one,
so they don't know much of the sordid history of the unthinking
application of analytical techniques to biological problems. It seems
to be particularly easy to find somewhat convincing mathematical
artifacts in biological systems. At this point in history, I think
it's safe to say that if you can't make a strong materialist argument
as to why it makes sense to apply some analytical technique to some
biological problem, odds are you're going to do more harm than good.

> As I alluded to in another post, the key here is integration:
> * integrate the data (bioDBMS' are a huge area of research)
> * integrate the tools (allow all those theoretical tools to interoperate)

No doubt. An unfortunate amount of programmer time goes into gluing
things together that should have fit in the first place.

> * agree on representation standards ( XML friendly )

Yuck, but yeah, XML is probably going to be the necessary backbone here.

/|_ .-----------------------.
,' .\ / | No to Imperialist war |
,--' _,' | Wage class war! |
/ / `-----------------------'

James P. Massar

Mar 17, 2004, 5:36:46 PM3/17/04

>There are already some platforms which are allowing this in a nascent
>BioCYC (implemented in LISP!)
>The Systems Biology Workbench:

We're trying todo something along those lines as well:

The BioLingua project


Mar 17, 2004, 6:16:52 PM3/17/04
t...@famine.OCF.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas F. Burdick) writes:


> I suspect that part of the reason that some CS folks think that they
> don't need a good biological grounding is because they don't have one,
> so they don't know much of the sordid history of the unthinking
> application of analytical techniques to biological problems. It seems

Well, my experience in my lab at least has been with the computer
scientists being intimidated out of their mind. And vice-versa for
biologists having to code. Everyone in our lab feels inadequate,
because they have to work with co-workers who are experts in a
different field than what they studied. So everyone's learning