Janos Blazi
Jajwuth <jaj...@aol.com> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> Visit the LISP home page at http://www.elwoodcorp.com/alu/table/contents.htm
> . It contains links to LISP compilers. You can take for example CLISP or
> Corman's LISP.
That site (http://www.elwoodcorp.com/alu/) is no longer the actively
supported ALU site. You should be looking at
http://www.alu.org/ or
Duane Rettig Franz Inc. http://www.franz.com/ (www)
1995 University Ave Suite 275 Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (510) 548-3600; FAX: (510) 548-8253 du...@Franz.COM (internet)
Franz has a nice demo version. Can't save the image, limit on heap size,
but it's a very nice system and worth checking out.
By the way, bless you for saying "compiler".
Bruce Tobin <bto...@columbus.rr.com> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
-----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==----------
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>Franz has a nice demo version. Can't save the image, limit on heap size,
>> but it's a very nice system and worth checking out.
Thanks for the information
What do you mean by you can't save the image
Does that mean you can't save a little program that you are testing the
compiler with. If so how can you effectively evaluate it.
didn't your parents feed you enough for your brain to develop?
in case you don't like the question, consider what it communicates about
you. then consider what your question communicates about Franz Inc and
their free (gratis) versions of Allegro CL. if you see a reason for you
to be annoyed by my question, but not any reason for anybody to be
annoyed by your question, consider suing your parents for malnutrition.
nothing "becomes invalid" (even allowing for extremely poor grasp of
English). the licence is clear: Allegro CL Trial Edition for Linux and
Lite Edition for Windows is licensed for use by anyone who gets a copy of
it up until 2000-11-01. it's like the Y2K "problem": nothing happens.
if you think this means you may continue to use it, the answer is the
same as to whether committing crimes in ways that makes you believe you
won't get caught is legal. (in case that's too difficult for you: no,
you may not use it after 2000-11-01, but the software itself won't
enforce the license agreement.) like all honor-based systems, they may
have to change if a sufficient number of morons violate it, and that is
why the memory limitations were changed between 5.0 and 5.0.1: too many
idiots tried to use the free version in production systems without paying
for a license, so those who would like to play with a free version and
complex applications got a problem. it's always like this: idiots make
intelligent people lose freedom, time or money. this is of course
acceptable to the idiots. this is also why most postings by Janos Blazi
are NOT acceptable.
i haven't tried it myself, but i would assume that it means that you
have to keep the source around (which is a goos idea anyway), and load
the source files wverytime you run the program
Hartmann Schaffer
It is better to fill your days with life than your life with days
I've got _dramatic_ timing improvements for some piece
of code I tested -- from 15.1 seconds run time with plane
(load) to 0.38 sec when (load-compiled) in Console (also
with some type declarations added), 0.67 sec in IDE.
BTW Corman Lisp runs the same code in 0.96 seconds. Corman Lisp
is a great option for commercial distribution, since its license
costs only $200. See http://corman.net/lisp .
On 3 Jan 2000 13:24:09 -0500, h...@inferno.nirvananet (Hartmann
Schaffer) wrote:
>In article <20000102162302...@nso-fr.aol.com>,
> jaj...@aol.com (Jajwuth) writes:
>> Janos Blazi writes:
>>>Franz has a nice demo version. Can't save the image, limit on heap size,
>>>> but it's a very nice system and worth checking out.
>> Thanks for the information
>> What do you mean by you can't save the image
>> Does that mean you can't save a little program that you are testing the
>> compiler with. If so how can you effectively evaluate it.
>i haven't tried it myself, but i would assume that it means that you
>have to keep the source around (which is a goos idea anyway), and load
>the source files wverytime you run the program
Vlad http://vnestr.tripod.com/
-== Let the Corman LISP be with you. ==-